I E C TS 62 39-2 ® Edition 201 7-02 TE CH N I CAL SPE CI FI CATI ON Process m an ag em en t for avi on i cs – M an ag em en t pl an – Part 2: Preparati o n an d m n ten an ce of an el ectro n i c COTS assem bl y IEC TS 62239-2:201 7-02(en) m an ag em en t pl an TH I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P Y R I G H T P R O T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , Sw i t z e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab o u t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca t i o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal o g u e - websto re i ec ch /catal o g u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s search - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectro ped i a o rg The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l o ssary - std i ec ch /g l o ssary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i sh ed - websto re i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C Cu stom er Servi ce Cen tre - websto re i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C TS 62 39-2 ® Edition 201 7-02 TE CH N I CAL SPE CI FI CATI ON Pro cess m an ag em en t for avi o n i cs – M an ag em en t pl an – Part 2: Preparati o n an d m n ten an ce of an el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m an ag em en t pl an INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 03.1 00.50; 31 020; 49.060 ISBN 978-2-8322-3905-6 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th a t yo u o btai n ed th i s pu bl i c ati o n fro m an au th ori zed d i stri bu to r ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I N TRODU CTI ON Scope N orm ative references Term s, defin itions and abbrevi ated term s Term s and defin iti ons Abbrevi ated term s 4 Techn ical requ irem en ts G eneral COTS assem bl y sel ecti on General 2 Design assurance COTS assem bl y appl ication General Fu ncti on al ity 3 COTS assem bl y com pati bili ty 4 Assem bl y m ateri als H eat dissi pati on an d cool i ng I n teg rity an al ysis 7 Rel iabi lity an al ysis 8 U sefu l life 9 Storag e life Failure m odes an d effects an al ysis 1 Mai ntai nabi lity an d testabil i ty Markin gs 20 3 Safety 20 4 Acceptance by the pl an own er 20 4 Electron ic COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rer sel ecti on 20 4 General 20 4 Electron ic COTS assem bl y m an u factu rer qu ality system 22 4 Franch ised distri bu tor qu ali ty system 22 4 Electron ic COTS assem bl y deratin g an d stress an al ysis 22 4 Electron ic COTS assem bl y qual ificati on/ch aracteri zati on 22 4 Electron ic com pon ents u sed in el ectron ic COTS assem bl y: Sel ecti on/qu al ification an d acceptance 23 4 Electron ic COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rin g and h an dlin g 23 4 Electron ic COTS assem bl y qual ificati on approval 23 4 Electron ic COTS assem bl y fin al acceptance 23 4 Config uration m anag em ent an d docu m en tati on 23 4 1 Plan own er docum entati on 24 4 Electron ic COTS assem bl y m an u factu rer docum en tation 25 4 Life cycl e m an agem ent 25 4 COTS assem bl y avai labi lity risk m anagem ent 25 4 Equ ipm ent/system correcti ve action and product (electron ic COTS assem bl y) ch an g e notices 26 4 Electron ic COTS assem bl y su bstitu tion or al tern ati ve source 26 Plan adm in istration 26 I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 –3– Plan content an d organ i zati on 26 5 Plan term s, defin itions an d abbreviated term s 27 Plan focal poi nt 27 Plan references 27 5 Plan applicabil i ty 27 Plan im plem entation 27 Plan acceptance 27 Ann ex A (inform ati ve) Tem plate for tai lorin g the requ irem ents of I EC TS 62239-2 28 Ann ex B (inform ati ve) Cross-reference between I EC TS 62239-2 and SAE EI A-933B 29 Ann ex C (i nform ati ve) Electronic COTS assem bl y desi g n gu i deli n es and COTS assem bl y m an ufacturer’s risk assessm en t 31 C COTS assem bl y desig n g u idel in es 31 C Open system archi tecture 31 C Risk assessm en t and perform ance 31 C Assem bl y cri tical ity 31 C COTS assem bl y m anufacturer’s risk assessm en t 31 Ann ex D (i nform ati ve) Typical electron ic COTS assem bl y m i ti g ati on m ethods and tech niques 46 Ann ex E (inform ati ve) Requ irem ents m atrix for I EC TS 62239- 54 Bibli ograph y 61 Table – Electron ic COTS assem bl y m anufactu rer selection recom m endati ons 21 Table A – Tem plate for tail oring requ irem ents of I EC TS 62239- 28 Table B – Cross-reference between I EC TS 62239-2 an d SAE EI A-933B requ irem ents 29 Table C – Tem pl ate for el ectronic COTS assem bl y m an u factu rer’s risk assessm ent 33 Table C – Tem pl ate for the plan own er’s m itig ati on an d risk assessm en t of th e electron ic COTS assem bl y m anufacturer an al ysed i n Tabl e C 39 Table D – Typi cal el ectron ics COTS assem bl y m iti g ati on m eth ods and techn iques 46 Table E – Requ irem ents m atrix for I EC TS 62239-2 54 –4– I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 I NTERNATI ON AL ELECTROTECH NI CAL COMMI SSI ON PROCESS MANAGEMENT FOR AVIONICS – MANAGEMENT PLAN – Part 2: Preparation and maintenance of an electronic COTS assembly management plan FOREWORD ) The I ntern ati on al El ectrotech ni cal Com m i ssi on (I EC) i s a worl d wi d e org ani zati on for stand ardi zati on com pri si n g al l nati on al el ectrotechn i cal com m i ttees (I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees) The obj ect of I EC i s to prom ote i ntern ati onal co-operati on on al l qu esti ons cerni ng stan dardi zati on i n th e el ectri cal and el ectroni c fi el ds To th i s en d an d i n ad di ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu bl i sh es I ntern ati onal Stan dards, Techn i cal Speci fi cati on s, Techn i cal Reports, Publ i cl y Avai l abl e Speci fi cati on s (PAS) an d G ui des (hereafter referred to as “I EC Pu bl i cati on(s) ”) Th ei r preparati on i s entrusted to techn i cal com m i ttees; any I EC N ati on al Com m i ttee i nterested i n the subj ect deal t wi th m ay parti ci pate i n th i s preparatory work I ntern ati on al , g overn m ental an d non g overnm en tal org an i zati on s l i si n g wi th th e I EC al so parti ci pate i n thi s preparati on I EC col l aborates cl osel y wi th th e I ntern ati on al Org an i zati on for Stan d ardi zati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th di ti ons determ i n ed by ag reem ent between th e two org ani zati ons 2) The form al deci si on s or ag reem en ts of I EC on tech ni cal m atters express, as n earl y as possi bl e, an i nternati on al consensus of opi n i on on the rel evan t subj ects si nce each tech ni cal com m i ttee h as represen tati on from al l i nterested I EC N ati onal Com m ittees 3) I EC Publ i cati on s have th e form of recom m en dati ons for i n tern ati onal use an d are accepted by I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees i n that sense Whi l e al l reason abl e efforts are m ade to en su re that the tech n i cal content of I EC Pu bl i cati ons i s accu rate, I EC cann ot be hel d responsi bl e for th e way i n wh i ch th ey are used or for an y m i si n terpretati on by an y en d u ser 4) I n ord er to prom ote i ntern ati on al u n i form i ty, I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees u ndertake to appl y I EC Publ i cati on s tran sparen tl y to th e m axi m u m exten t possi bl e i n th ei r n ati on al an d reg i on al pu bl i cati ons An y di verg ence between an y I EC Publ i cati on and th e correspon di ng n ati onal or reg i on al pu bl i cati on sh al l be cl earl y i n di cated i n th e l atter 5) I EC i tsel f d oes n ot provi d e an y attestati on of form i ty I n depend ent certi fi cati on bod i es provi de form i ty assessm en t servi ces an d, i n som e areas, access to I EC m arks of conform i ty I EC i s not responsi bl e for an y servi ces carri ed out by i nd ependent certi fi cati on bodi es 6) Al l users shou l d ensure that th ey h ave th e l atest edi ti on of thi s pu bl i cati on 7) N o l i abi l i ty sh al l attach to I EC or i ts di rectors, em pl oyees, servants or ag en ts i ncl u d i ng i n di vi du al experts an d m em bers of i ts tech ni cal com m i ttees and I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees for an y person al i n j u ry, property dam ag e or oth er dam ag e of an y n atu re wh atsoever, wheth er di rect or i n di rect, or for costs (i n cl udi n g l eg al fees) an d expen ses ari si n g ou t of th e publ i cati on , u se of, or rel i an ce upon, th i s I EC Pu bl i cati on or an y oth er I EC Publ i cati on s 8) Atten ti on i s drawn to the N orm ati ve references ci ted i n th i s publ i cati on Use of the referenced publ i cati on s i s i n di spen sabl e for the correct appl i cati on of thi s pu bl i cati on 9) Atten ti on i s drawn to th e possi bi l i ty th at som e of th e el em en ts of th i s I EC Publ i cati on m ay be the su bj ect of patent ri g hts I EC shal l n ot be hel d respon si bl e for i denti fyi ng an y or al l su ch paten t ri g h ts The m ain task of I EC techn ical com m ittees is to prepare I n tern ati onal Stan dards I n excepti onal circum stances, a tech n ical com m ittee m ay propose the pu blicati on of a techn ical specification wh en • • th e requ ired support can not be obtai n ed for the pu blication of an I n tern ational Stan dard, despite repeated efforts, or th e subj ect is sti ll un der tech n ical developm en t or wh ere, for an y oth er reason , th ere is th e future but no im m edi ate possi bi lity of an agreem ent on an I ntern ation al Standard Techn ical specifications are su bj ect to review wi thin three years of pu bl ication to deci de wh eth er th ey can be tran sform ed in to I n tern ational Stan dards I EC TS 62239-2, wh ich is a techn ical specificati on, has been prepared by I EC Tech n ical Com m ittee 07: Process m anag em en t for avion ics I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 –5– The text of th is tech n ical specification is based on th e fol l owin g docu m en ts: Enqui ry draft Report on voti n g 07/288/DTS 07/293/RVDTS Fu l l inform ation on th e voting for the approval of this techn ical specificati on can be fou nd in th e report on votin g i ndicated in th e above table This docum en t h as been drafted i n accordance wi th th e I SO/I EC Directi ves, Part A l ist of all parts in the I EC 62239 series, publ ished u nder the g en eral title management for avionics – Management plan, can be fou n d on th e I EC website Process The com m ittee has decided that th e tents of th is docum en t wi ll rem ain u nch ang ed u n til the stabi li ty date indicated on th e I EC websi te u n der "http://webstore i ec ch " i n th e data related to th e specific docum ent At th is date, the docum en t wi ll be • • • • reconfi rm ed, wi thdrawn , repl aced by a revised edi ti on, or am ended A bi l in g ual versi on of th is pu bl icati on m ay be issu ed at a later date –6– I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 I NTRODUCTI ON The purpose of th is docum ent is to defin e the requ irem en ts for developi n g an el ectronic com m ercial off th e sh elf (COTS) assem bl y m anag em ent plan (CAM P) , herein after also call ed th e plan , to assure cu stom ers th at all of th e electron ic COTS assem bl i es i n th e equ i pm ent of th e plan own er are selected an d appli ed in trol l ed processes, an d th at th e techn ical requ irem ents detai led i n th is docum ent are accom pl ished I n g en eral the own ers of an electron ic COTS assem bly m anag em ent pl an are orig in al (electron ic) equ i pm ent m anufacturers (OEMs) and system integ rators for th e aerospace, defence an d h ig h perform ance (ADH P) el ectron ics i ndustry The objective is to defin e an d docum ent, as necessary, processes to assure th e adequ acy of electron ic COTS assem bli es selected for use in el ectron ic system s Th is docum ent states obj ecti ves to be accom pl ish ed; it does not speci fy how tasks are perform ed, specific data collected or reports issu ed Those wh o prepare plans in com pl iance with th is docu m ent are encourag ed to docum en t processes th at are th e m ost effecti ve an d effici ent for th em in accom pl ish ing th e obj ecti ves of th is docum ent I n order to allow fl exi bi lity in im plem en tin g an d updating th e docum ented processes, plan au th ors are encourag ed to refer to their own intern al process docum ents i nstead of i ncludin g detail ed process docum entati on wi th in their plans Org an i zati ons th at prepare such plans are cal led th e plan own ers and m ay prepare a si ng le plan, an d use i t for al l relevant products su pplied by th e org an i zati on, or m ay prepare a separate plan for each rel evant product or cu stom er I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 –7– PROCESS MANAGEMENT FOR AVIONICS – MANAGEMENT PLAN – Part 2: Preparation and maintenance of an electronic COTS assembly management plan Scope This part of I EC 62239, wh ich is a tech n ical specification, appl i es to the developm ent of COTS assem bl y m anagem en t pl ans (CAM Ps) for the i n tegrati on an d m anagem en t of electron ic COTS assem bl ies (see an d 20) in electron ic system s u sed in th e ADH P m arkets wh ere rel iabi l ity is g en eral l y critical N OTE Best practi ces for m anag i n g th e el ectroni c com pon ents wi th i n th e el ectroni c assem bl i es are d escri bed i n I EC TS 62239-1 an d SAE EI A-STD-4899 whi ch d escri be th e el ectroni c com ponen t m an ag em ent prog ram (ECMP ) I n cases where th e el ectron i c com ponents can be i denti fi ed an d m an ag ed at the com pon ent l evel , ECMP can be si dered as an opti on to m an ag e the com pon ents NOTE Th e di sti n cti on between an el ectron i c com pon en t an d an el ectroni c assem bl y i s provi ded by the defi n i ti on s i n Cl au se Th i s di sti n cti on between an el ectron i c com ponen t an d an el ectroni c assem bl y i s n ot al ways recog ni zed by i n du stry: for exam pl e, fi l ters, contactors, power su ppl y m odu l es, rel ays, m ag n eti c assem bl i es, etc , can be si dered as ei th er com ponents or assem bl i es I n each appl i cati on i t i s si d ered a best practi ce for th e user of thi s d ocu m en t to cl ari fy thi s di sti n cti on Depen din g on program or product l ine requirem en ts an d/or th e techn ical ch aracteristics of th e electron ic COTS assem blies an d i n agreem ent with th e custom er, th e electronic COTS assem bl y m an ag em en t plans (CAM Ps) cou l d consi der tai lorin g th e requ irem en ts of this docum en t See An nex A Alth ou g h developed for th e avi on ics in dustry, th is docum en t can be appli ed by oth er h ig h perform ance an d h i gh rel i abi l ity i n dustri es at th eir discretion Normative references The fol lowi n g docum en ts are referred to in th e text in such a way that som e or al l of th eir ten t constitu tes requ irem ents of th is docum ent For dated references, on l y th e edi tion cited appl i es For un dated references, th e latest editi on of th e referenced docu m en t (incl uding an y am endm en ts) appl ies There are n o n orm ati ve references i n th is docum ent Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms For the purposes of th is docum ent, th e foll owi n g term s, defin i tions and abbrevi ated term s appl y I SO an d I EC m ain tain term in olog ical databases for use i n stan dardization at the followi n g addresses: • • I EC El ectropedia: available at h ttp://www electropedia org / I SO On l in e browsi n g platform : avai labl e at http://www iso org/obp –8– 3.1 I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 Terms and d efinitions 3.1 analysis uti l i zation of data, reference m ateri als, acti ons, or test resu lts previou sl y obtain ed th at can be uti l i zed for com parison to verify th at a requi rem ent, a ch aracteristic, a param eter or a cri teria has been m et N ote to en try: Test resul ts an d associ ated data can be part of the an al ysi s 3.1 assembl y ch aracterization process of testin g an d/or an al ysis of assem bl y capabil i ty wh en confi gurati on control of th e assem bl y's i ntern al detail s is in adequate to su pport traditi on al qu alification N ote to en try MI L-STD-1 521 provi des i nform ati on on q u al i fi cati on purposes 3.1 assembl y manufactu rer org an i zation responsi ble for th e assem bl y specificati on an d i ts producti on 3.1 assembl y obsolescen ce manag ement ran g e of m an ag em en t an d en g i neeri ng acti ons taken to avoi d or resolve th e effects of assem bl ies n ot bein g procurabl e due to the m anu facturer(s) ceasin g produ cti on 3.1 assembl y qualification process used to dem onstrate th at the assem bl y is capable of m eeti n g specified requ irem ents for al l requ ired di tions an d en vironm ents N ote to en try: Th i s m ay i ncl ude qual i fi cati on beyond th e assem bl y m anu facturer’s l i m i ts for th e assem bl y 3.1 assembl y quality assu rance all activi ties and processes provi di n g adequ ate confidence that each indi vi du al assem bl y m eets specified requi rem en ts 3.1 assu rance resu lt of plann ed an d system atic acti ons necessary to provi de adequ ate confidence an d evidence th at a product or process satisfies g i ven requ irem ents 3.1 compon ent piece part electrical , optical, el ectro/optical -m echan ical or electron ic device th at is n ot su bject to disassem bl y with out destru ction or im pairm en t of desi g n use N ote to en try: Resi stors, capaci tors, di odes, i nteg rated ci rcu i ts, hybri ds, busbars, ci rcui t cards/m odu l es, pri n ters, l aptop com puters, di sk dri ves, appl i cati on speci fi c i n teg rated ci rcu i ts, wou n d com pon ents an d rel ays, etc are exam pl es of com pon en t 3.1 configu ration perform ance, fu ncti onal, and ph ysical attri bu tes of an exi sting or plan ned product or a com bi nation of products N ote to en try: Gen eral l y each vari ati on of a product l eads to a confi g urati on ch an g e Environmental or reliability factor Long term dormant storage Select electronic COTS assemblies where the components used inside the assembl y are mitigated as follows: Sel ect pl asti c encapsu l ated com ponents wh i ch h ave passed a H AST h um i di ty test to J EDE C J ESD22-A1 Store u nd er d ry n i trog en Store wafers u nd er dry n i trog en i nstead of assem bl ed com ponents Mitigations for plan owner assembly containing the electronic COTS assembl y Determ i ne storag e di ti ons from the el ectroni c COTS assem bl y m anu facturer and form ul ate a storag e pl an usi ng as appropri ate: – desi ccants, – dry bag /desi ccan ts, – storag e i n d ry n i trog en cabi nets Mitigations for the plan owner delivered unit or product that contains the electronic COTS assembl y Desi ccan ts H erm eti c encl osu res Aircraft, UAV or satellite bay mitigations Consi der dry atm osph eri c storag e Aircraft, UAV, satellite Aircraft, UAV, satellite or space unit or space unit external mitigations Con si der dry atm osph eri c storag e I f advi sed of a l i fe l i m i ti ng storag e req ui rem ent, execute th e m n ten an ce pl an as Advi se th e cu stom er i f recom m ended by th e th ere i s a l i fe l i m i ti ng storag e requi rem en t and pl an owner execute a m nten ance pl an Dry r storag e for l on g term storag e of u ni ts Atmospheric SEU radiation Derate SEU -su scepti bl e h i g h vol tag e com pon ents Sel ect l ocati on an d Con si der system m ateri al s to m i ni m i ze archi tectu re desi g n m i ti g ati on tech ni qu es to therm al neu tron m ag ni fi cati on effects I EC 62396-3 Consi der m axi m u m al ti tud e of operati on, as the effects are hard er to m an ag e th e h i g her the al ti tud e i s I EC TS 62239-2:201 Sel ect com pon en ts, for exam pl e System arch i tecture m em ori es not subj ect to SEU desi g n m i ti g ati on effects tech ni q u es to I EC 62396-3 Sel ect com ponents, for exam pl e Con duct prod u ct SEE m em ori es not subj ect to SEL testi ng du ri ng el ectron i c Test com ponents of a certai n d i e COTS assem bl y revi si on or l ot date code for sel ecti on and/or pl an atm osph eri c SEU su scepti bi l i ty own er's produ ct to I EC 62396-2 and si der one qu al i fi cati on to assess ti m e buys su i tabi l i ty of th e Sel ect com pon en ts wh i ch n ot assem bl y for th e appl i cati on u se Boron – 52 – Advi se th e cu stom er i f there i s a l i fe l i m i ti n g storag e requi rem ent an d execute a m nten ance pl an I EC 201 Total dose radiation effects for space use Select electronic COTS assemblies where the components used inside the assembl y are mitigated as follows: Sel ect com pon en ts i m m u n e to total dose radi ati on effects Consi der system arch i tectu re desi g n m i ti g ati on techn i qu es Mitigations for the plan owner delivered unit or product that contains the electronic COTS assembl y Aircraft, UAV or satellite bay mitigations Aircraft, UAV, satellite Aircraft, UAV, satellite or space unit or space unit external mitigations Consi der system arch i tectu re desi g n m i ti g ati on I EC 201 Sel ect com pon en ts, for exam pl e m em ori es n ot su bj ect to SEL or SEU Mitigations for plan owner assembly containing the electronic COTS assembl y Test com pon en ts of a certai n d i e revi si on or l ot date code and carry ou t on e ti m e bu ys Sel ect assem bl i es wi th n o si n g l e poi n t fai l u res Semiconductor wear-out and life time Desi g n repl acem en t u pg rades for m ntai nabi l i ty to be depl oyed when wear-ou t of th e assem bl i es beg i n s and l i fe ti m e can be affected Tal k to th e pl an own er about depl oym ent of upg rades wh en th e el ectron i cs COTS assem bl i es can presen t sem i conductor wear-out an d l i fe ti m e cern s – 53 – Derate el ectron i cs COTS Derate assem bl i es i n th e pl an Sel ect ol d er d esi g n g eom etry own er’s appl i cati on (h i g her than 90 n m ) com pon en ts wh i ch are l ess su scepti bl e to U se the l owest operati n g vol tag e, tem peratu re these effects and du ty cycl e possi bl e Operate com pon en ts at l owest to m i ni m ise accel erati on vol tag e, tem peratu re an d duty of effects cycl e tem peratu re possi bl e to m i nim i se effects Desi g n repl acem ent u pg rades for Req uest access or data from m ntai n abi l i ty to be com pon ent m anu factu rer’s depl oyed when wear-ou t rel i abi l i ty predi cti on tool s of th e assem bl i es beg i n s and l i fe ti m e can be affected I EC TS 62239-2:201 Environmental or reliability factor Annex E (informati ve) Requirements matrix for IEC TS 62239-2 Tabl e E provides the requ irem en ts m atrix for I EC TS 62239-2 Table E.1 – Requirements matrix for IEC TS 62239-2 Requirement number IEC TS 62239-2:201 – clause/subcl ause number Titl e Abbreviated requirements extracting the ‘shall’ requirements onl y H eadi n g G en eral Th e pl an own er sh al l h ave an el ectroni c COTS assem bl y m an ag em en t pl an (CAMP) addressi ng each req u i rem en t of thi s docu m ent, based on i ts exi sti n g q ual i ty m anag em en t system wh ere appl i cabl e to assure cu stom er that el ectron i c COTS assem bl i es are sel ected an d appl i ed i n th e pl an own er’s equi pm en t usi n g trol l ed processes (see 7) 2 Desi g n assurance The processes docum en ted i n the pl an sh al l : – provi de d esi g n assu rance for al l appl i cabl e assem bl i es; – assure th at requi rem ents for each assem bl y are i d en ti fi ed an d eval u ated ag nst th e m anu facturer’s el ectron i c COTS assem bl y speci fi cati on an d/or datasheet an d any add i ti on al rel evan t data to en sure sui tabi l i ty i n th e end appl i cati on; – assure th at, i f addi ti on al perform ance i s requi red (for exam pl e u p-screeni ng , u prati n g , ad di ti on al param eters defi n ed ) , th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y i s si d ered as a speci fi c on e and i s u n i qu el y i denti fi ed (see an d 4 8) an d th at the eval u ati ons are d ocu m ented (see 4 0) ; – assu re th at avai l abi l i ty and l evel of obsol escen ce ri sk are si dered as a m aj or assem bl y sel ecti on cri teri on (see 4 4) N/A COTS assem bl y appl i cati on H eadi n g Fu ncti on al i ty The d ocu m en ted processes sh al l : – veri fy th at th e al l ocated equ i pm ent/system el ectri cal an d fu n cti on al req u i rem ents for each el ectron i c COTS assem bl y are cl earl y speci fi ed by th e pl an owner; – assure th at th e sel ected el ectroni c COTS assem bl i es sati sfy the el ectri cal and fu ncti on al req ui rem ents for each appl i cati on (see for i n teg ri ty aspects) I EC 201 Tech ni cal requ i rem en ts I EC TS 62239-2:201 – 54 – N/A IEC TS 62239-2:201 – clause/subcl ause number Titl e Abbreviated requirements extracting the ‘shall’ requirements onl y COTS assem bl y com pati bi l i ty The processes docum ented i n the pl an sh al l : – assure th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y an d i n teg rati on processes are i denti fi ed and are com pati bl e th rou g h out equi pm en t/system in teg rati on , sh i ppi n g , han dl i ng , storag e, test, repai r and rework conducted by the pl an owner; – assure th at an y i d en ti fi ed effects on assem bl i es are add ressed 4 Assem bl y m ateri al s Th e processes docum en ted i n the pl an sh al l assu re that th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y desi g n i s assessed ag nst appl i cabl e m ateri al s requi rem ents, su ch as red ucti on of h azard ous, restri cted or ban ned su bstan ces (for exam pl e RoH S, REACh ) , forei g n obj ect debri s (FOD) , fun g us resi stance, an d fl am m abi l i ty H eat d i ssi pati on an d cool i ng Th e d ocu m ented processes sh al l veri fy th at each el ectron i c COTS assem bl y’s heat di ssi pati on and cool i n g requ i rem en ts are consi sten t wi th th e eq u i pm en t/system speci fi cati on N/A I nteg ri ty anal ysi s H eadi n g 10 G en eral The d ocu m en ted processes sh al l : – veri fy th at th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y i s si stent wi th eq u i pm en t/system i n teg ri ty requ i rem en ts (see d efi n i ti on i n 29) ; – determ i n e wh eth er the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y wi l l be u sed wi thi n th e envi ron m en tal , el ectri cal an d fu n cti on al operati n g cond i ti on s an d l i m i ts speci fi ed by th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rer an d wi l l keep i ts whol e perform an ces (for exam pl e el ectri cal , fu ncti on al ) 11 El ectroni c COTS assem bl y n ot u sed wi th i n i ts speci fi ed operati ng di ti ons an d l i m i ts or th ose not speci fi ed Wh en an el ectron i c COTS assem bl y i s not used wi th i n th e operati n g di ti ons an d l i m i ts speci fi ed by th e el ectron i c COTS m anu facturer, the pl an own er shal l : – docu m en t al l th e i nstan ces; see An nex C wi th reg ard to poten ti al i den ti fi cati on ri sks; – docu m en t ei th er correcti ve acti on or m i ti g ati on to bri ng th e pl an n ed usag e wi thi n th e speci fi ed operati ng di ti on s an d l i m i t or docu m ent j u sti fi cati on sh owi ng that al l eq ui pm ent/system req ui rem ents wi l l be m et whi l e n ot sati sfyi n g each cri teri on (al l th e docu m entati on becom i n g part of th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y data packag e) 12 Rel i abi l i ty an al ysi s Th e d ocu m ented processes sh al l : – veri fy th at the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y when i n teg rated i nto the del i verabl e eq u i pm en t/system i s m anag ed wi th rel evant m i ti g ati ons i f needed to be consi stent wi th equ i pm ent/system rel i abi l i ty req ui rem en ts; – en su re th at rel i abi l i ty assessm en ts are d ucted, wi th su ffi ci ent detai l to u nd erstan d thei r u ses, l i m i tati on s, an d u ncertai n ti es wi th poten ti al m i ti g ati ons as si dered n ecessary, rel evan t to th e appl i cati on or consi der potenti al l y tai l ori n g i f ag reed wi th the cu stom er (see Ann ex A) 13 U sefu l l i fe The d ocu m en ted processes sh al l veri fy that th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y useful l i fe i s m anag ed u si n g rel evant m i ti g ati on s i f n eeded to be si sten t wi th th e eq ui pm ent/system requ i rem ents Th e pl an own er can poten ti al l y consi der tai l ori n g i f ag reed wi th th e cu stom er (see An n ex A) – 55 – 3 I EC 201 7 I EC TS 62239-2:201 Requirement number Requirement number IEC TS 62239-2:201 – clause/subcl ause number Titl e Abbreviated requirements extracting the ‘shall’ requirements onl y The d ocu m en ted process sh al l veri fy th at th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y storag e l i fe i s m an ag ed u si ng poten ti al m i ti g ati ons i f needed (see An nex D) to be si sten t wi th th e equ i pm en t/system req u i rem en ts The pl an own er can potenti al l y consi der tai l ori n g i f ag reed wi th the custom er (see Ann ex A) 15 Fai l u re m odes an d effects anal ysi s Th e d ocu m ented process sh al l i n cl ud e fai l u re m odes and effects an al ysi s (FMEA) as part of th e desi g n process i nteg rati n g the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y wh en requ i red by th e d esi g n assurance process 16 1 Mai ntai nabi l i ty an d testabi l i ty The d ocu m en ted process shal l assu re th at the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y, as i n corporated i n the equi pm en t/system m eets m n tai nabi l i ty an d testabi l i ty requ i rem en ts 17 Marki ng s The d ocu m en ted processes sh al l en su re that th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y m arki ng s m eet the req ui rem ents for i d en ti fi cati on , warn i n g s, traceabi l i ty, etc 18 3 Safety The d ocu m en ted process shal l assu re equi pm ent/system en vi ron m en tal , person nel , and equi pm en t/system safety req ui rem en ts are m et 19 4 Acceptance by th e pl an own er The d ocu m en ted process shal l defi n e the pl an owner’s el ectroni c assem bl y, equ i pm ent and system acceptan ce tests as appl i cabl e N/A 4 El ectroni c COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rer sel ecti on H eadi n g 20 4 G en eral The pl an own er sh al l duct a ri sk assessm ent of poten ti al el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m an u factu rers to determ i n e thei r sui tabi l i ty i n ord er to m eet the requi rem ents of thi s docu m ent 21 4 El ectron i c COTS assem bl y m an ufacturer qu al i ty system The pl an own er sh al l veri fy th at th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rer has a d ocu m ented qu al i ty m anag em en t system Un l ess oth erwi se speci fi ed by the custom er, the qual i ty system shoul d be assessed to an i n ternati on al l y recog n i sed qu al i ty m anag em en t system or equ i val en t 22 4 El ectron i c COTS assem bl y derati n g an d stress an al ysi s The d ocu m en ted process sh al l : – determ i n e th e d erati n g cri teri a th at the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m anu facturer u sed i n i ts desi g n process; – consi der wh ere appropri ate th e derati n g cri teri a an d m eth ods i f provi d ed by th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rer; – docu m en t an appropri ate esti m ate of the derati n g cri teri a and m ethods u sed by th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rer i f th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m anu facturer d oes n ot provi de th i s i nform ati on or i f i t i s not appropri ate; – en su re th at th ese data are u sed to val i d ate the rel i abi l i ty assessm ent assu m pti ons 23 4 El ectron i c COTS assem bl y qual i fi cati on/ch aracteri zati on The processes docum ented i n the pl an shal l en su re by wh atever m ean s appropri ate (for exam pl e derati n g , an al ysi s, testi ng , and screeni ng ) th at th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y i s qu al i fi ed or ch aracteri zed ag n st th e req u i rem en ts of th e equi pm ent/system speci fi cati on I EC 201 Storag e l i fe I EC TS 62239-2:201 – 56 – 14 IEC TS 62239-2:201 – clause/subcl ause number Titl e Abbreviated requirements extracting the ‘shall’ requirements onl y El ectron i c com pon en ts u sed i n el ectroni cs COTS assem bl y: Sel ecti on /qu al i fi cati on an d acceptan ce The pl an own er sh al l : – docu m en t an d assess th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rer’s el ectron i c com pon en ts sel ecti on /q u al i fi cati on an d acceptance process; – otherwi se provi de an al tern ate assurance based on an assessm en t of the adequ acy of th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m anu facturers’ sel ecti on /q u al i fi cati on an d acceptan ce effort an d descri pti on of any addi ti on al effort requ i red to assu re th at the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y wi l l m eet al l speci fi ed req ui rem en ts 25 4 El ectron i c COTS assem bl y m an ufacturi n g and h and l i n g The processes docum ented i n the pl an shal l veri fy th at th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m anu factu rer has process capabi l i ty uti l i zi n g m an ufacturi n g an d h andl i n g tech nol og i es whi ch are repeatabl e an d su ffi ci ent to m eet equi pm ent/system requi rem ents 26 4 El ectron i c COTS assem bl y qual i fi cati on approval The processes docum ented i n the pl an sh al l : – assure th at th e el ectroni c COTS m anu facturer’s qual i fi cati on processes for the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y are docu m ented an d assessed; – otherwi se assu re th at al tern ati ve assu ran ce i s provi ded that the el ectroni c COTS assem bl y wi l l perform as req ui red i n the appl i cati on speci fi ed usag e 27 4 El ectron i c COTS assem bl y fi nal acceptance The pl an own er sh al l : – docu m en t an d assess th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rer’s fi n al acceptan ce process (for exam pl e acceptan ce test procedu re) ; – otherwi se provi de al ternati ve assuran ce th at the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y wi l l perform as req ui red i n th e appl i cati on speci fi ed usag e 28 4 Confi g u rati on m anag em en t and docu m en tati on The process docum en ted i n th e pl an shal l : – i ncl ud e a confi g u rati on m anag em en t process appropri ate to the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y; – veri fy th at the equi pm ent/system fi g u rati on i s m n tai ned rel ati ve to th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y usag e i n th e appl i cati on; – veri fy th at tool s used for desi g n an d veri fi cati on are un d er confi g u rati on control and i ncl ud ed wi th th e desi g n trol an d d esi g n ch an g es; – propose, when the fi g u rati on m anag em ent of th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y can not be g u aran teed (for exam pl e n ot appropri ate, m i ssi n g i n whol e or i n part) , an al tern ati ve approach to assu re th at contract req ui rem ents are m et an d th at th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y wi l l perform as req ui red i n th e speci fi ed appl i cati on u sag e I n the l ast case an d d espi te th e potenti al di sposi ti ons, th e use of the el ectron i c COTS assem bl y i s at ri sk, i s di scourag ed and consi dered as an excepti on wh en n o reason abl e al tern ati ve i s avai l abl e 29 4 1 Pl an own er d ocu m entati on The processes docum ented i n the pl an shal l en su re th at a system exi sts at the pl an own er th at col l ects, stores, provi des retri eval , an al ysi s an d reporti n g capabi l i ty, for al l rel evant d ata from th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y, eq ui pm ent/system i nteg rati on an d eq ui pm en t/system use i n servi ce, an d for keepi ng th e data per cu stom er or reg u l atory req ui rem ents – 57 – 4 I EC 201 24 I EC TS 62239-2:201 Requirement number Requirement number IEC TS 62239-2:201 – clause/subcl ause number Titl e Abbreviated requirements extracting the ‘shall’ requirements onl y The process docum en ted i n th e pl an sh al l : – i ncl ud e a process to requ est el ectroni c COTS assem bl y data accordi n g to 4 1 wh en avai l abl e from the el ectroni c COTS assem bl y m an ufactu rers to assu re depen d abi l i ty and to faci l i tate rel ated an al yses (for exam pl e i nteg ri ty, rel i abi l i ty) ; – i denti fy an adeq uate en g i neeri ng l i n k between th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y u ser an d th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m anu facturer wi th access to th e rel ated i n form ati on /process for each el ectroni c COTS assem bl y type/m an ufactu rer; – en su re th at, i n the event that the pl an own er i s u nabl e to d ocu m en t th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y’s confi g u rati on i n ad equ ate d etai l to assure depen dabi l i ty, th en the pl an own er sh al l provi d e al tern ate assu ran ce th at th e assem bl y wi l l perform as req u i red i n th e speci fi ed appl i cati on usag e, see 4 31 4 Li fe cycl e m anag em en t The d ocu m en ted processes sh al l en su re that th e l i fe cycl e obj ecti ves are m et an d acti vi ti es have been com pl eted as outl i n ed i n pl an s or th at devi ati ons h ave been addressed 32 4 COTS assem bl y avai l abi l i ty ri sk m an ag em ent Th e d ocu m ented processes sh al l : – en su re th at ri sks associ ated wi th avai l abi l i ty of th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y an d tech n ol og y ch an g es are i den ti fi ed, eval u ated u si n g appropri ate m etri cs, and that m eth ods to m i ti g ate th ose ri sks are i denti fi ed; – assure tracki ng an d reporti ng of the statu s of ri sk m i ti g ati on efforts when req ui red by custom er or bu si n ess n eeds; – docu m en t th e processes used by th e pl an own er to resol ve obsol ete el ectron i c COTS assem bl y occu rrences to assure ti n u ed produ cti on an d su pport of th e equ i pm ent/system s i n whi ch th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y i s i n teg rated as requi red, i ncl u di n g l og i sti cs su pportabi l i ty an d l i fe cycl e m anag em en t i ssues wh en req u i red by custom er or busi ness n eeds 33 4 Equ i pm en t/system correcti ve acti on and produ ct (el ectron i cs COTS assem bl y) ch an g e noti ces The pl an sh al l docum en t th e process used by the pl an own er or system s i n pl ace for: – data col l ecti on an d an al ysi s; – use of factory d ata, custom er rej ect data, and i n-servi ce d ata i f avai l abl e to i m prove th e equi pm ent/system (for exam pl e perform ance, operati ng , etc ) i n whi ch the el ectroni c COTS assem bl y i s i n teg rated; – recei pt of m anu facturer produ ct chang e n oti ces (P CNs) th at affect the el ectroni c COTS assem bl y an d th ose th at are n ot D MSMS or obsol escence rel ated (for exam pl e, a GI DEP or safety al ert on the produ ct, m an u factu ri ng assem bl y process ch an g e, factory l ocati on ch ang e, etc ) , an d eval u ati on of th e poten ti al effects on th e eq u i pm ent/system N/A 4 El ectroni c COTS assem bl y substi tu ti on or al ternati ve sou rce H eadi n g I EC 201 El ectron i c COTS assem bl y m an ufacturer docum en tati on I EC TS 62239-2:201 4 – 58 – 30 34 IEC TS 62239-2:201 – clause/subcl ause number 4 Titl e Approach for acceptabi l i ty Abbreviated requirements extracting the ‘shall’ requirements onl y An y substi tu te or al tern ati ve sou rce of an el ectron i c COTS assem bl y sh al l be form , fi t an d fu ncti on al tern ati ves whi ch are i denti fi ed an d docu m ented i n th e pl an own er’s equi pm ent/system assem bl y database Thi s i s to red u ce potenti al ri sks of el ectroni c COTS assem bl y procu rem ent or to sol ve an obsol escence or u n avai l abi l i ty probl em of th e previ ou s sou rce or sou rces 4 Cu stom er n oti fi cati on s and approval s Custom er n oti fi cati ons and approval s shal l be d efi n ed between pl an owner an d custom er, i f requ i red Si n ce the custom er n oti fi cati on and approval process i s l i kel y to be u n i q ue to each custom er-suppl i er (g eneral l y th e pl an own er) rel ati on sh i p, rel ated requ i rem en ts are beyon d th e scope of th e basel i n e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m an ag em ent process d escri bed i n th i s docum en t, an d sh oul d be docu m en ted i n the contractu al ag reem ents between th e pl an own er an d th e custom er N/A Pl an adm i ni strati on H eadi n g 36 Pl an ten t an d org an i zati on The pl an sh al l be org an i zed i n su ch a m an ner th at each of th e requ i rem en ts of Cl au se i s addressed cl earl y, conci sel y an d u nam bi g uousl y Al l th e requi rem ents g i ven i n Cl au se appl y to del i verabl e eq u i pm en t an d/or system s as stated i n Cl ause Th ese requ i rem en ts m ay be accom pl i sh ed by ei th er the pl an own er i n cl u di n g poten ti al support servi ce u nd er i ts auth ori ty or th e el ectron i c COTS assem bl y m anu facturer i n wh ol e or i n part accordi n g to th e contract term s I n ei th er case, the pl an own er has the responsi bi l i ty for ensu ri n g al l obj ecti ves an d req u i rem en ts are m et 37 Pl an term s, defi n i ti on s an d abbrevi ated term s Th e term s, defi ni ti on s an d abbrevi ated term s u sed i n th e pl an sh al l be th ose of Cl au se of th i s docu m en t, u nl ess they are cl earl y defi n ed oth erwi se i n th e pl an 38 Pl an focal poi n t Th e pl an sh al l – i denti fy an auth ori ty or an org an i zati on to serve as th e pri m ary i nterface between th e pl an owner an d ou tsi de parti es (for exam pl e cu stom er, el ectron i c COTS m an ufactu rer) i n m atters pertai n i n g to th e pl an; – assure th at i t i s revi ewed and updated as necessary 39 Pl an references Th e pl an sh al l i n cl u de a l i st of referen ces to al l th e docum ents n ecessary to accom pl i sh th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y m anag em ent, i n cl udi n g th i s d ocu m ent, other i ndustry and g overn m ent docu m en ts, an d th e pl an own er’s i n tern al d ocu m en ts – 59 – The pl an sh al l state cl earl y, conci sel y, an d u nam bi g u ou sl y: – wh at th e pl an own er d oes to accom pl i sh each of th e obj ecti ves; – how com pl i an ce to th e pl an i s dem onstrated; – th at the evi dence i s avai l abl e to sh ow th at the obj ecti ves h ave been accom pl i sh ed; an d – wh ere th e pl an own er obtai n s el ectron i c COTS assem bl i es (from the m an ufactu rer i tsel f, or a di stri bu tor or other sou rce an d that th e rel evan t requ i rem ents of thi s docu m ent appl y to th at sou rce I EC 201 35 I EC TS 62239-2:201 Requirement number Requirement number IEC TS 62239-2:201 – clause/subcl ause number Titl e Abbreviated requirements extracting the ‘shall’ requirements onl y 40 5 Pl an appl i cabi l i ty Th e pl an sh al l docu m en t al l th e el ectroni c COTS assem bl y types i n cl u di n g poten ti al tai l ori n g detai l s ag reed wi th th e custom er (see An nex A) for the ran g e of equ i pm ent and/or system s m anu factu red an d/or i n teg rated by th e pl an owner to wh i ch the pl an appl i es 41 Pl an i m pl em entati on Th e pl an own er sh al l – i m pl em ent and fol l ow th e processes docum ented i n th e pl an , wi th i n i ts ran g e of appl i cabi l i ty; – provi de obj ecti ve evi d en ce th at the provi si ons of th i s d ocu m ent are m et, an d th at th e pl an h as been i m pl em ented 42 Pl an acceptan ce Th e pl an sh al l be accepted wh en the pl an owner an d th e cu stom er ag ree th at th e pl an i s acceptabl e Certi fi cati on by an assessm ent bod y m ay be u sed as evi d en ce th at the pl an sati sfi es th e req u i rem ents of thi s docum en t – 60 – I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 – 61 – Bibliograph y I EC 60300 (all parts) , I EC 60300-1 , Dependability management Dependability management – Part 1: Guidance for management and application Electrostatics – Part 5-1: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena – General requirements I EC 61 340-5-1 , IEC TR 61 340-5-2, Electrostatics – Part 5-2: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena – User guide Process management for avionics – Management plan – Part 1: Preparation and maintenance of an electronic components management plan I EC TS 62239-1 : 201 5, IEC TR 62240-1 , Process management for avionics – Electronic components capability in operation – Part 1: Temperature uprating IEC 62396 (al l parts) , Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation effects Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation effects – Part 1: Accommodation of atmospheric radiation effects via single event effects within avionics electronic equipment IEC 62396-1 : 201 6, Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation effects – Part 2: Guidelines for single event effects testing for avionics systems IEC 62396-2, IEC 62396-3, Process management for avionics – Atmospheric radiation effects – Part 3: System design optimization to accommodate the single event effects (SEE) of atmospheric radiation I EC 62402, Obsolescence management –Application guide Electronic components – Long-term storage of electronic semiconductor devices – Part 1: General IEC 62435-1 , I EC 62435-2, Electronic components – Long-term storage of electronic semiconductor devices – Part 2: Deterioration mechanisms Electronic components – Long-term storage of electronic semiconductor devices – Part 5: Die and wafer devices I EC 62435-5, I EC 62647 (all parts) , Process management for avionics – Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder I EC TS 62647-1 , Process management for avionics – Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-free solder – Part 1: Preparation for a lead-free control plan I EC 62668 (all parts) , Process management for avionics – Counterfeit prevention I EC TS 62668-1 :201 6, Process management for avionics – Counterfeit prevention – Part 1: Avoiding the use of counterfeit, fraudulent and recycled electronic components IEC/ISO 31 01 0, Risk management – Risk assessment techniques – 62 – I SO 9001 , I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 Quality management systems – Requirements ISO 0007, Quality management systems — Guidelines for configuration management ISO TS 6949, Quality management systems – Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations ISO 31 000, Risk management – Principles and guidelines ISO Guide 73 , Risk management – Vocabulary AN SI /VI TA 47, Environments, Design and Construction, Safety, and Quality for Plug-In Units Reliability Prediction AN SI /VI TA 53, Commercial Technology Market Surveillance AS/EN/J I SQ 91 00, Quality Management systems – Requirements for aviation, Space and defense organisations AN SI /VI TA 51 , Quality Management systems – Requirements for aviation, Space and defense organisations AS/EN /J I SQ 91 20, ASTM E1 678-1 5, Analysis BS EN 0001 5, Standard Test Method for Measuring Smoke Toxicity for Use in Fire Hazard Basic Specification Protection of Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Defence Stan dard 05-1 35, DFAR 252 246 7007, EU ROCAE ED-80, Avoidance of Counterfeit Materiel Contractor Counterfeit Electronics Part Detection and avoidance System Design Assurance for Airborne Electronic Hardware Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) Management Practices EI A G EB1 , – EI A SSB-1 , – Guidelines for Using Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuits and Semiconductors in Military, Aerospace and Other Rugged Applications EI A-724, – Product Life Cycle Data Model EASA CM – SWCEH – 001 , Electronic Hardware JEDEC JESD22-A1 0, Highly-Accelerated Temperature and Humidity Stress Test (HAST) I PC/J EDEC J -STD-033, Surface Mount Devices MIL-HDBK-21 7F, Certification Memorandum, Development Assurance of Airborne Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Relfow Sensitive Military Handbook: Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Control Handbook for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies, and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices) (Metric) MIL-HDBK-263, I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 – 63 – MI L-STD-81 0, Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests MI L-STD-882, Standard Practice – System Safety MI L-STD-883, Test Method Standard – Microcircuits Technical Reviews and Audits for Systems, Equipments and Computer MI L-STD-1 521 , Software RTCA DO-1 60, Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment RTCA DO-254, Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware SAE ARP 6338 , Microcircuits SAE AS5553 2, Process for Assessment and Mitigation of Early Wearout of Life limited Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition Counterfeit Materiel; Assuring Acquisition of Authentic and Conforming SAE AS61 74 , Materiel Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronic Parts: Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation and Disposition – Authorised/Franchised Distribution SAE AS 6496 4, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment SAE ARP 4761 5, SAE ARP 5890 6, Controls SAE EI A-649 7, Guidelines for Preparing Reliability Assessment Plans for Electronic Engine Configuration Management Standard SAE EI A-933B 8, Requirements for a COTS Assembly Management Plan _ Repri nted wi th perm i ssi on from the pu bl i sh ed versi on of SAE docu m ent SAE ARP 6338 (c) 201 SAE I n tern ati on al Repri n ted wi th perm i ssi on from th e pu bl i sh ed versi on of SAE docu m ent SAE AS5553 (c) 201 SAE I n tern ati on al Repri n ted wi th perm i ssi on from the pu bl i sh ed versi on of SAE docum en t SAE AS61 74 (c) 201 SAE I ntern ati onal Repri n ted wi th perm i ssi on from th e publ i sh ed versi on of SAE docum en t SAE AS6496 (c) 201 SAE I ntern ati onal Repri n ted wi th perm i ssi on from the pu bl i sh ed versi on of SAE docu m ent SAE ARP 4761 (c) 201 SAE I ntern ati onal Repri nted wi th perm i ssi on from the pu bl i sh ed versi on of SAE docu m ent SAE ARP 5890 (c) 201 SAE I n tern ati on al Repri nted wi th perm i ssi on from th e publ i sh ed versi on of SAE docum ent SAE EI A-649 (c) 201 SAE I n tern ati on al Repri n ted wi th perm i ssi on from the publ i sh ed versi on of SAE docu m ent SAE EI A-933 (c) 201 SAE I ntern ati onal – 64 – SAE EI A-STD-4899 9, I EC TS 62239-2:201 I EC 201 Requirements for an Electronic Component Management Plan SAE G EI A-STD-0003 , Long Term Storage of Electronic Devices Performance Standard for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead-Free Solder SAE G EI A-STD-0005-1 1 , SAE G EI A-STD-0008 , D erating of Electronic Components SAE G EI A-STD-001 , and Execution Standard Best Practices for System Safety Program Development SAE STD-001 4, S tandard for Preparing a DMSMS Management Plan RoH S Directi ve, Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (commonly known as the RoHS or Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive) http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2003:037:0019:0023:en:PDF RoH S Directi ve, Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment ((commonly known as the RoHS 2) http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2011:174:0088:0110:en:PDF REACh Reg u lation , Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC http://www.hse.gov.uk/reach/reachtext.pdf _ _ Repri nted wi th perm i ssi on from th e pu bl i shed versi on of SAE docum ent SAE EI A-STD-4899 (c) 201 SAE I n tern ati on al Repri nted wi th perm i ssi on from th e publ i sh ed versi on of SAE docu m ent SAE GEI A-STD-0003 (c) 201 SAE I n tern ati on al Docu m en t un der devel opm en t 1 Repri n ted wi th perm i ssi on from th e publ i sh ed versi on of SAE docum en t SAE G EI A-STD-0005 (c) 201 SAE I ntern ati onal Repri nted wi th perm i ssi on from the pu bl i shed versi on of SAE docum en t SAE G EI A-STD-0008 (c) 201 SAE I n tern ati on al Repri nted wi th perm i ssi on from th e publ i sh ed versi on of SAE docu m ent SAE GEI A-STD-001 (c) 201 SAE I n tern ati on al Repri n ted wi th perm i ssi on from th e pu bl i sh ed versi on of SAE docum ent SAE STD-001 (c) 201 SAE I ntern ati onal I N TE RN ATI O N AL E LE C TR OTE C H N I C AL CO M M I S SI O N , ru e d e Vare m bé PO Box 31 CH -1 21 G e n e va S wi tze rl an d Te l : + 41 Fax: + 22 9 1 22 9 0 i n fo @ i e c ch www i e c ch