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IEC 61 671 5 Edition 1 0 201 6 04 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Standard for automatic test markup language (ATML) test adapter description IE C 6 1 6 7 1 5 2 0 1 6 0 4 (e n ) IE E E S td 1 6 7 1 5 2 0 1 5 I[.]

I E C 61 67 -5 ® Edition 201 6-04 I N TE RN ATI ON AL I E E E S td 67 ™ S TAN D ARD IEC 61 671 -5:201 6-04(en) IEEE Std 671 5-201 S tan d ard for au tom ati c tes t m arku p l an g u ag e (ATM L) tes t ad apter d es cri pti on TH I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E E E All rights reserved IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the IEC Central Office Any questions about IEEE copyright should be addressed to the IEEE Enquiries about obtaining additional rights to this publication and other information requests should be addressed to the IEC or your local IEC member National Committee IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Park Avenue New York, NY 001 6-5997 United States of America stds.info@ieee.org www.ieee.org Abo u t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - webs tore i ec ch /catal o g u e E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C pu bl i cati on s search - www i ec ch /s earch pu b I E C G l os s ary - s td i ec ch /g l os sary The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u s t P u bl i s h ed - webs tore i ec ch /j u s tpu bl i s h ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u s to m er S ervi ce C en tre - webs tore i ec ch /cs c If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C 61 67 -5 ® Edition 201 6-04 I N TE RN ATI ON AL I E E E S td 67 5™ S TAN D ARD S tan d ard for au tom ati c tes t m arku p l an g u ag e (ATM L) tes t ad apter d es cri pti on INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 25.040; 35.060 I EC ISBN 978-2-8322-3267-5 I E E E I S B N -1 -50 4 -0 6 -0 S TD Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Contents Overview 1 General 1 Application of this document’ s annexes Scope Application Conventions used within this document 2 Normative references 3 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations Definitions Acronyms and abbreviations TestAdapterDescription Schema 4.1 General 4.2 Elements 4.3 Simple types Schema—TestAdapterInstance.xsd 5.1 General 5.2 Elements 5.3 Simple types ATML TestAdapterDescription XML schema names and locations ATML XML schema extensibility 1 Conformance .1 8.1 Conformance of a TestAdapterDescription instance document 1 8.2 Conformance of a TestAdapterInstance instance document .1 Annex A (informative) IEEE download website material associated with this document .1 Annex B (informative) Users information and examples .1 B.1 Interface test adapter .1 Annex C (informative) Glossary .1 Annex D (informative) Bibliography .1 ????? ? ? ?????? ? ? ? ? ?? ??? ???? ??? ? ? ? ? ????? ?? ???? ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? IEC I EEE 61 71 -5: 201 S td 671 5-201 Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Test Adapter Description F O RE W O RD ) Th e al l I n t e rn a t i o n a l n a ti o n a l i n t e rn a t i o n a l th i s en d c o - o p e t i o n and Te ch n i ca l in R e p o rt s , th e I EEE d e ve l o pm en t th e d eal t fi n a l d oes n ot p ro c e s s , s u b j e ct th e U se to a re of I EEE i m p o rt a n t wi t h and ru l e s te s t, or v e ri fy is an d an d I EEE th e fa i r n e s s in (se e a c c o rd a n c e wi th is p ro m o t e e l e c t ro n i c Te c h n i ca l fi e l d s To S p e c i fi c a t i o n s , r e fe r re d N a ti o n a l c o m p ri s i n g to to as C o m m i tte e “I EC i n t e re s t e d g o v e rn m e n t a l and non- p re p a ti o n i ts v a ri e d C o o rd i n a t i n g s t a n d a rd s v i e wp o i n t s s e rve th e of v o l u n t a ry I EC an d ( h e re a ft e r IEC S t a n d a rd s an d a c c u c y d i s c l a i m e rs an y of e l e c t ri c a l S t a n d a rd s , d e ve l o p s of I EEE s t a n d a rd i z a t i o n I n t e rn a t i o n a l , th i s r e p re s e n t i n g wh o l l y th e fo r ob j e ct Gu i des w o rk in S o ci e ti e s p ro m o t e in co m m i tte e s ; B o a rd m e m b e rs to d ocu m e n ts l eg al (P AS ) v o l u n t e e rs Th e I n t e rn a t i o n a l p a rt i c i p a t e I EEE n e c e s s a ri l y e va l u a te , n o ti ce s wi t h i n S t a n d a rd s e s ta b l i s h e s S t a n d a rd s s t a n d a rd i z a t i o n p r e p a t o r y al so o rg a n i z a ti o n C o m m i tte e s ) te ch n i ca l th i s I EC to g e th e r n ot wo rl d wi d e pu bl i sh es to in th e d e ve l o p e d b ri n g s a S p e c i fi c a t i o n s p a rt i c i p a t e a re an d I EC e n t ru s t e d ( I E E E - S A) wh i c h p ro c e s s is l i sin g V o l u n t e e rs i n d e p e n d e n tl y s t a n d a rd s m ay As s o ci a ti o n p ro d u ct a d m i n i s t e rs wi t h d o cu m e n ts S t a n d a rd s Ava i l a b l e is N a ti on a l c o n c e rn i n g a cti vi ti e s , p re p a t i o n (I E C) (I E C q u e s ti on s oth er o rg a n i z a t i o n s S t a n d a rd s I EEE all P u b l i cl y Th ei r s u b j e ct g o v e rn m e n t a l to Com m i ssi on co m m i tte e s on a d d i ti o n P u b l i ca ti o n ( s )” ) in E l e c t ro t e c h n i c a l e l e c t ro t e c h n i c a l wi t h o u t co n s e n s u s an y I EEE of th e C o m m i tte e s t h ro u g h and i n t e re s t s i n fo rm a t i o n a re o f th e co n s e n s u s co m p e n s a ti on d e ve l o p m e n t d o cu m e n ts a to a c h i e ve While I EEE p ro c e s s , I EEE ta i n e d m ade a va i l a b l e h t t p : / / s t a n d a r d s i e e e o rg / I P R / d i s c l a i m e rs h t m l in i ts fo r fo r use m o re i n fo rm a t i o n ) IEC co l l a b o te s cl os e l y wi t h I EEE in co n d i ti o n s d e t e rm i n e d by a g re e m e n t b e t we e n th e t wo o rg a n i z a t i o n s 2) Th e fo rm a l opi n i on N a ti o n a l an d d e ci s i o n s on th e C om m i tte e s S t a n d a rd s i n t e re s t e d 3) p a rt i e s P u b l i ca ti o n s In te n t th e y o rd e r a re to sh al l I EEE assessm en t i n d i c a te g i ve n i n te rn a ti o n a l d i v e rg e n c e p ro v i d e and, in fo r a n y s e rv i c e s c a rri e d ou t e n s u re th a t 7) No e xp e rt s an d fo r or an d th e any fo r m e m b e rs p e rs o n a l co s ts I E C /I E E E 8) Atte n ti o n is Atte n ti o n m a t e ri a l ( i n cl u d i n g d wn is e xi s t e n c e va l i d i ty or n e cti o n va l i d i ty E s s e n ti a l wi t h of an d th e ri s k or p ro p e rt y l egal th e th e of an d an y paten t P aten t U s e rs a of th i s Publ i shed by I EC wi th i n I EEE bal l ot a p p ro v a l of I EC S o ci e ti e s of m a t e ri a l l y of th e I EEE a re m ad e a cce p te d to by e n s u re re s p o n s i b l e fo r I EC th a t th e th e wa y in an d u n d e rt a k e th e to in appl y th e i r IEC P u b l i ca ti on s n a ti on a l c o rre s p o n d i n g and n a ti o n a l re g i o n a l or re g i o n a l th e o f th i s IEC bod i es an d IEEE p ro v i d e a re n ot c o n fo rm i t y re s p o n s i b l e p u b l i ca ti on e m p l o ye e s , N a ti o n a l I EEE d am age a ri s i n g S ta n d a rd s of an y out of s e rva n t s C om m i tte e s , a g e n ts i n cl u d i n g i n d i vi d u a l v o l u n t e e rs of As s o ci a ti o n ( I E E E - S A) S t a n d a rd s n a t u re th e or or w h a t s o e v e r, p u b l i ca ti on , use wh e t h e r o f, or I EEE d i re c t re l i a n c e S o ci e ti e s or B o a rd , i n d i re c t , u pon , th i s P u b l i ca ti on s ci te d in th i s p u b l i ca ti on U se of th e re fe r e n c e d p u b l i ca ti o n s is p u b l i ca ti o n of th i s co n n e cti o n a m ay u n d e r l i ce n s e is if a n y, I EEE I E C /I E E E I EC no or any or in I EEE fo r l i ce n s i n g any th a t t h e i r o wn © 201 P u b l i ca ti o n p o s i ti o n r e q u i re d , a d vi s e d e n ti re l y fro m th i s be wh e t h e r e xp re s s l y ri g h t s , of s t a n d a rd , t h e re wi t h l i cen s e A s s u n c e , a re c e rt i fi c a t i o n o f c o n fo rm i t y bod i es I EC d e t e rm i n i n g of s u ch h el d co n s e n s u s i n t e re s t e d B o a rd an d a re possi bl e I n d epen d en t m a rk s i m p l e m e n ta ti o n in s t a n d a rd o f i n fri n g e m e n t IEC and oth e r wh i c h of e xt e n t P u b l i ca ti o n d i re c t o rs , p u b l i ca ti on or L e tte r C o m m i tt e e s m a xi m u m e d i ti o n of o f th i s th a t fo r Cl m s of or to th e i r re fe re n c e s ri g h ts Cl m s Fi n al use be al l b a l a n ce d e ffo rt s ca n n ot fro m u s e r c o n fo rm i t y e xp e n s e s By a S t a n d a rd s i n te rn a ti o n a l I EEE i n t e rn a t i o n a l co n s e n s u s by s t a n d a rd re a s o n a b l e or N a ti on a l th e c e rt i fi c a t i o n or I EEE a p p l i ca ti o n ri g h t s P a te n t of C om m i tte e s fe e s ) to l a te s t or d am ag e I EC on ce ( I E E E - S A) fo r al l an y en d I EC co m m i tte e s p o s s i b i l i ty p a te n t by a cce s s th e I EEE n o rm a ti ve su bm i ssi on n o n - d i s c ri m i n a t o r y ri g h t s , h ave te c h n i ca l c o rr e c t to by s cop e I EC a re a s , p ro p o s e d an r e p re s e n t a t i o n l a t t e r i n d epen d en t th e y a c c u t e , I E C /I E E E a tte s ta ti on som e by th e While possi bl e, d e t e rm i n e d As s o c i a t i o n sen se is an y in th e as h as m a t t e rs , is re c o m m e n d a t i o n s u n i fo rm i t y , or an y oth er I E C to fo r t h e d wn or i d e n t i fy i n g of i n j u ry , co ve re d to an y n e a rl y te ch n i c a l r e v i e wi n g th a t b e t we e n C o o rd i n a t i n g P u b l i ca ti on i n d i spen sabl e 9) a tta ch S t a n d a rd s of in as co m m i tte e re a c h e d , S t a n d a rd s t n s p a re n t l y c l e a rl y i n d i c a t e d n ot sh al l fo rm on been m i s i n t e rp re t a t i o n Al l l i abi l i ty th e in I EEE S o ci e ti e s of I E EE has i n t e re s t th e e xp re s s , te ch n i ca l o r fo r a n y s e rv i c e s sh ou l d by h a ve 6) u s e rs d e ci s i on s C om m i tte e s P u b l i ca ti o n s ) be e a ch P u b l i ca ti o n s u sed An y m a t t e rs s i n ce I E C /I E E E p ro m o te p u b l i ca ti on an d of I E C /I E E E p u b l i ca ti on s I EC is te ch n i ca l fo rm a l C o m m i tte e s /I E E E (i n cl u d i n g 5) wh o I E C /I E E E te ch n i ca l on s u b j e cts Th e d ocu m en t wh i c h I EC C o o rd i n a t i n g s t a n d a rd s N a ti o n a l 4) of re l e v a n t is shal l n ot co n d u cti n g t e rm s l i ce n s i n g m ay ta ke n or be h el d o f th e Al l ri g h t s a re va l i d i ty re s e r v e d use to of th e re s p o n s i b l e i n to co n d i ti o n s re s p o n s i b i l i t y I EEE re s p e c t i n q u i ri e s a g re e m e n t s d e t e rm i n a t i o n re q u i re wi t h th e p ro v i d e d re a s o n a b l e of an y fo r l eg al in or paten t ? IEC ? ??? ? ? 61 671 -5: 201 IEEE S td 671 5-2 01 I n t e rn a t i o n a l te c h n i c a l S t a n d a rd c o m m i tte e I EC 91 : 6 - /I E E E E l e c t ro n i c s S td 671 5-20 assem bl y h as t e c h n o l o g y, been u n d er p ro c e s s e d th e t h ro u g h I E C /I E E E Du al I EC Log o A g re e m e n t Th e te x t o f t h i s s t a n d a rd I EEE I EEE Fu l l i n fo rm a t i o n vo ti n g Th e of i n d i ca te d I EC th i s u n d er based S td on in Te ch n i ca l th e th e fo l l o w i n g d o c u m e n ts : voti n g a b o ve R e p o rt /1 /F D I S fo r th e a p p ro v a l on vo ti n g /1 /RVD of th i s s t a n d a rd ca n be fo u n d in re m a i n and I EEE T e ch n i ca l u n ch a n g e d in th e u n ti l d a ta th e re l a t e d C o m m i tte e s ta b i l i ty to th e h a ve d a te d eci d ed i n d i ca te d s p e c i fi c on p u b l i ca ti o n th a t th e th e I EC At be re c o n fi rm e d , ? wi t h d wn , ? re p l a c e d ? am en d ed by a re v i s e d Publ i shed th e re p o rt on ta b l e C o m m i tte e wi l l th e FDI S " h t t p : / / w e b s t o re i e c c h " wi l l on 671 5-20 p u b l i ca ti o n pu b l i ca ti o n ? S td is e d i ti o n , by I EC or u n d e r l i ce n s e fro m I EEE © 201 I EEE Al l ri g h t s re s e r v e d th i s c o n te n ts we b s i te d a te , th e ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IEEE Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Test Adapter Description Sponsor IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 20 on Test and Diagnosis for Electronic Systems Approved 26 March 201 IEEE-SA Standards Board ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? Abstract: An exchange format using extensible markup language (XML) for identifying all of the hardware, software, and documentation associated with a test adapter is specified in this document This test adapter may be used as a component of a test program set to test and diagnose a unit under test Keywords: ATML instance document, automatic test equipment (ATE), automatic test markup language (ATML), automatic test system (ATS), IEEE 671 5™ , interface device (ID), interface test adapter (ITA), test adapter, test fixture, XML schema ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I ??? ntroduction ? ? This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 671 5™-201 5, IEEE Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Test Adapter Description This child, or dot, standard, also known as an ATML component standard, provides for the definition of the Test Adapter XML schemas, and contains references to examples; both of which accompany this standard These XML schemas provide for the identification and definition of a test adapter ATML’ s XML schemas define the basic information required within any test application and provide a vehicle for formally defining the test environment by defining a class hierarchy corresponding to these basic information entities and provide several methods within each to enable basic operations to be performed on these entities ATML component standards within the ATML framework define the particular requirements within the test environment ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards Documents IEEE doc uments no tices and heading are made disclaimers, “I mp o rtant available or a fo r reference No tice” or to use s ubj ect this p age, “Imp ortant to impo rtant ap pear No tic es in and all no tices and standards D isclai mers and le gal may disc laimers be Co ncerning found IEEE T hese under the S tandards D o cume nts ” Notice and Disclaimer of Liability Concerning the Use of IEEE Standards Documents IEEE S tandards doc ume nts (standards, reco mmended p ractic es, and guide s) , b oth full - use and trial-use, are develop ed within Asso ciatio n IEEE S o cieties (“IEEE- S A”) co nsens us de velo p me nt p ro c ess, brings to gether Volunteers and S tandards vo lunteers the S tandards B o ard IEEE ap p roved b y the rep resenting are no t nece ssaril y me mb ers varied Co o rdinating (“the Co mmittees Institute”) develop s American Natio nal S tandards vie wp o ints of the I nstitute and interests and p articipate to of its the IEEE standards Institute achieve S tandards thro ugh (“ANS I”) , the final a whic h p ro duct without co mp ensatio n fro m IEEE While IEEE administers the p rocess and e stablis he s rules to p ro mo te fairnes s in the conse ns us develop me nt pro cess, IEEE es no t independently e valuate, test, or verify the ac c urac y o f any o f the info rmation or the so undnes s o f any j udgme nts c o ntained in its s tandards IEEE es no t warrant or represent the acc urac y or c onte nt of the exp ressly dis c laims all cument relating to warranties the standard, fo r a partic ular p urp ose; o f material (exp ress, including, no n-infringe me nt; imp lied and material contained in its standards, statuto ry) b ut no t limite d to , the and quality, acc urac y, no t included warrantie s o f: e ffectivene ss, In additio n, IEEE disclai ms any and all co nditio ns relating to : in this or any merc hantab ility; and o ther fitne ss c urrenc y, o r c omp lete nes s res ults ; and wo rkmanlike effo rt IEEE standards cuments are sup plied “AS IS ” and “WIT H ALL F AULT S ” Use o f an IEEE standard is wholly vo luntary are no o ther ways to pro duce, test, measure, T he e xiste nc e o f an IEEE standard does not imp ly that there purc hase, market, o r p ro vide o ther goo ds and services related to the sc op e o f the IEEE standard F urthermore, the vie wpo int e xp ressed at the time a standard is ap proved and iss ued is s ub j ec t to change b ro ught ab o ut thro ugh deve lo p me nts in the state o f the art and c o mme nts received fro m users o f the standard In p ub lis hing and making its s tandards availab le, IEEE is no t sugge sting o r rendering p ro fessio nal o r o ther services fo r, o r o n b ehalf o f, any p erso n or entity no r is IEE E undertaking to p erform any duty o wed b y any o ther p erso n o r e ntity to ano ther Any p erso n utilizing any I EEE S tandards c ume nt, s ho uld rely up o n his or her o wn ap prop riate, i ndep endent seek the j udgment advice of a in the e xerc ise c o mp etent of reas onable profes sional in c are in any determining given the c ircumstanc es or, as app ro priatenes s of a give n INCID ENT AL, S P ECI AL, IEEE standard IN NO EVENT S HALL IEEE B E LIAB LE F O R ANY D I RECT , EXEMP LARY, OR P RO CUREME NT OR B US INES S WHET HER UP O N ANY S UB S T IT UT E INT ERRUP T IO N) IN O T HERWIS E) OF CO NS EQ UENT IAL CO NT RAC T , ARIS ING IN S T AND ARD , GO O D S EVEN OR HO WEVER S T RICT ANY D AMAGES WAY IF S ERVICES ; CAUS E D LIAB ILIT Y, O UT AD VIS ED OF OF IND IRECT , (INC LUD ING, OR T HE T HE LO S S AND ON T O RT OF B UT NO T US E, ANY D AT A, T HEO RY (INCLUD ING P UB LIC AT IO N, P O S S IB ILIT Y US E OF LIMI T ED OR OF T O: P RO F IT S ; LI AB ILIT Y, NEGLIGENCE OF, S UCH OR OR RELI ANCE D AM AGE AND REGARD LES S O F WHET HER S UC H D AM AGE WAS F O RES EEAB LE Translations T he IEEE co nsens us deve lop ment proc ess invo lves the revie w o f cuments in English only that an IEEE standard is translated, ap pro ved IEEE standard In the e ve nt only the English versio n p ublis hed b y IEEE s ho uld b e co nsidered the ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4.2 Elements 4.2.1 TestAdapterDescription root (or document) Exactly one element exists, called the root, or document element, of which no part appears in the content of any other element This root element serves as the parent for all other elements of the TestAdapterDescription schema The TestAdapterDescription schema’ s root element is defined as follows: Name Set to Attribute form default Unqualified (see NOTE) Element form default Qualified (see NOTE) Encoding UTF-8 Included schema None Imported schema urn: IEEE-1 671 : 201 0: Common urn: IEEE-1 671 : 201 0: HardwareCommon urn: IEEE-1 671 : 201 0: TestEquipment Target namespace urn: IEEE-1 671 5: 201 5: TestAdapterDescription Version 2.2 XML schema namespace reference a NOTE—Qualified and unqualified are described in A of IEEE Std 671 a The namespace reference URL is: http: //www w3 org/2001 /XMLSchema 4.2.2 TestAdapterDescription Base type: ta:TestAdapterDescription Properties: content complex The TestAdapterDescription element shall be used to document the aspects of a family of test adapters Attributes TestAdapterDescription element inherits the attributes from TestAdapterDesciption complex type (see ) Child elements TestAdapterDescription element inherits the child elements from (see ) TestAdapterDescription complex type 4.2.3 TestAdapterDescription complex type Base type: te:TestEquipment Properties: content complex Notes in text, tables, and figures are given for information only, and not contain requirements needed to implement the standard ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The test adapter description type will encompass all information necessary to identify all of the hardware, software, and documentation in a test adapter Figure illustrates the XML type inherited that comprises the TestAdapterDescription Figure —TestAdapterDescription complex type content Attributes TestAdapterDescription contains the s ecurityClassification, classified, name, version, and uuid attributes DocumentRootAttributes attribute inherited from the hc: HardwareItemDescription complex type and the group defined in Annex B of IEEE Std 671 Child elements TestAdapterDescription inherits the child elements of IEEE Std 671 te:TestEquipment contained in Annex B of 4.3 Simple types None Schema—TestAdapterInstance.xsd 5.1 General In addition to the conventions specified in , the prefix “ c: ” represents that the element is defined by/is hc: ” indicates inherited from the IEEE Std 671 -201 associated Common xsd XML schema The prefix “ that the element is defined by/is inherited from the IEEE Std 671 -201 associated HardwareCommon xsd XML schema The prefix “ te: ” indicates that the element is defined by/is IEEE Std 671 -201 associated TestEquipment.xsd XML schema inherited from the ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5.2 Elements 5.2.1 TestAdapterInstance root (or document) Exactly one element exists, called the root, or document element, of which no part appears in the content of any other element This root element serves as the parent for all other elements of the TestAdapterInstance schema The TestAdapterInstance schema’ s root element is defined as follows: Name Set to Attribute form default Unqualified (see NOTE) Element form default Qualified (see NOTE) Encoding UTF-8 Included schema None Imported schema urn: IEEE-1 671 : 201 0: Common urn: IEEE-1 671 : 201 0: HardwareCommon urn: IEEE-1 671 : 201 0: TestEquipment Target namespace urn: IEEE-1 671 6: 201 5: TestAdapterInstance Version 2 XML schema namespace reference a NOTE—Qualified and unqualified are described in A of IEEE Std 671 a The namespace reference URL is: http: //www w3 org/2001 /XMLSchema 5.2.2 TestAdapterInstance Base type: tai:TestAdapterInstance Properties: content complex The TestAdapterInstance element shall be used to document the aspects of a particular instance of a test adapter Attributes TestAdapterInstance element inherits the attributes from TestAdapterInstance complex type (see 5.2 ) Child elements TestAdapterInstance element inherits the child elements from TestAdapterInstance complex type (see 3) 5.2.3 TestAdapterInstance complex type Base type: te:TestEquipmentInstance Properties: content complex The test adapter instance type will encompass all information necessary to identify all of the hardware, software, and documentation of that particular test adapter serial number ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Attributes TestAdapterInstance inherits the securityClassification, classified, and uuid attributes inherited from the DocumentRootAttributes attribute group defined in Annex B of IEEE Std 671 Child elements TestAdapterInstance inherits the child elements of te:TestEquipmentInstance contained in Annex B of IEEE Std 671 5.3 Simple types None ATML TestAdapterDescription XML schema names and locations IEEE provides a download website for material published in association with published IEEE standards, presented in machine-friendly format This material is digital rights management restricted use material The ATML family of standards utilizes this download website to allow easy accessibility to all of the ATML family XML schemas (and in some cases, example XML instance documents) As depicted by Figure , the IEEE download website (http: //standards.ieee.org/downloads/) contains several folders, each folder labeled by an associated IEEE standard number (e g , IEEE 671 series standards are in the 671 folder) Each folder under this base IEEE standard number contains the material (XML schemas, etc ) for that ATML family component standard ATML family component standards are identified by their IEEE 671 series dot standard number and the year in which that standard was published by IEEE NOTE —Standards that are revised will be contained in a folder for the year in which the standard is reissued Both folders (for each year the standard was published) will be present on the IEEE download website NOTE 2—Folders for a particular standard are not available until the standard is published by IEEE and providing the standard has associated material that is to be made available via the download website Figure depicts a portion of the entire IEEE download website as it pertains to the Test Adapter Description ATML family standard ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? http: //standards ieee org/downloads/ 671 / 671 - 2006 671 - 201 671 5-2008 671 - 20 Figure —ATML test adapter related IEEE download website structure The Test Adapter ATML family component standard, where the component is defined, their associated XML schema names, and the IEEE download website folder name (where the XML schemas are located), is as defined in Table Table —ATML family XML schema name and folder location IEEE download website Component Test adapter description Test adapter instance Defined in clause XML schema name folder (See Figure 2) TestAdapterDescription.xsd 671 5-201 5 TestAdapterInstance xsd 671 5-201 The XML schema identified in Table includes ATML common elements: the ATML common element (e.g , component), where the component is defined, the associated XML schemas name, and the IEEE download website folder name (where the XML schema are located) Table —ATML common element XML schema name and location Defined in Component Common Hardware common Test equipment IEEE Std 671 -201 Annex B Annex B Annex B IEEE download website XML schema name folder (See Figure 2) Common xsd 671 -201 Hardware Common xsd 671 -201 TestEquipment xsd 671 -201 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ATML XML schema extensibility T he p ro visio n o f an e xte nsio n mec hanis m is neces sary to help ens ure the viab ility o f the sp ecificatio n and allo w p ro duc ers there is and co ns ume rs a require me nt to sche ma T he extended use file o f the witho ut of T est exc hange e xte nsio ns erro r, Adap ter i nstanc e rele vant data that is discard shall or be ne o therwise in c ume nts to intero p erate no t included in the a way sidestep that the a co nfo rmant exte nded in tho se Test Adapter data, co nsumer and use c ases where asso ciated XML c an the utilize the no n-e xte nded p o rtio ns o f the data as it is intended, witho ut erro r o r lo ss o f func tio nality Extensions Extensions shall b e additio nal info rmatio n added to the co nte nt mo del o f the ele ment b eing extended shall no t repackage existing info rmation e ntitie s that are already sup ported by the Test Adapter XML sc he ma An e xtended instance document s hall be acc o mp anied b y the e xtension XM L sc he ma and doc ume ntatio n sufficie nt to exp lain the need fo r the exte nsio n as well as the underlying s e mantic s and relatio ns hip (s) to the base Test Adapter XML sc he ma T he AT ML family of s tandards asso c iated XM L sc he mas allo w fo r three fo rms o f exte nsion: a) Wildcard-b ased extensio ns allo w fo r the exte nsio n o f the XML sc he mas with additio nal e le me nts b) T yp e derivatio n allo ws fo r extending the set o f data typ es b y deriving a ne w typ e fro m an exis ting commo n ele me nt type c) Lis ts derived fro m c:NamedValues allo wing user defined p ro perties with attac hed val ues Conformance T his clause sp ecifies the re quire me nts that must be satisfied to c laim c o nfo rmance to this standard Co nfo rmance is defined fo r the fo llo wing ite ms: a) A T estAdap terD esc riptio n instance doc ume nt b) A T estAdap terInstance instance cument Extensio ns are p ermitted to b o th the T estAdap terD escrip tio n and T estAdap terInstance cume nts b ut s hall only W3 C oc c ur XML through sche ma the fac ility standard, o f the an e xte nsib ility extended sc he ma mec hanis m s hall desc rib ed c onform to the in C lause W3 C XM L As defined sche ma in the sp ecific atio n and shall no t describ e any e ntities defined in the b ase sc he ma 8.1 Conformance of a TestAdapterDescription instance document A cume nt shall co nfo rm as a T estAdap terD escrip tio n ins tance c ument if it satis fies all o f the fo llo wing co nditio ns: a) T he c ume nt satis fies the require me nts fo r a we ll-fo rmed XML c ument b) T he root eleme nt o f the XM L cument is a T estAdapterD e sc rip tio n ele me nt c) T he co ntents o f the XM L cume nt are valid sc he ma, inc luding imp o rted XML sc he mas with resp ec t to the T estAdap terD escrip tio n XML ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? d) The contents of the XML document satisfy the requirements stated in Clause e) The contents of the XML document satisfy the requirements stated in the annotations of the TestAdapterDescription XML schema, including requirements stated in the annotations of imported XML schemas f) Extensions, if any, satisfy the requirements stated in Clause 8.2 Conformance of a TestAdapterInstance instance document A document shall conform as a TestAdapterInstance instance document if it satisfies all of the following conditions: a) The document satisfies the requirements for a well-formed XML document b) The root element of the XML document is a TestAdapterInstance element c) The contents of the XML document are valid with respect to the TestAdapterInstance XML schema, including imported XML schemas d) The contents of the XML document satisfy the requirements stated in Clause e) The contents of the XML document satisfy the requirements stated in the annotations of the TestAdapterInstance XML schema, including requirements stated in the annotations of imported XML schemas f) Extensions, if any, satisfy the requirements stated in Clause ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Annex A (informative) IEEE download website material associated with this document This document includes supporting material required to maintain and/or develop the ATML framework as well as maintain the ATML family of standards This material is published by IEEE in association with this document, presented in a machine-friendly format This is digital rights management restricted use material The ATML family of standards utilizes this download website to allow easy accessibility to these documents’ XML schemas and associated material referenced within this document (e g., examples or committee drafts) For an explanation and the location of the IEEE download website and its structure (as it pertains to the ATML family of standards), see Clause The material available on the IEEE download website in association with this document is described in Table A.1 Table A.1 —IEEE download website contents File TestAdapterDescription xsd TestAdapterInstance.xsd Description The ATML Test Adapter Description schema defined in Clause The ATML Test Adapter Instance schema defined in Clause 671 _5_TestAdapterExample.xml Example 671 _5_TestAdapterExampleInstance.xml Example Readme.txt This file contains user information pertaining to the files posted, related files, and their usage ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? Annex B (informative) Users information and examples B.1 Interface test adapter B.1 General This fictitious example, while not a complete detailed specification of the interface test adapter hardware depicted by Figure B , provides example test adapter elements that may be included in either an interface test adapter or a specific instance of an interface test adapter identified by its serial number Figure B.1 —Interface test adapter ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B.1 Test adapter description XML instance document The Test Adapter Description XML instance document P1 671_5_TestAdapterExample xml contains the following: a) Identification definition (manufacturer, part number, contact information) b) Interface’ s port definitions (to both the test station and UUT), both connector and pin c) Interface connector types d) Documentation (assembly drawings, schematics) e) Physical characteristics f) Internal connections (as depicted by Figure B ) g) Definition of the switch in the ITA h) Definition of the terminal blocks in the ITA The XML instance document 671_5_TestAdapterExample xml shall be available at: http: //standards.ieee.org/ downloads/1 671 /1 671 5-201 5/ B.1 Test adapter instance XML instance document The Test Adapter Instance XML instance document P1 671 _5_TestAdapteInstanceExample xml, while not a complete detailed specification of the Interface Test Adapter hardware depicted by Figure B.1 , provides example test adapter elements that may be included in a specific instance of an interface test adapter not provided in the Interface Test Adapter XML example: a) Reference to the description document for the test adapter family for which this instance applies b) Serial number of this instance c) Date of manufacture d) Time of the last calibration e) Power on information (number of times it has been turned on, and the time it was last turned on) f) Time that self-test was last run The XML instance document 671 _5_TestAdapterInstanceExample xml shall be available at: http: // standards.ieee org/downloads/1 671 /1 671 5-201 5/ As described in Annex A, this XML instance document is also available at the IEEE download website located as defined in Clause ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? Annex C (informative) Glossary Fo r the p urpo ses of this standard, IEEE standards are fo und in the adapter: under A tes t de vic e, (UUT ) or and series the the fo llo wing terms and definitio ns ap ply IEEE Standards Dictionary Online o f device s, te s t designed equip me nt It may to p rovide inc lude a T hese and o ther terms c o mp atib le p ro p er within [B 2] stimuli co nnec tio n or lo ads no t b etwee n the included with unit the auto matic test equip me nt ( ATE) attribute: A c ume nting characteristic o f an e ntity automatic test equipment (ATE): mo re units perip herals pro vide under T he stimuli, test (UUTs) A s yste m p ro viding a te st cap ab ility fo r the auto matic testing o f o ne o r T he c ontro ller directs the meas ure me nts, and AT E s yste m te sting co nsists proc ess p hysical of a co ntro ller, and interp rets interco nnec tio ns the test results T he reso urce T he test p erip herals, devic es, reso urce s uch as and devices disp lays, ke yb o ards , p rinters , mass s to rage, etc , sup p ly the nece ssary c ap ab ility fo r info rmatio n manage me nt automatic test system (ATS): Includes the auto matic test equip ment ( AT E) as we ll as all s up po rt equip me nt, so ftware, test p ro gram (TP ) , and adap ters framework: A c ollec tio n o f c lasses c reated sp ecifically to s erve the needs o f an app licatio n area test program (TP): A p ro gram sp ecifically intended fo r the testing o f a unit under test (UUT ) test program set (TPS): T he co mp lete s et o f hardware, s o ftware, and c ume ntatio n nee ded to evaluate a unit under test (UUT ) o n a given test s ys te m unit under test (UUT): s yste m T he entity to be tested It may range fro m a s imp le co mp o ne nt to a co mp lete ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Annex D (informative) Bibliography Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but not need to be understood or used to implement this standard Reference to these resources is made for informational use only [B1 ] eXtensible Markup Language Recommendation 26 November 2008 (XML) [B2] IEEE Standards Dictionary Online [B3 ] IEEE Standards Style Manual [B4] XML Schema Tutorial (Fifth Edition) Wide Web Consortium 10 11 Available from the World Wide Web Consortium: http://www w3 org/TR/2006/REC-xml-2006081 IEEE Standards Dictionary Online subscription is available at: http://www.ieee.org/portal/innovate/products/standard/standards/ /standards_dictionary html 10 11 World Available from IEEE: http://standards ieee org/guides/style/2007_Style_Manual.pdf Available from the World Wide Web: http://www xfront com/xml-schema.html ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? Participants ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? At the time this IEEE standard was completed, the P1 671 Working Group had the following membership: Ronald Taylor, Chair Chris Gorringe Ion Neag Mike Seavey Teresa Lopes Hugh Pritchett Rob Spinner Scott Misha John Stabler The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention W Larry Adams, Jr Raymond Harbert Leslie Orlidge Bill Brown Werner Hoelzl Bartien Sayogo Malcom Brown Noriyuki Ikeuchi Mike Seavey Susan Burgess Anand Jain Joseph Stanco Keith Chow Adam Ley Walter Struppler William Frank Teresa Lopes Marcy Stutzman Chris Gorringe Mukund Modi Ronald Taylor Randall Groves Oren Yuen When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 26 March 201 5, it had the following membership: John D Kulick, Chair Jon Walter Rosdahl, Vice Chair Richard H Hulett, Past Chair Konstantinos Karachalios , Secretary Masayuki Ariyoshi Joseph L Koepfinger* Ted Burse David J Law Adrian P Stephens Stephen Dukes Hung Ling Yatin Trivedi Jean-Philippe Faure Andrew Myles Philip Winston J Travis Griffith T W Olsen Don Wright Gary Hoffman Glenn Parsons Yu Yuan Michael Janezic Ronald C Petersen Daidi Zhong Annette D Reilly *Member Emeritus Julie Alessi IEEE-SA Content Production and Management Christy Bahn IEEE-SA Operational Program Management Stephen J Shellhammer I N TE RN ATI O N AL E LE CTRO TE CH N I CAL CO M M I S S I O N , ru e d e Va re m bé P O B ox CH -1 1 G e n e va S wi tze rl a n d Te l : + 41 F a x: + 22 91 02 1 22 91 0 i n fo @i e c ch www i e c ch

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