IEC 61 671 4 Edition 1 0 201 6 04 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Standard for automatic test markup language (ATML) test configuration IE C 6 1 6 7 1 4 2 0 1 6 0 4 (e n ) IE E E S td 1 6 7 1 4 2 0 1 4 IEEE St[.]
I E C 61 67 -4 ® Edition 201 6-04 I N TE RN ATI ON AL I E E E S td 67 ™ S TAN D ARD IEC 61 671 -4:201 6-04(en) IEEE Std 671 4-201 S tan d ard for au tom ati c tes t m arku p l an g u ag e (ATM L) tes t fi g u rati on TH I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E E E All rights reserved IEEE is a registered trademark in the U S Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the IEC Central Office Any questions about IEEE copyright should be addressed to the IEEE Enquiries about obtaining additional rights to this publication and other information requests should be addressed to the IEC or your local IEC member National Committee IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Park Avenue New York, NY 001 6-5997 United States of America Abo u t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - webs tore i ec ch /catal o g u e E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C pu bl i cati on s search - www i ec ch /s earch pu b I E C G l os s ary - s td i ec ch /g l os sary The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u s t P u bl i s h ed - webs tore i ec ch /j u s tpu bl i s h ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u s to m er S ervi ce C en tre - webs tore i ec ch /cs c If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: I E C 61 67 -4 ® Edition 201 6-04 I N TE RN ATI ON AL I E E E S td 67 4™ S TAN D ARD S tan d ard for au tom ati c tes t m arku p l an g u ag e (ATM L) tes t fi g u rati on INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 25.040; 35.060 I EC ISBN 978-2-8322-3266-8 I E E E I S B N -1 -5 4 -0 -6 S TD Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission I E C 6 -4 : I E E E S td -2 - ii - Contents Overview 1 General 1 Application of this document’ s annexes Scope Application Conventions used within this document Normative references Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations Definitions Acronyms and abbreviations TestConfiguration schema 4.1 Background 4.2 Test configuration xsd TestConfiguration instance schema .3 ATML TestConfiguration XML schema names and locations ATML XML schema extensibility Conformance .3 Annex A (informative) IEEE download web-site material associated with this document Annex B (informative) Test Configuration XML element mappings to MTPSI card fields Annex C (informative) Examples 41 Annex D (informative) Bibliography .44 Annex ? (informative) ??? ? ? ? ???? ? ????? ?? ???? ? ? ? ? ? - - iii IEC I EEE 61 671 -4: 201 S td 671 4-201 STANDARD FOR AU TOMATIC TEST MARKUP LANGU AGE (ATML) INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION F O RE W O RD ) Th e al l I n t e rn a t i o n a l n a ti o n a l i n t e rn a t i o n a l th i s en d c o - o p e t i o n and Te ch n i ca l in R e p o rt s , th e I EEE d e ve l o pm en t th e d eal t fi n a l d oes n ot p ro c e s s , s u b j e ct th e U se to a re of I EEE i m p o rt a n t wi t h and ru l e s te s t, or v e ri fy is an d an d I EEE th e fa i r n e s s in (se e a c c o rd a n c e wi th is p ro m o t e e l e c t ro n i c Te c h n i ca l fi e l d s To S p e c i fi c a t i o n s , r e fe r re d N a ti on a l c o m p ri s i n g to to as C o m m i tte e “I EC i n t e re s t e d g o v e rn m e n t a l and non- p re p a ti o n i ts v a ri e d C o o rd i n a t i n g s t a n d a rd s v i e wp o i n t s s e rve th e of v o l u n t a ry I EC an d ( h e re a ft e r I EC S t a n d a rd s an d a c c u c y d i s c l a i m e rs any of e l e c t ri c a l S t a n d a rd s , d e ve l o p s of I EEE s t a n d a rd i z a t i o n I n t e rn a t i o n a l , th i s r e p re s e n t i n g wh o l l y th e fo r ob j e ct Gu i des w o rk in S o ci e ti e s p ro m o t e in co m m i tte e s ; B o a rd m e m b e rs to d ocu m e n ts l eg al (P AS ) v o l u n t e e rs Th e I n t e rn a t i o n a l p a rt i c i p a t e I EEE n e c e s s a ri l y e va l u a te , n o ti ce s wi t h i n S t a n d a rd s e s ta b l i s h e s S t a n d a rd s s t a n d a rd i z a t i o n p r e p a t o r y al so o rg a n i z a ti o n C o m m i tte e s ) te ch n i ca l th i s I EC to g e th e r n ot wo rl d wi d e pu bl i sh es to in th e d e ve l o p e d b ri n g s a S p e c i fi c a t i o n s p a rt i c i p a t e a re an d I EC e n t ru s t e d ( I E E E - S A) wh i c h p ro c e s s is l i sin g V o l u n t e e rs i n d e p e n d e n tl y s t a n d a rd s m ay As s o ci a ti o n p ro d u ct a d m i n i s t e rs wi t h d o cu m e n ts S t a n d a rd s Ava i l a b l e is N a ti on a l c o n c e rn i n g a cti vi ti e s , p re p a t i o n (I E C) (I E C q u e s ti on s oth er o rg a n i z a t i o n s S t a n d a rd s I EEE all P u b l i cl y Th ei r s u b j e ct g o v e rn m e n t a l to Com m i ssi on co m m i tte e s on a d d i ti o n P u b l i ca ti o n (s )” ) in E l e c t ro t e c h n i c a l e l e c t ro t e c h n i c a l wi t h o u t co n s e n s u s an y I EEE of th e C o m m i tte e s t h ro u g h and i n t e re s t s i n fo rm a t i o n a re o f th e co n s e n s u s co m p e n s a ti on d e ve l o p m e n t d o cu m e n ts a to a c h i e ve While I EEE p ro c e s s , I EEE ta i n e d m ade a va i l a b l e h t t p : / / s t a n d a r d s i e e e o rg / I P R / d i s c l a i m e rs h t m l in i ts fo r fo r use m o re i n fo rm a t i o n ) IEC co l l a b o te s cl os e l y wi t h I EEE in co n d i ti o n s d e t e rm i n e d by a g re e m e n t b e t we e n th e t wo o rg a n i z a t i o n s 2) Th e fo rm a l opi n i on N a ti o n a l an d d e ci s i o n s on th e C om m i tte e s S t a n d a rd s i n t e re s t e d 3) p a rt i e s P u b l i ca ti o n s In te n t th e y o rd e r a re to sh al l I EEE assessm en t i n d i c a te g i ve n i n te rn a ti o n a l d i v e rg e n c e p ro v i d e and, in fo r a n y s e rv i c e s c a rri e d ou t e n s u re th a t 7) No e xp e rt s an d fo r or an d th e any fo r m e m b e rs p e rs o n a l co s ts I E C /I E E E 8) Atte n ti o n is Atte n ti o n m a t e ri a l ( i n cl u d i n g d wn is e xi s t e n c e va l i d i ty or n e cti o n va l i d i ty E s s e n ti a l wi t h of an d th e ri s k or p ro p e rt y l egal th e th e of an d an y paten t P aten t U s e rs a of th i s Publ i shed by I EC wi th i n I EEE bal l ot a p p ro v a l of I EC S o ci e ti e s of m a t e ri a l l y of th e I EEE a re m ad e a cce p te d to by e n s u re re s p o n s i b l e fo r I EC th a t th e th e wa y in an d u n d e rt a k e th e to in appl y th e i r IEC P u b l i ca ti on s n a ti on a l c o rre s p o n d i n g and n a ti o n a l re g i o n a l or re g i o n a l th e o f th i s IEC bod i es an d IEEE p ro v i d e a re n ot c o n fo rm i t y re s p o n s i b l e p u b l i ca ti on e m p l o ye e s , N a ti o n a l I EEE d am age a ri s i n g S ta n d a rd s of an y out of s e rva n t s C om m i tte e s , a g e n ts i n cl u d i n g i n d i vi d u a l v o l u n t e e rs of As s o ci a ti o n ( I E E E - S A) S t a n d a rd s n a t u re th e or or w h a t s o e v e r, p u b l i ca ti on , use wh e t h e r o f, or I EEE d i re c t re l i a n c e S o ci e ti e s or B o a rd , i n d i re c t , u pon , th i s P u b l i ca ti on s ci te d in th i s p u b l i ca ti on U se of th e re fe r e n c e d p u b l i ca ti o n s is p u b l i ca ti o n of th i s co n n e cti o n a m ay u n d e r l i ce n s e is if a n y, I EEE I E C /I E E E I EC no or any or in I EEE fo r l i ce n s i n g any th a t t h e i r o wn © 201 P u b l i ca ti o n p o s i ti o n r e q u i re d , a d vi s e d e n ti re l y fro m th i s be wh e t h e r e xp re s s l y ri g h t s , of s t a n d a rd , t h e re wi t h l i cen s e A s s u n c e , a re c e rt i fi c a t i o n o f c o n fo rm i t y bod i es I EC d e t e rm i n i n g of s u ch h el d co n s e n s u s i n t e re s t e d B o a rd an d a re possi bl e I n d epen d en t m a rk s i m p l e m e n ta ti o n in s t a n d a rd o f i n fri n g e m e n t IEC and oth e r wh i c h of e xt e n t P u b l i ca ti o n d i re c t o rs , p u b l i ca ti on or L e tte r C o m m i tt e e s m a xi m u m e d i ti o n of o f th i s th a t fo r Cl m s of or to th e i r re fe re n c e s ri g h ts Cl m s Fi n al use be al l b a l a n ce d e ffo rt s ca n n ot fro m u s e r c o n fo rm i t y e xp e n s e s By a S t a n d a rd s i n te rn a ti o n a l I EEE i n t e rn a t i o n a l co n s e n s u s by s t a n d a rd re a s o n a b l e or N a ti on a l th e c e rt i fi c a t i o n or I EEE a p p l i ca ti o n ri g h t s P a te n t of C om m i tte e s fe e s ) to l a te s t or d am ag e I EC on ce ( I E E E - S A) fo r al l an y en d I EC co m m i tte e s p o s s i b i l i ty p a te n t by a cce s s th e I EEE n o rm a ti ve su bm i ssi on n o n - d i s c ri m i n a t o r y ri g h t s , h ave te c h n i ca l c o rr e c t to by s cop e I EC a re a s , p ro p o s e d an r e p re s e n t a t i o n l a t t e r i n d epen d en t th e y a c c u t e , I E C /I E E E a tte s ta ti on som e by th e While possi bl e, d e t e rm i n e d As s o c i a t i o n sen se is an y in th e as h as m a t t e rs , is re c o m m e n d a t i o n s u n i fo rm i t y , or an y oth er I E C to fo r t h e d wn or i d e n t i fy i n g of i n j u ry , co ve re d to an y n e a rl y te ch n i c a l r e v i e wi n g th a t b e t we e n C o o rd i n a t i n g P u b l i ca ti on i n d i spen sabl e 9) a tta ch S t a n d a rd s of in as co m m i tte e re a c h e d , S t a n d a rd s t n s p a re n t l y c l e a rl y i n d i c a t e d n ot sh al l fo rm on been m i s i n t e rp re t a t i o n Al l l i abi l i ty th e in I EEE S o ci e ti e s of I E EE has i n t e re s t th e e xp re s s , te ch n i ca l o r fo r a n y s e rv i c e s sh ou l d by h a ve 6) u s e rs d e ci s i on s C om m i tte e s P u b l i ca ti o n s ) be e a ch P u b l i ca ti o n s u sed An y m a t t e rs s i n ce I E C /I E E E p ro m o te p u b l i ca ti on an d of I E C /I E E E p u b l i ca ti on s I EC is te ch n i ca l fo rm a l C o m m i tte e s /I E E E (i n cl u d i n g 5) wh o I E C /I E E E te ch n i ca l on s u b j e cts Th e d ocu m en t wh i c h I EC C o o rd i n a t i n g s t a n d a rd s N a ti o n a l 4) of re l e v a n t is shal l n ot co n d u cti n g t e rm s l i ce n s i n g m ay ta ke n or be h el d o f th e Al l ri g h t s a re va l i d i ty re s e r v e d use to of th e re s p o n s i b l e i n to co n d i ti o n s re s p o n s i b i l i t y I EEE re s p e c t i n q u i ri e s a g re e m e n t s d e t e rm i n a t i o n re q u i re wi t h th e p ro v i d e d re a s o n a b l e of an y fo r l eg al in or paten t - IEC iv - 61 671 -4: 201 IEEE S td 671 4-201 I n t e rn a t i o n a l te c h n i c a l S t a n d a rd c o m m i tte e I EC 91 : 6 - /I E E E E l e c t ro n i c s S td 671 4-201 assem bl y h as t e c h n o l o g y, been u n d er p ro c e s s e d th e t h ro u g h I E C /I E E E Du al I EC Log o A g re e m e n t Th e te x t o f t h i s s t a n d a rd I EEE I EEE Fu l l i n fo rm a t i o n vo ti n g Th e of i n d i ca te d I EC th i s u n d er based S td on in Te ch n i ca l th e th e fo l l o w i n g d o c u m e n ts : voti n g a b o ve R e p o rt /1 /F D I S fo r th e a p p ro v a l on vo ti n g /1 3 /RVD of th i s s t a n d a rd ca n be fo u n d in re m a i n and I EEE T e ch n i ca l u n ch a n g e d in th e u n ti l d a ta th e re l a t e d C o m m i tte e s ta b i l i ty to th e h a ve d a te d eci d ed i n d i ca te d s p e c i fi c on p u b l i ca ti o n th a t th e th e I EC At be re c o n fi rm e d , ? wi t h d wn , ? re p l a c e d ? am en d ed by a re v i s e d Publ i shed th e re p o rt on ta b l e C o m m i tte e wi l l th e FDI S " h t t p : / / w e b s t o re i e c c h " wi l l on 671 4-20 p u b l i ca ti o n pu b l i ca ti o n ? S td is e d i ti o n , by I EC or u n d e r l i ce n s e fro m I EEE © 201 I EEE Al l ri g h t s re s e r v e d th i s c o n te n ts we b s i te d a te , th e I E C 6 -4 : - v - I E E E S td -2 IEEE Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Test Configuration Sponsor IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 20 on Test and Diagnosis for Electronic Systems Approved 27 March 201 IEEE-SA Standards Board I E C 6 -4 : I E E E S td -2 - vi - Abstract: An exchange format is specified in this standard, using extensible markup language (XML), for identifying the test configuration used to test for and diagnose faults of a unit under test (UUT) on an automatic test system (ATS) Keywords: ATML instance document, automatic test equipment (ATE), Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML), automatic test system (ATS), IEEE 671 4™ , Master Configuration Control Document (MCCD), Master Test Program Set Index (MTPSI), station configuration file, test configuration, XML schema ? OpenVMS is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group W3C is a trademark or registered trademark of the W3C®, (registered in numerous countries) World Wide Web Consortium Marks of W3C are registered and held by its host institutions: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), European Research Consortium for Information and Mathematics (ERCIM), and Keio University, Japan Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation I E C 6 -4 : - vi i - I E E E S td -2 I ??? ntroduction ? ? This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 671 4™-201 4, IEEE Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Test Configuration This child, or “dot” standard, also known as an automatic test markup language (ATML) component standard, provides for the definition of the TestConfiguration XML schema and contains references to an example The XML schema and example that accompany this standard provide for the identification of all of the hardware, software, and documentation that is required to test and diagnose a unit under test (UUT) on an automatic test system (ATS) ATML’ s XML schemas define the basic information required within any test application and provide a vehicle for formally defining the test environment by defining a class hierarchy corresponding to these basic information entities and providing several methods within each to enable basic operations to be performed on these entities ATML component standards within the ATML framework define the particular requirements within the test environment I E C 6 -4 : I E E E S td -2 - vi i i - Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards Documents IEEE doc uments no tic es and heading are made disclaimers, “I mp o rtant available or a fo r referenc e No tice” or to use s ubj ect this p age, “Imp o rtant to impo rtant ap p ear No tices in and all no tices and standards D isclaimers and le gal may disc laimers be fo und Co ncerning IEEE T hese under the S tandards D o cume nts ” Notice and Disclaimer of Liability Concerning the Use of IEEE Standards Documents IEEE S tandards doc ume nts (standards, rec ommended p ractic es, and guide s) , b oth full- use and trial-use, are develop ed within Asso ciatio n co nsens us b rings IEEE S o cieties (“IEEE- S A”) de velop me nt p roc ess, to gether Volunteers and S tandards vo lunteers the S tandards B o ard IEEE app roved b y the rep resenting are no t nec e ssarily me mb ers varied Co o rdinating (“the Co mmittees Institute”) develop s American Natio nal S tandards vie wp o ints of the I nstitute and interests and p artic ip ate to of its the IEEE standards Institute achieve S tandards thro ugh (“ANS I”) , the fi nal a whic h p ro duct witho ut c o mp ensatio n fro m IEEE While IEEE administers the p rocess and e stablis he s rules to p ro mo te fairnes s in the conse ns us develop me nt pro cess, IEEE es no t independently e valuate, test, or verify the ac c urac y o f any o f the info rmation or the so undnes s o f any j udgme nts c o ntained in its s tandards IEEE es no t warrant or represent the acc urac y o r conte nt o f the exp ressly disc laims all c ument relating to warranties the standard, fo r a p articular p urpo se; 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CAUS ED LIAB ILIT Y, O UT AD VIS ED OF OF IND IRECT , (INCLUD ING, OR T HE T HE LO S S AND ON T O RT OF INCID ENT AL, B UT NO T US E, ANY D AT A, T HEO RY (INCLUD ING P UB LIC AT IO N, P O S S IB ILIT Y US E OF S P ECI AL, LIMIT ED OR OF T O: P RO F IT S ; LI AB ILIT Y, NEGLIGENCE OF, S UCH OR OR RE LI ANCE D AMAGE AND REGARD LES S O F WHET HER S UC H D AMAGE WAS F O RES EE AB LE Translations T he IEEE co nsens us deve lop ment p ro cess invo lves the revie w o f cuments in English o nly that an IEEE standard is trans lated, ap p ro ved IEEE standard In the e ve nt only the English versio n pub lis hed b y IEEE s ho uld b e co nsidered the I E C 6 -4 : I E E E S td -2 - 34 - Table —ATML Common element XML schema name and location Component Defined in IEEE Std 671 -201 XML schema name IEEE download Web site folder (see Figure ) Common Annex B.1 Common xsd 671 -201 ATML XML schema extensibility The provision of an extension mechanism is necessary to help ensure the viability of the specification and allow producers and consumers of Test Configuration instance documents to interoperate in those cases where there is a requirement to exchange relevant data that is not included in the Test Configuration associated XML schema The use of the extensions shall be done in a way that can help ensure that a conformant consumer can utilize the extended file without error, discard or otherwise sidestep the extended data, and use the non-extended portions of the data as it is intended without error or loss of functionality Extensions shall be additional information added to the content model of the element being extended Extensions shall not repackage Configuration XML schema existing information entities that are already supported by the Test An extended instance document shall be accompanied by the extension XML schema and documentation sufficient to explain the need for the extension as well as the underlying semantics and relationship(s) to the base Test Configuration XML schema The ATML family of standards associated XML schemas allow for three forms of extension: ? ? ? Wildcard-based extensions allow for the extension of the XML schemas with additional elements Type derivation allows for extending the set of data types by deriving a new type from an existing common element type Lists derived from c: NamedValues allowing user defined properties with attached values Conformance The minimal expectations for TestConfiguration conformant XML instance documents shall be that a completely populated instance document is considered valid if said document complies with: ? ? The constraints expressed in the TestConfiguration schema associated with this standard and Any constraints imposed by inherited elements from Annex B of IEEE Std 671 -201 Extensions are permitted to the TestConfiguration schema, but shall only occur through the facility of the extensibility mechanism described in Clause In short, extensions may only appear in the specific tags provided in the associated XML schema As defined in the W3 C XML schema standard, an extended schema must conform to the W3 C XML schema specification and shall not contain any entities defined in the base schema I E C 6 -4 : - 35 - I E E E S td -2 Annex A (informative) IEEE download web-site material associated with this document This document includes supporting material required to maintain and/or develop the ATML framework as well as maintain the ATML family of standards This material is published by IEEE in association with this document, presented in a machine friendly format This is digital rights management restricted use material The ATML family of standards utilizes this download Web site to allow easy accessibility to these documents XML schemas, and associated material referenced within this document (e g , examples or committee drafts) For an explanation, and the location, of the IEEE download web-site and its structure (as it pertains to the ATML family of standards), see Clause The material available on the IEEE download Web site in association with this document is described in Table A Table A.1 —IEEE download web-site contents File Description TestConfiguration schema defined in Clause TestConfiguration xsd The ATML Common xsd The ATML common element schema defined in Annex B of IEEE Std 671 -201 671 _4 Annex C Example XML The XML instance document contained in Annex C (Examples) instance document xml Readme txt User information pertaining to the files posted, and their usage I E C 6 -4 : I E E E S td -2 - 36 - Annex B (informative) Test Configuration XML element mappings to MTPSI card fields Table B details all possible master test program set index card fields, and identifies which Test Configuration schema element(s) support the fields and the entries into those fields Table B.1 —MTPSI mapping to Test Configuration MTPSI field and description ADAPTER REQUIRED: An yes/no indication as to whether a adapter is required for use with the interface device (ID) ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: A list of the name/nomenclature of each piece of ancillary equipment required by the TPS to test the UUT “Ancillary Test Configuration XML schema complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / AdapterRequired complexType: AncillaryHardwareAssets / AncillaryHardwareI tem / attribute ' name' equipment” refers to any support equipment (SE), other than common shop tools that are not provided with the TPS Examples of ancillary equipment are oscilloscopes, megohmmeters, ground straps, and lift devices ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT PART NUMBER: The part number of the identified ancillary equipment If a part number is known to have one or more acceptable alternates, then “(or equivalent)” may be included Example: complexType: AncillaryHardwareAssets / AncillaryHardwareI tem / attribute ' partNumber' ACME 23 (or equivalent) Required quantity of each identified ancillary equipment item complexType: AncillaryHardwareAssets / AncillaryHardwareI tem / attribute ' quantity' ATE ASSETS: complexType: ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT QUANTITY: List of ATE assets (e.g , DMM, ARB, DCPS) used by the TPS ATE CONFIGURATION: ATEAssets / SystemI dentifier / attribute ' systemI D' complexType: For example, “CASS Block III” or “RTCASS” ConfigurationTestProgramElements / ATEVersions / ATEConfiguration ATE FAMILY: complexType: The configuration of the ATE family known to run the TPS or “IFTE” ConfigurationTestProgramElements / ATEVersions / ATEFamily CHG #: element: TestConfiguration / ' changeNumber' attribute TestConfiguration / ' changeDate' attribute The ATE family known to run the TPS For example, “CASS” The change number of the master test program set index The initial document change number should be blank or contain zeros (e.g., ‘ 000’ ) Subsequent changes to the document should increment the change number by one DATE: The date the master test program set index was Element: changed/edited/created DIAGNOSTIC FLOW CHARTS: The diagnostic flow charts for the UUT complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / DiagnosticFlowChart I E C 6 -4 : - 37 - I E E E S td -2 Table B.1 —Master Test Program Set Index mapping to Test Configuration (continued) Test Configuration XML schema MTPSI field and description ETE TIME: The end-to-end (ETE) time required for an experienced operator, beginning at the start menu to run a UUT to the end complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / EndToEndRunTimes / EndToEndRunTime of testing (e.g , the RFI message appears) TPS directed test setup time should be included, but the tear down time should not be included If the ETE run time is unknown, ‘ UNK’ should be identified If the TPS can be executed on more than one ATE version, the time should be included for each ATE version FSCM: complexType: Manufacturers (FSCM) (See [B3 ] for commercial sites ) ConfigurationTestProgramElements / FederalSupplyCode FST Location: complexType: The TPS developers (or Maintainers) Federal Supply Code for The Fleet Support Team (FST) [may also be referred to as a TestConfiguration / FleetSupportTeamLocation Cognizant Field Activity (CFA)] location responsible for the TPS The location should be identified, the POC should not [TPS's may transition, which would create erroneous point of contact (POC) information about the TPS] ITP SW: The internal test program (ITP) software (SW) (ITP/SW) product identification number (PIN) version number This ConfigurationUUTElements / SoftwarePrograms / I nternalTestProgram complexType: software when present, typically overwrites the OFP for the purposes of testing the UUT MIN STATION REQUIRED: The minimum station configuration required to run the TPS Example, “CASS CNI” would indicate that the TPS can only complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / ATEVersions / MinimumConfiguration be run on CASS CNI stations MTPSI TITLE: The MTPSI Deck Number less the version number of the deck TestConfiguration / ' title' element: attribute or the MCCD title OFP SW PIN: The operational flight program (OFP) software (SW) (OFP/SW) product identification number (PIN) version complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / SoftwarePrograms / OperationalFlightProgram number (This is also sometimes called ‘ Oper Flight Prog’ ) OPERATING SYSTEM: The operating system (OS) used during the last update of the test program (TP) If more than on version of OS applies (due to multiple configurations of stations e g., ATE Version , complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / ATERunTimeSoftware / OperatingSystems / OperatingSystem ATE Version 2), than all applicable OS's may be listed OPER DATA NOTE: The operational data note contains miscellaneous information about running the TPS OTPH PART NUMBER: Support Equipment (SE) Part Number (P/N) A list of the part numbers of each piece of “Government Approved SE” required to test the UUT This “Government-approved SE” is the hardware components (including adapters, interface device, cables, etc.) supplied with the TPS complexType : ConfigurationTestProgramElements / OperationalDataNote complexType: TPSHardwareAssets / TPSHardwareI tem / attribute ' partNumber' I E C 6 -4 : I E E E S td -2 - 38 - Table B.1 —MTPSI mapping to Test Configuration (continued) Legacy working description and type OTPH QTY: The quantity of each OTPH/SUPPORT EQUIPMENT component listed Quantities greater than are typically XML schema TPSHardwareAssets / TPSHardwareI tem / attribute ' quantity' complexType: limited to cables and connectors OTPH REFERENCE DESIGNATOR: Support Equipment (SE) Reference Designator (REFDES) number (e.g , W201 , A1 – See [B1 ] ) for cables and/or shorting adapters The REFDES information gives the TPS TPSHardwareAssets / TPSHardwareI tem / attribute ' referenceDesignator' complexType: operator a quick reference when looking for the associated items, which is easier than comparing a 0- or 2-digit part number Most technicians will use the REFDES information in everyday situations rather than part numbers OTPH TYPE: The type of each OTPH/SUPPORT EQUIPMENT component listed Examples of OTPH TYPE are: AHAF— complexType: TPSHardwareAssets / TPSHardwareI tem / attribute ' type' Air hose attach fixture, CA—Cable, CSET—Cable set, HA—Hose assembly, HF—Holding fixture, ID—interface device, ODSK—Optical disk, PNL—Panel, PLT—Pallet, TF - Test fixture OTPI: The operational test program instruction number OTPM: complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / OperationalTestProgram / OTPI Number complexType: The operational test program medium number ConfigurationTestProgramElements / OperationalTestProgram / OTPMNumber PG X OF N: There is no restriction to “fit” data onto any physical Page number page size; therefore this is not directly supported in the XML schema Should an implementation require paper copy, a XML Style Sheet (See [B2] ) should be developed to produce physical page numbers along with physical page format and physical page size PROG: The name of the TPS test program used to test the UUT REF DES: The UUT reference designator (REFDES) (e.g., A1 0, W1 01 complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / TestProgramSoftware / TestProgramName complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / ReferenceDesignator – See [B1 ] ) If UUT REF DES does not apply to a particular UUT, then this field should remain blank R/T CLASS: The TPS Run-Time classification allows a TPS developer to designate a test program as either: ‘ U’ for unclassified, ‘ C’ for confidential, ‘ S’ for secret, ‘ TS’ for top secret SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / RunTimeClassifications / RunTimeClassification TestConfiguration / SupplementalData complexType: Any supplemental (or additional) data about the UUT, TPS, etc , that will be useful to the test station operator SW NO: The software version number for any software related to the UUT, similar to the OFP/SW PIN ConfigurationUUTElements / SoftwarePrograms / SoftwareNumber complexType: I E C 6 -4 : - 39 - I E E E S td -2 Table B.1 —MTPSI mapping to Test Configuration (continued) Legacy working description and type T/E: The application software [may also be called Test Executive (T/E)] used during the last update of the test program If more than on version of application software applies (due to multiple configurations of stations e g , ATE Version , XML schema complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / ATERunTimeSoftware / RunTimeApplicationSoftware / ApplicationSoftware ATE Version 2), than all applicable application software (T/E’ s) may be listed T/E VERSION: The application software (may also be called T/E) version used during the last update of the test program TEC: Type Equipment Code (TEC) is an alphanumeric code that complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / ATERunTimeSoftware / RunTimeApplicationSoftware / attribute ' version' complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / TypeEquipmentCode identifies the end item of equipment on which work is performed In the US Military for example, there are categories of equipment, identified by the first character of the TEC For example, the first character for an aircraft is ‘ A’ , the first character for a j et engine is ‘ J’ Refer to COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2B (See [B4] ) for a description of US Military TEC codes TEST DIAG: The test diagram number, used when the test diagram is not included as part of the test program instruction (TPI), or TPI complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / TestDiagram related material TEST EXECUTION RELITIVE SPEED: The Test Execution Relative Speed is used to indicate the relative speed of the Run-Time Application (Test Executive, e g , CASS TURBO Mode) Valid entries are; 0—No speed indication is specified, —The TPS has been verified to run complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / ATERunTimeSoftware / RunTimeApplicationSoftware / attribute ' relativeSpeed' on the target ATE test execution environment, 2—The TPS has been verified to run only on earlier (typically slower) test execution environments TEST TYPE: The distinct type of TPS; either ‘ UUT’ , ‘ Self-Test’ , or ‘ Calibration’ If the Test Type is not identified, it should be complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / TestProgramType assumed that this is a UUT TPS Typically a is UUT, is Calibration, is Self-Test TM: The technical manual (TM) or technical publication complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / TechnicalManuals (TECPUB) or maintenance instruction manual (MIM) for the UUT complexType: TPI: The test program instruction number ConfigurationTestProgramElements / TestProgramSoftware / TestProgramI nstruction complexType: TPM: The test program medium number ConfigurationTestProgramElements / TestProgramSoftware / TestProgramMeduim complexType: TPS DIRECTORY NAME: The TPS directory name or the TPS root subdirectory ConfigurationTestProgramElements / TestProgramSoftware / DirectoryName I E C 6 -4 : I E E E S td -2 - 40 - Table B.1 —MTPSI mapping to Test Configuration (continued) Legacy working description and type TWP: The Temporary Workaround Procedure (TWP) number(s) of any active TWP against the TPS A TWP is notification of a workaround for an OTPS execution problem that was XML schema complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / TemporaryWorkaroundProcedures / TWPNumber identified after an OTPS was released or before a permanent solution to the problem has been incorporated into the TPS The TWP notification is accomplished by release of the workaround instructions (typically in hard copy format) to affected work sites by the Fleet Support Team (FST) responsible for the affected OTPS TWP numbers are assigned by the applicable FST If there are no active TWP's for a particular TPS, this should be blank TWP Description: The TWP description of any active TWP against the TPS The description should reflect the issued TWP’ s nomenclature field TWP Issue Date: The TWP date of issue of any active TWP against the TPS The date should reflect the date the FST issued the workaround UIC: Unit Identification Code (UIC) for US government sites (See [B6] ) UUT Model: The UUT model number UUT NOMEN: The name/nomenclature (NOMEN) of the UUT tested by complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / TemporaryWorkaroundProcedures / TWPDescription complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / TemporaryWorkaroundProcedures / TWPI ssueDate complexType: ConfigurationTestProgramElements / UnitI dentificationCode complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / Model complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / Nomenclature the TPS UUT P/N: complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / PartNumber complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / SystemNumber complexType: ConfigurationUUTElements / WorkUnitCode The part number (P/N) of the UUT tested by the TPS UUT SYSTEM: The UUT system number WUC: The Work Unit Code (WUC) is a code that identifies the system, subsystem, or component; which is the UUT being tested Refer to Mil-Std-780G (See [B1 ] ) for a description of US Military WUC’ s I E C 6 -4 : - 41 - I E E E S td -2 Annex C (informative) Examples The purpose of this example is to depict an example MTPSI card’ s content (See Figure C ), representative of those elements that are required to be in place before testing UUT P/N 907AS1 000-01 ; and depict the Figure C.1 contents in a TestConfiguration XML instance document NOTE —Items contained in Figure C that are either ‘ blank’ , ‘ N/A’ , or ‘ NONE’ (SUPPLEMENTAL DATA NONE, TPM: , SW NO: N/A for example) are not contained in the attached XML instance document NOTE 2—A unique uuid has not been created for this example An actual XML instance document would contain a unique identifier other than all zeros NOTE —Although Figure C.1 does not include Adapter Required, it is contained in the attached XML instance document to conform with the schema annotation NOTE 4—As described in Annex A, this XML instance document is also available at the IEEE download web-site located as defined in Clause Figure C.1 — Example MTPSI card A valid XML instance document supporting Figure C would appear as: I E C 6 -4 : I E E E S td -2 - 42 -