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IEC 62056 7 5 Edition 1 0 201 6 05 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE Electricity metering data exchange – The DLMS/COSEM suite – Part 7 5 Local data transmission profiles for Local Networks[.]

I E C 62056-7-5 ® Edition 201 6-05 I N TE R N ATI ON AL STAN DAR D N OR M E I N TE R N ATI ON ALE colour i n si de El ectri ci ty m eteri n g d ata exch an g e – Th e DLM S/COSEM su i te – Part 7-5: Lo cal d ata tran sm i ssi on profi l es for Local N etwo rks (LN ) Éch an g e d es d on n ées d e co m ptag e d e l ' él ectri ci té – La su i te DLM S/COSEM – IEC 62056-7-5:201 6-05(en-fr) Parti e 7-5: Profi l s d e tran sm i ssi on d e d on n ées l o cal es po u r réseau x l o cau x (LN ) TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YR I G H T P R O TE C TE D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , Sw i t z e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information Droits de reproduction réservés Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'IEC ou du Comité national de l'IEC du pays du demandeur Si vous avez des questions sur le copyright de l'IEC ou si vous désirez obtenir des droits supplémentaires sur cette publication, utilisez les coordonnées ci-après ou contactez le Comité national de l'IEC de votre pays de résidence IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abo u t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a t i o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I EC C atal og u e - 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webstore i ec ch /csc Si vous désirez nous donner des commentaires sur cette publication ou si vous avez des questions contactez-nous: csc@iec.ch I E C 62056-7-5 ® Edition 201 6-05 I N TER N ATI ON AL STAN DAR D N OR M E I N TER N ATI ON ALE colour i n si de El ectri ci ty m eteri n g d ata exch an g e – Th e DLM S/COSE M su i te – Part 7-5: Local d ata tran sm i ssi o n pro fi l es fo r Local N etworks (LN ) Éch an g e d es d o n n ées d e co m ptag e d e l ' él ectri ci té – La su i te DLM S/COSE M – Parti e 7-5: Profi l s d e tran sm i ssi on d e d o n n ées l o cal es po u r réseau x l o cau x (LN ) INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE ICS 7.220.20; 35.1 00.01 ; 91 40.50 ISBN 978-2-8322-3326-9 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i stri bu tor Atten ti on ! Veu i l l ez vou s assu rer q u e vou s avez o bten u cette pu bl i cati on vi a u n d i stri bu teu r ag réé ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Marque déposée de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale –2– I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I N TRODU CTI ON Scope N ormati ve references Terms, defini ti ons and abbreviations 1 Terms an d defin i tions 1 Abbreviations 1 Targ eted com mu nicati on en viron ments 1 U se of the comm u nication layers for th ese profiles I nformati on related to the use of th e standards speci fying the lower layers Stru ctu re of th e profile U se of the lower l ayers Overvi ew Ph ysical layer 3 M AC layer Data l ink layer Service mappin g an d adaptation layers For th e defau l t H DLC based data l ink l ayer For other lower l ayers 5 Reg istration and connecti on manag em en t I den ti fication and addressing scheme General i den ti fication an d addressin g scheme Addressing for the defau lt H DLC based data link layer Addressing for other data l ink layers Speci fic considerations for the appl ication l ayer services Overview Appl ication Association establishmen t and release: ACSE services xDLM S services Secu ri ty mech an isms Transferring l on g appl ication messages M edia access, bandwidth and tim in g consi derati ons Comm un icati on layer fig uration and m anag em en t The COSEM application process (AP) M odel and services COSEM in terface cl asses (I EC 62056-6-2) to fig ure the LDTI Secu ri ty en vi ronmen t (not val id for leg acy m ode) 9 Restrictions for in terfaces su pporting “Leg acy operating modes” 20 Addi tional considerati ons for the use of this profile – Safety 21 An nex A (n ormati ve) Media specific profile: Optical in terface 22 A I EC 62056-21 port 22 A I EC 62056-21 port operati ng in legacy m ode 23 An nex B (n ormati ve) Media specific Profile: TP with carri er sign all in g I n terface 25 B I EC 62056-3-1 port 25 B I EC 62056-3-1 port operatin g in l egacy m ode 26 An nex C (n ormative) Media speci fic profil e: EI A-485, TI A-232-F in terface 29 I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 –3– Electrical port RS485/232 29 C An nex D (n ormative) Media speci fic profil e: M -Bu s EN 3757-2 31 D M -Bus with th e H DLC based data link l ayer 31 An nex E (n ormati ve) I P profile 33 E I P profi le 33 An nex F (in formative) LDTI figu ration exampl es 35 F Example : onl y one valu e (acti ve en erg y A+) pushed 35 An nex G (in formati ve) LDTI encoding examples 37 G xDLM S APDU s u sed (with ou t protecti on and wi thou t general -block-transfer) 37 G Example : Onl y one valu e is pu sh ed 37 G Example 2: The OBI S code and one valu e is pu sh ed 38 I n dex 40 Fi g ure – LDTI DLM S/COSEM cl ien t as part of a consu mer device Fi g ure – LDTI DLM S/COSEM cl ien t as part of a l ocal adaptor Fi g ure – En ti ties and in terfaces of a smart metering system Fi g ure – I EC 62056-7-5 LDTI in terface in the text of the smart m etering arch i tecture Fi g ure –Local data transm ission reference model Fi g ure – LDTI – the in terface to a pre-establ ished DLMS/COSEM LDTI cli ent Fi g ure – I nterface classes modelling th e pu sh operation Fi g ure – Example of a secu ri ty en vironmen t for an LDTI u sin g g lobal keys 20 Fi g ure – LDTI – operati ng in “l eg acy m ode” 21 Fi g ure A – Structure of th e optical in terface profi le 22 Fi g ure A – Structure of th e optical in terface – “operatin g in leg acy mode” – profile 24 Fi g ure B – Structure of th e TP wi th carri er sig n al lin g profile 25 Fi g ure B – Structure of th e TP wi th carri er sig n al lin g – “operatin g in l eg acy mode” – profil e 27 Fi g ure C – Stru ctu re of th e RS485/232 profil e 29 Fi g ure D – Stru ctu re of th e “M-Bus with H DLC based data link layer” profil e 31 Fi g ure E – Structure of th e I P profi le 33 Table – Featu res of commu nication profi les u sin g DLMS/COSEM com patible and leg acy protocol modes Table – Con formance block for the LDTI association Table – Con fi g uration of a LDTI operating in "leg acy m ode" 20 Table A – M andatory setu p attribu te val ues for an optical I EC 62056-21 in terface su pporti ng I EC 62056-5-3 23 Table A – M andatory setu p attribu te val ues for an optical I EC 62056-21 operati ng in th e “l eg acy m ode” 24 Table B – M andatory setu p attribu te val ues for a TP I EC 62056-3-1 su pporting I EC 62056-5-3 26 Table B – M andatory setu p attribu te val ues for a TP I EC 62056-3-1 operating in th e “leg acy mode” 28 Table C – M an datory setup attribu te val ues for an electrical RS485/232 I EC 6205621 in terface su pporti ng I EC 62056-5-3 30 –4– I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 Table D – M an datory setup attribu te valu es for an M-Bu s port with H DLC based data li nk layer 32 Table E – M andatory setu p attribu te val u es for an I P port 34 Table F – Con fi gu rati on example: one valu e pu shed every s vi a opti cal port 35 I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 –5– I NTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHN I CAL COMMI SSI ON ELECTRICITY METERING DATA EXCHANGE – THE DLMS/COSEM SUITE – Part 7-5: Local data transmission profiles for Local Networks (LN) FOREWORD ) Th e I n tern ati on al El ectrotech n i cal Com m i ssi on (I EC) i s a worl d wi d e org an i zati on for stan dard i zati on com pri si n g al l n ati on al el ectrotech n i cal com m i ttees (I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees) Th e obj ect of I EC i s to prom ote i n tern ati on al co-operati on on al l q u esti on s cern i n g stan d ard i zati on i n th e el ectri cal an d el ectron i c fi el ds To th i s en d an d i n ad di ti on to oth er acti vi ti es, I EC pu bl i sh es I n tern ati on al Stan d ards, Tech n i cal Speci fi cati on s, Tech n i cal Reports, Pu bl i cl y Avai l abl e Speci fi cati on s (PAS) an d G u i des (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Pu bl i cati on (s) ”) Th ei r preparati on i s en tru sted to tech n i cal com m i ttees; an y I EC N ati on al Com m i ttee i n terested i n th e su bj ect d eal t wi th m ay parti ci pate i n th i s preparatory work I n tern ati on al , g overn m en tal an d n on g overn m en tal org an i zati on s l i si n g wi th th e I EC al so parti ci pate i n th i s preparati on I EC col l aborates cl osel y wi th th e I n tern ati on al Org an i zati on for Stan d ard i zati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th d i ti on s d eterm i n ed by ag reem en t between th e two org an i zati on s 2) Th e form al d eci si on s or ag reem en ts of I EC on tech n i cal m atters express, as n earl y as possi bl e, an i n tern ati on al sen su s of opi n i on on th e rel evan t su bj ects si n ce each tech n i cal com m i ttee h as represen tati on from al l i n terested I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees 3) I EC Pu bl i cati on s h ave th e form of recom m en d ati on s for i n tern ati on al u se an d are accepted by I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees i n th at sen se Wh i l e al l reason abl e efforts are m ad e to en su re th at th e tech n i cal ten t of I EC Pu bl i cati on s i s accu rate, I EC can n ot be h el d respon si bl e for th e way i n wh i ch th ey are u sed or for an y m i si n terpretati on by an y en d u ser 4) I n ord er to prom ote i n tern ati on al u n i form i ty, I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees u n d ertake to appl y I EC Pu bl i cati on s tran sparen tl y to th e m axi m u m exten t possi bl e i n th ei r n ati on al an d reg i on al pu bl i cati on s An y d i verg en ce between an y I EC Pu bl i cati on an d th e correspon d i n g n ati on al or reg i on al pu bl i cati on sh al l be cl earl y i n di cated i n th e l atter 5) I EC i tsel f d oes n ot provi d e an y attestati on of form i ty I n d epen d en t certi fi cati on bodi es provi d e form i ty assessm en t servi ces an d , i n som e areas, access to I EC m arks of form i ty I EC i s n ot respon si bl e for an y servi ces carri ed ou t by i n d epen d en t certi fi cati on bodi es 6) Al l u sers sh ou l d en su re th at th ey h ave th e l atest edi ti on of th i s pu bl i cati on 7) N o l i abi l i ty sh al l attach to I EC or i ts d i rectors, em pl oyees, servan ts or ag en ts i n cl u d i n g i n d i vi du al experts an d m em bers of i ts tech n i cal com m i ttees an d I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees for an y person al i n j u ry, property d am ag e or oth er d am ag e of an y n atu re wh atsoever, wh eth er di rect or i n di rect, or for costs (i n cl u d i n g l eg al fees) an d expen ses ari si n g ou t of th e pu bl i cati on , u se of, or rel i an ce u pon , th i s I EC Pu bl i cati on or an y oth er I EC Pu bl i cati on s 8) Atten ti on i s d rawn to th e N orm ati ve referen ces ci ted i n th i s pu bl i cati on U se of th e referen ced pu bl i cati on s i s i n di spen sabl e for th e correct appl i cati on of th i s pu bl i cati on 9) Atten ti on i s d rawn to th e possi bi l i ty th at som e of th e el em en ts of th i s I EC Pu bl i cati on m ay be th e su bj ect of paten t ri g h ts I EC sh al l n ot be h el d respon si bl e for i d en ti fyi n g an y or al l su ch paten t ri g h ts Th e I n tern ati on al El ectrotech n i cal Com m i ssi on (I EC) d raws atten ti on to th e fact th at i t i s cl m ed th at com pl i an ce wi th th i s I n tern ati on al Stan dard m ay i n vol ve th e u se of a m n ten an ce servi ce cern i n g th e stack of protocol s on wh i ch th e presen t stan d ard I EC 62056-7-5 i s based Th e I EC takes n o posi ti on cern i n g th e evi d en ce, val i di ty an d scope of th i s m n ten an ce servi ce Th e provi d er of th e m n ten an ce servi ce h as assu red th e I EC th at h e i s wi l l i n g to provi d e servi ces u n d er reason abl e an d n on -di scri m i n atory term s an d d i ti on s for appl i can ts th rou g h ou t th e worl d I n th i s respect, th e statem en t of th e provi der of th e m n ten an ce servi ce i s reg i stered wi th th e I EC I n form ati on m ay be obtai n ed from : DLM S U ser Associ ati on Zu g /Swi tzerl an d www d l m s com I n tern ati onal Stan dard I EC 62056-7-5 has been prepared by tech ni cal commi ttee 3: El ectrical energ y m easu remen t an d trol –6– I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 The text of this standard is based on th e followi ng docu ments: CDV Report on voti n g 3/1 605/CDV 3/1 650/RVC Fu ll in form ation on the votin g for the approval of th is standard can be fou nd in the report on votin g i ndicated i n the above table Th is pu bl ication has been drafted i n accordance with th e I SO/I EC Di rectives, Part A l ist of all parts in the I EC 62056 series, pu blish ed u n der the g eneral title Electricity metering data exchange – The DLMS/COSEM suite, can be fou nd on the I EC website The com mittee has decided th at the ten ts of th is pu blicati on wi ll remain unchan ged un til th e stabi li ty date indicated on th e I EC web si te u nder "h ttp://webstore i ec ch " in th e data related to the specific pu bl ication At th is date, the publ ication will be • • • • recon firmed, wi thdrawn, replaced by a revised edition , or amended IMPORTANT – The 'colour inside' log o on the cover page of this publication indicates that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of its contents Users should therefore print this document using a colour printer I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 –7– I NTRODUCTI ON As defined i n I EC 62056-1 -0, the I EC 62056 DLM S/COSEM su i te provi des speci fic comm un ication profi le standards for comm un ication media relevan t for smart meteri ng Su ch commu nication profi le standards speci fy h ow th e COSEM data model an d th e DLMS/COSEM application layer can be u sed on the lower, commu n ication m edia-speci fic protocol layers Comm u n ication profile standards refer to comm u n ication standards th at are part of the I EC 62056 DLM S/COSEM sui te or to any other open com mu nicati on stan dard Th is I n ternati on al Standard specifies DLM S/COSEM commu nication profi les for transm i tti ng meterin g data m odel led by COSEM in terface objects throug h Local Data Transm ission I n terfaces (LDTI ) Th e LDTI may be part of a m eter or of a Local N etwork Access Point (LN AP) hosting a DLMS/COSEM server The speci fi cation of the comm un ication I EC 62056-5-3:201 6, Ann ex A profiles follows the ru les defi ned in A major dri ver for the i n trodu ction of smart meterin g is to provide the consu m er wi th su itable meterin g in formation to optimise his/h er energy consu mption and/or produ ction For that purpose, sm art m eters are equ i pped with local in terfaces providi ng m eterin g data for the consu mer on consu mer devices I EC 62056-21 and I EC 62056-3-1 are comm u nication standards th at speci fy direct local data exchan g e an d data exch ang e throu gh local networks They provide protocol modes that su pport the DLM S/COSEM application layer and thus the COSEM object model They also specify leg acy m odes that not support the DLM S/COSEM applicati on layer I n order to all ow connectin g leg acy consu mer equ ipmen t to th e LDTI , th is I n ternation al Standard also speci fies commu n icati on profiles using protocol modes that not support the DLM S/COSEM application layer I t i s assu med, however, th at i n all cases the m eterin g appl ication is m odelled by COSEM in terface objects I t is also assu med that the meter has in terfaces th at fu ll y su pport DLM S/COSEM and al low the fig u ration of th e local data transm issi on interface by a DLMS/COSEM cl ien t The requ irem en ts on the physical type of the i n terface, the ch oice of th e data transm itted and the transm i tti ng pattern hi g hl y depends on th e markets and projects the m eter is desi g ned for –8– I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 ELECTRICITY METERING DATA EXCHANGE – THE DLMS/COSEM SUITE – Part 7-5: Local data transmission profiles for Local Networks (LN) Scope Th is part of I EC 62056 speci fies DLM S/COSEM commu nication profi les for transm i tting meterin g data model led by COSEM in terface objects throug h a Local Data Transm issi on I n terface (LDTI ) The LDTI may be part of a meter or of a Local N etwork Access Poin t (LN AP) h osti ng a DLMS/COSEM server The m n body of th is standard speci fi es the common aspects of the di fferen t commu nicati on profil es for th e LDTI in terface The Ann exes specify the comm un ication protocol speci fic el ements The Annexes form an in teg ral part of this I n ternational Standard An nex A (normati ve) speci fies a comm u n ication profile u sin g the protocol speci fied in I EC 62056-21 Clause A specifies th e comm u n ication profile th at su pports the DLM S/COSEM application layer and Clau se A specifies the comm un icati on profi le u sing the leg acy Mode D The ph ysical interface is the optical i nterface speci fied in I EC 62056-21 :2002, An nex B (normative) specifies a comm u n ication profile u sin g the protocol speci fied in I EC 62056-3-1 Clau se B specifies the comm u n ication profil e that su pports the DLM S/COSEM appl ication l ayer and Clause B speci fies the commu n icati on profi le u sing the leg acy mode The physical in terface is twisted pair u sing carrier sign all ing known as the Eu ridis Bu s An nex C (normative) specifies a comm u nication profil e based on the DLM S/COSEM 3-layer, connection ori en ted H DLC based profi le speci fied in I EC 62056-7-6 The ph ysical in terface is RS 485 or TI A-232-F An nex D (normati ve) specifies a com mu nicati on profi le u sing the physical layer speci fi ed in EN 3757-2 and th e H DLC based data link l ayer speci fied in I EC 62056-46 The ph ysical in terface is twisted pair with baseband si gnalling An nex E (n ormati ve) species a commu nicati on profi le usi ng U DP/I P The physical l ayer is ou t of the scope of this I n tern ati onal Stan dard The commu nication profi les in Clauses A , B , and An nexes C, D and E su pport the DLM S/COSEM application l ayer An nex F (informati ve) speci fies an LDTI config u ration example An nex G (in formative) provides encodin g examples Addi tional comm un ication profil es for oth er media/com mu n ication protocols m ay be added in th e fu tu re Table shows the featu res of comm un ication profil es usi ng DLM S/COSEM compatible and leg acy protocol modes – 70 – I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 Annexe C (normative) Profil spécifique au support: EIA-485, interface TIA-232-F C.1 Port électrique RS485/232 Le présent Articl e fou rnit les in formations spécifiqu es au su pport en référence aux articles correspondan ts de la parti e pri nci pale (5.1 ) Informations relatives l'utilisation des normes spécifiant les couches inférieures La cou che liaison de don nées basée su r H DLC u tilise la couche ph ysiqu e de l'EI A-485 ou du TI A-232-F (5.2) Structure du profil Ce profi l est stru ctu ré com me représen té la Fi gu re C Processus d'application COSEM IEC 62056-6-1 , IEC 62056-6-2 Couche application DLMS/COSEM IEC 62056-5-3 Couche liaison de données basée sur HDLC Format de trame IEC 62056-46 de type EIA-485, TIA-232-F IEC Figure C.1 – Structure du profil RS485/232 (5.3) Utilisation des couches inférieures (5.3.2) Couche physique La cou che ph ysiqu e est défi ni e dans l ’EI A-485 ou le TI A-232-F (5.3.4) Couche liaison de données La cou che liaison de don nées est défin ie dans l 'I EC 62056-46 (8) Configuration et gestion de la couche de communication La LDTI su r le port RS232/485 est fig u rée par des instances des classes d'interfaces présen tées au Tableau C Le Tableau présen te ég al em en t l es val eu rs oblig atoires des attribu ts d’établissemen t pou r le su pport "Port électriqu e RS232/485" Les valeu rs des I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 – 71 – attribu ts non répertori ées doiven t être établies en fonction des exig ences spéci fiqu es au projet Tableau C.1 – Valeurs obligatoires d'attributs d’établissement pour une interface électrique RS485/232 IEC 62056-21 prenant en charge l'IEC 62056-5-3 Obj et Attributs Associ ati on LN , cl ass_i d : n om l og i q u e: 0-0: 40 e 255 a ou Associ ati on SN , cl ass_i d : I EC l ocal port setu p, cl ass_i d: n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 20 255 b d efau l t_m od e: (1 ) I EC H DLC setu p, cl ass_i d : 23 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 22 0 255 c Pu sh setu p, cl ass_i d: 40 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 25 255 d Sen d _desti n ati on _an d _m eth od Tran sport_servi ce: (5) - HDLC Desti n ati on : 0-b: 22 0 255 e M essag e_type: (0) - APDU xDLMS codée A-XDR Pu sh Si n g l e acti on sch ed u l e, cl ass_i d : 22 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 255 Pu sh scri pt tabl e, cl ass_i d : n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 0 08 255 a La val eu r d e "e" i d en ti fi e l e cl i en t DLM S/COSEM d e l a LDTI b La val eu r d e "b" i d en ti fi e l e port opti q u e I EC 62056-21 RS 485 / RS 232 ph ysi q u e c La val eu r d e "b" peu t i den ti fi er l e ou l es ports ph ysi q u es servi s par l ’ établ i ssem en t H DLC d La val eu r d e "b" i d en ti fi e u n e fi g u rati on "Pu sh setu p – LDTI " spéci fi q u e e La d esti n ati on ti en t l e n om l og i q u e d e l 'obj et "I EC H DLC setu p" correspon d an t Les n om s l og i qu es son t tel s q u e spéci fi és en de l 'I EC 62056-6-2: 201 – 72 – I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 Annexe D (normative) Profil spécifique au support: M-Bus EN 3757-2 D.1 M-Bus avec couche liaison de données basée sur HDLC Le présent Articl e fou rnit les in formations spécifiqu es au su pport en référence aux articles correspondan ts de la parti e pri nci pale (5.1 ) Informations relatives l'utilisation des normes spécifiant les couches inférieures Seu le l a cou che ph ysiqu e de l a n orme M-Bu s est u til isée La couche MAC de l'EN 3757-2 est rem pl acée par l a cou che H DLC formément l 'I EC 62056-46 (5.2) Structure du profil Ce profil est structuré comme représen té la Fig u re D Processus d'application COSEM IEC 62056-6-1 , IEC 62056-6-2 Couche application DLMS/COSEM IEC 62056-5-3 Couche liaison de données basée sur HDLC Format de trame IEC 62056-46 de type Couche physique M-Bus IEC 3757-2 IEC Figure D.1 – Structure du profil "M-Bus avec couche liaison de données basée sur HDLC" (5.3) Utilisation des couches inférieures (5.3.2) Couche physique La cou che ph ysiqu e est défini e dans l'EN 3757-2 La LDTI ag i t comme l e mtre M -Bus ou comm e u n M ini-Mtre (5.3.4) Couche liaison de données La cou che liaison de don nées est définie dans l 'I EC 62056-46:2002 (8) Configuration et gestion de la couche de communication I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 – 73 – La LDTI su r l e port M-Bu s est config urée par des instances des classes d'interfaces présen tées au Tableau D Le Tableau présente ég al emen t l es valeu rs obl ig atoires des attribu ts d’établissemen t pou r le su pport "M-Bu s avec couche liaison de données basée su r H DLC" Les val eu rs des attri bu ts non répertoriées doi ven t être établ ies en foncti on des exig ences spécifiques au projet Tableau D.1 – Valeurs obligatoires d'attributs d’établissement pour un port M-Bus avec couche liaison de données basée sur HDLC Obj et Attri bu ts Associ ati on LN , cl ass_i d : n om l og i q u e: 0-0: 40 e 255 a ou Associ ati on SN , cl ass_i d : M -Bu sm aster port setu p, cl ass_i d : 74 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 24 255 b I EC H DLC setu p, cl ass_i d : 23 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 22 0 255 c Pu sh setu p, cl ass_i d: 40 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 25 255 d Sen d _desti n ati on _an d _m eth od Tran sport_servi ce: (5) - HDLC Desti n ati on : 0-b: 22 0 255 e M essag e_type: (0) - APDU xDLMS codée A-XDR Pu sh Si n g l e acti on sch ed u l e, cl ass_i d : 22 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 255 Pu sh scri pt tabl e, cl ass_i d : n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 0 08 255 a La val eu r d e "e" i d en ti fi e l e cl i en t DLM S/COSEM d e l a LDTI b La val eu r d e "b" i d en ti fi e l e port M -Bu s ph ysi q u e c La val eu r d e "b" peu t i den ti fi er l e ou l es ports ph ysi q u es servi s par l ’ établ i ssem en t H DLC d La val eu r d e "b" i d en ti fi e u n e fi g u rati on "Pu sh setu p – LDTI " spéci fi q u e e La d esti n ati on ti en t l e n om l og i q u e d e l 'obj et "I EC H DLC setu p" correspon d an t Les n om s l og i qu es son t tel s qu e spéci fi és en de l 'I EC 62056-6-2: 201 – 74 – I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 Annexe E (normative) Profil IP E.1 Profil IP Le présen t Article fou rnit l es in formations spéci fiques I P en référence au x articles correspondan ts de la partie principale La LDTI basée su r I P est conforme au x spéci fications de l'I EC 62056-4-7 et de l'I EC 62056-9-7 (5.1 ) Informations relatives l'utilisation des normes spécifiant les couches inférieures Le profil I P décrit dans l es articles su ivan ts est i ndépendant du su pport ph ysi qu e Compte tenu de la natu re u n idirectionnell e de la LDTI , le protocol e de cou ch e de transport I nternet est U DP (5.2) Structure du profil Ce profil est stru ctu ré com me représen té la Fi gu re E Processus d'application COSEM IEC 62056-6-1 , IEC 62056-6-2 Couche application DLMS/COSEM IEC 62056-5-3 Couche de transport DLMS/COSEM pour réseaux IP IEC 62056-4-7 Internet UDP IP et couches inférieures IEC Figure E.1 – Structure du profil IP I Pv4 ou I Pv6 peu t être util isé dans ce profi l (5.3) Utilisation des couches inférieures La spécification de la couche inférieu re n e relève pas du dom aine d’application de ce profil (8) Configuration et gestion de la couche de communication La LDTI su r l e port I P est fig u rée par des i nstances de l'interface (voir le Tableau E ) Le Tableau présen te ég al em en t les valeu rs oblig atoires des attribu ts d’établissement pou r le profil I P Les valeurs des attribu ts n on répertori ées doivent être établi es en foncti on des exig ences spéci fiques au projet I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 – 75 – Ou tre les objets fig u ran t au Tableau E , d'au tres objets d’établ issemen t peu ven t être n écessaires en fonction du su pport ph ysiqu e Tableau E.1 – Valeurs obligatoires d'attributs d’établissement pour un port IP Objet Associ ati on LN , cl ass_i d : ou Attri buts n om l og i q u e: 0-0: 40 e 255 a Associ ati on SN , cl ass_i d : TCP-U DP setu p, cl ass_i d : 41 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: b I Pv4 setu p, cl ass_i d: 42 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 25 255 c ou ou I Pv6 setu p, cl ass_i d: 48 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 25 255 d M AC add ress setu p, cl ass_i d: 43 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 25 255 e Pu sh setu p, cl ass_i d: 40 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 25 255 f Sen d _desti n ati on _an d _m eth od Tran sport_servi ce: (1 ) - UDP M essag e_type: (0) - APDU xDLMS codée A-XDR Pu sh Si n g l e acti on sch ed u l e, cl ass_i d : 22 n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 255 Pu sh scri pt tabl e, cl ass_i d : n om l og i q u e: 0-b: 0 08 255 a La val eu r d e "e" i d en ti fi e l e cl i en t DLM S/COSEM d e l a LDTI b La val eu r d e "b" peu t i den ti fi er l e ou l es ports ph ysi q u es servi s par l ’ établ i ssem en t TCP-U DP c La val eu r d e "b" peu t i den ti fi er l e ou l es ports ph ysi q u es servi s par l ’ établ i ssem en t I Pv4 d La val eu r d e "b" peu t i den ti fi er l e ou l es ports ph ysi q u es servi s par l ’ établ i ssem en t I Pv6 e La val eu r d e "b" i d en ti fi e l e port I P ph ysi q u e f La val eu r d e "b" i d en ti fi e u n e fi g u rati on "Pu sh setu p – LDTI " spéci fi q u e Les n om s l og i qu es son t tel s qu e spéci fi és en de l 'I EC 62056-6-2: 201 – 76 – I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 Annexe F (informative) Exemples de configurations de LDTI F.1 • • Exemple : une seule valeur (énergie active A+) poussée Période de pou ssée: s (voir Tableau F ) ; I n terface: port optiqu e Tableau F.1 – Exemple de configuration: une valeur poussée toutes les s via le port optique Objet Valeur de l’ attribut Remarques I EC l ocal port setu p n om l og i q u e: 0-1 : 20 0 255 cl ass_i d : 9, versi on : d efau l t_m od e: I EC H DLC setu p n om l og i q u e: 0-1 : 22 0 255 cl ass_i d : 23, versi on : com m _speed : wi n d ow_si ze_tran sm i t: wi n d ow_si ze_recei ve: m ax_i n fo_l en g th _tran sm i t: 28 m ax_i n fo_l en g th _recei ve: 28 i n ter_octet_ti m e_ou t: 25 i n acti vi ty_ti m e_ou t: n on opérati on n el d evi ce_ad d ress: 0x7F d i ffu si on n om l og i q u e: 0-1 : 25 255 Pu sh setu p – LDTI cl ass_i d : 40, versi on : Cou ch e l i son d e d on n ées u ti l i san t H DLC 600 bau ds pu sh _obj ect_l i st { cl ass_i d : Reg i stre l og i cal _n am e: -1 : 255 A+, i n tég ral e de tem ps total e attri bu te_i n d ex: val eu r d ata_i n d ex: n on perti n en t tran sport_servi ce: H DLC d esti n ati on : 0-1 : 20 0 255 Port l ocal m essag e: APDU xDLM S cod ée A-XDR, com m u n i cati on _wi n d ow array(0) Pou ssée tou j ou rs possi bl e ran d om i sati on _start_i n terval pas d e d él n u m ber_of_retri es pas d e n ou vel l es ten tati ves repeti ti on _d el ay n on perti n en t } sen d _d esti n ati on _an d _m eth od { } I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 Objet Pu sh Si n g l e acti on sch ed ul e cl ass_i d : 22, versi on : – 77 – Valeur de l’attribut n om l og i q u e: 0-1 : 255 execu ted _scri pt [0-1 : 0 08 255 , ] type Remarques Tabl eau d e scri pts Pu sh , scri pt execu ti on _ti m e[ 0xFF, 0xFF, 00, Tem ps: s = 00 0xFFFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF Date: “n on spéci fi ée” 0xFF, 0xFF, 0, Tem ps: s = 0xFFFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF Date: “n on spéci fi ée” 0xFF, 0xFF, 20, Tem ps: s = 20 0xFFFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF Date: “n on spéci fi ée” 0xFF, 0xFF, 30, Tem ps: s = 30 0xFFFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF Date: “n on spéci fi ée” 0xFF, 0xFF, 40, Tem ps: s = 40 0xFFFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF Date: “n on spéci fi ée” 0xFF, 0xFF, 50, Tem ps: s = 50 0xFFFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF Date: “n on spéci fi ée” } Pu sh scri pt tabl e cl ass_i d: 9, versi on : n om l og i q u e: 0-1 : 0 08 255 – 78 – I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 Annexe G (informative) Exemples de codage LDTI G.1 APDU xDLMS utilisées (sans protection et sans transfert de bloc général) Les APDU su i van tes peu vent être consu l tées dans l'I EC 62056-5-3:201 6: data- notification [1 5] IMPLICIT Data- Notification, Data- Notification: : = SEQUENCE { long- invoke- id- and- priority Long- Invoke- Id- And-Priority, date- time OCTET STRING notification- body Notification- Body } Notification-Body: : = SEQUENCE { data- value Data } - - Use of Long- Invoke- Id- And- Priority - - invoke- id bits 0- 23 - - reserved bits 24- 27 - - self-descriptive bit 28 = Not- Self- Descriptive, –– = Self- Descriptive - - processing- option bit 29 = Continue on Error, -1 = Break on Error - - service- class bit 0 = Unconfirmed, = Confirmed - - priority bit = Normal, = High Long- Invoke- Id- And- Priority: : = G.2 Unsigned3 Exemple : Une seule valeur est poussée Pu sh Setu p: pu sh_object_l ist: array[1 ] Obj et COSEM Én erg i e acti ve (A+) class_Id Code OBIS -1 : 255 Attri but I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 – 79 – N oti fication de données Éléments de messag e Contenu LEN (octets) Data-N oti fi cati on 0F l on g -i n voke-i d-an d -pri ori ty 40000000 d ate-ti m e // u n e ch n e d’ octets d e l on g u eu r 00 n oti fi cati on -bod y stru ctu re 02 l on g u eu r 01 l on g -u n si g n ed 12 val eu r 1 22 Total 11 Tram e U I H DLC Éléments de messag e Contenu Tram e U I H DLC LEN (octets) I n d i cateu r 7E A01 03 0223 Com m an de (U I ) 13 H CS 922 Form at d e tram e Ad resse d e desti n ati on Ad resse sou rce a b I n form ati on s LLC E6E700 APDU 0F40000000000201 21 22 11 FCS AA30 I n d i cateu r 7E Total 26 a Ad resse d u cl i en t "Cl i en t LDTI " b Ad resse d u serveu r "Serveu r LDTI " G.3 Exemple 2: Le code OBIS et une seule valeur est poussée Pu sh Setu p: pu sh_object_l ist: array[2] Obj et COSEM class_Id Code OBIS Attri but Én erg i e acti ve (A+) -1 : 255 Én erg i e acti ve (A+) -1 : 255 – 80 – I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 N oti fication de données Élément de message Contenu LEN (octets) Data-N oti fi cati on 0F l on g -i n voke-i d -an d -pri ori ty 40000000 d ate-ti m e // u n e ch n e d’ octets d e l on g u eu r 00 n oti fi cati on -bod y stru ctu re 02 l on g u eu r 02 Attri bu t – n om l og i q u e (ch n e d e octets) octet-stri n g 09 l on g u eu r 06 val eu r 01 01 01 0800FF Attri bu t – val eu r l on g -u n si g n ed 12 val eu r 1 22 Total 19 Tram e U I H DLC Éléments de messag e Contenu Tram e U I H DLC LEN (octets) I n di cateu r 7E Form at d e tram e A021 Ad resse d e desti n ati on a 03 Ad resse sou rce b 0223 Com m an d e (U I ) 13 H CS C3C1 I n form ati on s LLC E6E700 APDU 0F40000000000202090601 01 01 0800FF1 21 22 20 FCS 47C9 I n di cateu r 7E Total a Ad resse d u cl i en t "Cl i en t LDTI " b Ad resse d u serveu r "Serveu r LDTI " 35 I EC 62056-7-5:201  I EC 201 – 81 – I ndex adaptateu r local , 49, 60 associati on préalabl em ent établie, 58 BLoc de conform i té, 57 bou cle de couran t électri qu e, 55 captu re_objects, 62 capture_period, 62 Classes d’interfaces d’établissemen t, 54 clés LDTI , 60, 61 Cli ent A DLMS/COSEM , 58 cli en t DLMS/COSEM de l a LDTI , 58 Con fig uration examples, 76 texte de sécu ri té, 60 Cou che de liaison de don nées H DLC, 55 DataN oti ficati on , 58, 60 EI A-485, 70 Encoding examples, 78 en viron nement de la sécu rité, 60 Equi pem ent g rand pu bl ic, 60 équ ipemen ts g ran d pu bli c héri tés, 47 Fournisseu r de service, 60 H DLC based data li nk layer, 55 I P, 55 I P Profile, 74 LDTI , 48 LN AP, 48 Local adaptor, 50 Long appl ication messag es, 58 M -Bu s EN 3757-2, 72 m odes héri tés, 47 Objet, 60 Objet Push setu p – LDTI , 60 Objet Secu rity setu p – LDTI , 60 Optical I n terface, 63 Optique, 55 pai re torsadée électrique, 55 processu s d'application, 54, 58 profil spéci fiqu e au support, 53 sou s-cou che LLC, 55 sou s-cou che M AC, 55 station primaire/de comm an de, 55 station primaire/de comm an de H DLC, 55, 56 su pport ph ysiqu e, 55 TI A-232-F interface, 70 Ti tre-système, 52 TP wi th carrier sig nal li ng I n terface, 66 xDLM S services, 57 _ INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:43
