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Iec 60335 2 36 2017

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I E C 60335-2 -36 ® Edition 6.0 201 7-04 I N TE R N ATI ON AL STAN DAR D colour i n si de H o u seh o l d an d si m i l ar el ectri cal appl i an ces – Safety – Part -36 : Parti cu l ar req u i rem en ts for co m m erci al el ectri c co oki n g ran g es, IEC 60335-2-36:201 7-04(en) o ven s, h obs an d h o b el em en ts TH I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P Y R I G H T P R O T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , Sw i t z e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab o u t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca t i o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal o g u e - websto re i ec ch /catal o g u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s search - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectro ped i a o rg The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l o ssary - std i ec ch /g l o ssary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i sh ed - websto re i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C Cu stom er Servi ce Cen tre - websto re i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C 60335-2 -36 ® Edition 6.0 201 7-04 I N TE R N ATI ON AL STAN DAR D colour i n si de H ou seh ol d an d si m i l ar el ectri cal appl i an ces – Safety – Part -36 : Parti cu l ar req u i rem en ts for com m erci al el ectri c co oki n g ran g es, o ven s, h o bs an d h o b el em en ts INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 97.040.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-41 69-1 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th a t yo u o btai n ed th i s pu bl i c ati o n fro m an au th ori zed d i stri bu to r ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I NTRODUCTI ON Scope N orm ati ve references Term s and defi n i ti ons General requ irem en t 1 General conditions for th e tests 1 Classificati on Markin g and instructi ons Protecti on ag nst access to li ve parts Startin g of m otor-operated appl i ances Power i n pu t and cu rrent 1 H eatin g Void Leakag e cu rrent an d el ectric stren gth at operating tem perature Transient overvoltages Moistu re resistance Leakag e cu rrent an d el ectric stren gth 20 Overload protecti on of transform ers an d associ ated circu its 22 Endurance 22 Abn orm al operati on 22 20 Stabili ty and m ech an ical hazards 24 21 Mech an ical stren gth 25 22 Constru ction 26 23 I n tern al wi ri n g 27 24 Com pon en ts 27 25 Suppl y conn ecti on and extern al fl exi bl e cords 28 26 Term inals for external condu ctors 28 27 Provisi on for earthi n g 28 28 Screws an d conn ections 28 29 Clearances, creepag e distances an d sol id i nsu lati on 29 30 Resistance to h eat an d fi re 29 31 Resistance to rusti ng 30 32 Radiation , toxicity an d si m ilar h azards 30 Ann exes 32 Ann ex N (n orm ati ve) Proof trackin g test 33 Ann ex P (inform ati ve) G u idance for the appl ication of th is stan dard to appl iances used i n tropical cl im ates 34 Bibl i ograph y 35 Fig u re 01 – I dentification of surfaces for tem perature m easurem en t 31 Fig u re 02 – Probe for m easuri ng surface tem peratures 31 I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 –3– Fi gu re 03 – Spl ash apparatus 31 Fig u re 04 – Concavity of disc 32 Tabl e 01 – M axim um tem perature rises for speci fied extern al accessibl e su rfaces un der n orm al operatin g diti ons Tabl e 02 – Assem bl i ng torqu es for screwed conn ecti ons providin g earth i n g conti nu ity 29 –4– I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 I NTERNATI ON AL ELECTROTECH NI CAL COMMI SSI ON HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES – SAFETY – Part 2-36: Particular requirements for commercial electric cooking ranges, ovens, hobs and hob elements FOREWORD ) Th e I n ternati on al El ectrotechn i cal Com m i ssi on (I EC) i s a worl d wi d e org an i zati on for stan dardi zati on com pri si n g al l n ati on al el ectrotech ni cal com m i ttees (I EC N ati onal Com m i ttees) The obj ect of I EC i s to prom ote i n ternati on al co-operati on on al l q uesti on s concern i n g stand ardi zati on i n th e el ectri cal an d el ectron i c fi el ds To thi s en d and i n addi ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu bl i sh es I n ternati on al Stan dards, Tech n i cal Speci fi cati ons, Tech ni cal Reports, Pu bl i cl y Avai l abl e Speci fi cati ons (PAS) an d Gu i des (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publ i cati on (s) ”) Th ei r preparati on i s entrusted to tech ni cal com m i ttees; an y I EC N ati onal Com m i ttee i n terested i n th e su bj ect deal t wi th m ay parti ci pate i n th i s preparatory work I nternati on al , g overn m ental an d n on g overn m ental org an i zati ons l i si n g wi th th e I EC al so parti ci pate i n thi s preparati on I EC col l aborates cl osel y wi th th e I n tern ati onal Org an i zati on for Stan d ardi zati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th di ti on s determ i ned by ag reem en t between th e two org an i zati on s 2) Th e form al deci si on s or ag reem en ts of I EC on tech ni cal m atters express, as n earl y as possi bl e, an i nternati on al sen su s of opi ni on on th e rel evant su bj ects si n ce each tech ni cal com m i ttee h as representati on from al l i n terested I EC N ati on al Com m ittees 3) I EC Pu bl i cati ons h ave th e form of recom m endati on s for i ntern ati on al u se an d are accepted by I EC N ati onal Com m i ttees i n th at sense Whi l e al l reasonabl e efforts are m ade to ensure th at th e tech n i cal content of I EC Publ i cati on s i s accu rate, I EC can n ot be h el d respon si bl e for th e way i n wh i ch th ey are used or for an y m i si nterpretati on by an y en d u ser 4) I n order to prom ote i n tern ati onal u ni form i ty, I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees un d ertake to appl y I EC Pu bl i cati on s transparentl y to the m axi m um extent possi bl e i n th ei r nati on al an d reg i on al publ i cati ons An y d i verg ence between an y I EC Pu bl i cati on an d the correspon di ng nati on al or reg i on al pu bl i cati on sh al l be cl earl y i n di cated i n the l atter 5) I EC i tsel f d oes n ot provi de an y attestati on of form i ty I n depend ent certi fi cati on bodi es provi de form i ty assessm ent servi ces an d, i n som e areas, access to I EC m arks of form i ty I EC i s not respon si bl e for an y servi ces carri ed out by i n d epen den t certi fi cati on bodi es 6) Al l u sers sh ou l d en su re th at th ey h ave the l atest edi ti on of th i s publ i cati on 7) N o l i abi l i ty shal l attach to I EC or i ts di rectors, em pl oyees, servan ts or ag ents i ncl u di n g i n di vi du al experts an d m em bers of i ts tech n i cal com m i ttees and I EC Nati on al Com m i ttees for any person al i n j u ry, property d am ag e or other dam ag e of any n atu re wh atsoever, wheth er di rect or i n di rect, or for costs (i ncl ud i ng l eg al fees) an d expenses ari si ng out of th e pu bl i cati on, u se of, or rel i an ce upon, th i s I EC P ubl i cati on or an y oth er I EC Publ i cati ons 8) Atten ti on i s drawn to th e N orm ati ve references ci ted i n th i s publ i cati on U se of the referen ced pu bl i cati ons i s i n di spensabl e for th e correct appl i cati on of th i s publ i cati on 9) Atten ti on i s drawn to th e possi bi l i ty th at som e of th e el em en ts of th i s I EC Pu bl i cati on m ay be th e su bj ect of paten t ri g hts I EC sh al l n ot be h el d responsi bl e for i denti fyi ng an y or al l such paten t ri g h ts This part of I n tern ati onal Stan dard I EC 60335 has been prepared by I EC tech nical com m ittee 61 : Safety of h ouseh old an d sim i l ar electrical appl iances This sixth edition cancels and replaces th e fi fth edition pu bl ish ed i n 2002 i ncl udi n g its Am en dm ent (2004) and its Am en dm en t (2008) I t constitu tes a techn ical revisi on The princi ple ch ang es i n th is edition as com pared wi th th e fifth edition of I EC 60335-2-36 are as fol l ows (m in or ch an g es are n ot listed) : • statin g som e wordin g in the scope m ore precisel y; • additi on of a m easu rem ent m eth od for pans i n the defi n iti on for normal operation ; • new defi n iti ons on the topic surface tem perature; • deleti on of th e paragraph wi th th e warn in g for dan g erous voltag es (alread y covered by Part ) ; I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 –5– • additi on of h ot su rface sym bol I EC 6041 7-5041 ; • additi on of instructi ons and m arkin gs on hot su rfaces and other topics; • additi on of requ irem ents, m easu rin g m ethods and threshol ds for different m aterials on h ot surfaces; • m odificati on on leakag e current defi ni n g th e val u e for appl iances wi th a power consum pti on less th an kW; • m odificati on on th e m easurem en t m eth od for i ndu ction h eatin g sou rces in abnorm al operati on; • additi on of a requ irem ent for the constructi on of stati onary appl iances with rol lers or castors; • m odificati on on som e poi nts concern i n g perm anen t n ection to fixed wiring ; • additi on of specific requ irem ents concern in g types of screws to be used for el ectrical n ections an d necti ons for earth tin u ity; • additi on of a fi g ure showi ng th e surfaces to be m easured; • addition of a fig ure showi ng th e probe for m easuri ng su rface tem peratu res; • addition of a fig ure showi ng th e disc for th e pan detecti on on in du ction heatin g sou rces; • addition of i nform ati ve Ann ex P deali n g with l eakag e currents for appliances used i n tropical cl im ates The text of th is Stan dard is based on the fol lowi n g docum en ts: FDI S Report on voti n g 61 /5327/FDI S 61 /5383/RVD Fu l l i nform ati on on th e voting for th e approval of th is I n tern ati onal Stan dard can be fou n d in th e report on voti n g i ndicated i n th e above table This docum en t h as been drafted i n accordance wi th th e I SO/I EC Directi ves, Part A l ist of all parts of th e I EC 60335 series, u nder the g en eral ti tl e: Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety, can be fou nd on th e I EC website This part is to be u sed in conj unction wi th the l atest edi tion of I EC 60335-1 an d its am endm ents I t was establish ed on th e basis of th e fifth editi on (201 0) of th at standard NOTE When “Part ” i s m enti on ed i n thi s standard, i t refers to I EC 60335-1 This part supplem ents or m odifies th e correspon din g clauses in I EC 60335-1 , so as to vert th at pu bl ication i nto th e I EC standard: Safety requ irem ents for com m ercial electric cooki n g rang es, ovens, h obs an d h ob elem en ts When a particu l ar su bcl ause of Part is n ot m enti on ed in th is part 2, th at subcl ause applies as far as is reason abl e When th is stan dard states "additi on ", "m odificati on " or "repl acem ent", th e rel evant text i n Part is to be adapted accordi ng l y NOTE The fol l owi n g n um beri n g system i s used: – subcl auses, tabl es an d fi g u res th at are nu m bered starti n g from 01 are addi ti on al to those i n Part ; – un l ess n otes are i n a n ew su bcl au se or i n vol ve n otes i n Part , th ey are nu m bered starti n g from 01 , i n cl u di n g th ose i n a repl aced cl ause or su bcl au se; – addi ti on al an nexes are l ettered AA, BB, etc NOTE Th e fol l owi n g pri nt types are u sed: – requ irem ents: i n rom an type; –6– – – I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 test specifications: in italic type; n otes: i n sm al l rom an type Words in bold i n th e text are defined i n Cl ause When a defi n iti on of Part concerns an adj ective, th e adj ecti ve and th e associ ated n ou n are also in bol d The com m ittee h as decided that th e ten ts of th is docu m en t wil l rem n u nch ang ed u n til the stabili ty date i ndicated on th e I EC website un der "http://webstore iec ch " i n th e data rel ated to th e specific docum ent At th is date, the docu m en t wil l be • reconfi rm ed, • withdrawn , • replaced by a revised edi ti on, or • am ended NOTE Th e attenti on of Nati on al Com m i ttees i s drawn to th e fact th at equ i pm ent m an ufactu rers an d testi n g org an i zati on s m ay need a tran si ti on al peri od fol l owi n g pu bl i cati on of a n ew, am en ded or revi sed I EC pu bl i cati on i n wh i ch to m ake prod u cts i n accord an ce wi th the n ew requ i rem en ts and to eq ui p th em sel ves for conducti n g n ew or revi sed tests I t i s the recom m endati on of the com m i ttee th at th e ten t of thi s publ i cati on be adopted for i m pl em entati on nati on al l y n ot earl i er th an m onths from th e d ate of publ i cati on IMPORTANT – The 'colour inside' logo on the cover page of this publication indicates that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of its contents Users should therefore print this document using a colour printer I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 –7– I NTRODUCTI ON I t has been assu m ed i n th e drafti n g of th is I nternation al Stan dard that the execu tion of i ts provisi ons is entru sted to appropriatel y qu al ified and experi enced persons This stan dard recog ni zes the in tern ati onal l y accepted l evel of protection ag ainst h azards su ch as electrical , m ech an ical, th erm al, fire an d radiati on of appl i ances wh en operated as i n norm al use taki ng in to accou nt th e m an ufacturer's i nstructions I t also covers abn orm al situ ati ons th at can be expected in practice and takes in to accou nt th e way i n wh ich electrom agn etic ph enom en a can affect th e safe operati on of appliances This stan dard takes in to accou n t th e requ irem en ts of I EC 60364 as far as possibl e so th at th ere is com pati bi li ty wi th the wi ri n g ru l es wh en th e appl i ance is nected to the su ppl y m ains H owever, nation al wirin g ru l es m ay differ I f an appl i ance wi th in th e scope of th is stan dard also incorporates fu ncti ons th at are covered by an other part of I EC 60335, th e rel evan t part is appl i ed to each fu nction separatel y, as far as is reasonabl e I f appl icabl e, th e i nfl u ence of on e functi on on the oth er is taken i nto accou nt This stan dard is a product fam il y stan dard deali ng wi th the safety of appli ances and takes precedence over h ori zontal an d g eneric standards coverin g th e sam e su bj ect NOTE H ori zontal and g en eri c stan dards coveri n g a h azard are n ot appl i cabl e si n ce th ey have been taken i n to si derati on wh en devel opi ng th e g eneral an d parti cu l ar req ui rem ents for the I EC 60335 seri es of standards For exam pl e, i n th e case of tem perature requ i rem ents for su rfaces on m any appl i an ces, g en eri c stan dards, su ch as I SO 3732-1 for h ot surfaces, are not appl i cabl e i n ad di ti on to Part or part stan dards An appli ance th at com pl i es with th e text of th is stan dard wi ll n ot n ecessari l y be consi dered to com pl y wi th th e safety pri nci pl es of th e standard if, wh en exam in ed an d tested, i t is foun d to have oth er features th at i m pair the level of safety covered by these requ irem ents An appli ance em pl oyi n g m aterials or havin g form s of construction differin g from those detai l ed in th e requ irem ents of th is stan dard m ay be exam ined an d tested accordi ng to th e in ten t of th e requ irem ents and, if fou nd to be su bstantiall y equ i val ent, m ay be considered to com pl y wi th th e stan dard –8– I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES – SAFETY – Part 2-36: Particular requirements for commercial electric cooking ranges, ovens, hobs and hob elements Scope This cl ause of Part is repl aced by th e fol l owi n g This I n tern ati onal Stan dard deals wi th th e safety of electrical l y operated com m ercial cooking and baking ranges , ovens, hobs , hob elements and sim il ar appl i ances not in ten ded for househ ol d and sim il ar u se, th eir rated voltag e bei n g not m ore th an 250 V for si n gl e-phase appl iances conn ected between on e ph ase and neutral and 480 V for oth er appliances NOTE 01 These appl i an ces are used for th e com m erci al processi n g of food, for exam pl e i n ki tchen s of restau rants, canteens, h ospi tal s an d i n com m erci al enterpri ses su ch as bakeri es, butcheri es, etc The electrical part of appliances m aking u se of other form s of energ y is also with i n the scope of th is stan dard As far as is practicabl e, th is stan dard deals with th e com m on hazards presented by these types of appliances NOTE 02 Attenti on i s d rawn to th e fact th at – For appl i ances i ntended to be used i n veh i cl es or on board sh i ps or rcraft, addi ti onal requ i rem ents m ay be necessary; – I n m any coun tri es ad di ti on al req u i rem en ts are speci fi ed by the nati on al h eal th au thori ti es, the n ati on al au th ori ti es respon si bl e for th e protecti on of l abou r, th e n ati on al water suppl y auth ori ti es an d si m i l ar au th ori ti es NOTE 03 Th i s stand ard does not appl y to – appl i an ces d esi g n ed excl u si vel y for i n d ustri al pu rposes; – appl i an ces i n ten ded to be u sed i n l ocati ons wh ere speci al di ti ons prevai l , su ch as the presence of a corrosi ve or expl osi ve atm osph ere (d ust, vapou r or g as) ; – appl i an ces for conti n uou s m ass prod ucti on of food; – steam cookers, forced and steam vecti on oven s (I EC 60335-2-42) ; – h ot cupboards (I EC 60335-2-49) ; – m i crowave ovens (I E C 60335-2-90) Normative references This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows Addition: I EC 60584-1 , Thermocouples – Part 1: EMF specifications and tolerances ISO 185, Grey cast irons – Classifications ISO 898-1 , Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel – Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs with specified property classes – Coarse thread and fine pitch thread ISO 3506-1 , Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners – Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs – 24 – I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 9.1 01 Appl iances incorporatin g induction heating sources shal l be constructed so th at th e risk of fire, m echan ical hazard or el ectric sh ock is obvi ated as far as is practicable i n th e even t of incorrect operati on or th e devel opm ent of defects in trol devices or circu it com pon ents Compliance is checked by applying any form of operation or any defect in the relevant circuits that may be expected in normal use while the appliance is operated under conditions of normal operation at rated voltage or at the upper limit of the rated voltage range Only one fault condition is reproduced at a time, the tests being made consecutively NOTE E xam pl es of fau l t cond i ti on s are: – drop-out of contactors an d of el ectrom ag n eti c com ponents; – fai l u re of m otors to start; – drop i n vol tag e su ppl y, re-appearan ce of th e vol tag e, vol tag e i n terru pti on s of u p to 0, s; – fau l t cond i ti on s speci fi ed i n 1 as appl i cabl e Exam i nati on of th e appl i ance and i ts ci rcui t di ag ram s wi l l g en eral l y sh ow th e fau l t di ti ons to be si m u l ated 20 Stability and mechanical hazards This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows 20.1 01 Appl i ances oth er th an appl iances i ntended to be fixed to th e fl oor sh all have adequ ate stabi li ty wh en the doors are open an d subj ected to a load Compliance is checked by the following tests Doors having a horizontal hinge at their lower edge are opened and a weight is gently placed on the surface of the door so that its centre of gravity is vertically over the geometric centre of the door The contact area of the weight is such as will cause no damage to the door, and its mass is for appliances normally used on a floor: • for oven doors: 23 kg or such higher value as, according to the manufacturer's cooking instructions, can be placed in the oven; • for other doors: kg; – for appliances normally used on a table or similar support and provided with doors having a horizontal hinge at their lower edge and a projection of at least 225 mm from the hinge to the opening edge: • kg or such higher value as, according to the manufacturer's cooking instructions, can be placed in the oven – Doors, except those where the lower level of the oven is above a hob, having a vertical hinge are opened through an angle of 90°, and a downward force of 140 N is then applied gently to the top of the door at the extremity furthest from the hinge This test is repeated with the door opened as far as possible, but not through an angle of more than 180° During these tests, the appliance shall not tilt For the weight, a sandbag may be used For appliances provided with more than one door, the tests are made on each door separately I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 – 25 – For non-rectangular doors, the force is applied to that point furthest from the hinge where such a force might be exerted in normal use Damage to, and deformation of, doors and hinges are neglected 21 Mechanical strength This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows 21 01 Sh el ves shal l be constructed so th at th ey not fal l away from th e sh elf su pports either wh en i nsi de th e oven or extended ou t by 50 % of their depth They shal l not ti p wh en extended ou t by 50 % Compliance is checked by the following test Load a cake tin or similar container, having an area of 75 % of that of the shelf, with evenly distributed weights of mass totalled 40 kg for each square meter of tin area Insert a shelf, with the loaded tin centrally disposed, on the supports provided in the oven Move the shelf as far as possible to the left, leave for and then withdraw it Re-insert the shelf and move it to the extreme right, leave it for and again withdraw it During this test the shelf shall not fall away from the support The test is then repeated with the shelf extended out by 50 % of its depth Then apply an additional force of 10 N vertically downward on the centre of the exposed front edge of the shelf During this test the shelf shall not tip NOTE A sm al l an g l e of d efl ecti on i s al l owed 21 02 Hob surfaces of gl ass-ceram ic or sim ilar m aterial sh all withstan d th e stresses l iabl e to occur i n n orm al use Compliance is checked by the following test Heating sources beneath a surface of glass-ceramic or similar material are operated in accordance with the conditions of Clause 11 until steady conditions are established After switching off, the hob surface is immediately subjected to the following test: A vessel having a copper or aluminium base that is flat over a diameter of 220 mm ± 10 mm with edges rounded with a radius of at least 10 mm is uniformly filled with sand or shot so that the total mass is kg The vessel is dropped flat from a height of 150 mm onto the surface The test is carried out 10 times on any part of the hob surface but not within 20 mm of control knobs The heating sources are then again operated in accordance with the conditions of Clause 11 until steady conditions are established Immediately after switching off, a quantity of +0,10 I of cold water at 15 °C ± °C is then poured steadily over a period of over the surface; 15 later all excess water is removed The appliance is then allowed to cool to approximately ambient temperature An additional quantity of +0,10 I of cold water is then again poured steadily over a period of over the surface – 26 – I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 Fifteen minutes later all excess water is removed and the surface wiped dry After the tests the surface shall not be cracked or broken and the appliance shall withstand the test of 16.3 22 Construction This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows 22.54 N ot applicable 22.55 N ot applicable 22.1 01 For three-ph ase appli ances, thermal cut-outs protecti n g ci rcu its with h eati ng elem en ts oth er th an th ose for hob elements , an d those for m otors of whi ch th e u nexpected startin g m ay cause a h azard, sh all be of th e n on -self-resetti n g and trip-free type, and sh all provi de all-pole disconnection from rel ated suppl y circu its For si n g le-phase appl ian ces and for si n g le-phase h eati ng elem en ts an d/or m otors nected between on e phase and n eu tral or between ph ase an d ph ase, thermal cut-outs protectin g circui ts wi th heati n g el em ents oth er th an th ose for hob elements , an d those for m otors of wh ich th e un expected starti ng m ay cause a h azard, shal l be of th e non -self-resetti n g an d tri p-free type, and shal l provide at l east one-pole discon n ecti on If th e non-self-resetting thermal cut-out is on l y accessi ble after rem ovin g parts with th e d of a tool , th e trip-free type is n ot requ ired NOTE Thermal cut-outs of the tri p-free type h ave an au tom ati c acti on , wi th a reset actu ati n g m em ber, so stru cted th at th e autom ati c acti on i s i n d epend ent of m an i pul ati on or posi ti on of th e reset m ech ani sm Thermal cut-outs of th e bu l b and capi ll ary type th at operate during th e tests of Cl ause shal l be such that ru pture of th e capill ary tu be shall n ot im pair com pli an ce wi th th e requ irem ents of Compliance is checked by inspection, by manual test and by rupturing the capillary tube Care shall be taken to ensure that the rupture does not seal the capillary tube 22.1 02 Lig h ts, swi tch es or push-bu ttons sh all on l y be coloured red for the i n dication of dan ger, alarm or sim i lar situ ati ons Compliance is checked by inspection 22.1 03 H in g ed l ids sh al l be protected agai nst acci dental fal li ng Compliance is checked by inspection and manual test 22.1 04 Detachable hob elements an d their su pports sh all be constru cted so that the hob elements are prevented from rotatin g about a vertical axis and are adequ atel y su pported i n all possi ble positi ons of adj ustm ent of the su pports Hi n g ed hob elements shal l be protected ag ainst accidental dropping Th i s requirem en t does not appl y to h i ng ed hob elements that can be open ed throu gh an an g le of at l east 00° I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 – 27 – Compliance is checked by applying a force of 20 N in the least favourable position and direction to the raised hob element The hob element shall not rotate or fall back to its operating position 22.1 05 I n addition to th e position of trol knobs, if an y, induction heating sources sh al l have adequ ate visu al or au di bl e warni n g th at th e trol is i n th e "ON " position Compliance is checked by inspection 22.1 06 Appl iances incorporatin g induction heating sources shal l be constructed so th at th e power i n put of th ese sources is lim ited to a valu e of 20 % of the m arked or decl ared power i npu t Compliance is checked by inspection and measurement 22.1 07 Portable appliances sh all not have open i ngs on the u n dersi de th at wou ld al low sm all i tem s to penetrate an d touch live parts Compliance is checked by inspection and by measuring the distance between the supporting surface and live parts through openings This distance shall be at least mm However, if the appliance is fitted with legs, this distance is increased to 10 mm if the appliance is intended to stand on the table and to 20 mm if it is intended to stand on the floor 22.1 08 Hob elements wi th induction heating sources shal l be constructed so that the hob element does n ot operate wh en onl y a sm all m etal obj ect is pl aced on the cooking zone Compliance is checked by the following test A disc of low carbon sheet steel 1,5 mm thick and having a diameter of 50 mm is placed flat in the most unfavourable position on the cooking zone The controls are at their highest setting The temperature rise of the disc shall not exceed 35 K 22.1 09 I n appl iances in corporatin g a pan detector , a sig n al l am p shall i ndicate wh en th e trol for th e hob element is not swi tched to th e off position Compliance is checked by inspection 23 Internal wiring This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows 23.3 Addition: When the capillary tube of a thermostat is fitted as part of the internal wiring where flexing occurs in normal use, Part applies In this case if a rupture of the capillary tube occurs the appliance shall be rendered inoperative (fail-safe) Other capillary tubes of thermostats where flexing occurs in normal use are subjected to 000 flexings at a rate not exceeding 30/min In this case the capillary tube shall show no sign of damage impairing the thermostat’s further use 24 Components This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows – 28 – I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 24.1 Modification: – energy regulators • for automatic action 100 000 for manual action 10 000 • – self-resetting thermal cut-outs • • for radiant heating elements of glass-ceramic hobs for other heating elements 100 000 10 000 25 Suppl y connection and external flexible cords This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as follows 25.1 Addition: Appl iances sh al l not be provided wi th an appl iance i n let 25.3 Addition: Appl iances with a m ass greater th an 40 kg, in ten ded for perm an ent necti on to fixed wirin g an d n ot provided with rollers, castors or sim il ar m eans sh all be constructed so th at the n ecti on can be don e after th e appl i ance h as been i nstal l ed in accordance with th e m anufacturer's instructi ons 25.7 Modification: Supply cords shal l be oi l-resistan t, sh eath ed cords Their properti es sh all be at l east th ose of ordi n ary pol ych l oroprene sh eathed cords (code desig n ation 60245 I EC 57) 26 Terminals for external conductors This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e 27 Provision for earthing This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows 27.2 Addition: Stationary appliances shal l be provided wi th a term in al for th e n ection of an extern al equ i poten ti al ductor This term in al sh al l be i n effecti ve electrical contact wi th all fixed exposed m etal parts of the appl i ance, an d shal l al low the conn ecti on of a ductor h aving a nom i nal cross-section al area of u p to m m ² I t shal l be l ocated i n a positi on ven ien t for th e n ecti on of th e bon d i n g d u ctor after i n stal l ati on of th e appl i an ce NOTE 01 Sm al l fi xed exposed m etal parts, for exam pl e n am epl ates and th e l i ke, are n ot req u i red to be i n el ectri cal contact wi th th e term i nal 28 Screws and connections This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 – 29 – 28.1 Addition: Screws m ade of carbon steel and al l oy steel sh al l be m ade i n accordance wi th I SO 898-1 Screws m ade of corrosi on-resistant stainless-steel sh al l be m ade i n accordance wi th ISO 3506-1 , or I SO 3506-2, or I SO 3506-3, or I SO 3506-4 28.4 Addition: Screws that m ake m echan ical n ecti ons an d electrical conn ections sh all be so desi gn ed th at the contact pressure does n ot ch an g e appreciabl y throug h loosen i ng of th e screwed assem bl y parts during operation al stress an d contact corrosion Screws that m ake m echan ical nections an d provi de earth in g tinu i ty sh all be so desig ned that the tact pressure does n ot ch an g e appreci abl y throu g h loosen in g of the screwed assem bl y parts du e to operati onal stress an d contact corrosion They sh all be desig ned so that a m in im um tact pressure rem ains Compliance is checked by inspection and by measuring the assembling torques for screwed connections providing earthing continuity by applying a torque as specified in Table 102 to turn the screw in the fastening direction The screw shall not turn The screw shall not have been unfastened prior to performing this test Table 02 – Assembling torques for screwed connections providing earthing continuity Outer thread diameter of the screw mm > 2,8 and ≤ 3,6 > 3, and ≤ 4,2 > 4,2 and ≤ 5,3 > 5, and ≤ 6,3 M8 M 10 Assembling torque Nm Screwed connections for the mechanical strength of the screws A2-70 according to ISO 3506-1, or ISO 3506-2, or ISO 3506-3, or ISO 3506-4 and 5.8 according to ISO 898-1 0, 1,9 3, 6, 15,0 31,0 Screwed connections for the mechanical strength of the screws > 8.8 according to ISO 898-1 1,3 3,0 6,0 10, 25, 50, 29 Clearances, creepage distances and solid insulation This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows 29.2 Addition: The m icroen vironm en t is poll u tion degree an d th e i nsu l ation shal l h ave a com parative tracki ng in dex (CTI ) n ot l ess th an 250, u n l ess the i nsu l ation is encl osed or l ocated so th at i t is un l ikel y to be exposed to pol lu tion durin g n orm al u se of th e appl iance 30 Resistance to heat and fire This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows 30.2.1 Modification: – 30 – I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 The glow-wire test is carried out at 650 °C The glow-wire flammability index (GWFI) according to IEC 60695-2-12 shall be at least 650 °C 30.2.2 Not applicable 30.1 01 Fi l ters, if an y, of n on-m etal lic m ateri als i ntended for th e absorpti on of grease are subj ected to th e burni n g test specifi ed i n I SO 9772 for categ ory H BF m aterial , if relevan t, or shall be classifi ed at l east H B40 accordin g to I EC 60695-1 -1 0, except that the th ickness of th e specim en is the sam e as that i n th e appli ance NOTE I t m ay be n ecessary to su pport the speci m en Compliance is checked by the tests of ISO 9772 or IEC 60695-11-10 31 Resistance to rusting This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards This cl ause of Part is appl icabl e Key A functional surface B adjacent surface I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 – 31 – C extern al accessible surface Figure 01 – Identification of surfaces for temperature measurement Key A adh esi ve B therm ocou pl e wi res 0, m m di am eter to I EC 60584-1 Type K (ch rom e al um el ) C h an dl e arran g em ent perm i tti n g a tact force of N ± N D pol ycarbon ate tu be: i n si de di am eter m m , ou tsi de di am eter m m E ti nn ed copper di sc: m m di am eter, 0, m m th i ck wi th fl at tact face Figure 02 – Probe for measuring surface temperatures Dimensions in millimetres ∅2 50 A 60 ∅ 25 ° 10 ∅ 35 IEC 2717/02 Key A bowl Figure 03 – Splash apparatus – 32 – I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 Dimensions in millimetres (uncertainty ± 0,5 mm) Key C m axi m um concavi ty d di am eter of th e fl at area of the base Figure 04 – Concavity of disc Annexes The an n exes of Part are appl icabl e except as fol l ows I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 – 33 – Annex N (normative) Proof tracking test 0.1 Addition: If appropriate the proof tracking voltage is 250 V – 34 – I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 Annex P (informative) Guidance for the application of this standard to appliances used in tropical climates Leakage current and electric strength at operating temperature 3.2 Modification: Instead of the permissible leakage current for stationary class I appliances, the following applies: for cord and plug connected appliances – for other appliances – 0,5 mA or 0,5 mA per kW rated power input of the appliance with a maximum of mA 0,5 mA or 0,5 mA per kW rated power input of the appliance with no maximum For portable class I appliances, instead of the permissible leakage current, the following applies: – for cord and plug connected appliances 0,5 mA or 0,5 mA per kW rated power input of the appliance with a maximum of mA, whichever is higher Leakage current and electric strength 6.2 Modification: Instead of the permissible leakage current for stationary class I appliances, the following applies: for cord and plug connected appliances – for other appliances – 0,5 mA or 0,5 mA per kW rated power input of the appliance with a maximum of mA 0,5 mA or 0,5 mA per kW rated power input of the appliance with no maximum For portable class I appliances, instead of the permissible leakage current, the following applies: – for cord and plug connected appliances 0,5 mA or 0,5 mA per kW rated power input of the appliance with a maximum of mA, whichever is higher I EC 60335-2-36:201 © I EC 201 – 35 – Bibliograph y The bibl iograph y of Part is appl icabl e except as fol lows Addition: IEC 60335-2-42, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-42: Particular requirements for commercial electric forced convection ovens, steam cookers and steam-convection ovens IEC 60335-2-49, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-49: Particular requirements for commercial electric hot cupboards IEC 60335-2-90, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-90: Particular requirements for commercial microwave ovens _ INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 10:36

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