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I E C 60 8 4-2 -5 ® I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD P l u g s an d s ocke t-ou tl e ts for h ou s e h ol d an d s i m i l ar pu rpos es – IEC 60884-2-5:201 7-05(en) P art -5: Parti cu l ar req u i rem en ts for ad aptors Edition 2.0 201 7-05 T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S wi tz e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about I EC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local I EC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab ou t th e I E C The I nternational Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes I nternational Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal og u e - webstore i ec ch /catal og u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l os sary - s td i ec ch /g l oss ary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i s h ed - webstore i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u stom er S ervi ce C en tre - webstore i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C 60 8 4-2 -5 ® Edition 2.0 201 7-05 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD P l u g s an d s ocke t-ou tl e ts for h ou s eh ol d an d s i m i l ar pu rpos es – P art -5: Parti cu l ar req u i re m e n ts for ad aptors INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 29.1 20.30 ISBN 978-2-8322-4275-9 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th a t you ob tai n ed th i s p u b l i cati on from an au th ori zed d i stri b u tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD Scope Norm ative references Definitions General requirem ents General remarks on tests Ratings Classification Marking 9 Checking of dim ensions 1 Protection against electric shock 1 Provision for earthing 1 Termi nal s and terminations 1 Construction of fixed socket-outlets 1 Construction of adaptors 1 I nterlocked socket-outlet parts of adaptors Resistance to ageing, protection provided by enclosures, and resistance to hum idity I nsulation resistance and electric strength Operation of earthing contacts Temperature rise 20 Breaking capacity 21 Norm al operation 22 Force necessary to withdraw the plug 20 23 Flexible cables and their connection 22 24 Mechanical strength 24 25 Resistance to heat 25 26 Screws, current-carrying parts and connections 25 27 Creepage distances, clearances and distances through sealing compound 25 28 Resistance of insulating m aterial to abnorm al heat, to fire and to tracking 26 29 Resistance to rusting 26 30 Additional tests on pins provided with insulating sleeves 26 Annex A (normative) Safety-related routine tests for factory-wired portable accessories (protection against electric shock and correct polarity) 27 Annex B (normative) Survey of specimens needed for tests 28 Annex C (inform ative) Alternative gripping tests 29 Annex D (norm ative) Switches incorporated in adaptors 31 Annex E (informative) Changes planned for the future in order to align I EC 60884-1 with the requirem ents of I EC 60228, I EC 60998 and I EC 60999 32 Annex AA (normative) Travel adaptors 33 Annex BB (informative) Exam ples of adaptors 41 Bibliograph y 43 I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 –3– Figure AA – World plug types 35 Table 01 – N om inal cross-sectional areas of flexible copper conductors for the tem perature-rise test Table – Maxim um and m inim um withdrawal force for plug and socket-outlet parts of adaptors 22 –4– I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 INTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMISSI ON P L U G S AN D S O C KE T -O U T L E T S F O R H O U S E H O L D AN D S I M I L AR P U RP O S E S – P a rt -5 : P a rti c u l a r re q u i re m e n ts fo r a d a p to rs FOREWORD ) The I nternati on al Electrotechni cal Comm ission (I EC) is a worl d wid e organization for stan dardization com prisin g all n ation al el ectrotechnical comm ittees (I EC National Comm ittees) The object of I EC is to prom ote internati onal co-operation on all questions concerni ng stand ardi zati on in the el ectrical an d electronic fields To this end and in additi on to other acti vities, I EC publish es I nternational Stan dards, Techn ical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicl y Avail abl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Gu ides (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publication(s)”) Thei r preparation is entrusted to technical comm ittees; any I EC National Comm ittee interested in the subj ect dealt with m ay partici pate in this preparatory work I nternational, governm ental an d n on governm ental organ izations l iaising with th e I EC also participate i n this preparation I EC collaborates closel y with the I ntern ational Organi zation for Stand ardization (I SO) in accordance with ditions determ ined by agreem ent between th e two organi zati ons 2) The form al decisions or ag reem ents of I EC on tech nical m atters express, as n early as possible, an i nternati onal consensus of opi nion on the rel evant subjects since each technical com m ittee has representati on from all interested I EC N ational Com m ittees 3) I EC Publications have the form of recomm endations for intern ational use an d are accepted by I EC National Com m ittees in that sense While all reasonable efforts are m ade to ensure that the tech nical content of I EC Publications is accu rate, I EC cann ot be h eld responsi ble for th e way in which th ey are used or for an y m isinterpretation by an y en d u ser 4) I n order to prom ote intern ational u niform ity, I EC National Com m ittees und ertake to apply I EC Publications transparentl y to the m axim um extent possible i n their national an d regi on al publicati ons Any d ivergence between an y I EC Publication and the correspondi ng national or regi on al publicati on sh all be clearl y in dicated in the latter 5) I EC itself d oes n ot provi de an y attestation of conform ity I n depend ent certificati on bodies provi de conform ity assessm ent services and, in som e areas, access to I EC m arks of conform ity I EC is not responsi ble for any services carri ed out by ind ependent certification bodi es 6) All users shou ld ensure that th ey h ave the l atest editi on of thi s publicati on 7) No liability shall attach to I EC or its directors, em ployees, servants or ag ents inclu din g in divi dual experts an d m em bers of its technical com m ittees and I EC Nati on al Com m ittees for any person al i njury, property d am age or other dam age of any nature whatsoever, wheth er di rect or indirect, or for costs (includ i ng leg al fees) and expenses arisi ng out of the publ ication, use of, or relian ce upon, this I EC Publicati on or any other I EC Publications 8) Attention is drawn to th e N orm ative references cited in th is publ ication Use of the referenced publ ications is indispensable for the correct applicati on of this publication 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that som e of the elem ents of this I EC Publication m ay be the su bject of patent rig hts I EC shall not be held responsibl e for identifyi ng any or all such patent ri ghts I nternational Standard I EC 60884-2-5 has been prepared by subcom mittee 23B: Plugs, socket-outlets and switches, of I EC technical comm ittee 23: Electrical accessories This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 995 This edition constitutes a technical revision This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) a general alignment with I EC 60884-1 : 2002, Amendm ent : 2006 and Amendm ent 2: 201 3; b) new and m odified definitions; c) requirem ents for travel adaptors, for adaptors with additional functions and for adaptors with a cable outlet; d) requirements for adaptors with incorporated overcurrent protective devices; e) requirement to warn against inserting an adaptor into another adaptor; I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 –5– f) new requirements for the construction and shape of the adaptors The text of this I nternational Standard is based on the following docum ents: FDI S Report on votin g 23B/1 242/FDI S 23B/1 246/RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of this I nternational Standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This docum ent has been drafted in accordance with the I SO/I EC Directives, Part This Part 2-5 shall be used in conjunction with I EC 60884-1 I t was established on the basis of the third edition of I EC 60884-1 (2002) and of its Am endments (2006) and (201 3) This Part 2-5 supplem ents or m odifies the corresponding clauses in I EC 60884-1 , so as to convert that publication into the I EC Standard: Particular requirements for adaptors Where this Part 2-5 states "addition“, "m odification“ or "replacement“, the relevant requirem ent, test specifications or explanatory matter in Part shall be adapted accordingl y Subclauses, figures, tables or notes which are additional to those in Part are num bered starting from 01 Additional annexes are lettered starting from AA A list of all parts in the I EC 60884 series, published under the general title Plugs and socketoutlets for household and similar purposes , can be found on the I EC website The com mittee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC website under "http://webstore iec.ch" in the data related to the specific document at this date, the docum ent will be • • • • reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or am ended A bilingual version of this publication m ay be issued at a later date –6– I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 P L U G S AN D S O C KE T -O U T L E T S F O R H O U S E H O L D AN D S I M I L AR P U RP O S E S – P a rt -5 : P a rti c u l a r re q u i re m e n ts fo r a d a p to rs S cop e Replacement: This part of I EC 60884 applies to adaptors for a.c onl y with or without earthing contact, with a rated voltage greater than 50 V but not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 32 A, intended for household and sim ilar purposes, either indoors or outdoors This document also applies to travel adaptors (see Annex AA) For travel adaptors the scope is limited to a voltage rating greater than 50 V but not exceeding 250 V and to a current rating not exceeding 20 A Travel adaptors allowing the sim ultaneous connection of two or m ore plugs are not covered by this docum ent NOTE I n th e foll owi ng coun tries the use of non-sh uttered adaptors is not allowed: BE, CN, DK, ES, FR, I T, N O, M Y, PT, SE, SG , U K, ZA NOTE I n the followin g coun tries ad aptors havi ng I P classes bel ow I PX4 shall be provi ded with shutters: FI NOTE I n the followin g coun tries fused adaptors are not al l owed: ZA NOTE I n the followin g coun tries rewi rable extern al flexibl e cables conn ected to adaptors are not all owed: ZA NOTE I n the followin g cou ntries, travel adaptors shal l not be used for chargi ng electrical vehicles: CH, SE This docum ent covers the requirem ents for adaptors with additional functions, however the additional function itself is not covered by this standard NOTE Exam ples of additi onal fu nctions are el ectronic power supply un its, dimm ers, timers, protection d evices, infrared switches This document does not appl y to adaptors incorporating connectors according to I EC 60320 (all parts) Adaptors com pl ying with this docum ent are suitable for use at am bient tem peratures not normall y exceeding +40 °C, but their average over a period of 24 h does not exceed +35 °C, with a lower lim it of the am bient air tem perature of –5 °C NOTE Tests for tem peratures below norm al range are un d er consi deration N o rm a t i ve re fe re n c e s This clause of Part is applicable except as follows: Addition: IEC 601 27-2, Miniature fuses – Part 2: Cartridge fuse-links IEC 601 27-3, Miniature fuses – Part 3: Sub-miniature fuse-links I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 –7– IEC 60269-3, Low-voltage fuses – Part 3: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household or similar applications) – Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to F IEC 60884-1 : 2002, Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes – Part 1: General requirements IEC 60884-1 : 2002/AMD1 : 2006 IEC 60884-1 : 2002/AMD 2: 201 3 Defi ni ti ons This clause of Part is applicable except as follows: Replacement of NOTE 3: NOTE Th e term "accessory" is used as a g en eral term covering pl ugs, socket-outlets and ad aptors; th e term "portabl e accessory" covers pl ugs, portabl e socket-outlets an d ad aptors Addition: NOTE 01 The term "adaptor" is used as a general term coveri ng all types of ad aptors except where reference is m ade to on e particul ar type 25 Replacement: rated vol tag e value of voltage assigned to the accessory by the manufacturer 26 Replacement: rated cu rren t value of current assigned to the accessory by the manufacturer Addition: 01 ad aptor portable accessory constructed as an integral unit incorporating one plug part and one or more socket-outlet parts, with or without integrated additional functions, allowing the connection of one or more plugs to a socket-outlet, both the socket-outlet and the plugs belonging to the same national system Note to entry: Exam ples of national system s are listed in I EC TR 60083 02 fu sed ad aptor adaptor incorporating a replaceable fuse link in one or m ore current-carrying poles Note to entry: Fuses of fused ad aptors are not i nten ded to protect appl iances or parts of them against overload 03 pol arized ad aptor adaptor constructed so that, when inserted in a socket-outlet installed in a polarized wiring installation, the correct relationship between the neutral and the line pole or poles is maintained 04 sin gl e-way ad aptor adaptor with one socket-outlet part allowing the connection of one plug –8– I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 05 mu lti-way adaptor adaptor with m ore than one socket-outlet part allowing the sim ultaneous connection of two or more plugs 06 travel adaptor portable accessory, intended for temporary use, allowing the connection of one or more plug type(s) of different national system s to a socket-outlet that is not designed to accept such plugs Note to entry: A travel ad aptor is n ot n ecessaril y an i nteg ral unit an d it can i nclud e integrated additi onal functions Note to entry: Exam ples of national system s are listed in I EC TR 60083 07 travel adaptor with movabl e pi n s travel adaptor where plug pins m ay slide in and out, rotate or fold in an y direction, so that they are not permanentl y fixed but have means to be locked in position for norm al use 08 in termedi ate ad aptor adaptor allowing the connection of one or m ore plugs to a socket-outlet via a control device such as a dimm er, photo-electric switch, etc., which is connected to the adaptor by an external flexible cable 09 rewi rabl e i n term ed i ate ad aptor interm ediate adaptor constructed in such a way that the external flexible cable can be replaced 1 non -rewi rabl e in term ed i ate ad aptor intermediate adaptor constructed in such a way that it form s a com plete unit with the external flexible cable after connection and assem bl y by the m anufacturer of the adaptor Note to entry: See also 1 ad aptor with cabl e ou tl et adaptor which may be rewirable or non-rewirable, and constructed in such a way that it allows the connection of an external flexible cable through a cable outlet 1 rated power power value assigned to the accessory by the m anufacturer General req ui rements This clause of Part is applicable General remarks on tests This clause of Part is applicable except as follows: – 32 – I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 An n e x E (informative) C h a n g e s p l a n n e d fo r th e fu t u re i n o rd e r to a l i g n I E C 8 - re q u i re m e n ts o f I E C 2 , I E C 9 a n d I E C 9 This annex of Part is applicable Addition: w i th t h e I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 – 33 – Annex AA (normative) Travel adaptors Annex AA includes specific requirements for travel adaptors as defined in the main part of this docum ent For som e travel adaptor designs, which allow the connection of a plug to a socket-outlet of a different national system, it m ay be necessary to deviate from som e of the requirem ents in the main part of this docum ent and in particular to some of the dim ensions in the national standard sheets Annex AA supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses of the main part of this docum ent Where this annex states "addition“, "m odification“ or "replacem ent“, the relevant requirement, test specifications or explanatory m atter in the m ain part shall be adapted accordingl y Scope This clause of the m ain part is applicable: N ormati ve references This clause of the m ain part is applicable Definiti ons This clause of the m ain part is applicable General req uirements This clause of the m ain part is applicable General remarks on tests This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: A dditio n a fte r th e NOTE: Un le ss o th e rwis e s ta te d, a ll te sts s h a ll b e p e rform e d for a ll p oss ib le co m b in a tion s o f p lug pa rts a n d so cke t- outle t p a rts a s de cla re d b y th e m a n ufa cture r A ll te sts sh a ll a ls o b e p e rform e d fo r a ll p ossib le workin g p osition s of m ova b le p in s, if a n y For th e te s ts of Cla us e s 9, 20 a n d 21 th e n um b e r of sp e cim e n s a n d te sts m a y b e re duce d s ide rin g th e dim e n s io n s of th e p lugs to b e in se rte d a n d th e ir te d curre n t a ss urin g th a t th e m ost o n e rous ca s e s a re cove re d fo r e a ch se p a te se t o f co n ta cts , if a n y Wh e re th e tra ve l a da p to r a cce p ts roun d a n d fla t p lug p in s , te s te d a t le a s t o n e of e a ch typ e sh a ll b e – 34 – I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 Ratings This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: 6.1 02 Re p la ce m e n t: 6.1 02 The rated current of the travel adaptor shall be the lowest value of the following: – the lowest rated current of the plug type(s) of the plug part; or – the highest rated current of the plug type(s) which can be inserted into the travel adaptors; or – the rated current of the incorporated overcurrent protective device, if an y Classification This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: 7.2.2 D e le te th e da s h e d te xt a ) Marking This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: A dditio n : 8.1 01 Additional requirements for travel adaptors NOTE I n the followin g country, the instructions for use shall inclu de that travel adaptors shal l not be used for charg ing electrical vehicles: SE The m anufacturer shall indicate on the travel adaptor and/or in the documentation accom pan ying the travel adaptor that the travel adaptor is for tem porary use onl y and that it shall not be used permanentl y The m anufacturer shall indicate on the travel adaptor and/or in the docum entation accompan ying the travel adaptor the types of plugs and socket-outlets according to Figure AA and the countries in which it is intended to be used I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 – 35 – Type H Type A IEC IEC Type B Type I IEC IEC Type C Type J IEC IEC Type D Type K IEC IEC Type L Type E IEC IEC Type F Type M IEC IEC Type G Type N IEC IEC Figure AA.1 – World plug types Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d b y in s p e ctio n o f th e docum e n ta tio n a n d of th e de s ign o f th e tra ve l a da p tor Checking of dimensions This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: 9.1 Re p la ce m e n t o f th e firs t p a gra p h : For travel adaptors the plug part and the socket-outlet part shall comply with the national specifications and standard sheets of the countries for which the manufacturer declares compatibility – 36 – I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 For travel adaptors allowing the connection of plugs of different national system s or insertion into different national system s the following deviations m ay be allowed if safety is not impaired: – overlapping entry holes on the socket-outlet part, – plugs combining different national standards on the plug part, – outer bod y dimensions NOTE sheets See also for ad dition al inform ation about devi ations from the dim ensions specified in the stan dard NOTE I n th e foll owi ng cou ntries travel adaptors with deviations from the n ation al specifications and stan dard sheets are all owed: CH, ES, FR, ZA NOTE I n the followin g coun tries restrictions to the overl apping entry h oles are appl ied: AU, CN, DK, I T, MY NOTE I n th e fol l owi ng cou ntries travel adaptors with deviations from the n ation al specifications and stan dard sheets are not allowed: CA A dditio n a fte r th e first p a gra p h : Travel adaptors allowing tem porary connection of a plug with a socket-outlet having a higher voltage rating are allowed, provided that the m anufacturer gives inform ation for the safe use directl y on the travel adaptor, for exam ple “DOES NOT CON VERT VOLTAGE” Protecti on agai nst el ectri c shock This clause of the m ain part is applicable, except as follows: 1 Re p la ce m e n t o f th e s e d p a gra p h a n d NOTE: Live parts shall not be accessi bl e when the plug part of a travel adaptor is in partial or complete engagem ent with a socket-outl et NOTE I n the fol lowing cou ntries this requ irem ent does not apply when the plug part of the travel adaptor is parti all y en gaged: CA, DK, J P, US Re p la ce m e n t of th e sixth p a gra p h : For tra ve l a da p tors , th e te st fin ge r is a p p lie d in e ve ry p oss ib le p os itio n wh e n th e tra ve l a da p tor is in p a rtia l o r co m p le te e n ga ge m e n t with a so cke t- outle t A dditio n : NOTE 01 I n th e followin g countri es the use of a shutter as the onl y m eans to prevent sing le-pole i nserti on is not allowed: AT, CA, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI , NL, NO, PT, SE, UK, US Re p la ce m e n t of th e first p a gra p h : I t shall not be possible to m ake contact between a pin of a plug and a live socket contact of a travel adaptor or between a pin of a travel adaptor and a live socket contact of a socketoutlet whilst an y other current carrying pin is accessibl e 1 Provi si on for earthi n g This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: A dditio n : I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 – 37 – 1 01 For earthed configurations, it shall not be possible to engage the current-carrying pins of the travel adaptor in a socket-outlet without the corresponding earth becoming engaged Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d b y in s p e ctio n a n d e le ctrica l te st Th e te st s h a ll b e p e rform e d with th e tra ve l a da p tor p in s in a ll p ossib le p os ition s Terminals and terminations This clause of the m ain part is applicable Construction of fixed socket-outlets This clause of the m ain part is applicable Construction of travel adaptors This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: 4.1 Re p la ce m e n t: The socket-outlet part of a travel adaptor m ay have one or m ore socket-outlet type(s), but it shall accommodate onl y one plug at a time Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d b y in s p e ctio n The socket-outlet part(s) of travel adaptors shall be provided with shutters Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d b y in s p e ctio n For travel adaptors com prising several parts, the use of the travel adaptor shall remain safe for all combinations of parts NOTE An exam ple of a travel adaptor com prising several parts is one where th e socket-outl et part can be attached to several detachable plug parts and vice versa Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d b y in s p e ctio n a n d a p p lyin g a ll th e te sts to e a ch diffe re n t co m b in a tio n Live parts of an y detachable plug part, when not attached to the relevant socket-outlet part of the travel adaptor, shall not be accessible when inserted into the relevant socket-outlet Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d by in s p e ction s a n d, in ca se of doub t, a ccordin g to IEC 61 032 with a fo rce n o t e xce e din g N, by a p p lyin g te s t p ro b e in e ve ry p o ss ib le p o sitio n , 13 with th e p lug p a rt in full e n ga ge m e n t with a socke t-o utle t Th e te s t p ro b e sh a ll n o t touch live p a rts The plug part of a travel adaptor may have one or several plug type(s), but onl y one plug can be electricall y connected at a tim e There shall be no electrical connection between different pin com binations, if an y, when one of them is read y for use This shall additional l y be tested with the pin combinations (use and unused, if an y) in intermediate positions – 38 – Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d b y a p p lyin g th e eve ry p oss ib le p os ition , I EC 60884-2-5: 201 sta n da rd te st fin ge r, te st p rob e B  I EC 201 o f IEC 61 032, in a n e le ctrica l in dica to r with a vo lta ge b e twe e n V a n d 50 V b e in g use d to sh ow co n ta ct with th e re le va n t p a rts Re p la ce m e n t: Travel adaptors shall not have an y socket-outlet part which perm its the insertion of a plug with current rating exceeding , 25 times the lowest rated current of the plug types(s) of the plug part of the travel adaptor, unless the travel adaptor is provided with an overcurrent protective device rated less than or equal to the rated current of the plug part Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d b y in s p e ctio n I n t e rl o c ke d s o c ke t - o u t l e t s Re p la ce m e n t of th e h e a din g o f Cla us e b y th e fo llo win g: I n t e rl o c ke d s o c ke t - o u t l e t p a rt s o f a d a p t o rs This clause of the m ain part is applicable Re s i s t a n c e t o a g e i n g , p ro t e c t i o n p ro vi d e d b y e n c l o s u re s , a n d re s i s t a n c e t o h u m i d i ty This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: A dditio n b e fo re th e la s t p a gra p h : Fo r tra ve l a da p tors with m ova b le p in s or sp e cim e n s s h a ll b e s ub je cte d to a te st with wh ich h a ve been s e le cte d for th e de ta ch a b le p lug a n d/o r 300 cycle s o f co m p le te te s ts o f Cla use 9, 20 a n d 21 s ocke t-o utle t or of th e a n d/or socke t-o utle t p a rts I n s u l a t i o n re s i s t a n c e a n d e l e c t ri c s t re n g t h This clause of the m ain part is applicable O p e t i o n o f e a rt h i n g c o n t a c t s This clause of the m ain part is applicable T e m p e t u re ri s e This clause of the m ain part is applicable 20 p a rts, a ll m o ve m e n ts o f th e p in s B re a ki n g c a p a c i t y This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: Re p la ce m e n t of th e p a gra p h a fte r "Re p la ce m e n t of th e n in th p a gra p h ": de ta ch a b le p lug I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 – 39 – Th e te s t volta ge s h a ll b e , tim e s th e te d vo lta ge o f th e p lug p a rt a n d th e te st curre n t sh a ll be , 25 tim e s th e curre n t wh ich is th e lo we st b e twe e n th e te d curre n t o f th e p lug th a t ca n b e in se rte d in th e s ocke t-o utle t p a rt a n d th e te d curre n t o f th e p lug p a rt of th e tra ve l a da p tor A dditio n : If m ore th a n o n e typ e o f p lug ca n be e n ga ge d in to th e s ocke t- o utle t p a rt, th is te s t sh a ll b e pe rform e d for th e typ e s o f p lugs o n n e w a dditio n a l se ts o f s p e cim e n s (o n e se t o f sp e cim e n s for e a ch typ e of p lug) , ch ose n a cco rdin g to , p re vio us ly sub m itte d to th e te st o f , and sub s e que n tly sub m itte d to th e te sts o f Cla us e 21 In a dditio n to th e a b o ve te sts, a n a dditio n a l s e t o f sp e cim e n s is re quire d to b e te s te d with a ll typ e s o f p lugs Ea ch p lug is in s e rte d a n d with dra wn from th e so cke t-o utle t 50 tim e s (1 00 stroke s) divide d b y th e n um b e r o f p lugs wh ich m a y b e in s e rte d in th a t so cke t- o utle t p a rt Th a t se t o f s p e cim e n s sh a ll a lso be p re vio usly s ub m itte d to th e te s t of , a n d sub s e que n tly sub m itte d to th e te sts of Cla use 21 21 N ormal operation This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: Replacement of the two paragraphs after NOTE : ”: Re p la ce m e n t of th e p a gra p h a fte r “ Th e s p e cim e n s a re te ste d a t th e te d volta ge o f th e p lug p a rt, in a circuit with cosφ = 0, ± de vice , curre n t 0, 05, with a n a lte rn a tin g curre n t a s follows: – for tra ve l a da p tors with out b e in g th e curre n t wh ich in se rte d in th e in co rp o te d is th e socke t-o utle t ove rcurre n t lo we s t b e twe e n p a rt and th e p ro te ctive th e te d curre n t o f th e te d curre n t o f th e p lug th e te st p lug th a t ca n p a rt o f th e be tra ve l a da p tor, – for tra ve l a da p tors with in corp o te d ove rcurre n t p ro te ctive de vice , th e te st curre n t b e in g th e te d curre n t of th e p rote ctive de vice b ut n ot h igh e r th a n th e lo we st b e twe e n th e te d curre n t of th e p lug th a t ca n b e in s e rte d in th e s ocke t- outle t p a rt a n d th e te d curre n t of th e p lug p a rt of th e tra ve l a da p tor A dditio n : For th e ea ch a dditio n a l s e t o f sp e cim e n s wh ich p lug is in s e rte d and with dra wn fro m wa s te ste d in th e Cla us e so cke t- outle t 20 with 000 a ll typ e s of p lugs, tim e s (1 000 divide d b y th e n um b e r o f p lugs wh ich m a y b e in se rte d in th a t socke t- outle t p a rt 22 Force n ecessary to withdraw the plug This clause of the m ain part is applicable 23 Fl exible cables and their nection This clause of the m ain part is applicable 24 M echanical stren gth This clause of the m ain part is applicable except as follows: 24 A dditio n : stroke s) – 40 – For tra ve l a da p tors with m o va b le p in s, I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 th e te st s h a ll b e re p e a te d o n a n e w s e t o f s p e cim e n s fo r e a ch p lug typ e 25 Resistance to heat This clause of the m ain part is applicable 26 Screws, current-carrying parts and connections This clause of the m ain part is applicable 27 Creepage distances, clearances and distances through sealing compound This clause of the m ain part is applicable 28 Resistance of insulating material to abnormal heat, to fire and to tracking This clause of the m ain part is applicable 29 Resistance to rusting This clause of the m ain part is applicable 30 Additional tests on pins provided with insulating sleeves This clause of the m ain part is applicable I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 – 41 – Annex BB (informative) Examples of adaptors 10 11 1 Adaptors with add ition al functi on IEC Single-way ad aptor IEC Multi -way ad aptor IEC Adaptor with cabl e outl et IEC – 42 – I EC 60884-2-5: 201 Non -rewi rable interm edi ate ad aptor IEC Travel adaptor IEC  I EC 201 I EC 60884-2-5: 201  I EC 201 – 43 – Bibliography The Bibliograph y of part is applicable except as follows: Addition: I EC 60038, IEC standard voltages I EC TR 60083, Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use standardized in member countries of IEC EN 50075, Flat non-rewirable two-pole plugs, 2, A 250 V, with cord, for the connection of class II-equipment for household and similar purposes _ I N TE RN ATI O N AL E LE CTRO TE CH N I CAL CO M M I S S I O N 3, ru e d e Va re m bé P O B ox CH -1 1 G e n e va S wi tze rl a n d Te l : + 41 F a x: + 22 91 02 1 22 91 03 00 i n fo @i e c ch www i e c ch

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