156 Table 5 2 Key Scenarios Features (Cont ) Indicators SC1 BAU SC2 Energy SC3 Food SC4 Water SC5 EFW Nexus SC6 – EFW Nexus with Low Carbon 4 Food security Agricultural production heavily relies on cu[.]
156 Table 5-2: Key Scenarios Features (Cont.) Indicators SC6 – EFW Nexus with SC1-BAU SC2-Energy SC3-Food SC4- Water SC5-EFW Nexus - Agricultural production - Follow the current trends - Increase output and food - Follow the current trends - Increase output and food - Increase output and food Low Carbon heavily relies on current productivity of food- productivity of food- productivity of food- resource-use, water over- processing processing processing extraction, low technology - Mechanisation increases in - Mechanisation increases in - Mechanisation increases in applications supply food chain supply food chain supply food chain - Increase the mechanisation -Create more output value -Create more output value rate in farming of paddy, through water and energy through water and energy sugarcane & other crops development development (corns, taro) to improve Food security crop’s productivity - Mechanisation rate will be up to 95% in the plough, 80% in the harvest The correspondent output ($) will increase by 14.2% in 2030 - Increase productivity of Food Processing by 9% p.a - Increase in food import - Increase in food import and - Lower the food import due - Increase in food import and - Lower the food import due - Lower the food import due and valuable food products valuable food products to rising agro-food production valuable food products to rising agro-food production to rising agro-food production under the foundation of under the foundation of development in water and development in water and energy sectors energy sectors 4.1 Food Import-Dependency - Expected to rise in future 4.2 Food Affordability - Domestic food is expected - Domestic food is expected years due to inappropriate increasing food production to be cheap due to high to be cheap due to high approach in food and mechanisation water-uses and resource-uses water-uses and resource-uses - Benefit from water-saving - Benefit from water-saving policies and energy supply policies and energy supply production - Follow the current trends - Lower the food value by - Follow the current trends