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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10360-10 First edition 01 6-04-1 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 0: Laser trackers for measuring point-topoint distances Spécification géométrique des produits (GPS) — Essais de réception et de vérification périodique des systèmes mesurer tridimensionnels (SMT) — Partie 10: Laser de poursuite pour mesurer les distances de point point Reference number ISO 03 60-1 0: 01 6(E) © ISO 01 ISO 10360-10:2016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise speci fied, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester ISO copyright office Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Symbols 5 Rated operating conditions 6 Environmental conditions Operating conditions Acceptance tests and reverification tests 6.1 General 6.2 Probing size and form errors 6.3 6.4 6.2 Principle 6.2 Measuring equipment 6.2 Procedure 6.2 Derivation of test results Location errors (two-face tests) 6.3 Principle 6.3 Measuring equipment 6.3 Procedure 6.3 Derivation of test results 1 Length errors 1 6.4.1 General 1 6.4.2 Principle 6.4.3 Measuring equipment 6.4.4 Procedure 6.4.5 Derivation of test results Compliance with speci fication 20 7.1 Acceptance tests 8.1 Acceptance test 8.3 Interim check 2 7.2 Reveri fication tests Applications 21 8.2 Reveri fication test 2 Indication in product documentation and data sheets 22 Annex A (informative) Forms 24 Annex B (normative) Calibrated test lengths 27 Annex C (normative) Thermal compensation of workpieces 29 Annex D (informative) Achieving the alternative measuring volume 30 Annex E (informative) Speci fication of MPEs 32 Annex F (informative) Interim testing 35 Annex G (normative) Testing of a stylus and retroreflector combination (SRC) 36 Annex H (normative) Testing of an optical distance sensor and retroreflector combination (ODR) 39 Annex I (informative) Relation to the GPS matrix model 41 Bibliography 42 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved iii ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights Details of any patent rights identi fied during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning of ISO speci fic terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TB T) , see the following URL: Foreword — Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 213 , specifications and verification Dimensional and geometrical product Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) : ISO 10360 consists of the following parts, under the general title — Part 1: Vocabulary — Part 2: CMMs used for measuring linear dimensions — Part 3: CMMs with the axis of a rotary table as the fourth axis — Part 4: CMMs used in scanning measuring mode — Part 5: CMMs using single and multiple stylus contacting probing systems — Part 6: Estimation of errors in computing of Gaussian associated features — Part 7: CMMs equipped with imaging probing systems ISO 10360 also consists of the following parts, under the general title Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) : — Part 8: CMMs with optical distance sensors — Part 9: CMMs with multiple probing systems — Part 10: Laser trackers for measuring point-to-point distances The following part is under preparation: — Part 12: Articulated-arm CMMs Computed tomography is to form the subject of a future part 11 iv © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Introduction This part of ISO 10360 is a geometrical product speci fication (GPS) standard and is to be regarded as a general GPS standard (see ISO 14638) It in fluences link F of the chains of standards on size, distance, rad iu s , a n gle , fo r m , o r ie n t ati o n , lo c ati o n , a n d r u n- o u t The ISO/GPS matrix model given in ISO 14638 gives an overview of the ISO/GPS system of which this document is a part The fundamental rules of ISO/GPS given in ISO 8015 apply to this part of ISO 10360 and the default decision rules given in ISO 14253-1 apply to speci fications made in accordance with this p a r t o f I S O , u n le s s o the r w i s e i nd i c ate d M o re de t a i le d i n fo r m atio n on the re l atio n o f th i s p art of I SO 10 to o the r s ta n d a rd s a nd the GP S m atr i x mo de l c a n b e fo u nd i n A n ne x I The objective of this part of ISO 10360 is to provide a well-de fined testing procedure for a) laser tracker manufacturers to specify performance by maximum permissible errors (MPEs), and b) to allow testing of these speci fications using calibrated, traceable test lengths, test spheres, and flats The bene fits of these tests are that the measured result has a direct traceability to the unit of length, the metre, and th at i t g i ve s i n fo r m ati o n o n ho w the l a s e r tracke r w i l l p e r fo r m o n s i m i l a r le n g th me a s u re me nt s T h i s p a r t of I S O 10 i s distinct fro m th at o f I S O -2 , wh ic h i s fo r c o o rd i n ate me a s u r i n g m ach i ne s (CMMs) equipped with contact probing systems, in that the orientation of the test lengths re flect the different instrument geometry and error sources within the instrument © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Geometrical product speci fications (GPS) — Acceptance and reveri fication tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part : Laser trackers for measuring point-to-point distances Scope This part of ISO 10360 speci fies the acceptance tests for verifying the performance of a laser tracker by measuring calibrated test lengths, test spheres and flats according to the speci fications of the manufacturer It also speci fies the reveri fication tests that enable the user to periodically reverify the performance of the laser tracker The acceptance and reveri fication tests given in this part of ISO 10360 are applicable only to laser trackers utilizing a retro-re flector as a probing system Laser trackers that use interferometry (IFM), absolute distance meter (ADM) measurement, or both can be veri fied using this part of ISO 10360 This part of ISO 10360 can also be used to specify and verify the relevant performance tests of other spherical coordinate measurement systems that use cooperative targets, such as “laser radar” systems NOTE Systems, such as laser radar systems, which not track the target, will not be tested for probing p e r fo r m a nc e This part of ISO 10360 does not explicitly apply to measuring systems that not use a spherical coordinate system (i.e two orthogonal rotary axes having a common intersection point with a third linear axis in the radial direction) However, the parties can apply this part of ISO 10360 to such systems by mutual agreement This part of ISO 10360 speci fies — performance requirements that can be assigned by the manufacturer or the user of the laser tracker, — the manner of execution of the acceptance and reveri fication tests to demonstrate the stated re qu i re me nt s , — r u le s fo r p ro vi n g co n fo r m a nce , a n d — applications for which the acceptance and reveri fication tests can be used Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 8: CMMs with optical distance sensors ISO 103 - : 01 , Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 9: CMMs with multiple probing systems ISO 10 -9 : 01 , Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment — Part 1: Decision rules for proving conformity or nonconformity with specifications ISO 142 -1 , © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and de finitions apply l a s er tracker coordinate measuring system in which a cooperative target is followed with a laser beam and its location determined in terms of a distance (range) and two angles Note to entry: The two angles are referred to as azimuth, θ (rotation about a vertical axis – the standing axis of the laser tracker) and elevation, φ (angle above a horizontal plane – perpendicular to the s tanding axis) 3.2 interferometric measurement mode I F M mo de measurement method that uses a laser displacement interferometer integrated in a laser tracker (3 1) to determine distance (range) to a target Note to entry: Displacement interferometers can only determine differences in distance, and therefore require a reference dis tance (e g home position) 3.3 absolute distance measurement mode ADM mode measurement method that uses time of flight instrumentation integrated in a laser tracker (3 1) to determine the distance (range) to a target Note to entry: Time of flight instrumentation may include a variety of modulation methods to calculate the dis tance to the target retrore flector passive device designed to re f lect light back parallel to the incident direction over a range of incident angles Note to entry: Typical retrore flectors are the cat’s-eye, the cube corner, and spheres of special material Note to entry: Retrore flectors are cooperative targets Note to entry: For certain systems, e.g laser radar, the retrore flector might be a cooperative target such as a polished sphere 3.5 spherically mounted retrore flector SMR retroreflector (3 4) that is mounted in a spherical housing Note to entry: In the case of an open-air cube corner, the vertex is typically adjusted to be coincident with the sphere centre Note to entry: The tests in this part of ISO 10360 are typically executed with a spherically mounted retrore flector Note to entry: See Figure stylus and retrore flector combination S RC probing system that determines the measurement point utilizing a probe stylus to contact the retroreflector (3 4) to determine the base location of the probe, and other means to find the stylus orientation unit vector workpiece, a Note to entry: The datum for the stylus tip offset (L) is the centre of the retrore flector © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) No te to entr y: S e e Figure B E A A B F C L G D C D a) SMR b) SRC Key A laser beam B retro re flecto r C measurement point D contact point E base location F stylus orientatio n unit vector G normal probing direction vector L stylus tip offset Figure — Representation of SMR vs SRC optical distance sensor and retrore flector combination ODR probing s ys tem that determines the meas urement p oint uti li zing an op tical dis tance sensor to meas ure the workpiece, a other means to retroreflector (3 4) find to determine the base location of the optical distance sensor, and the orientation of the op tical dis tance sensor 3.8 target nest nest device des igned to rep eatably locate an SM R length measurement error EUni: L: LT EB i: L: LT error of indication when performing a unidirectional ( EUni: L: LT ) or bidirectional (EB i: L: LT ) point-to-point L dis tance meas urement of a cal ibrated tes t length us ing a las er tracker with a s tylus tip offset of No te to entr y: EUni: : LT and EB i: : LT (u s e d frequently i n th i s p ar t of I S O 10 0) corres p ond to the com mon c as e of no s tylu s tip offs e t, as the retrore f lec tor op tic a l centre coincides with the phys ica l centre of the probi ng s ys tem for s pherica l ly mounted retrore f lec tors © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) 10 normal CTE material material with a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between × 10 −6/ °C and 13 × 10 −6/ °C [SOURCE: ISO 10360-2:2009] Note to entry: Some documents may express CTE in units 1/K, which is equivalent to 1/ °C 11 probing form error PForm.Sph.1x25::SMR.LT error of indication within which the range of Gaussian radial distances can be determined by a leastsquares fit of 25 points measured by a laser tracker (3.1) on a spherical material standard of size Note to entry: Only one least-squares fit is performed, and each point is evaluated for its distance (radius) from this fitted centre 3.12 probing size error PSize.Sph.1x25::SMR.LT error of indication of the diameter of a spherical material standard of size as determined by a leastsquares fit of 25 points measured with a laser tracker (3.1) 3 location error two-face error plunge and reverse error LDia.2x1:P&R:LT the distance, perpendicular to the beam path, between two measurements of a stationary retroreflector (3.4), where the second measurement is taken with the laser tracker (3.1) azimuth axis at approximately 180° from the first measurement and the laser tracker elevation angle is approximately the same Note to entry: This combination of axis rotations is known as a two face, or plunge and reverse, test Note to entry: The laser tracker base is fixed during this test 14 maximum permissible error of length measurement EUni:L:LT,MPE EBi:L:LT,MPE extreme value of the length measurement error, EBi:L:LT or EUni:L:LT, permitted by speci fications Note to entry: EBi:0:LT,MPE and EUni:0:LT,MPE are used throughout this part of ISO 10360 maximum permissible error of probing form PForm.Sph.1x25::SMR.LT,MPE extreme value of the probing form error (3.11), PForm.Sph.1x25::SMR.LT, permitted by speci fications 16 maximum permissible error of probing size PSize.Sph.1x25::SMR.LT,MPE extreme value of the probing size error (3.12), PSize.Sph.1x25::SMR.LT, permitted by speci fications 17 maximum permissible error of location LDia.2x1:P&R:LT,MPE extreme value of the location error, LDia.2x1:P&R:LT, permitted by speci fications © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Annex D (informative) Achieving the alternative measuring volume For testing of the length measurement error using the test lengths described in 6.4.4 , it is possible to arrange all measuring lines in (approximately) a single plane and obtain the relationships between the test lengths and the laser tracker shown in Figure by varying the position of the laser tracker Figure D.1 shows, for the recommended measuring volume of 10 m × m × m, a possible planar arrangement of the measuring lines with varying positions of the laser tracker, equivalent to the measurement of test lengths from a single position of the laser tracker as shown in Figure The letters shown on the laser tracker stand correspond to the measuring lines on the wall, as named by circled letters, to be measured from the present position Underlined letters indicate mandatory positions of the laser tracker In order to cover the complete azimuth range, the laser tracker is rotated by approximately 120° about its vertical axis in each position before the repeated measurements of the lines indicated by the letters on the stand A measuring and test arrangement as shown in Figure D.1 can be realized with the aid of stable tripods or by means of a stable wall It is, for example, possible to mount magnetic nests for spherically mounted retrore flectors on one wall The distances between the nests then represent the test lengths If the distances have been calibrated before the laser tracker is tested, the distances have to be stable only for the duration of the test It is recommended to calibrate the respective test lengths only immediately before a measuring line is measured and to determine them again for control immediately after the lengths have been measured with the laser tracker to be tested m m m m C B D m A E B C D D A ,5 m ,5 m m m C B 2, m E A C NOTE m D 2, m m 3, m 4, m The laser tracker is s tanding on changing positions Figure D.1 — Example of a plane arrangement of the measuring lines for testing of the length measurement error For the acceptance test, a measuring volume of 10 m × m × m (length × width × height) is recommended (see 6.4.4 3) in which 32 test lengths must be measured along eight measuring lines from a position outside the measuring volume, supplemented by three additional test lengths which must be measured “from the centre” For the recommended arrangement of the measuring line (see Figure D.1) , the following measures are obtained for the shortest and the longest length to be tested (see Table D.1) 30 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Table D.1 — Shortest and longest test lengths along the measuring lines in Figure D.1 Measuring line Shortest test length Longest test length L ma x Recommended longest test length (m) (m) (m) L A L B L C L D L E L © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ≥ 0,3 ,0 ≤ ≥0, ,1 ≤ ≥0, ,1 ≤ ≥0, 6,6 ≤ ≥0, 4, ≤ L max L max L max L ma x ≤ ,0 ,0 ≤ ,4 ,0 ≤ ,4 ,0 ≤ 10 , 9,0 L max ≤ 6,0 6,0 31 ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Annex E (informative) Specification of MPEs E.1 General The errors that are present in using laser trackers to measure point to point distances not result in a simple linear relationship between the length measured and the error in determining that length For this reason, it is permitted for the manufacturer to specify laser tracker performance using a more complex formula The subsystem contributors and a resulting generic formula are given in this Annex E.2 Subsystem contributions The notation for the manufacturer supplied performance speci fications (of the sub-systems) for a laser tracker is given in Table E , the quantity, R, refers to the distance between the laser tracker and the point in space where a point coordinate is measured The laser tracker manufacturer speci fies the rated conditions (see Annex A) within which the MPE speci fications hold Accordingly, sub-system speci fications, as In Table E shown in Table E 1, include the effects of measurement errors resulting from environmental conditions that are allowed by the rated conditions In some cases, the manufacturer may state additional sub-system speci fications that could include environmental conditions as parameters in their MPE speci fication formula The eI FM and eADM speci fications refer to the basic capability of the ranging system, while eR0 and e T relate to the geometry of the laser tracker assembly and the quality of the rotary encoders Table E.1 — Quantities related to the laser tracker performance Laser tracker subsystem Interferometer (IFM ) Absolute distance meter (ADM ) R0 parameter (R0) a Trans verse b a Symbol Form of error contribution eI FM eADM eR0 eT eI FM = A I FM + BI FM · R eADM = A ADM + BADM · R eR0 = BR0 e T = AT + B T · R Formula No (1) (2) (3) (4) The R0 error is the error in determining the dis tance from the laser tracker’s geometric origin This error is seen mos t clearly when comparing the measurement shown in Figure E with a measurement obtained by placing the laser tracker directly between point and point in Figure E b Transverse error refers to the error resulting from incorrectly determining the angular components in determining the location of a measured point 32 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) E.3 Development of generic formula The geometrical arrangement of a laser tracker that measures the coordinates of points and for many of the positions described in Clause 6, Table is shown in Figure E See Figure E for the case where the laser tracker is located on a line de fined by the measured test length From these coordinates, the test length, L , is determined The maximum permissible error (MPE) for this length measurement is speci fied by the manufacturer for performance veri fication tests One method of expressing the MPE of measured test length, L , is using Formula (E 1) In this formula, the quantities that contain the subscripts or refer to the MPE speci fications when evaluated at the pair of points and (respectively) for either the IFM or ADM speci fications in Table E 1, depending on whether the IFM or ADM is used Figure E.1 — Laser tracker geometry E Uni:0:LT,MPE  =  e  The angles α1 and α2 sin α1 + α 2 e sin + α e R0 ( sin + sin α ) + 2 e T1 co s α + 2 2 e T2 cos   α  (E 1) are positive in the directions shown in Figure E and negative in the opposite directions The quantities e1 , e2 , eR0 , e T1 , and e T2 are calculated using Formula (1) to Formula (4) in , where the quantity R in the A + BR formula refers to the distance R1 or R2 The subscript refers to path and the subscript refers to path So, for example, e T1 = AT+ R1 · B T and e1 is eI FM or Table E eADM for path Formula (E 1) shows the MPE having no environmental (e.g temperature related) dependence If the MPE’s are speci fied in this way, then the MPE values apply to any environment satisfying the rated operating conditions (e.g Clause and Annex A) while employing reasonable, good practices for measurement (e.g 2) The MPE formula could be expressed in a more complicated manner, showing speci fic temperature related dependence, but for testing, this would require the ability to measure the varying temperature along the beam path at the time of each measurement E.4 Note on range testing A special case is when the laser tracker is aligned with the test length That is, the case of a measurement in which the laser tracker is aligned with points and as shown in Figure E © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 33 ISO 10360-10:2016(E) R2 R1 Point Point L Laser tracker Figure E.2 — Laser tracker buck-in geometry Point establishes one end of the test length for the laser tracker measurement and point the other end of the test length Under these conditions, the two coordinate measurements are correlated, permitting Formula (E.2) to be rewritten (showing the ADM case) as E Uni:0:LT,MPE = (A ADM ) (A + B ADM ⋅ R2 − ADM ) + B ADM ⋅ R1 = B ADM ⋅ L (E.2) Here, the quantities A and B refer to either the ADM or IFM speci fications in Table E.1 The length L is equal to the distance between the end points of the test length; in other words, L = R2 − R1 E.5 Note on two-face measurement Another special case is that of the two-face measurement In this measurement, the coordinates of a point are first measured in the usual mode, referred to as front-sight mode, and then in the backsight mode To put the laser tracker in backsight mode, the azimuth axis is rotated by 180° and then flipped about the elevation axis to point the laser beam back at the target The transverse distance between the frontsight and backsight coordinates is the location error The two-face test is a challenging test of the laser tracker performance because most of the laser tracker transverse errors are doubled The twoface MPE (denoted LDia.2x1:P&R:LT,MPE ) is equal to twice the value of e T1 34 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Annex F (informative) Interim testing F.1 General I nterim tes ting provides fidence that the las er tracker continues to p erform according to s p eci fications T he s ingle mos t effec tive interim tes t of the laser tracker ’s correc t op eration and compensation is the two face test, described in The performance of the tests in this subclause will provide fidence in the op eration of the las er tracker Additional tests of known lengths, or reference locations to form a “network” of points in the user’s faci lity, are al so us efu l With appropriate analys is , s p eci fics regarding the geometric errors of the las er tracker can be determined using these methods 1) Tests that incorporate the workpiece temperature sensor (and weather station) are also recommended O f course, records shou ld b e kep t of interim tes t res ults so that anomalies or trends can b e identi fied 1) Speci fics regarding the app licatio n of this technique can be found in Reference [ ] © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 35 ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Annex G (normative) Testing of a stylus and retroreflector combination (SRC) G.1 General There are two metrological results that are important in providing fidence in measurements taking with a stylus and retrore flector combination The first of these is a test of the system when this probing method is used, and the second is a test of the registration of this probing method to the default (SMR) probing system The methods described in this Annex intentionally re flect other parts of ISO 10360, and intend to re fine, not change, these existing methods Figure G.1 — SRC (simpli fied) A simpli fied arrangement, consisting only of the stylus and retrore flector of the SRC, is shown in Figure G.1 G.2 Probing errors The probe test for the SRC follows 6.2 Two tests are performed, at the locations described in Table The values for PForm Sph.1 x25: : SRC LT and PSize Sph.1 x25: : SRC LT are found and compared to their respective MPEs G.3 Orientation-dependent errors G.3.1 General Different orientations of the SRC may result in the stylus having the same measurement point (C in ) This allows the measurement of a single point with many different orientations of the SRC Figure 1b Two tests are performed, at the locations described in Table NOTE Orientation of the SRC refers to the roll, pitch, and yaw of the SRC relative to the incoming beam from the laser tracker – these are not to be confused with the azimuth and elevation angles of the laser tracker G.3.2 Measuring equipment A nest is used for this test that is of suitable size to accommodate the stylus used with the SRC It is rigidly fixtured so that a range of SRC orientations will be measurable by the laser tracker 36 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) G Pro cedure For each of the two locations for the nest, five measurement points are taken with the SRC as shown in (roll of the SRC) An additional five points are taken with the SRC rotating toward and away from the laser tracker (pitch of the SRC), and five more rotating the SRC about the stylus orientation unit vector (yaw of the SRC) Thus, in total 15 measurements are performed at one location of the nest The positions of the re flector should be widely spread over the access permitted by the nest for the roll tests, and also span at least 66 % of the stated acceptance angle for the retrore flector (and ancillary components, such as LEDs) in the pitch and yaw tests F i g u re G The manufacturer may specify the limits of roll for testing, but these shall be no less than ±45° Figure G.2 — Orientation test for the SRC G.3.4 Derivation of test results The 15 measurement points are all of the same physical location The ability of the instrument to lo c ate all p o i n ts c i rc u m s c r i b i n g in the s p he re s p he re i s l ab e l le d P s a me th at lo c ati o n co n ta i n s is all b ei ng of the te s te d Fo r me a s u re d th i s re a s o n , p o i n ts is the d i a me te r c a lc u l ate d o f the T he m i n i mu m d i a me te r of th i s D i a x1 : : S RC LT G.4 Registration errors T he re g i s tratio n o f the S RC to the m a i n S M R p ro b e i s acc o mp l i s he d i n the me tho d o f I S O - A te s t s p he re i s me a s u re d w i th b o th the S RC a n d the S M R a s s ho w n i n F i g u re G Qu a n ti tie s to b e me a s u re d include multiple probing system form error, P , multiple probing system size error, P , and multiple probing system location value, L values are compared to speci fications provided by the manufacturer, P P L , respectively, to determine compliance, as described Fo r m S p h x : : M P S LT S i z e S p h x : : M P S LT D i a x : : M P S LT T he me a s u re d Fo r m S p h x : : M P S LT, M P E S i z e S p h x : : M P S LT, M P E , a nd , D i a x : : M P S LT, M P E i n I S O - : , NOTE Only a few of the required 25 probing locations are shown in Fi g u re G Figure G.3 — Multi-probe testing for SRC (left) and SMR (right) © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d 37 ISO 10360-10:2016(E) NOTE The results may be expressed in the form P S i z e S p h x : S M R , S RC : M P S LT G.5 Symbols pertaining to this annex Table G.1 — Quantities related to SRC tests Meaning Symbol P Fo r m S p h x : : S RC LT P S i z e S p h x : : S RC LT P P Fo r m S p h x : : S RC LT, M P E P S i z e S p h x : : S RC LT, M P E P P D i a x1 : : S RC LT, M P E Fo r m S p h P Si ze Sph L P D ia Size Sph L Dia n n x : : M P S LT x : : M P S LT n ×25::MPS.LT Fo r m S p h P 38 D i a x1 : : S RC LT n n x : : M P S LT, M P E x : : M P S LT, M P E n ×25::MPS.LT,MPE P r o b i n g fo r m e r r o r fo r S RC P r o b i n g s i z e e r r o r fo r S RC O r i e n t ati o n e r r o r fo r S RC M a x i mu m p e r m i s s i b l e e r r o r o f p r o b i n g fo r m fo r S RC M a x i mu m p e r m i s s i b l e e r r o r o f p r o b i n g s i z e fo r S RC M a x i mu m p e r m i s s i b l e e r r o r o f o r i e n t ati o n fo r S RC Multiple probing system form error Multiple probing system size error Multiple probing system location error Maximum permissible multiple probing system form error Maximum permissible multiple probing system size error Maximum permissible multiple probing system location error © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Annex H (normative) Testing of an optical distance sensor and retroreflector combination (ODR) H.1 General Systems are available which collect points using an optical distance sensor (see Figure H.1), where the location and orientation of the optical distance sensor are determined using the laser tracker As in Annex G , there are two types of errors to be evaluated: probing errors and registration errors Figure H.1 — Simpli fied representation of the ODR H.2 Probing errors Measurements are performed according to ISO 10360-8:2013, 6.2 Quantities to be measured include probing form error, PForm.Sph.1×25::ODR.LT, probing dispersion error, PForm.Sph.D95%::ODR.LT, probing size error, PSize.Sph.1×25::ODR.LT, and probing size error All, PSize.Sph.All::ODR.LT The measured values are compared to speci fications provided by the manufacturer, PForm.Sph.1×25::ODR.LT,MPE , PForm.Sph.D95%::ODR.LT,MPE , PSize.Sph.1×25::ODR.LT,MPE , and PSize.Sph.All::ODR.LT,MPE , respectively, to determine compliance, as described in ISO 10360-8:2013, 7.1 If multiple orientations of the ODR are permitted in normal operation, these orientations should be utilized in the measurement of the test sphere NOTE Orientation of the ODR refers to the roll, pitch, and yaw of the ODR relative to the incoming beam from the laser tracker, these are not to be confused with the azimuth and elevation angles of the laser tracker H.3 Registration errors The registration of the ODR to the main SMR probe is accomplished in the method of ISO 10360-9 A test sphere is measured with both the ODR and the SMR as shown in Figure H.2 Quantities to be measured include multiple probing system form error, PForm.Sph.2x25::MPS.LT, multiple probing system size error, PSize.Sph.2x25::MPS.LT, and multiple probing system location value, LDia.2x25::MPS.LT The measured values are compared to speci fications provided by the manufacturer, PForm.Sph.2x25::MPS.LT,MPE , PSize.Sph.2x25::MPS.LT,MPE , and LDia.2x25::MPS.LT,MPE , respectively, to determine compliance, as described in ISO 10360-9:2013, 7.1 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 39 ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Figure H2 — Measurement of the test sphere using the ODR H.4 Flat form measurement The flat form measurement is performed in any one location of the measuring volume Measurements are performed according to ISO 10360-8:2013, 6.4 If desired, position (2) of the flat may be obtained by leaving the flat in position (1) and changing the orientation of the scanner The quantity EForm.Pla.D95%:ODR is measured and compared to the EForm.Pla.D95%:ODR,MPE speci fications provided by the manufacturer to determine compliance, as described in ISO 10360-8:2013, 7.1 H.5 Symbols pertaining to this annex Table H.1 — Quantities related to ODR tests Meaning Symbol Probing form error for ODR (25 points) Probing form error for ODR (95 % of the points) Probing size error for ODR (25 points) Probing size error for ODR (all points) Flat form error of measurement with ODR (95 % of the points) PForm.Sph.1×25::ODR.LT,MPE Maximum permissible error of probing form for ODR (25 points) PForm.Sph.D95%::ODR.LT,MPE Maximum permissible error of probing form for ODR (95 % of the points) PSize.Sph.1×25::ODR.LT,MPE Maximum permissible error of probing size for ODR (25 points) PSize.Sph.All::ODR.LT,MPE Maximum permissible error of probing size for ODR (all points) PForm.Sph.1×25::ODR.LT PForm.Sph.D95%::ODR.LT PSize.Sph.1×25::ODR.LT PSize.Sph.All::ODR.LT EForm.Pla.D95%::ODR.LT EForm.Pla.D95%::ODR.LT,MPE PForm.Sph n x25::MPS.LT PSize.Sph n x25::MPS.LT LDia n × 25::MPS.LT PForm.Sph n x25::MPS.LT,MPE PSize.Sph n x25::MPS.LT,MPE LDia n×25::MPS.LT,MPE 40 Maximum permissible error of flat form measurement with ODR (95 % of the points) Multiple probing system form error Multiple probing system size error Multiple probing system location error Maximum permissible multiple probing system form error Maximum permissible multiple probing system size error Maximum permissible multiple probing system location error © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Annex I (informative) Relation to the GPS matrix model I.1 General For full details about the GPS matrix model, see ISO 1463 I.2 Information about this part of ISO 10360 and its use This part of ISO 10360 speci fies the acceptance test for verifying that the performance of a laser tracker used for measuring point-to-point distances is as stated by the manufacturer It also speci fies the reveri fication test that enables the user to periodically reverify the performance of a laser tracker used for measuring point-to-point distances I.3 Position in the GPS matrix model This part of ISO 10360 is a general GPS standard, which in fluences chain link F of the chains of standards on size, distance, radius, angle, form, orientation, location, and run-out in the general GPS matrix, as graphically illustrated in Table I Table I.1 — ISO GPS Standards matrix model B C Chain links D Symbols and Feature Feature prop - Conformance indications requirements erties and non- A E F G Measurement Measurement C alibrations equipment conformance Size • D is tance • Form • Orientation • Location • Run-out • Pro file surface texture Areal surface texture Surface imperfections I.4 Related International Standards The related International Standards are those of the chains of standards indicated in Table I © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 41 ISO 10360-10:2016(E) Bibliography [1] [2] K Laser tracker error determination using 22 DOI:10.1088/0957-0233/22/4/0 45103 H ughes B , Forbes A., L ewis A., S un W., Veal D., N asr a network measurement Meas Sci Technol 2011, M uralikrishnan B , S awyer D., B lackburn C , P hillips S., B orchardt B , E stler W.T ASME B89.4.19 performance evaluation tests and geometric errors in laser trackers NIST Journal of Research 2009, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Length standards — Gauge blocks [3] ISO 3650, [4] ISO 17450 -1:2011, [5 ] ISO 1463 8, [6] ISO 10360 -1, [7 ] ISO 10360 -5 , [8] ISO/IEC Guide 98:20 08, [9] [10] 42 114 (1) pp 21–35 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — General concepts — Part 1: Model for geometrical specification and verification Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Matrix model Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) — Part 1: Vocabulary Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) — Part 5: CMMs using single and multiple stylus contacting probing systems Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) ISO/IEC Guide 99:20 07, associated terms (VIM) International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general concepts and Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) — Part 2: CMMs used for measuring linear dimensions ISO 10360 -2 , © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-10:2016(E) ICS 17.040.30 Price based on 42 pages © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

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