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Tiêu chuẩn iso 10360 12 2016

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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10360-12 First edition 2016-10-01 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 12: Articulated arm coordinate measurement machines (CMM) Spécification géométrique des produits (GPS) — Essais de réception et de vérification périodique des systèmes de mesure tridimensionnels (SMT) — Partie 2: Machines mesurer tridimensionnelles bras articulés (MMT) Reference number ISO 10360-12:2016(E) © ISO 2016 ISO 103 60-12 :2 016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Symbols Rated operating conditions 5.1 5.2 Environmental conditions Operating conditions 6.1 6.2 General Probing size and form errors 6.2.1 Principle 6.2.2 Measuring equipment 6.2.3 Procedure 6.2.4 Derivation of test results 10 Articulated location errors 10 6.3.1 Principle 10 6.3.2 Measuring equipment 10 6.3.3 Procedure 10 6.3.4 Derivation of test results 11 Length measurement errors 11 6.4.1 Principle 11 6.4.2 Measuring equipment 12 6.4.3 Procedure 12 Acceptance tests and reverification tests 6.3 6.4 Compliance with specification 16 7.1 7.2 Acceptance tests 16 7.1.1 Acceptance criteria 16 7.1.2 Data rejection and repeated measurements 16 Reverification tests 17 Applications 17 8.1 8.2 8.3 Acceptance test 17 Reverification test 17 Interim check 18 Indication in product documentation and data sheets 19 Annex A (informative) Forms Annex B (normative) Artefacts that represent a calibrated test length 2 Annex C (informative) Alignment o f artefacts Annex D (informative) Interim testing Annex E (normative) Testing a scanning probing system o f an articulated arm CMM Annex F (normative) Length error measurement by concatenating test lengths Annex G (informative) Optional probing articulated size and forms errors Annex H (informative) Optional repeatability range o f the length measurement error Annex I (informative) Relation to the GPS matrix model Bibliography 40 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved iii ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 213, Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ISO 10360 consists of the following parts, under the general title Geometrical Product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) : — Part 1: Vocabulary — Part 2: CMMs used for measuring linear dimensions — Part 3: CMMs with the axis of a rotary table as the fourth axis — Part 4: CMMs used in scanning measuring mode — Part 5: CMMs using single and multiple stylus contacting probing system — Part 6: Estimation of errors in computing of Gaussian associated features — Part 7: CMMs equipped with imaging probing systems — Part 8: CMMs with optical distance sensors — Part 9: CMMs with multiple probing systems — Part 10: Laser trackers for measuring point-to-point distances — Part 12: Articulated arm coordinate measuring machines (CMM) iv © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 103 60-12 :2 016(E) Introduction This part of ISO 10360 is a general GPS standard (see ISO 14638) For more detailed information about the relation of this part of ISO 10360 to other standards and the GPS matrix model, see Annex I This part of ISO 10360 is included in the ISO/GPS Masterplan given in ISO 14638, which gives an over view o f the I S O/GP S s ys tem T he fundamenta l ru le s o f I S O/GP S given i n I S O 01 apply to th i s p a r t o f I S O 10 and the de fau lt de c i s ion r u le s given i n I S O 142 -1 apply to s p e c i fication s made i n accordance with this part of ISO 10360, unless otherwise indicated T he obj e c tive o f th i s p ar t o f I S O 10 i s to provide a wel l- defi ne d te s ti ng pro ce dure to — enable ma nu fac turers o f a r tic u late d arm C M M s to provide s p e c i fic ation M PE s , a nd — enable u s ers to te s t ar tic u late d arm C M M s to ma nu fac tu rer s p e c i fication s u s i ng ca l ibrate d trace able reference artefacts T he b enefits o f the s e te s ts are that the me a s u re d re s u lt h as a d i re c t trace abi l ity to the un it leng th, the me tre, and that they give i n formation on how the ar tic u late d arm C M M wi l l p er form on s i m i la r leng th measurements © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10360-12:2 016(E) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 12: Articulated arm coordinate measurement machines (CMM) Scope T h i s p a r t o f I S O 10 s p e c i fie s the accep ta nce te s ts for veri fyi ng the p er formance o f a n ar tic u late d arm C M M b y me as u ri ng c a l ibrate d te s t leng th s a s s tate d b y the ma nu fac tu rer I t a l s o s p e c i fie s the reveri fic ation te s ts th at enable the u s er to p erio d ic a l ly reveri fy the p er formance o f the ar tic u late d arm C M M I t appl ie s to a r tic u l ate d arm C M M s u s i ng tac ti le prob e s and op tiona l ly op tic a l d i s ta nce s en s ors (also referred to as laser line scanners or laser line probes) Details on tests for scanner accessories are given in Annex E T h i s p ar t o f I S O 10 e s no t s p e ci fy how o ften or when te s ti ng i s p er forme d, i f at a l l, nor e s it s p e ci fy wh ich p a r ty shou ld b e a r the co s t o f te s ti ng T h i s p a r t o f I S O 10 s p e ci fie s — p er formance re qui rements th at c a n b e as s igne d b y the ma nu fac turer or the u s er o f the ar tic u late d — the — appl ic ation s arm CMM, ma nner o f exe c ution o f the accep ta nce requirements, — rules for proving conformance, and for and reveri fic ation te s ts to demon s trate the s tate d wh ich the accep tance a nd reveri fic ation te s ts c an b e u s e d Normative references T he fol lowi ng i nd i s p en s able c u ments , i n whole or i n p ar t, are normatively re ference d i n th i s c u ment a nd are for its appl ic ation For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c u ment (i nclud i ng any amend ments) appl ie s ISO 10360-8:2013, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 8: CMMs with optical distance sensors ISO 10360-9:2013, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 9: CMMs with multiple probing systems Terms and definitions For the pu rp o s e s o f th i s c u ment, the fol lowi ng term s a nd defi n ition s given i n I S O 10 -1 a nd the fol lowi ng apply NO TE T he de fi n ition s i n th i s s e c tion a re i ntende d to conc i s el y s tate the me a n i ng o f ter m s For me trolo gic a l characteristics that have numerical values, the complete description of the procedure and derivation of test results in Clause and Annex E are to be followed in determining values © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 103 60-12 :2 016(E) articulated arm coordinate measuring machine s ys tem that me a s u re s s p ati a l co ord i nate s and compri s e s — an op en chai n o f fi xe d-leng th s egments , — j oi nt as s embl ie s i ntercon ne c ti ng the s e gments a nd the probi ng s ys tem and attach i ng them to the s tationar y envi ron ment, and — a probi ng s ys tem at the fre e end o f the cha i n N o te to entr y: T he prob i ng s ys tem m ay co mpr i s e a r igid pro b e or a s en s i ng s ys tem s uch a s a s c a n ner N o te to entr y: Ro ta r y j o i nt a s s emb l ie s ne c te d to the fi xe d-len g th s e gments a re e qu ipp e d with a n gu l a r encoders Cartesian coordinates of each measuring point are calculated from the measured angles and segment lengths joint connection between adjacent elements of an articulated arm CMM that allows a single rotational degree of freedom between these elements N o te to entr y: T here a re two typ e s o f j o i nts: h i n ge j o i nts , wh ich c au s e a h i ngi ng movement b e twe en adj acent a rm s e gments , a nd s wivel j oi nts , wh ich c au s e a ro ta r y mo vement a rou nd the a xi s o f the co n ne c te d a rm s e gment N o te to entr y: E ach j o i nt ord i n a r i l y i nclude s a n a ngle me a s u r i ng de vice (ro ta r y enco der) 3.3 joint assembly as s emb ly o f two or more j oi nts b e twe en two adj acent elements o f a n ar tic u late d arm C M M N o te to entr y: Us u a l l y, a j o i nt a s s emb l y i nclude s at le a s t a h i nge j oi nt a nd a s wi vel j oi nt N o te to entr y: I n a n a lo g y to the hu m a n a r m , the th re e m a i n j o i nt a s s emb l ie s a re de s ign ate d the s hou lder, elb ow, and wrist N o te to entr y: C u r rent m ach i ne s h ave or de gre e s o f (e, f, g), as shown in Figure machines fre e m e ach fo r s ho u lder (a, b) , elb ow (c , d) , a nd wri s t C on s e quentl y, a r tic u l ate d a r m C M M s a re re fer re d to a s either s i x or s e ven a xi s a) With six rotary axes © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 103 60-12 :2 016(E) b) With seven rotary axes Figure — Articulated arm CMM measuring range diameter of the spherical volume within which an articulated arm CMM is capable of measuring N o te to entr y: T he me a s u r i ng n ge i s s p e c i fie d b y the m a nu fac tu rer N o te to entr y: T he me a s u r i ng nge i s twice the re ach o f the a r tic u l ate d a r m H owe ver, s ome o f the re gio n s th at c a n b e re ache d b y the a r tic u l ate d a rm m ay no t b e with i n the me a s u ri n g volu me measuring volume region i n s p ace over wh ich the manu fac tu rer s p e ci fie s the p er formance o f the ar tic u late d a rm C M M N o te to entr y: T he me a s u r i ng volu me i s re s tric te d b y i n acce s s ib le z one s s p e c i fie d b y the m a nu fac tu rer For e xa mp le , there m ay b e a n i n acce s s ib le z o ne clo s e to the ver tic a l m a i n a xi s N o te to entr y: M a nu fac tu rers m ay s p e c i fy more th a n one me a s u r i ng volu me fo r a m ach i ne , e ach me a s u r i ng volu me h avi ng a s ep a rate p er for m a nce s p e c i fic atio n N o te to entr y: B e c au s e o f the p o s s ib i l ity o f b i nd i n g up a j oi nt when adj acent a r m s e gments a re b rou ght clo s e to ge ther, the s i z e o f the me a s u r i ng volu me m ay dep end on the d i re c tio n o f the pro b e s tylu s i n rel ation to the outs ide o f the me a s u r i n g volu me or i n acce s s ib le z o ne s with i n the me a s u ri n g volu me T he m a nu fac tu rer m ay s p e c i fy o ne o r more me a s u r i n g volu me s accord i ng to the d i re c tion o f the prob e s tylu s use ful arm length half the measuring range coe fficient o f thermal CTE expansion α l i ne ar therma l e xp a n s ion co e fficient o f a materi a l at ° C No te to entr y: T he ab ove defin ition © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved for C TE es not i mply that a u s er i s re qu ire d to make me as u rements at ° C ISO 103 60-12 :2 016(E) normal CTE material material with a CTE between × 10 −6/°C and 13 × 10 −6/°C Note to entry: Some documents may express CTE in units 1/K, which is equivalent to 1/°C [SOURCE: ISO 10360-2] kinematic seat mechanical seat (nest) that repeatably holds the centre o f a spherical sur face in a fixed position in space Note to entry: An example o f a kinematic seat is a trihedral seat that includes three hardened spheres, each sphere placed on a circle and separated from the other spheres by nominally 120° Each o f the three spheres contacts the surface of a larger sphere (or spherical surface) so as to permit repeatable positioning of the centre of the larger sphere in space Note to entry: As used in this part o f ISO 10360, a kinematic seat provides constraint for degrees o f freedom rather than degrees of freedom 10 single-point articulation test test in which articulated arm CMM probe is held within a kinematic seat while the elbow location is rotated by 180° Note to entry: The single-point articulation test is an interim test described in Annex D 11 articulated location error, tactile LDia.5x5:Art:Tact.AArm diameter of the minimum circumscribed sphere encompassing the points that are the centres of the five spheres obtained from per forming the articulated location test when using a tactile probe Note to entry: In the context o f this part o f ISO 10360, the local abbreviation LDia.5x5:Art is used 12 length measurement error, bidirectional EBi:0:Tact.AArm error of indication when performing a bidirectional point-to-point distance measurement Note to entry: In the context o f this part o f ISO 10360, the local abbreviation EBi is used Note to entry: The subscript indicates that there is no tip o ffset There may be an o ffset in some other parts o f ISO 10360 13 length measurement error, unidirectional EUni:0:Tact.AArm error of indication when performing a unidirectional point-to-point distance measurement Note to entry: Annex B discusses unidirectional and bidirectional measurements Note to entry: In the context o f this part o f ISO 10360, the local abbreviation EUni is used 14 probing form error, tactile PForm.Sph.1x25::Tact.AArm error o f indication within which the range o f Gaussian radial distances can be determined by a Gaussian (least-squares) fit o f 25 points measured by a tactile probe on a test sphere Note to entry: In the context o f this part o f ISO 10360, the local abbreviation PForm.Sph.1x25 is used © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Annex C (informative) Alignment o f artefacts C.1 General To compare the length measured by a CMM to the calibrated value o f the test length, it is necessary to align the calibrated test length properly I f the calibration certificate o f the material standard supplies instructions for alignment, then those instructions should be followed prior to the length measurements In the absence o f alignment instructions in the calibration certificate, the manu facturer may decide on the alignment procedure C.2 Parallel face artefacts For parallel face arte facts, the following alignment procedure may be use ful Probe many points on one gauge face and establish a (least-squares fit) re ference plane The direction perpendicular to the plane is the reference (gauge axis) direction Measure a single point or a representative point on each gauging face, e.g on each end of a gauge block, with each point taken as close as practical to the calibration point on the artefact Construct the point-to-point length, then project this length onto the reference (gauge axis) direction The projected length is then compared to the calibrated value of the artefact For some gauges that are very long relative to the size o f the gauging faces (e.g when the calibrated test length is greater than 10 times the size o f the gauging face), the re ference direction may be established using points on the non-gauging surfaces of the artefact For example, measuring points on two of the long sides of a gauge block can be used to establish the reference (gauge axis) direction This alignment technique should also be used for step gauges, if there is no alignment procedure in the calibration certificate The single point or the representative point measured on each gauging sur face is then used to construct a point-to-point length that is projected onto the reference direction This projected length is then compared to the calibrated value of the artefact For unidirectional lengths using wrung gauge blocks, determination o f the gauge axis may require the use o f the non-gauging sur faces, and the calibration points may be inaccessible C.3 Ball bar/Ball plate A method o f aligning ball bars or ball plates when they are measured in a bidirectional manner is to measure each sphere using four points or four representative points, one point located on the sphere, sphere and in a plane orthogonal to the gauge axis and containing the sphere centre (i.e points on the equator) These three points serve to align the ball bar or ball plate See Figure C.1 intersecting the gauge axis (i.e end point), and the other three points spaced 90° apart, located on the Figure C.1 — View showing a four-point probing pattern per sphere used for a bidirectional ball bar measurement 28 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Annex D (informative) Interim testing D.1 General A quick and effective interim test of the articulated arm‘s correct operation and compensation is the single point articulation test This test is described in greater detail below Additional tests of known lengths (for example, measurements selected from the length error test) are also useful interim tests D.2 Single point articulation test D.2.1 Principle The principle of the single point articulation assessment is to measure the variation in position of an articulated arm CMM ball probe (tactile probe) in a kinematic seat as the elbow of the articulated arm CMM joints is rotated about the seat During the rotation, 10 points are measured The maximum distance between the measured and averaged coordinates o f the 10 points yields the single point articulation (SPAT) error The manufacturer provides a maximum recommended value for the test The absolute value of the SPAT error is expected to be less than the corresponding maximum recommended value for a properly operating articulated arm CMM D.2.2 Measuring equipment The kinematic seat may be a conical socket or trihedral socket A magnet may be placed in the bottom of the seat to assist the operator in keeping the articulated arm CMM ball probe in contact with the seat during the test It is recommended that the position of a sphere placed in the kinematic seat be repeatable to less than or equal to 20 % of the maximum recommended value for the SPAT NOTE The most common type o f trihedral socket comprises three mounted spheres onto which the larger NOTE The conical socket has a recommended cone angle o f 60° to 120° and a recommended depth such that sphere is placed at least one-third of the sphere diameter lies inside the cone D.2.3 Procedure The measurement may be per formed at any location within the measuring volume o f the articulated arm CMM As shown in Figure D.1 , begin by placing the articulated arm CMM probe in the socket Place the arm elbow to the le ft and down Keeping the probe stylus vertical and the probe tip in contact with the socket, move the elbow through a 180° arc so that the elbow points upward midway through the arc and down to the right at the end Record the coordinates of the probe at the end points (shown in Figure D.1, points 1, 5) and at three additional intermediate points (Figure D.1 , points 2, 3, 4) approximately evenly spaced throughout the arc A total o f five points are collected in this first movement I f the articulated arm CMM has the capability, rotate the last axis (usually the seventh axis) by 180° Whether the last axis has been rotated or not, place the articulated arm CMM probe in the socket with the arm elbow to the right and down Keeping the probe in contact with the socket, move the elbow through a 180° arc so that the elbow points upward midway through the arc and down to the le ft at the © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 29 ISO 10360-12:2016(E) end Record the coordinates o f the probe at end points and at three additional points approximately evenly spaced throughout the arc A total o f 10 points will be collected in the first and second movements of the elbow in this test During this test, the stylus probing point is held at a fixed three-dimensional position within the socket Key 1-5 five elbow positions elbow 90° left elbow 45° left elbow overhead elbow 45° right 10 elbow 90° right Figure D.1 — View showing five positions o f an articulated arm CMM in per forming a single point articulation test D.2.4 Derivation o f test results Find the average Cartesian coordinate o f the probe tip by averaging the 10 measured values Calculate half the range in each of x, y, and z directions The maximum of these three range values is the SPAT error I f the SPAT error exceeds the corresponding maximum recommended value provided by the manu facturer, there may be something wrong with the articulated arm or with the measurement setup or environment 30 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Annex E (normative) Testing a scanning probing system o f an articulated arm CMM E.1 Probing errors o f form and size T here are two me trolo gic a l re s u lts that are i mp or tant i n provid i ng fidence i n me as u rements ta ken with an articulated arm CMM integrated with a scanner (sometimes referred to as a laser scanner or la s er l i ne prob e) T he fi rs t o f the s e i s a te s t o f the s ys tem when the s c an ner probi ng s ys tem i s u s e d , and the s e cond i s a te s t o f the re gi s tration o f th i s probi ng me tho d to the de fau lt (tac ti le) probi ng s ys tem T he me tho d s de s c rib e d i n th i s an ne x i ntentiona l ly refle c t o ther p a r ts o f the I S O 10 s erie s a nd i ntend to refi ne, no t cha nge , the s e exi s ti ng me tho d s Measurements are performed at the two locations indicated in 6.2.3 Measurements are performed according to ISO 10360-8:2013, 6.2 Quantities to be measured include probing form error, PForm Sph.1x25::ODS.AArm , probing dispersion error, PForm.Sph.D95%::ODS.AArm , probing size error, PSize Sph.1x25::ODS.AArm , and probing size error All, PSize.Sph.All::ODS.AArm The measured values are compared f PForm.Sph.1x25::ODS.AArm,MPE , PForm.Sph.D95%::ODS , P , and P AArm,MPE Size.Sph.1x25::ODS.AArm,MPE Size.Sph.All::ODS.AArm,MPE compliance, as described in ISO 10360-8:2013, 7.1 During performance of measurements in this annex, the operator shall move the scanning probing to s p e ci fic ation s provide d by the ma nu ac turer, , re s p e c tively, s ys tem s mo o th ly rather tha n i n a chao tic ma n ner Fu r thermore, the u s er s l l re com mende d b y the manu fac tu rer i n an op erati ng manua l workpieces E.2 fol low de term i ne the prac tice s the u s e o f the s c an ner when me as u ri ng Flat form errors T he flat are for to form me a s urement i s p er forme d i n any one lo c ation o f the me a s uri ng volu me M e as u rements p er forme d accord i ng to ISO 10 - : 01 , I f de s i re d , p o s ition (2 ) o f the ar te fac t may b e ob ta i ne d b y le avi ng the ar te fac t i n p o s ition (1) a nd cha ngi ng the orientation o f the s c an ner T he probi ng f PForm.Pla.D95%::ODS.AArm is measured and compared to the corresponding maximum permissible error PForm.Pla.D95%::ODS.AArm,MPE f as described in ISO 10360-8:2013, 7.1 flat orm error provide d b y the ma nu ac turer to de term i ne compl ia nce, E.3 Registration errors T he regi s tration o f the s c an ner probi ng s ys tem to the tac ti le probi ng s ys tem o f the a r tic u late d arm CMM is tested according to the method of ISO 10360-9 Three test spheres shall be placed at locations in the measuring volume The centres of the three spheres are determined using the tactile probe and the scanning probe of the articulated arm CMM following the method of ISO 10360-9:2013, Clause For the scanning probe, the 25 points are determined using the method of ISO 10360-8:2013, f PForm.Sph.1x25::MPS.AArm , Qua ntitie s to be me a s u re d i nclude mu ltiple probi ng s ys tem s i z e error, mu ltiple probi ng s ys tem orm error, PSize.Sph.1x25::MPS.AArm , a nd mu ltiple probi ng s ys tem lo c ation va lue, LDia.1x25::MPS.AArm T he me as u re d va lue s a re comp are d to s p e c i fic ation s provide d b y the ma nu fac tu rer, PForm.Sph.1x25::MPS.AArm,MPE , PSize.Sph.1x25::MPS.AArm,MPE , and LDia.1x25::MPS.AArm,MPE , re s p e c tively, to determine compliance, as described in ISO 10360-9:2013, 7.1 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 31 ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Annex F (normative) Length error measurement by concatenating test lengths F.1 General If a calibrated test length spanning 66 % of the measuring range is not available, the following method f f method shall not be used for calibrated test lengths spanning less than 66 % of the measuring range o conc atenation o two c a l ibrate d te s t leng th s me as u rement may b e u s e d by mutua l agre ement T h i s NOTE Once the concatenated length measurement is agreed upon, the resulting values are subject to all decision rules according to Clause F.2 Length error using concatenated test lengths F.2.1 Principle The principle of the length error assessment using concatenated lengths is to use two calibrated test lengths, traceable to the metre, to demonstrate compliance of the articulated arm CMM to the stated ma xi mu m p erm i s s ible error o f the combi ne d leng th me as u rement provide d by the manu fac tu rer T he ma nu fac tu rer may cho o s e to provide s p e c i fic ation s for the ma xi mu m p erm i s s ib le error o f u n id i re c tiona l length measurement, EUni,MPE , the maximum permissible error of bidirectional length measurement, EBi,MPE , or both F.2.2 Measuring equipment The measuring equipment, which includes one or more calibrated test length, has the characteristics described in 6.4.2 F.2.3 Procedure As shown in Figure F.1 a spherical envelope covering 60 % to 100 % of the measuring range , place a fi rs t c a l ibrate d te s t leng th s o that the fi rs t end o f the a r te fac t l ie s with i n 32 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Key first calibrated test length, E11, E12, E13 first end o f first calibrated test length second end o f first calibrated test length centre of articulated arm CMM spheres about centre 60 % of measuring range 100 % of measuring range Figure F.1 — View showing first calibrated test length Measure the first calibrated test length three times using the elbow position indicated in Table The same sequence of elbow positions is used for all three repeats As shown in Figure F.2, place a second calibrated test length so that the distance between the second end o f the first calibrated test length and the first end o f the second calibrated test length is not greater than 12 mm Align the second test length to have the same nominal direction as the first test length The distance between the first end o f the first calibrated test length and the second end seat o f the second calibrated test length shall be at least 66 % of the measuring range The second end of the second calibrated test length shall lie within a spherical envelope covering 60 % to 100 % of the measuring range © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 33 ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Key 10 11 firs t calib rated tes t length, E 1 , E , E firs t end o f firs t calib rated tes t length s eco nd end o f firs t calib rated tes t length second calibrated test length, E11, E12, E13 firs t end o f s eco nd calib rated tes t length second end of second calibrated test length centre of articulated arm CMM spheres about centre 66 % of measuring range 60 % of measuring range 100 % of measuring range Figure F.2 — View showing relative positions o f first and second calibrated test lengths Measure the second calibrated test length three times using the elbow position indicated in Table The same sequence of elbow positions is used for all three repeats This procedure is required for each position indicated in Table that requires concatenation F.2.4 Derivation o f test results Following the procedure of 6.4 length subtracted from each of the three measured values to obtain three signed length errors E11 , E12 , and E13 f f errors E11 , E12 , and E13 EUni , EBi f , the fi rs t te s t leng th i s me a s u re d th re e ti me s a nd the c a l ibrate d te s t I n the s e e xpre s s ion s , the fi rs t s ub s crip t repre s ents the nu mb er o s e cond) , a nd the s e cond s ub s c rip t i nd ic ate s the nu mb er o may repre s ent 34 the te s t leng th (fi rs t or the rep e tition (fi rs t, s e cond, or th i rd) T he , or b o th, accord i ng to the manu ac tu rer ’s s p e c i fic ation s © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 103 60-12 :2 016(E) The second test length is likewise measured three times and the calibrated test length subtracted from each to obtain three signed length errors E21 , E22 , and E23 Three concatenated length errors are calculated using Ec1 = E11 + E21 , Ec2 = E12 + E22 , and Ec3 = E13 + E23 f EUni , a bidirectional length measurement error, EBi, or both EUni and EBi according to the manufacturer’s E ach o the conc atenate d leng th errors may b e a un id i re c tiona l leng th me as u rement error, s p e c i fic ation s No te that the th re e rep e tition s are matche d T he fi rs t rep e tition o f the fi rs t te s t leng th i s adde d to the fi rs t rep e tition o f the s e cond te s t leng th, and s o for for th the fi rs t c a l ib rate d re ference leng th a nd the s e cond c a l ibrate d re ference NO TE T he me a s u rement er rors NO TE T he conc aten atio n me tho d o f th i s a n ne x typic a l l y o vere s ti m ate s the er ror th at wou ld h ave o cc u r re d length are reported with the sign (+ or –) of the error The sign is retained in subsequent additions to get the three concatenated length errors with a single calibrated test length spanning 66 % of the measuring range The intermediate nest position pro vide s a n add ition a l s ou rce o f er ror b e c au s e o f non-rep e atab i l ity o f the me a s u rement s ys tem F.2.5 Test value uncertainty For the th re e me as u rements o f the fi rs t c a l ibrate d te s t leng th , c a lc u late th re e corre s p ond i ng s igne d length errors The evaluation of the test value uncertainties is to be carried out for each test position of the calibrated test length T he te s t va lue u ncer tai nty as s o c iate d with the conc atenation me tho d dep end s on the c a l ibrate d te s t lengths used in the procedure If a different calibrated test length artefact is used on stage of the f of the two uncertainties If the calibrated test length used is stage of the concatenation method is the conc atenation th an on s tage then the te s t va lue u ncer tai nty i nclude s the RS S (ro o t- s um- o - s qua re s) s ame ar te fac t a s s tage then the te s t va lue u ncer tai nty i nclude s the a rith me tic s u m o f the u ncer tai ntie s as s o c iate d with e ach c a l ibrate d te s t leng th me a s u rement T he u ncer tai nty contribution from the ac tion of staging itself, i.e misalignment of the artefacts relative to the line between the start and end nests, is evaluated for each stage of the measurements: u (E ) f u S1 (E ) f f u S2 (E ) f f i s the s tand ard u ncer tai nty o leng th me as u rement error; i s the s tanda rd u ncer tai nty o leng th me as u rement error or the fi rs t te s t leng th; i s the s ta nda rd u ncer tai nty o leng th me as u rement error or the s e cond te s t leng th T he genera l me as u rement u ncer ta i nty contributors a re: u (E) = u ( ε cal ) + u ( ε α ) + u ( ε t ) + u 2 ( ε align ) + u ( ε fixt ) + u ( ε drift ) where u (ε cal) u (ε u (ε ) t) i s the c a l ibration s tandard u ncer tai nty; i s the s ta nda rd u ncer ta i nty due to C T E; α i s the s ta nda rd u ncer tai nty due to temp eratu re duri ng me as u rement; u (ε align) alignment is that of the calibrated test length relative to the line between the starting i s the s ta nda rd u ncer tai nty due to a l ign ment (i n the conc atenation me tho d, the m i s ne s t a nd the end i ng ne s t o f the me as u rement pro ce du re) ; u (ε ) fi x t u (εdrift) i s the s ta nda rd u ncer ta i nty due to fi x tu ri ng; i s the s ta ndard u ncer ta i nty attribute d to change s i n the c a l ibrate d te s t leng th s © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 35 ISO 103 60-12 :2 016(E) u ), and temperature, u t), are zero for either of two cases: (1) no artefact temperature compensation is used or (2) artefact temperature compensation is provided as part f u ), and temperature, u t), are not f operator NO TE o T he s ta nda rd u ncer ta i nty due to C T E , (ε α (ε the a r tic u l ate d a r m te s t s ys tem T he s ta nda rd u ncer ta i nty due to C T E , z ero when temp eratu re comp en s ation , wh ich i s no t p a r t o (ε α (ε the a r tic u l ate d a r m te s t s ys tem , i s ap p l ie d b y the The expanded uncertainties (k = 2) for the two artefact stages are US1 (E ) = u 12 ( ε cal ) + u 12 ( ε α ) + u 12 ( ε t ) US2 (E ) = u 22 ( ε cal ) + u 12 2 ( ε align ) + u ( ε fixt ) + u ( ε drift ) u 22 ( ε α ) + u 22 ( ε t ) + u 22 ( ε align ) + u ( ε fixt ) + u ( ε drift ) + 2 T he te s t va lue u ncer tai nty a s s o ci ate d with the conc atenate d te s t leng th i s 36 U (E ) = U (E) = US1 (E ) + US2 (E ) U S2 ( E ) + U S2 ( E ) - i f the fi rs t c a l ibrate d te s t leng th i s the s ame as the s e cond c a l ibrat ed test length, and i f the fi rs t c a l ibrate d te s t leng th i s d i fferent than the s e cond c a l i brated test length - © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Annex G (informative) Optional probing articulated size and forms errors G.1 General A method for determining articulated location errors is described in 6.3 f 6.3: probing articulated size error, PSize.Sph.5x5:Art:Tact.AArm , and probing articulated form error, PForm Sph.5x5:Art:Tact.AArm two add itio n a l er ro rs m ay be c a lc u l ate d u s i ng the d ata col le c te d in the B y mutua l te s t agre ement, p ro ce du re o G.2 Probing articulated size form errors G.2.1 Principle The principle of measurement is described in 6.3 G.2.2 Measuring equipment The measuring equipment is described in 6.3 G.2.3 Procedure The procedure is described in 6.3 G.2.4 Derivation o f test results For e ach o f the fi rs t a nd s e cond lo c ation s , u s i ng a l l me as u rements , compute the Gau s s i an ( le as t- squares) associated sphere Subtract the calculated diameter DMeas of the Gaussian (least-squares) associated sphere from the calibrated diameter DRef to get PSize.Sph.5x5:Art:Tact.AArm = DMeas – DRef The absolute value of the probing articulated size error at each location shall be compared to the MPE value f PSize.Sph.5x5:Art:Tact.AArm,MPE or va lue s s p e ci fie d b y the manu ac tu rer, For e ach o f the fi rs t a nd s e cond lo c ation s , u s i ng a l l me as u rements , compute the Gau s s i an ( le as t- squares) associated sphere For each of the 25 measurements, calculate a Gaussian radial distance R f the range of Gaussian radial distances: PForm.Sph.5x5:Art:Tact.AArm = Rmax – Rmin The probing articulated f f PForm.Sph.5x5:Art:Tact.AArm,MPE with re s p e c t to the Gau s s ia n ( le a s t- s quare s) s phere centre C a lc u late the probi ng orm error b y ta ki ng orm error at e ach lo c ation s l l b e comp are d to the M PE va lue or va lue s s p e c i fie d b y the ma nu ac turer, © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 37 ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Annex H (informative) Optional repeatability range o f the length measurement error H.1 General A method for determining length measurement error is described in 6.4 data collected in the test procedure of 6.4 of the length measurement error, RUni.0::Tact.AArm measurement error, RBi.0::Tact.AArm, or both B y mutua l agre ement, the may b e u s e d to c a lc u late a u n id i re c tiona l rep e atabi l ity nge , a bid i re c tiona l rep e atabi l ity nge o f the leng th H.2 Repeatability range o f the length measurement error H.2.1 Principle The measuring equipment is described in 6.4 H.2.2 Measuring equipment The measuring equipment is described in 6.4 H.2.3 Procedure The measuring equipment is described in 6.4 H.2.4 Derivation o f test results H.2.4.1 For unidirectional length error measurements If unidirectional length errors are obtained in 6.4, RUni.0::Tact.AArm two steps: a) calculating a range for each of the 35 sets of three repeated unidirectional length error may b e de term i ne d b y c arr yi ng out me a s u rements; b) taking the maximum of the 35 ranges The absolute value of the unidirectional range of length measurement error at each location shall be compared to the corresponding MPE value, RUni.0::Tact.AArm,MPE H.2.4.2 For bidirectional length error measurements Follow H.2.4.1 but for the case of bidirectional measurements 38 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 10360-12:2016(E) Annex I (informative) Relation to the GPS matrix model I.1 General For full details about the GPS matrix model, see ISO 14638 I.2 Information about this part o f ISO 10360 and its use T h i s p ar t o f I S O 103 s p e ci fie s the accep tance te s ts for veri fyi ng the p er forma nce o f an i magi ng prob e C M M a s s tate d by the manu fac tu rer I t a l s o s p e ci fie s the reveri fic ation te s ts th at enable the u s er to p erio d ic a l ly reveri fy the p er formance o f an i magi ng prob e C M M I.3 Position in the GPS matrix model This part of ISO 10360 is a general GPS standard The rules and principles given in this part of ISO 10360 illustrated in Table I.1 app ly to a l l s e gments o f the I S O GP S matri x wh ich are i nd ic ate d with a fi l le d t (•) , as graph ic a l ly Table I.1 — Fundamental and general ISO GPS standards matrix B C D E F G Feature Feature properties Con formance and noncon formance Measure- Measure- Calibration A Symbols and indications Chain links require ments Size Distance Form Orientation Location Run-out face texture Areal surface texture Surface imperfections ment ment equipment • • • • • • P ro fi le s u r I.4 Related standards The related standards are those of the chains of standards indicated in Table I.1 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 39 ISO 103 60-12 :2 016(E) Bibliography [1] [2] [3] ISO 3650, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Length standards — Gauge blocks ISO 8015, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Fundamentals — Concepts, principles and rules ISO 10360-1, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) — Part 1: Vocabulary [4] ISO 10360-2, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for [5] ISO 14253-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Inspection by measurement ofworkpieces and measuring equipment — Part 1: Decision rules for proving formity or noncon formity with specifications [6] [7] ISO 14638, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Matrix model ISO 17450-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — General concepts — Part 1: Model for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) — Part 2: CMMs used for measuring linear dimensions geometrical specification and verification [8] ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general concepts and 40 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved associated terms (VIM) ISO 103 60-12 :2 016(E) ICS  17.040.30 Price based on 40 pages © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

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