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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 6934 2 First edi tion 1 991 07 01 Steel for the prestressing of concrete Part 2 Cold drawn wi re Acier pour armatures de prkontrainte Partie 2 Fi i fr~fi l~ B froid Referenc[.]

I S0 I N TERN ATI ON AL STAN DARD 6934-2 Fi rst edi ti on 991 - 07- 01 Steel Part for the prestressi ng of concrete - 2: Col d-drawn Aci er pou r Parti e 2: Fi i wi re armatu res fr~fi l ~ de prkontrai nte - B froi d Referen ce I S0 n u mber 6934- 2: 991 (E) IS0 6934-2:1 991 (E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard IS0 6934-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 7, Steel IS0 6934 consists of the following parts, under the general title Steel for the presfressing of concrete: - Part : General requirements - Part 2: Cold-drawn wire - Part 3: Quenched and tempered wire - Part 4: Strand - Part 5: Hot-rolled steel bars wifh or without subsequent processing Annexes A and B of this part of IS0 6934 are for information only IS0 991 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 l CH-1 21 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii INTERNATIONAL IS0 6934-2:1 991 (E) STANDARD Steel for the prestressing of concrete Part 2: Cold-drawn wire Scope This part of IS0 6934 specifies requirements for round, cold-drawn, high-tensile steel wire, either plain, indented, ribbed or crimped The product is supplied as mill coil wire or straightened and stress-relieved wire in coils or cut lengths, according to the general requirements specified in IS0 6934-l Normative reference The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of IS0 6934 At the time of publication, the edition indicated was valid All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of IS0 6934 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated below Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards IS0 6934-1 :1 991 , Steel for the prestressing of concrete - Part 1: General requirements Definitions For the purposes of IS0 6934, the definitions given in IS0 6934-l apply Conditions of manufacture The wire shall be manufactured from high carbon steel in accordance with IS0 6934-l The wire shall be supplied without welds or other joints Surface configuration There are several types of surface configuration (ribs, indentations, crimps), the purpose of which is to improve bond properties between wire and concrete The type of surface configuration shall be agreed between purchaser and manufacturer Examples of indentations and crimps are given in annex A Properties The designations, data for information and required properties are given in table and table 6.1 Dimensions wire and properties of mill coil 6.1 Dimensions, masses and tensile properties See table 6.1.2 Elongation and ductility The percentage total elongation at maximum force, measured on a length of 200 mm, shall be not less than I,5 % All wires shall show a ductile fracture with a constriction visible to the naked eye All wires shall withstand a reverse bend test around the bend radius given in the last column of table The minimum number of bends is four for plain wires and three for indented and ribbed wires IS0 6934-2:1 991 (E) Table - Dimensions, masses and tensile properties of mill coil wire mm 8 7 6 5 4 Nominal tensile strength’) N/mm2 470 570 I 570 670 670 770 670 770 670 770 3 2,5 2,5 770 860 860 960 Nominal diameter Nominal cross-sectional area mm2 50,3 50,3 38,5 38,5 28,3 28,3 19,6 19,6 12,6 12,6 7,07 7,07 4,91 4,91 Mass per length Permissible NominaW deviation g/m 395 395 302 302 222 222 54 54 98.9 98,9 g/m * 59 f 53 +4,3 +4,3 +3,7 +3,7 &3,1 +3,1 III 53 55,5 55,5 38,5 38,5 +I,5 +I,5 &I,25 41,25 +_w Characteristic’) maximum 0,l force41 kN 73,9 79,0 60,4 64,3 47,3 50,l 32,7 34,7 21,0 22.3 % proof force kN 59,l 63,2 48,3 51,4 37,8 40,l 26,2 27,8 16,8 17,8 12,5 13,l 9,13 9,62 IO,0 10,5 7,3 797 Bend radius mm 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 10 10 7,5 795 735 785 1) The nominal tensile strength is for designation purposes only and is calculated from the nominal cross-sectional area and the characteristic maximum force and rounded off to the nearest Nlmm2 2) In view of the small tolerance on mass per length, characteristic forces have been specified rather than stresses 3) The mass per length is calculated by adopting conventionally the value 7,85 kgldm3 as the density of steel 4) In order to prove the suitability of the material, which is only used in certain applications (e.g for railway sleepers, piles or tanks) there is a requirement for a force at % total elongation to be at least 80 % of the characteristic maximum force 6.1.3 Relaxation The relaxation at 000 h at an initial force of 70 % of the characteristic maximum force specified in table shall be not more than IO % If required, the same test shall be performed at an initial force of 60 % of the characteristic maximum force (see table 1) The maximum relaxation is then % 6.1.4 Fatigue If agreed between purchaser and manufacturer, the material shall withstand, without failure, x 0s cycles of a stress fluctuating down from a maximum stress of 70 % of the nominal tensile strength The stress range shall be 200 N/mm2 for plain wire and 80 N/mm* for intended and ribbed wire 6.2 Dimensions and properties of stress-relieved wire 6.2.1 Dimensions, masses and tensile properties See table 2 6.2.2 Elongation and ductility The percentage total elongation at maximum force, measured on a length of 200 mm, shall be not less than 3,5 % All wires shall show a ductile fracture with a constriction visible to the naked eye All wires shall withstand a reverse bend test around the bend radius given in the last column of table The minimum number of bends is four for plain wires and three for indented and ribbed wires 6.2.3 Relaxation The relaxation at 000 h at an initial force of 70 % of the characteristic maximum force specified in table shall be determined If requested, the relaxation at 000 h shall be determined also at initial forces of 60 % and 80 % of the characteristic maximum force (see table2) The maximum relaxation values are listed in table3 I S0 Tabl e - Di men si on s masses an d tensi l e Droperti es of stress- rel i eved 6934- 2: 991 ( E) wi re l- N omi n al Mas s p l en gth N o mi n al cross- Yomi n al wee prooi N o mi n aW secti on al 0, l force devi ati on stren gth ’ ) Ben d m ax i m u m Permi ssi bl e ten si l e Samet er rad i u s 5) 6) %4) 0, %4) ‘ 3) area mm2 N /mm* mm kN kN kN 72 38 41 30 84 47 51 30 g /m g /m mm 2, 470 1 91 * 2, 570 1 91 &- I O, 1 470 78, 61 * &6 1 92, 94, 25 1 570 78, 61 Ii 876 23 98, 01 25 470 63, 499 +7, 93 74, 76, 25 570 50, 395 +5, 79, 65, 67 20 670 50, 395 z k 59 84, 69, 71 , 20 570 38, 302 f4, 60, 50, l 51 , 20 670 38, 302 *4, 64, 53, 54, 20 670 28, 222 I t397 47, 39, 40, 70 28, 222 +3, 50, l 41 , 42‘ ) Th e area 2) In 3) Th e 4) For 670 9, 54 *3, 32, 27, 27, 770 9, 54 +3, 34, 28, 29, 5 670 2, 98, I ! zzo 21 , 7, 7, 1 770 2, 98, ?I 22, 8, 9, n omi n al an d th e vi ew ten si l e of mas s wi res the smal l per l en g t h of Th e 6) wi se %, 83 mo d u l u s % of %, of proof t ol eran ce is d esi g n at i on force on l arg er the mas s by t h an ch aracteri st i c respect i vel y is for cal cu l at ed el asti ci ty force is maxi mu m d i amet er 82 approxi mat el y 5) st ren g t h ch aract eri sti c respecti vel y I O, pe r mm, l en g t h , the % t aken an d 0, off on l y to an d the ch aracteri sti c force to be 205 % proof For kN /mm2 force is is 0, l % wi res for forces the + cal cu l at ed n earest ch aract eri sti c ven t i on al l y maxi mu m be man d at o ry pu rpos e s ro u n d e d ad opt i n g 85 m ay an d 270 val u e an d mm f rom h ave be e n 7, 85 kg /d m3 0, the n omi n al cross- sect i on al N /mmp % an d proof speci fi ed as the f orces smal l er, rat h er t h an d en si t y are of st resses steel approxi mat el y the correspon d i n g I S0 6934- l ) , 80 fi g u res 4/o, are kN /mm2 i n format i on on l y ( s ee except wh e n ot h er- ag re ed st ress Tabl e I ni ti al force of the in - Maxi mu m rel axati on Rel axati on percen tag e ch aracteri sti c m ax i m u m val u es Rel ax force 80 cl ass In Rel ax 0x7 % 870 2, ran g e sh al l N /mm* the for be 200 i n d en t ed abs e n ce of N /mm* an d d at a for ri bbed u se 00 pl n wi re an d wi re N /mm* provi si on al l y as the st ress ran g e for cri mped wi re I 70 30 60 495 80 2, Th e If Fati g u e ag re e d be t we e n mat eri al cl es stress of sh al l a of st ress 70 pu rch as er wi t h st an d , % fl u ctu at i n g of the an d wi t h ou t n omi n al man u f act u rer, fai l u re, d o wn wi re sh al l be o rd ered in acco rd an ce wi t h 495 I S0 Desi g n at i on f rom ten si l e a x the 06 a) I S0 b) l etter an d be d esi g n at ed as fol l ows 93 4- 2; referri n g to t reat men t : cy- maxi mu m st ren g th 693 4- l Th e M S = = mi l l coi l wi re stress- rel i eved ( see wi re I S0 693 4- l ) ( s ee I S0 6934- l ) ; I S0 c) 6934- 2: 991 (E) l etter referri ng P = I C = to wi re surface (see I S0 6934-l ) : pl n The i ndented = R = Coi l i nternal between di ameter purchaser Stress-rel i eved ri bbed: nomi nal di ameter, nomi nal tensi l e strength, in newtons per square mi l l i metre; f) rel axati on cl ass and (Rel ax i ndented nomi nal rel axati on or Rel ax l ess 2) wi re of strength nomi nal 570 di ameter N/mm* wi th i s desi gnated: 6934-2-Sl - 7- Del i very Del i very I S0 6934-l shal l be agreed face, the shal l fol l owi ng be in a l ength in accordance wi th sui tabl e the of of i nto l arge di - a change i n mechan - ensu re sati sfactory di ameters coi l wi re is bow measu red be not greater is di ameter gi ven shal l be in not di ameter stress-rel i eved wi re maxi mu m l ength, shal l wou n d to mi n i mu m 200 ti mes the di ameter requi rements of Th e be 2) Curvature Wh en m condi ti ons condi ti ons and 570- Rel ax B than curve, I S0 coi l s to avoi d and (see exampl e Stress-rel i eved cl ass An annex Exampl e: mm mi l l manufacturer shal l i n order properti es i cal i n mi l l i metres; wi re coi l s, strai ghtness e) of an d cri mped ameter d) si ze l yi ng free hei ght from than wi res on a from a the pl n i nsi de 30 m m for sur- base-l i ne of the any wi re IS0 6934-2:1 991 (E) Annex A (informative) Examples A.1 and crimps of indentations Crimps A.2 Indentations The following example indicates two methods of crimping, helical and uniplanar The total wave height (excluding the wire diameter) and pitch of crimping are shown in figure A.2 and table A.2 Other forms of crimping may be used The following example indicates a widely used arrangement of indentations The nominal dimensions of the indentations related to nominal wire diameters are as shown in figureA and tableA.l Other forms of indentations may be used I A-A A-A Helical Uni plam nom Figure A.1 - L Indentations Pitch Figure A.2 Table A.1 - Nominal indentation < $0 > 5,o I I indentation in millimetres dimension Length Depth n nom dimensions Dimensions Nominal Nominal wire diameter Pitch I n min 0,1 + 0,05 O,l5 f 0,05 3,5 5,5 &O 50 I I Table A.2 Type of crimp Short pitch Long pitch Crimps Pitch 5dto 0d 8dto 2d I Crime dimensions Total wave height Helical % dto % d % d to % d (excluding the wire diameter, d ) Uniplanar l O%dto20%d 2%dto25%d I S0 6934- 2: 991 (E) An n ex (i nformati ve) Recommen d ed A l i st of recommen ded i nternal di ameters Tabl e B of coi l - i nternal i s gi ven Recommen ded di ameter i n tabl e i nternal of coi l B I di ameters coi l Nomi n al wi re di ameter Recommen d ed di ameter i nternal of I S0 6934- 2: 991 ( E) U DC 669 4-I 24 2- 426: 691 71 4: 691 326 Descri ptors: concrete, desi gnati on, del i very Pri ce based prestressed condi ti on on pages concrete, steel s, prestressi ng steel s, col d drawn produ cts, wi re, speci fi cati ons, di men si on s,

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:29