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Disseminated Document A Study on Energy Efficiency Index in Petrochemical Industry LOGO AStd E Effii Id i Disseminated Document A St u d y on E nergy Effi c i ency I n d ex i n Petrochemical Industry DepartmentofAlternativeEnergyDevelopmentandEfficiency(DEDE) AStudyonEnergyEfficienc yIndexinPetrochemicalIndustry Petrochemical Industry is one of the most important primary industries to Thailand’seconomicdevelopment.Itisthefoundationofwidevarietyof industrial production processes such as plastic and container industry, textile industry, rubber industry, agricultural and fertilizer industry.These industries help create tremendous value added to Thailand exporting sector.In 2006, the exporting values of upstream, intermediate and downstream petrochemicalproductsare27,694,41,729 and 15,1468millionBaht,respectively.Inaddition, the country also savesmillions of bath peryearon importing goods.The utilization of natural gasintheprocessisalsoarightdirectiononincreasethevalueoflocallyavailablerawmaterial which, in turn, benefit to Thai’s economy and society as a whole.Continued expansion of this industrialsectorisforeseeableinthefuture. Production process of petrochemical industry is considered one of the most energy intensiveoperations.Duetoincreaseenergyconsumptiontrendofthisindustryandtocorrectly accommodate the future economic expansion, it is important to facilitate this industry to efficientenergymanagementinitiativesin orderto optimizethewholeprocesswhilemaximize thebenefit.Inadditiontothegainfromenergyconservationandhigherenergyefficiency,this willenhancethecapabilityofthe industrytocompeteonthe globalscale.Fromthese reasons, the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), a responsible governmental body who oversee the industrial energy management, considers this important strategy and duty to promote the increase in energy efficiency of petrochemical industry. The activitieswillbecarriedoutundertheEnergyConservationandPromotionActsof1992. One strategy which the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency has been executed to urge the industry about the energy efficiency is the analysis of energy usage per production unit (Energy Index, EI).Hence it is DEDE’s initiative to develop Energy Consumption of Petrochemical Industry in Thailand project to use the energy consumption data of this industry as a step to develop energy benchmarking standard. Moreover, the acquired information may be evaluated for preparation of energy efficiency index and energy conservation of each manufacturer. Finally, the outcome of this project may lead to the right directionondefiningtheappropriatefutureplanforenergyconservationplanofpetrochemical industry. Thisreport istodistributetheresultofthisprojectwhichincludestheanalysisofenergy consumption index of petrochemical industry, approach on promotional plan for energy conservation, and techniques for efficient energy usages. Authors hope that this report will furtherbemoreorlessusefultostakeholdersandanyinvolved parties. PREFACE DepartmentofAlternativeEnergyDevelopmentandEfficiency(DEDE) AStudyonEnergyEfficienc yIndexinPetrochemicalIndustry CONTENT PREFACE CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEWOFTHAILANDPETROCHEMICALINDUSTRY 1 1.1ThePetrochemicalIndustryStructure 1 1.2TypesofPetrochemicalIndustry 4 1.3PetrochemicalFeedstock 6 1.4HowPetrochemicalIndustryAffectsEconomicSystem 7 1.5EnergyConsumptionofPetrochemicalIndustryinThailand 12 CHAPTER 2 :ENERGYCLASSIFICATIONOFPETROCHEMICALINDUSTRY 14 2.1ClassificationofPetrochemicalIndustry 14 2.2ProductionProcesses 15 CHAPTER3:ENERGYCONSUMPTIONINPETROCHEMICALINDUSTRY 22 3.1EnergyConsumptionIndex 22 3.2SpecificEnergyConsumption(SEC) 23 3.3 EvaluationofEnergyIntensity(EI) 29 CHAPTER 4:THEPROMOTIONOFENERGYCONSERVATION 31 4.1ProblemsinPetrochemicalIndustry 31 4.2SWOTAnalysis 32 4.3PromotionalPlanforEnergyConservationInThePetrochemical 33 CHAPTER5:TECHNOLOGYANDMEASURESFORENERGYCONSERVATIONIN PETROCHEMICALINDUSTRY 36 5.1DevelopmentandImprovementofProductionTechnology 36 5.2EnergyEfficiencyImprovementforProcessesandEquipments 40 SUMMARY 48 REFERENCES 50 LISTOFABBREVIATION 52 pro d 1.1 refi n che m oil ad m pur p pet r pro d pet r Petroc h d uctssucha s ThePet r Whilet h n ingindustr y m icalprodu c themselves. m inistrations p ose of th e r ochemical p d ucing a h o r ochemicali n Source: P Figure1 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 Production(KTA) De h emicals r e s crudeoil, n r ochemic a h epetroche m y inthatitu c ts.Genera Even th o fortheirre f e oil indu s p roducts as o st of che m n dustryfro m P TIT,2007 Production 14,2 5 ‐ 2 ,000 4 ,000 6 ,000 8 ,000 0 ,000 2 ,000 4 ,000 6 ,000 8 ,000 T o I n partmentof A e fer to hyd r n aturalgasa a lIndustr y m icalindus t sessomepr lly,compani o ugh there f ineryandt h s try busine s their by‐pr o m ical produ m 2003to20 0 ofThailand’ 39 5 ,707 2,597 5,935 2003 o talProducti o n termediateP 1.OVER V A lternativeE n A St u dy r ocarbon or g ndnaturalg y Structu r t ryisparto f oductsfro m es which pr are some h eirpetroch e s s is to pr o ducts.Me a cts, as sh o 0 6. spetroche m 15,034 5,887 2,81 8 6 , 2004 o n etrochemical V IEWO F n ergyDevelo p onEnergyEff i g anic chem i ascondensa r e f thechemic a m theoilrefi n o duce petr o which do s e micalprod u o duce ene r a nwhile, the o wn in Fig u m icalindustr y 15,66 0 6, 2 8 , 329 2 Year U s D F PETRO C p mentandEff i i ciencyInde x i n i cals produ c tesasraw m a lindustry, i n eryasraw o chemicalpr s o, they w o u ction.Ino t r gy, getting petrochem u re 1 prod u y fromyear 2 0 1 2 19 3,004 6,436 2 005 U pstreamPet r D ownstream P C HEMIC A iciency(DED E n Petrochemic a c ed using p e m aterials. i tdiffersfro m materialsfo oducts do n ould have t herwords, t raw mat e ical industr y u ction of T 2 003to200 6 6,372 5,945 3,891 6,5 3 2006 r ochemicals P etrochemica l A LINDU S E ) a lIndustry e troleum m theoil rspecific otrefine separate t hemain rials for y aims at hailand’s 6 . 3 6 l s S TRY 1 DepartmentofAlternativeEnergyDevelopmentandEfficiency(DEDE) AStudyonEnergyEfficienc yIndexinPetrochemicalIndustry 2 In general, the petrochemical industry uses raw materials from the petroleum industry to manufacture products such as plastic resins, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubbers, surface coating materials and various types of adhesives.These products are considered primary raw materials for human beings’ basic consumption items, occupational tools and equipment, and various amenities for mankind.Figure 2 shows the links between the petroleum industry and petrochemicalindustry;Figure3showsthestructureofThailand’spetrochemicalindustry. Figure2Thailandpetroleumandpetrochemicalne twork S o o urce: PTIT, 2 0 De 0 06 partmentof A Figure 3 Th A lternativeE n A St u dy ailand petroc h n ergyDevelo p onEnergyEff i h emical com p p mentandEff i i ciencyInde x i n p lex flows iciency(DED E n Petrochemic a E ) a lIndustry 3 DepartmentofAlternativeEnergyDevelopmentandEfficiency(DEDE) AStudyonEnergyEfficienc yIndexinPetrochemicalIndustry 4 1.2TypesofPetrochemicalIndustry The petrochemical industry is classified into 3 main groups, on the basis of their products(asshowninFigure4). UpstreamPetrochemicalIndustry IntermediatePetrochemicalIndustry DownstreamPetrochemicalIndustry Figure4OverviewofThailandpetrochemicalindustry 1.2.1UpstreamPetrochemicalIndustry Upstreampetrochemicalindustryisthe productionofpetrochemicalproductswhich are feedstock for further production of other petrochemical products (intermediate and downstream).Itconsists of 7 kinds of products, or “the Seven Sisters”, which are divided into thefollowing3groupsonthebasisoftheirmolecularstructure: Alkanegroup,which is methane‐based Olefingroup,whichisethylene‐based,propylene‐basedandMixedC 4 ‐based Aromaticgroup,whichisbenzene‐based,toluene‐basedand xylene‐based Supporting: Infrastructure, Logistic, HR, Finance, Rules& Regulations Valuechain component Key activities • E&P • Oil Refinery • Gas separation • Olefins - Ethylene - Propylene • Aromatics - Benzene - Para- Xylene • Plastic Resins Commodity (PE, PP, PVC, PS, EPS, PET) Engineering (PC, POM, PBT*, Nylon 6,6*, PMMA) Synthetic Fibre - Polyester - Nylon 6 - Polypropylene - Acrylic Syn. Rubber/ Elastomers - BR, SBR, EPDM* Syn. Coating/ Adhesives - PVA*, Silicone • Compounding • Olefins - EDC/VCM - EO**/EG** - Oxo Alcohol* - Acrylonitrile* • Aromatics - Ethylbenzene** - Styrene - Cyclohexane** - Caprolactam - Cumene/Phenol** - PTA -PA Conversion Industries Downstream Intermediate Upstream Oil & Gas Note: * No local production, ** Investment in progress DepartmentofAlternativeEnergyDevelopmentandEfficiency(DEDE) ASt udy onEnergyEfficiencyIndexinPetrochemicalIndustry 5 1.2.2IntermediatePetrochemicalIndustry Intermediatepetrochemicalindustryusesupstreampetrochemicalproductsasfeedstock and supplies todownstream petrochemical industry.Its products are groupedon the basis of theirupstreampetrochemicals,asfollows: AlkaneIntermediates,namely, productsfromupstreammethane,suchasmethanolor methylalcohol,formaldehyde,ammonia,phosgene,etc. Olefin Intermediates, namely, ethylene products such as ethylene dichloride, (EDC), vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), ethylene oxide (EO), and ethylene glycol (EG), propyleneproductssuchasoxoalcohol andacrylonitrile Aromatic Intermediates, namely, benzene products such as ethyl benzene (EB), styrenemonomer(SM),cyclohexane,carprolactam,andparaxyleneproducts,etc. 1.2.3DownstreamPetrochemicalIndustry Downstream petrochemical Industry uses upstream or intermediate petrochemical productsasfeedstocktomanufacturedownstreamproductsorendproductspriortoconversion inotherindustries.Theyarecategorizedbyendproduct,asfollows: Plasticresins SyntheticFibers Syntheticrubbers SyntheticcoatingandAdhesivematerials ดิบสําหรับการผลิตอุตสาหกรรมปโตรเคมี DepartmentofAlternativeEnergyDevelopmentandEfficiency(DEDE) AStudyonEnergyEfficienc yIndexinPetrochemicalIndustry 6 1.3PetrochemicalFeedstock Thereare2typesoffeedstockforthepetrochemicalindustry:naturalgasandnaphtha. The selection of feedstock varies on the advantages and disadvantages in the access to the feedstock,andthereforevariesfromonecountrytoanother.Forinstance,incountrieslikethe USA,Canada,andtheMiddleEast, productionofpetrochemicalsisfromnaturalgas,whereasin Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Europe, which do not have natural gas, naphtha is used instead, since it is sold in the world market and is easy to transport. In the case of Thailand, both are used.Thetypeoffeedstockalso determinesthe manufacturingprocessusedbymanufacturing plants.Figure5showsfeedstocksourcesfortheindustry. Figure5Petrochemicalfeedstock Gas separation Wetgas Refinery Crude oil Condensate Splitter Condensate Petrochemical Feedstock Refinedproducts Petrochemical Feedstock Petrochemical Feedstock • Methane • Ethane • Propane‐Butane(LPG) • NGL • LPG • Naphtha‐Gasoline • GasOil–Kerosene, Jet,Diesel • FuelOil • Bitumen • Etc. • LPG • Naphtha • GasOil • LPG • Naphtha Drygas Residue [...]... consumption of petrochemical products in other countries. The data shows the difference in SEC from product to product. The energy consumption depends mainly on products. The difference in technologies, processes, and raw materials contribute to the difference in SEC. Table 10 Specific energy consumption (SEC) of petrochemical products in other countries SEC (MJ/Ton) SEC average ... This is because there are not too many petrochemical plants in Thailand, and presenting too detailed data may be revealing confidential information of the businesses. Therefore, petrochemical industry were divided into 3 groups as follows: Upstream Petrochemical Industry) - Olefins Group - Aromatics Group Intermediate Petrochemical Industry Downstream Petrochemical Industry - HDPE - PS, PP, EPS ... Aromatics Table 7 Specific energy consumption (SEC) of upstream petrochemical aromatics in year 2003‐ 2006 Upstream Petrochemical ‐ Aromatics SEC (MJ/Ton) 2003 2004 2005 2006 3,000 ‐ 8,700 2,800 ‐ 8,500 3,300 ‐ 17,000 3,100 ‐ 17,000 average 5,708 average 5,425 average 8,146 average 7,960 Average 6,987 Remarks: The values of SEC in 2003 and 2004 are lower than those of 2005 and 2006 because some of the ... industrial sector, including food, drinks, textiles, wood, chemicals, paper, ceramic, cement and metal (referred from energy consumption data from DEDE’s energy consumption annual report), was selected to compare the energy used in the petrochemical industry. It was found that the petrochemical sector consumes 15 to 17 percent of the total industrial sector’s consumption. ... Polyvinyl chloride(PVC) Source: Energetics Incorporated, 2000 A Study on Energy Efficiency Index in Petrochemical Industry Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) Table 11 Specific energy consumption (SEC) of petrochemical products in Thailand and other countries USA SEC (MJ/Ton) Thailand SEC (MJ/Ton) 12,561 ‐ 25,120 16,900 – 24,900 Aromatics (BTX) 2,310 ‐ 3,521 3,200 – 17,000 ... 3. ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 22 3.1 Energy Consumption Index Appropriate calculation of indices of energy consumption in the petrochemical industry used in Thailand and worldwide are: Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) and Energy Intensity (EI). Assessment is necessary in order to lead to development of plant efficiency. SEC is calculated from the energy that a plant consumes during a cycle of operation, for example, one‐ ... 3.2 Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) Analysis results of the assessment of the 30 plants joining the study project are presented in term of overall average, maximum and minimum values of the years 2003‐2006, as shown in Table 5 and in sections 3.2.1 to 3.2.3. Table 5 Range of specific energy consumption (SEC) in MJ/Ton of upstream intermediate and downstream petrochemical industry in year 2004‐2006 ...Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) 1.4 How Petrochemical Industry Affects Economic System 1.4.1 The Role of Petrochemical Industry in Thailand The petrochemical industry brings in tremendous, uninterrupted revenue to the country as show in Table 1. In year 2006, total revenue from petrochemical industry exceed 447.760 million Baht which is equivalent to 6‐percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Moreover, the ... 2003 2004 20 005 2006 gure 27 Spe ecific energy consumption (SEC) of int termediate p petrochemic cal industry Fig Table 8 Specific energy consump ption (SEC) o of intermedia ate petrochemical indust try in year 20 003‐ 2006 Int termediate P Petrochemic cal Industry SECav n) verage (MJ/Ton 2003 2 2004 2005 2006* 2,100 ‐ 10,300 1,900 ‐ 10,5 500 1,900 ‐ 10,500 ... Other types of energy, also estimated from consumption in the production process, are used at smaller quantities. A Study on Energy Efficiency Index in Petrochemical Industry 13 Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) 2.CLASSIFICATION OF PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 2.1 Classification of Petrochemical Industry 14 The petrochemical industry covers a vast array of products, and the manufacturing processes vary from one product to another. Sometimes the same products use different in raw . Upstream Petrochemical Industry Intermediate Petrochemical Industry Downstream Petrochemical Industry Figure4OverviewofThailand petrochemical industry 1.2.1Upstream Petrochemical Industry Upstream petrochemical industryisthe. 1 1.1The Petrochemical IndustryStructure 1 1.2Typesof Petrochemical Industry 4 1.3 Petrochemical Feedstock 6 1.4How Petrochemical IndustryAffectsEconomicSystem 7 1.5EnergyConsumptionof Petrochemical IndustryinThailand 12 CHAPTER 2 :ENERGYCLASSIFICATIONOF PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. yIndexin Petrochemical Industry CONTENT PREFACE CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEWOFTHAILAND PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 1 1.1The Petrochemical IndustryStructure 1 1.2Typesof Petrochemical Industry 4 1.3 Petrochemical Feedstock 6 1.4How Petrochemical IndustryAffectsEconomicSystem 7 1.5EnergyConsumptionof Petrochemical IndustryinThailand 12 CHAPTER