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English for chemical engineering and petrochemical refining lesson 6 the reaction rate

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ENGLISH FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PETROCHEMICAL - REFINERY Hoang Anh Viet Dung December 2016 LESSON – Review Vocabulary Homogeneous /həʊməʊˈdʒiːniəs/: đồng nhất, đồng thể Phase /feɪz/: pha Component /kəmˈpəʊnənt/: thành phần, cấu tử Binary /ˈbaɪnəri/: kép, lưỡng, đôi Pure /pjʊə(r)/: tinh khiết, khiết Solvent /ˈsɒlv(ə)nt/: dung môi Quantity /ˈkwɒntəti/: số lượng Solute /ˈsɒljuːt/: chất tan Uniform /ˈjuːnɪfɔː(r)m/: đồng nhất, quán distinguishable /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃəb(ə)l/: khác biệt Distinction /dɪˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n/ khác nhau, phân biệt To evaporate /ɪˈvæpəreɪt/ bay hơi, bốc volatile /ˈvɒlətaɪl/ dễ bay LESSON – Review Dung môi thành phần chiếm số lượng lớn dung dịch Solvent/ component/ which/present/large/quantity/solution Solvent is the component which is present a large quantity in a solution Nếu hai thành phần dung dịch dễ bay phân biệt dung dịch chất tinh khiết không đơn giản If/components/a solution/volatile/the distinction/a pure substance/is/simple If two components of a solution are volatile, the distinction between a pure substance and solution is not simple LESSON – Text One of the most fundamental empirical observations that a chemist can make is how the concentrations of reactants and products vary with time The first substantial quantitative study of the rate of a reaction was performed by L Wilhelmy, who in 1850 studied the inversion of sucrose in acid solution with a polarimeter There are many methods for making such observations: one might monitor the concentrations spectroscopically, through absorption, fluorescence, or light scattering; one might measure concentrations electrochemically, for example, by potentiometric determination of the pH; one might monitor the total volume or pressure if these are related in a simple way to the concentrations Whatever the method, the result is usually something like that illustrated in Figure 2.1 LESSON – Text LESSON – Text • In general, as is true in this figure, the reactant concentrations will decrease as time goes on, while the product concentrations will increase There may also be "intermediates" in the reaction, species whose concentrations first grow and then decay with time How can we describe these changes in quantitative mathematical terms? • We define the rate law for a reaction in terms of the time rate of change in concentration of one of the reactants or products In general, the rate of change of the chosen species will be a function of the concentrations of the reactant and product species as well as of external parameters such as the temperature For example, In Figure 2.1 the rate of change for a species at any time is proportional to the slope of its concentration curve The slope varies with time and generally approaches zero as the reaction approaches equilibrium The stoichiometry of the reaction determines the proportionality constant LESSON – Text Vocabulary Electrochemically: điện hóa Fundamental: Potentiometric: đo hiệu điện Chemist: nhà hóa học To illustrate: minh họa Concentration: nồng độ Intermediate: sản phẩm trung gian Substantial: đáng kể, quan trọng Specie: hợp chất, loại, lồi Quantitative: định tính To decay: phân hủy Rate: tốc độ Rate law: định luật tốc độ phản ứng To perform: thực Reactant: chất phản ứng Inversion: biến đổi ngược External: ngoài, ngoại vi Sucrose: Proportional: tỷ lệ Polarimeter: phân cực kế Slope: độ dốc Spectroscopically: quang phổ Concentration curve: đường nồng độ Absorption: hấp thụ To approach: tiếp cận, tiến tới Fluorescence: huỳnh quang Equilibrium: cân Light scattering: tán xạ ánh sáng Stoichiometry: hệ số tỷ lệ LESSON – Text Exercise 1: questions Who performed the first substantial quantitative study of the reaction’s rate? L Wilhelmy did What did L Wilhelmy study? He studied the inversion of sucrose in acid solution with a polarimeter What is one of the most fundamental empirical observations that a chemist can do? It is how the concentration of reactants and products vary with time From the Figure 2.1, what will increase when time goes on? The product concentration will increase LESSON – Text Exercise 1: questions From the Figure 2.1, what will decrease when time goes on? The reactant concentration will decrease How we define the rate law for a reaction? In term of the time rate of change in concentration of one of the reactants or products What is the rate of change of specie proportional to? It is proportional to the slope of its concentration curve What does the stoichiometry of the reaction determine? It determines the proportionality constant LESSON – Text Exercise 2: translate into English Tốc độ phản ứng hóa học phụ thuộc vào thành phần chất tham gia phản ứng nhiều yếu tố khác Reaction/ rate/ depend/composition/reactant/factor The reaction’s rate depends on the composition of the reactants and other factors Nồng độ chất phản ứng giảm theo thời gian The/concentration/reactant/decrease/as/time/go The reactant concentration will decrease as time goes on Lesson 6: Grammar Giving definitions A generator is a machine A generator changes mechanical energy into electrical energy A generator is a machine which/that changes mechanical energy into electrical energy Relative pronouns That or which replaces the subject when it is a thing or an animal That or who replaces the subject when it is a person Where replaces the subject when it is a place 11 Lesson 6: Grammar Giving definitions Sara is a lead engineer She works on an oil rig Sara is a lead engineer who/that works on an oil rig A drain is a device It allows water to leave a tank A drain is a device which/that allows water to leave a tank This is the trainer He teaches English for the oil and gas industry This is the trainer who/that teaches English for the oil and gas industry 12 Lesson 6: Homework - Read and translate into Vietnamese text 13 ... a tank This is the trainer He teaches English for the oil and gas industry This is the trainer who/that teaches English for the oil and gas industry 12 Lesson 6: Homework - Read and translate... tố khác Reaction/ rate/ depend/composition/reactant/factor The reaction s rate depends on the composition of the reactants and other factors Nồng độ chất phản ứng giảm theo thời gian The/ concentration/reactant/decrease/as/time/go... quantitative mathematical terms? • We define the rate law for a reaction in terms of the time rate of change in concentration of one of the reactants or products In general, the rate of change of the chosen

Ngày đăng: 18/01/2018, 21:02

