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English for chemical engineering and petrochemical refining lesson 4 equipment for chemistry lab

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ENGLISH FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PETROCHEMICAL - REFINERY Hoang Anh Viet Dung November 2016 LESSON – Review petroleum /pəˈtrəʊliəm/ crude oil reactive /riˈæktɪv/ complex /ˈkɒmpleks/ ethane /ˈiːθeɪn/ to characterize /ˈkærɪktəraɪz/ bond /bɒnd/ single bond heavy fuel oil lubricating oil /ˈluːbrɪkeɪting/ to contain /kənˈteɪn/ chứa , có, bao gồm methane /ˈmɛθ eɪn/ mê-tan tetrahedral /ˌtɛtrəˈhi drəl/ tứ diện to lie /laɪ/ nằm, vị trí Lying: v-ing form of “lie” to occur /əˈkɜː(r)/ xuất hiện, có mặt quantity /ˈkwɒn tɪ ti/ số lượng manufacture /ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃə(r)/ sản xuất combustion /kəmˈbʌstʃ(ə)n/ to burn /bɜː(r)n/ to deposite /dɪˈpɒzɪt/ Lesson - Review Cyclic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon vòng Ring of carbon atoms Vòng carbon Cyclohexane /,saiklou'heksein/ Aromatic /,ærou'mætik/ Hợp chất thơm Benzene /'benzi:n/ Toluene /'tɔlju:in/ Xylene /'zaili:n/ Reactive (a) Hoạt động Tetrahedron /,tetrə'hi:drən/ Tứ diện Hexagon /'heksəgən/ Lục giác Planar /'pleinə/ Phẳng Derivative Dẫn xuất Saturated Bão hòa, no Unsaturated Chưa bão hòa, no Volatile Bay Lesson - Review Fossil energy Năng lượng hóa thạch Natural gas Khí thiên nhiên Petroleum Dầu mỏ Oil and Gas industry Cơng nghiệp dầu khí Natural resources Tài nguyên thiên nhiên Coal Than đá Minerals Khoáng sản Renewable energy Năng lượng tái tạo Sunlight Wind Rain Tides Thủy triều Waves Geothermal heat Địa nhiệt Oil price: $US/barrel Barrel = 119,24 liters Natural gas price: $US/mmBtu One million British thermal unit Lesson - Review Light Nhẹ Intermediate Trung bình Heavy Nặng Drug Thuốc, dược phẩm Explosive Thuốc nổ Plastic Nhựa Synthetic dye Nhuộm tổng hợp Gasoline xăng Kerosene – Jet fuel Xăng máy bay Lubricating oil Dầu bôi trơn Paraffin wax Asphalt = bitumen Nhựa đường Application Ứng dụng Manufacture Sản xuất Tire Lốp Rubber Cao su Petroleum cuts Phân đoạn dầu mỏ b.p Boiling point Điểm sôi m.p Melting point Điểm chảy f.p Freezing point Điểm đơng đặc Gas Khí CNG (compressed natural gas) Khí thiên nhiên nén LNG (liquefied natural gas) Khí thiên nhiên hóa lỏng LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) Khí dầu mỏ hóa lỏng Lesson - Review Comparative adjective Short adjectives -er cheap = cheaper old = older fast = faster thin = thinner Long adjectives more/less more serious more often more expensive more comfortable Two-syllable adj ending in y -y = -ier lucky = luckier easy = easier early = earlier Irregular form: Good = better This book is better than that one Bad = worse How's your headache? Better? No, it's worse Far = farther / further Lesson - Review Superlative adjective Short adjectives -est long = longest hot = hottest easy = easiest hard = hardest Long adjectives the most + adj enjoyable = the most enjoyable Interesting = the most interesting expensive = the most expensive popular = the most popular Irregular form: Good = best Bad = worst Far = farthest / furthest Lesson - Content Vocabulary: experiment terminology Grammar: How experiment Exercises to describe a chemical LESSON – Laboratory equipment Glassware / Chemicals Dụng cụ thủy tinh / hóa chất Test tube Ống nghiệm Volumetric flask Bình định mức Bottle Chai đựng hóa chất Cylinder /ˈsɪlɪndə(r)/ Measuring cylinder Graduated cylinder Ống đong Funnel Phễu Beaker Cốc Erlenmeyer flask Bình nón (tam giác) Separatory funnel Phễu chiết LESSON – Laboratory equipment /pɪˈpet/ LESSON - Laboratory equipment Porcelain /ˈpɔː(r)s(ə)lɪn/ Stirrer /ˈstɜːrə(r)/ Thiết bị khuấy Pestle /ˈpes(ə)l/ Mortal /ˈmɔː(r)t(ə)l/ Balance (n, v) /ˈbæləns/ Crucible /ˈkruːsəb(ə)l/ Chén nung Oven Electronic balance Analytical balance /ˌænəˈlɪtɪk(ə)l/ Dessicator Dụng cụ hút ẩm 11 LESSON - Laboratory equipments Mixture Residue Funnel 4 Filtrate Filter paper Ring stand, ring, clamp 12 LESSON - Laboratory equipment LESSON –Vocabulary Discover Test To verify To check To confirm Research (n, v) To demonstrate To carry out To vary Scale Phenomenon (sing.) Phenomena (pl.) Process Employ Water Supply (v, n) To conduct (v) Pipe (n) Tap (n) Turn the tap on/off Sink (n) Gas Electricity To serve (v) To operate (v) To generate (v) To produce (v) To provide (v) To equip (v) Equipment (n) To switch (v) Switch on/off the light LESSON – Vocabulary Device Apparatus /ˌæpəˈreɪtəs/ Drying oven (n) tủ sấy Furnace (n) lò nung Burner (n) lò đốt Flame (n) lửa Hood (n): tủ hút Ventilator (n) quạt thơng gió Harmful vapor: độc hại Undesirable odor: mùi khó chịu Vessel (n) bình Gas cylinder: bình khí Lesson 4: Vocabulary Dilute (v, a) Dilution (n) Solution (n) Solvent (n) Solute (n) = dissolved substance Concentration (n) Concentrated (a) >< diluted (a) Molar concentration = Moles/volume Percent (%) Weight/weight (wt/wt%) Volume/volume (v/v %) Weight/volume (wt/v%) Indicate (v) Indicator (n) pH indicator 16 LESSON – Text Laboratories have now become indispensable in schools, factories and research institutes to test, confirm, or demonstrate on a small scale, phenomena and processes which occur in nature or which may find application in industry or be of importance to science The equipment of a chemical laboratory varies according to the nature of the work, which is to be carried out It may be intended for the student to put to the test his theoretical knowledge/ school laboratory, for the technician/ technologist to verify and check processes to be employed in the factory/ works laboratory or to help the scientist and research worker to discover or confirm scientific facts/ research laboratory Every chemical laboratory should be provided with running water, gas and electricity The water supply is conducted from the mains by means of pipes, the piping terminating in taps under, which there are sinks to take away waste water and other non-objectionable liquids When one needs water one turns the tap on and stops it flowing by turning the tap off Similarly, a system of pipes is attached to the gas main from where gas reaches the various kinds of burners They serve for producing flames of different intensity, the Bunsen burner being the most common type used LESSON – Text Vocabulary Indispensable/ˌɪndɪˈspensəb(ə)l/ (a): quan trọng, cần thiết Institute /ˈɪnstɪˌtjuːt/ (n): tổ chức, viện Phenomena /fəˈnɒmɪnən/ (n): tượng Equipment (n): thiết bị To vary (v); thay đổi To carry out (v): thực Theoretical /ˌθɪəˈretɪk(ə)l/ (a) lý thuyết To conduct /kənˈdʌkt/ (v) thực hiện, tiến hành Pipe (n) đường ống Sink (n) bồn rửa Waste water: nước thải Objectionable /əbˈdʒekʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l/ (a) bị phản đối, đáng chê trách Intensity (n) cường độ LESSON – Text Exercise 1: questions What is the task of laboratory work? to test, confirm, or demonstrate on a small scale, phenomena and processes Why is it important and necessary for you as students of chemistry to make experiments in your school laboratories? to test the theoretical knowledge What burners serve for? They serve for producing flames of different intensity LESSON – Text Exercise 2: translate into English 1.Trang bị phòng thí nghiệm hóa học phụ thuộc vào loại cơng việc tiến hành Equipment/ laboratory/ vary/ nature/ work/ exist/ which / carry out Mỗi phòng thí nghiệm nên cung cấp nguồn nước, khí điện Every / laboratory / provide / water / gas / electricity Lesson 4: Grammar THE PASSIVE VOICE “Voice” refers to the way the verb is used in the sentence Remember that a sentence has to have a subject and a verb, and many verbs require direct objects Here’s an example of active voice: subject verb direct object Babe hit the baseball doer action receives action In passive voice, the subject of the sentence also receives the action The doer of the action is someone else Here’s an example of passive voice: subject The baseball receives action verb is hit action by Babe who did the action 21 Lesson 4: Grammar THE PASSIVE VOICE Correct: 250mL of distilled water was poured into a 500 mL beaker Incorrect: I poured 250mL of distilled water in a beaker (active voice) Pour 250mL water in a beaker (direction/command) Correct: The covered crucible was mounted on a ring stand Incorrect: We put the crucible on a ring stand (active voice) Set the crucible on a ring stand (direction/command) Correct: The temperature was initially measured at 80°C Incorrect: I measured the temperature at 80°C (active voice) Measure and write down the temperature (direction/command) 22 Lesson 4: Homework - Read and translate into Vietnamese text - Exercise 23 ... Dessicator Dụng cụ hút ẩm 11 LESSON - Laboratory equipments Mixture Residue Funnel 4 Filtrate Filter paper Ring stand, ring, clamp 12 LESSON - Laboratory equipment LESSON –Vocabulary Discover... Erlenmeyer flask Bình nón (tam giác) Separatory funnel Phễu chiết LESSON – Laboratory equipment /pɪˈpet/ LESSON - Laboratory equipment Porcelain /ˈpɔː(r)s(ə)lɪn/ Stirrer /ˈstɜːrə(r)/ Thiết bị... Irregular form: Good = best Bad = worst Far = farthest / furthest Lesson - Content Vocabulary: experiment terminology Grammar: How experiment Exercises to describe a chemical LESSON – Laboratory equipment

Ngày đăng: 18/01/2018, 21:02

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