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Ta 5 unit 18 what will the weather be like tomorrow

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Son Dong Primary School Lesson Plan “Tiếng Anh 4” Thanh Thoi A 1 Primary School Lesson Plan “English 5” Preparing day Week Teaching days Period UNIT 18 WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE LIKE TOMORROW? Lesson 1[.]

Thanh Thoi A Primary School Preparing day: Teaching days: Lesson Plan “English 5” Week: Period: UNIT 18: WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE LIKE TOMORROW? Objectives: Lesson 1: 1, 2, By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to ask and answer about weather Language content: content - Grammar: What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be …… and …… - Vocabulary: weather forecast, foggy - Skills : Listening and speaking Teaching methods: methods Communicative approach Techniques: R.O.R, picture drills, pairworks, groupworks Teaching aids: Lesson plan, tape, teacher’s and students’ books Time: Time 40’ Procedure: Teacher’s activities Pupils’ Tim Contents activities e * Warm-up: “Slap the * Slap the board: board” - hot - cold - Asks Ps to play a game - listen - rainy - Writes words on the - look at - sunny board and circles - windy - Divides the class into - get into two teams (A, B), Ps team A & for one team B - Gives instructions.checks listen,ans - Asks Ps to to read the wer words in Vietnamese, Ps - read in two teams come to aloud the board and slap the - slap the words words - Remarks - Announces the winner 13 * New words: * New lesson - correct weather forecast: dự báo thời tiết PRESENTATION: foggy: có sương mù Pre-teach vocabulary: - Introduces the lesson - Elicits the new words - listen and write them on the - listen Thanh Thoi A Primary School board + 1,2 visual + explanation - Asks Ps to read the new words (chorally, individually) - Checks pronunciation - Asks Ps to copy the new words in their notebooks - Checks the words by ROR, and asks Ps to read and try to remember then come to the board and write them again Look, listen and repeat: - Introduces the dialogue - Plays the recording through for Ps to listen to the dialogue - Plays the recording again - Reads model - Asks Ps to repeat after the tape or teacher - Divides the class into two groups and practise - Asks Ps to practise in pairs - Introduces and gives the structure - Writes the structure on the board - Asks Ps to copy down PRACTICE: Point and say: - Asks Ps to look at the pictures a, b, c, d on page 52 - Asks them to identify what the weather will be like in each picture - Models with one pupil - Asks Ps to work in pairs - Goes around and helps Ps - Asks some pairs to practise in front of the class - Listens and gives the correct PRODUCTION: Let’s talk: - Asks Ps to look at the sentences and checks Lesson Plan “English 5” and answer - read - Checks the words by ROR - correct - copy - read and write on the board Look, listen and repeat (lesson 1– part – p 52) *Model sentences: What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be cold and rainy * Use: Hỏi đáp thời tiết - listen - listen - listen again - listen - repeat - work in groups - work in pairs - listen - look at 15 - copy - look at - identify - practise - work in pairs - practice - correct Point and say (lesson 1– part – p 52) - What would you like to be in the future?  I’d like to be a/an …………… a cold, snowy What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be cold and snowy b hot, sunny c warm, stormy d cool, cloudy Let’s talk (lesson 1– part – p 52) - What’s the weather like today?  It’s …… and ……… - What will the weather be like tomorrow? Thanh Thoi A Primary School comprehension - Does an example with Ps Points to and prompts Ps to say the words to fill the gaps Has Ps repeat a few times Calls a pair to give a demonstration of the dialogue before starting the activity - Has Ps work in pairs Goes around to offer help and corrects the pronunciation, if necessary - Calls a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class - Remarks - look at, listen and answer - practice - repeat - work in pairs - practice in front of the class - correct Lesson Plan “English 5”  It will be …… and ……… Pupils’ own answers Thanh Thoi A Primary School Lesson Plan “English 5” Thanh Thoi A Primary School Lesson Plan “English 5” Preparing day: ]Teaching days: Week: Period: UNIT 18: WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE LIKE TOMORROW? Objectives: Lesson 2: 1, 2, By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to ask and answer about the weather and the seasons Language content: content - Grammar : What’s … like in your country? It’s usually…… There is/ are… - Vocabulary: Old vocabulary - Skills : Reading, listening and speaking Teaching methods: methods Communicative approach Techniques: Bingo, Picture Drill, pairworks, groupworks Teaching aids: Lesson plan, tape, teacher’s and students’ books Time: Time 40’ Procedure: Teacher’s Pupils’ Time Contents activities activities * Warm up: “Bingo” - Asks Ps to play a game - Gives Ps a small piece of paper with words - Explains - Calls out the words, one at a time in a loud voice, Ps should put a cross on the word in papers, continue calling until there is a P getting three words in a straight line crossed out and calling Bingo - Remarks and checks - Announces the winner * New lesson PRESENTATION: Look, listen and repeat: - Introduces the dialogue - listen - take papers - listen - listen * Bingo: - stormy - cloudy - hot - cold - foggy - read aloud - correct 10 - listen - listen Look, listen and repeat (lesson 2– part – p 54) Thanh Thoi A Primary School - Plays the recording through for Ps to listen to the dialogue - Plays the recording again - Reads model - Asks Ps repeat after the tape or teacher - Divides the class into two groups and practise - Then asks Ps to practise in pairs - Introduces and gives the structure - Writes the structure on the board - Asks Ps to copy PRACTICE: Point and say: - Asks Ps to look at the pictures a, b, c and d on page 54 - Models with one pupil - Asks Ps to work in pairs - Goes around and helps Ps - Asks some pairs to practise in front of the class - Listens and gives the correct PRODUCTION: Let’s talk: - Asks Ps to ask and answer questions about the seasons and weather - Asks Ps to work in pairs Reminds them to use the question and answer in their books - Sets a limit time for them to practice - Monitors the activity and offers help, if necessary - Invites a few pairs to act out their exchanges in front of the class Preparing day: Lesson Plan “English 5” - listen again - listen - repeat *Model sentences: What's summer like in your country? It's usually hot There are/ is flowers/wind - work in groups - work in pairs - listen *Use: Hỏi đáp thời tiết vào mùa - look at - copy 15 - look at - practice - work in pairs - practice - practice - correct - listen - work in pairs - practise - practise - practice in front of the class 10 Point and say (lesson 2– part – p 54) - What’s …… like in your country?  It’s usually …………… There is/ are …………… a spring / cold / wind - What’s spring like in your country?  It’s usually cold There is/ are wind b summer / hot / flowers c autumn / cool / rain d winter / very cold / snow Let’s talk (lesson 2– part – p 54) - Where you live?  I live - How many seasons are there?  There are - What are they?  They’re - What’s your favourite season?  I like - What’s spring/summer/ like?  It’s usually Week: Thanh Thoi A Primary School Lesson Plan “English 5” Teaching days: Period: UNIT 18: WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE LIKE TOMORROW ? Lesson 3: 1, 2, Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and write the words Write about your favourite season and the weather Language content: content - Grammar : Old grammar - Vocabulary: Old vocabulary - Skills : Reading, listening and speaking Teaching methods: methods Communicative approach Techniques: Picture Drill, pairworks, groupworks Teaching aids: Lesson plan, tape, teacher’s and students’ books Time: Time 40’ Procedure: Teacher’s activities Pupils’ Tim Contents activities e * Warm-up: “Sing a * Warm-up: “Sing a song” - listen song” - Asks Ps to sing a song - read - Has Ps read the lyrics  “The weather song” Checks their - listen comprehension - Plays the recording all the way through for Ps to listen - sing and follow in their books - Asks Ps to sing along with - sing the music - Asks Ps to practice singing and doing actions in groups * New lesson 12 PRESENTATION: Listen and repeat Pre-listening: - listen Listen and repeat: - listen (lesson 3– part – p 56) - Introduces the situation - read What will the weather be - Asks Ps to listen to the teacher - open like tomorrow? and repeat It will be hot and sunny books - Asks Ps to read individually What’s spring like in your - Asks Ps to open their books on country? - listen page 56 It’s usually cold and windy - listen and Thanh Thoi A Primary School Lesson Plan “English 5” - Reads model - Ask Ps to listen and pronounce stress correctly - Asks Ps to pronounce stress - Remarks pronounce - pronounce - correct PRACTICE: Listen and circle a or b Then say the sentences aloud: - Asks Ps to look at the exercise on page 56 - Runs through all the sentences While listening: - Asks Ps to look at and listen to three dialogues and circle the correct answers - Plays the recording through for Ps to listen to the dialogues - Plays the recording again for Ps to the task - Asks Ps to exchange their answers with their partners - Asks Ps to give their answers Post listening: - Plays the recording once more for Ps to check the answers - Calls Ps to give their answers - Gives feedback PRODUCTION: Let’s chant: - Tells Ps that they are going to say the chant “What will the weather be like tomorrow?” - Has Ps read the chant and checks their comprehension - Plays the recording all the way through for the class to listen and follow in their books - look at 15 - listen - look at and listen - listen - listen again - exchange - give answers - listen again and check - give answers - correct - listen - read, answer - listen - listen again What’s summer like in your coutry? It’s usually hot and sunny What’s autumn like in your country? It’s usually cool and foggy Listen and circle a or b Then ask and answer (lesson 3– part – p 56) * Transcript: What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be cold and cloudy What’s spring like in your country? It’s usually cool and foggy What’s autumn like in your country? It’s usually cool and stormy What’s winter like in your country? It’s usually cold and windy * Answers: a b b 4.a Let’s chant (lesson 3– part – p 56) What will the weather be like tomorrow? What will the weather be like tomorrow? What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be cold and stormy What's summer like in your country? Thanh Thoi A Primary School - Plays it again for them to choral repetition - Divides the class into two groups: one group says the questions and the other says the answers - Calls two groups of four to the front of the class to chant and actions The rest of the class claps their hands along to the rhythm Lesson Plan “English 5” - get into groups - present in front of the class and clap their hands It's sunny It's hot What's winter like in your country? It's foggy It's snowy Thanh Thoi A Primary School Lesson Plan “English 5” ... stormy What? ??s winter like in your country? It’s usually cold and windy * Answers: a b b 4.a Let’s chant (lesson 3– part – p 56 ) What will the weather be like tomorrow? What will the weather be like. .. a cold, snowy What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be cold and snowy b hot, sunny c warm, stormy d cool, cloudy Let’s talk (lesson 1– part – p 52 ) - What? ??s the weather like today? ... (lesson 3– part – p 56 ) * Transcript: What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be cold and cloudy What? ??s spring like in your country? It’s usually cool and foggy What? ??s autumn like in your country?

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2023, 05:54

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