simple tone marks are placed over the vowels.. Every Chinese character is a syllable with a fixed tone.. has four basic tones: each one is indicated by a tone mark.. VOWELS In Mandarin t
concept a nd cartoons
b y
Tan Hua y Peng
Times Books Int e rnationa l
S;II!1Qport _ /Ii"./" lItmp~r
Trang 3(1 1984 TImes Editions Pt e Lid
P ublished by Times Books In t ernational
an imprin t 01 Times E d Jlio n s Pte Lt d
Times Centre , 1 New I ndustri a R oad
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P ri nt ed by M en t o r P rinters P riva t e Li mited
Hanyu Pinyin the Romanized Chinese phonetic
System is considered the most effective aid to
learning Mandarin today It is precise and accurate
and compared to oth r Romanizations, such as
Wade-Giles and Yale it is less complicated and
thus more easiy learnt
The system reads and writes easily using fewer
letters per sound than any other system As an
additional guide to proper pronunciation simple
tone marks are placed over the vowels
Pinyin Made Simple
This book demonstrates the simplest way to
master Pinyin It analyzes the system breaking
down the sounds into simple vowels compound
vowels, and consonants
First things first The 4 tones are introduced after
which comes the pronunciation of each vowel and
consonant component of one-syllable words
Basic Words and Characters Approximately 500 basic words with their Chinese characters in the modern simplified form are
progressively introduced in groups according to sound As far as possible the examples given for each vowel or consonant group can be identified from the cartoon
100 Pinyin words with two syllables are also listed and explained
Cartoons Learning Pinyin is really no drudgery and cartoons
have been used throughout for the dual function
to amuse and to teach Almost effortlesslY, it is possible to learn the Pinyin spelling pronunciation and pitch of each word s well as its meaning and Chinese character - at the same time
So flip these pages be inspired, learn and have fun!
Trang 58
Chinese is a tonal language Every Chinese
character is a syllable with a fixed tone If the tone
is wrong, the meaning is changed right away and
in some cases corresponds with no existing
Chinese character!
Mandarin the official Chinese language has four
basic tones: each one is indicated by a tone mark
The to e marks are placed over the vowels If the
letter '"j" has a tone mark over it the dot is
- The first tone is a high continuous tone
like the reciting of " A BCD etc."
The second tone is a rising questioning
ton , lke a surprised "Huh?"
The third to e is a drawling tone first
V falling then riSing like an indecisive
"Well "
The fourth tone is a sharp falling tone
like a purposeful "Yes!"
In Mandarin there are 6 simple vowels and 15
compound vowels The compound vowels are
combinations of 2 or J vowels
There are also 24 consonants divided into
7 groups according to the way they are articulated
Trang 8a as in mama papa
as in cash rash when pla ced between 1 and n
Trang 11'IF mak e don g
Trang 12ma rr y gree n
Trang 13L t's n w tac le the 15 compound vowels - first (>Ai AA! sign plate dai >:> bag
the Hetter vowels then the He er vowels
Trang 14•
a 0 sou nd s like the " ow " i n h ow el sou nds like the " ay " in gay
Trang 1528
Trang 16•
" throw I i ii ~
Trang 17u a is a combinat i on of "u" and "a" • so und s like "way"
s hull
"' retreat
* pu s h shu i it who ?
Trang 18un is a combination of "u" and "n" uo is a combination of "u" and "0"
liin ~ wheel tun W swallow z o flli make guo ;:t pass
Trang 19• •
ua is a combination of "u" and "a"
but the 2 dots are absent from the u"
juan m co ntribute juan II! weary
yuan I1Q garden quan 1m circle
i\'l< roll up
quan !it spring yuan Z fa,
quan :i: complete yuan ill< source
is a combination of "'ii" and "e"
although the 2 dots over the "u" only
appear after the letters I and n
malaria yue 1* leap
Trang 20•
u a I is a (ombinalion of " u " an d " a " and ' T
)ja o « expect jiao fl4 s h out
hu a fl' bosom gulfi JIll sla p
qi ao t'j co in c idental miaa 1& wonderful guAi lIE well-behaved ku<ii til chopsti c s
diaa f', fi s h qiao Ill!! look
x i ao ;:: laugh niao Il, bird
z hucl.i J; dra g gua i If s tran ge
Trang 2141
Trang 22b like "p" ,voicelessl in help P strongly aspi r ated as in pineapple
bing ,~ sick ~i lit blanket pimg ~ bump pin 00 " goods
Trang 23{eng U bee f :It di s tribute mAi l.!lI bur y rna J;O hor se
fA " ng m mom fu lli\ good fortune
rna tli wipe rn l'g scol d
fang 15 square fan Ii!l o vert urn
Trang 24d like " t " Ivoiceless) in nitwit t strongly aspirated as in talk
'* dumbstruck din g
Trang 25n as in nimble
as in l oud
n6ng 15< farming n'n JII difficult lao t'; old Ian iII basket
Trang 269 like 'Ok" (voi ce lessl in skill k strongly a s pirated as in kid
* devil
gOn Itt mandar i n gO Iiji l ook after
ki5ng = "" empty kui , lose
Trang 27n9 as in so ng
Ji ang jl!j two gong
hu ", kett l e
5 2
Trang 28•
J like "ch" Ivoiceless) in mischief like "ch" Istrongly aspirated) in cheat
j iii ;< long jie
jiao ~ hand over j iiin It! shoulder qun I,Il skirt QU ;I; reave
Trang 29l ik e a so und between the "s"
sc h ool xiiin Ix line write xin ,e, h ear t
awake xili n g :Il! think
zh like the ·d " Ivoice l essl in sludge
zhao ~{l shine zhi il s traight
z h ai 'il narr ow zh~ n ~ real
z h ii 1t bamboo z h o IJE catch
z hang
'" grow zho If, pig
Trang 31as in raw with the tongue
cur l ed back but without the trill
!J! go round ruo !lii feeble
!ill me lt ren V recognize
zao zai
Trang 32li ke the " t s " in eats, but
st rongl y as pir ated
Trang 33y as in you w as in we
yan 3 ft examine y u ;(Ef have wii 1i five wi l* socks
Trang 34We've now completed all the POSSible sounds of
Apart from the 4 bask tones there is a 5th tone in Mandarin: the neutral to e
The neutral tone is light soft and short unlike any of the 4 basic tones It is pronounced in a re/axtd way with ut any stress and varies in pitch according to the tone of the preceding syllable
Generally all particles interjections pronouns after verbs and other words whkh do not carry
important concrete meanings in a sente ce have the neutral tone
The tone mark for the n utral tone may either be a small drcle ,0 l over the vowel or a dot '·
preceding the syllable Usually h wever no mark is necessary
Iff i1\I?
hao ma? hao· ma? hao ma?
Trang 35In Mandarin there are only a few characters with a The following is a list of two-syllable words where definite n utral They carry no concrete only the 1st syllable is stressed In each example meaning of their Own being functional only as given below the tone o the 2nd syllable has been
suffixes Here is a list: neutralized for effective oral emphasis
1st tone
'" men In 'he !fI rnA rnA mil ma Ii'lli'l mother
ba "E de ft,) lie "'1 jT qi = jT qi mil:! machine
Ie T na IIIJII de l1!l peng you = peng you JIll;\( friend
rning b i = ming bai B~B understand
Syllables are normally uttered in anyone of the 4 3rd tone
tones However tones can be neutralized according
j ie jie j ie jie il!il! elder sister
141 the shades of meaning
151 the more or less strong emphasis laid on the 4th tone
The 3rd tone syllable normally has a falling and
yl zo lll -r chair
3rd tone syllable is pronounced in the 2nd tone It
does not fall, but only rises
mT fen = mt fen *Iil rice flour
mei hao = mei hao ;)1!ff fine
shuT guo = shut guo
** fruit
Trang 37ii i ao ia: u a iao uai
If there is no ""a """ th e tone m ark is pla ced
ove r " 0"" or ""e"":
o u uo
(31 A compou nd vowel with bot h " r a nd "" u ""
combinations of vowels wi th the ir
tone mark s properly placed "
Trang 3874
The umlaut mark is a mark made up of two dots f •• I
placed over a vowel to indicate modification in the
quality of the vowel It is derived from the German u'"
In Mandarin it appears only in the vowel "u " and is
pronounced as in the German 9r;;" or the French rUt
The vowel "u" appears with the umlaut mark only
juln quan xuan yua n jll n qun xOn yOn
Trang 3976
The C~i~ese language is primarily disyllabic i.e two-syllable words These may be
formed In the following ways which are by no
means exhaustive
III Appending a noun suffix:
zi !T I or tou 19\'
milo zi i'H hat
shi tou '69; stone
gu tou 1'1* bone
!21 Repeating the same syllable
kiln kan lilt look
xie xie iMiif thanks
chang chang ~~ often
OJ Linking up with an interdependent syllable
qing Ung f!jfJ! dragonfly
hu die ~~ butterfly
141 Linking up with an independent synonym
kan jian :ti-.ffi see guang dil J * vast gan kuai ilit:k: quickly
, 151 Linking up with another syllable idiomatically
chang duan *~ mishap
Uong-shortl The following pages list a hundred commonly used
two-syllable words First syllables from the (st to the 4th tone are paired off with syllables from each of the
5 tones to form a variety of two-syllable words
Trang 40;;;
'Ill aeroplane
guo ji! 1l!II: count r y
xTn x i !n Iii~ f,esh du shu ~'Il study
gil di n JIll alone
shi jiAn 9<J'fBJ time zhong xTn "P,C, centre
Z hT chi ~I+ sUPPOrt
r~ n m in At< people zhuan m~n '1'[1 specia l
1-3 shagong shenn g U xi ka u mOl $lJ Itt;< wOUnd congratbody u late 2-3 p~i y6u yang yang 1ft'" illi!< nurture swi m
w~i xiao it/j, little
hui xiang @l;0 feca ll
qing shuang ~lI! coo l
rl!n k6u A" pop ul ation
sui bian Fi!!!! care l ess feng fll
gllo gui ;t;~ noble
eli gan otT ability
h e i an 11\l1li darkness
x u e w~n "'Iii! knowledge jTng yan tHIt expe rience
ze r(!:n I!!(f responsibility 1-5 Ia: m en f<!Jln they
Trang 41
Iti xing lI!!f travel
wu diio 1Ii dance 4-3 bao zhi l\l!1\ newspaper
Ichange 3 rd t one of I S I s yllable to hOll guo Iii * results
3-4 kao ren shi noli - tJi~ ;!flit examination endure 4-4 dian hua bao gao <\l l\l ili i'i telephone report
zhen tOll
ni men f*fn you Iplural) xia mian l' iii below
wei ba /liel tail bei " 'lIT lifetime
Trang 43~ <> ~
H a n YII PInyin/Chinese c har ac t er/E n glis h meaninl / Pale No
Han y u Pinyi n /C h i n ese c h aracter/E ng lish m ea nln'/POlige No
" guli lIE well-behaved ,
Trang 44Hanyu Pi n yi n j ehlnese c h uacte r / £",lIs h m ea n 'n, 1 P lille No
Trang 46pi; II! s i gn plate 25
Trang 48t i:
Hanyu Pin yi n /C hin ese charilcter/EngUsh meaning / Pag e No Han y u Pinyin {Chinese c h 'Ha cter / Engli s h mun i ne I P il le No
w' 1i five 65 y" !<j medicine 64
xii I summer 28 yT Il< treat 64
xil n lI; first J5 yi n g @ h ard 52
,T, -C' heart 56 yu, !'J arrange 37
xIng III awake 56 yu' t< l eap 37
xiii 101 ,"",'e 30 y"
'" pr eg nant 6'
Trang 49Han Y Ii Pi n yi n /C h i n ese c h arillcte r / E n gli s h meaning/ P age No