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Dap an duyen hai 11

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KỲ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI CÁC TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN KHU VỰC DUYÊN HẢI VÀ ĐỒNG BẰNG BẮC BỘ LẦN THỨ IX, NĂM HỌC 2015 – 2016 HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 11 (Hướng dẫn chấm gồm trang) A LISTENING: (50 pts) ( pts for each correct answer) Part 1: (20 pts) $ 14 (scuba) diving ( own) bathroom Shute Harbour $ an/ per hour ( a) swimming pool $ 30 fishing Golden Sands 10 soap and toothpaste Part2 For questions 1-5, you will hear part of a radio discussion about iris recognition system Decide whether following statements are True (T) or False (F) (10 pts) 11.T 12.T 13.T 14.T 15.F Part 3: You will hear someone called Kate Charters describing her career For questions 110, complete the sentences.(20 pts) 16 classified advertising 18 film library 20 direct marketing 22 operation 24 editing facilities 17 Soundcraft Electronics 19 documentaries 21 launch event 23 camera crews 25 PR agency/ Public Relations agency B LEXICO-GRAMMAR ( 30 pts) Part 1: Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank ( 10 pts) (0.5 p for each correct answer) 26.A 31.A 36.D 41.C 27.D 32.C 37.C 42.D 28.D 33.B 38 B 43.A 29.C 34.C 39.D 44.C 30.D 35.D 40.B 45.C Part 2: Mistake correction ( pts) ( pt for each correct answer) Hướng dẫn chấm đề thi DHBB-Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Trang 1/4 Line Mistake Correction 46 In On 47 It There 48 brought taken 49 immunity immune 50 11 in on Part Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition or a particle.(5 pts) ( pt for each correct answer) 51 towards/ against 52 up 53 through 54 upon/on 55 down to Part III Fill in each blank with the most suitable form of the word in brackets.(10 points) 56 apparently 60 gravitational 64 scepticism 57 considerably 61 unpredictable 65 dismissive 58 longevity 62 Confusingly 59 nocturnal 63 horticulturists C READING COMPREHENSION (60 pts) Part For each gap, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D which best fits the context (15 pts) (1 pt for each correct answer) 66.D 71.D 76.C 67.B 72.A 77.C 68.B 73.B 78.B 69.D 74.A 79.A 70.C 75.C 80 D Part 2: (15pts) (1.5p for each correct answer) 81 contrary 86 to 82 since 87 above 83 growth 88 if 84 with 89 taken 85 some 90 led Part Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each question Write your answers in the space provided (15pts) (1.5p for each correct answer) 91 D 92 A 93 C 94 C 95 C 96 D 97 A 98 B 99 C Part (15pts) Hướng dẫn chấm đề thi DHBB-Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Trang 2/4 100 A (1.5p for each correct answer) 101 ix 102 viii 103 iii 107 habit-forming 108 social cost 104 vii 105 i 106 v 109 conditional 110 anti-competitive behaviour IV WRITING ( 60 pts) Part 1: Sentence rewriting (5 pts)( 1pt for each correct answer) 111 put paid to any 112 crossed my mind (that) the supermarket would 113 Despite his being dead (set) against playing cricket on Sunday, Rudy agreed in the end 114 Don’t breathe a word about your scheme to the boss 115 Since the advertisement, we have been swamped with applications Part – Read the following extracts and use your own words to summarize the advice to parents Your summary should be between 50 and 70 words long ( 10 pts) Suggested answer Parents are advised not to promise their children rewards for academic achievements Rather, they should try to make their children derive pleasure from the achievement itself Parents should also listen to their children carefully, in the second text, they are encouraged to admit their mistakes to their children, explain to them how they committed them, and promise not to make the same ones in the future Part Chart describing (15 pts) Content: (5 pts) All the relevant information has been included Make general remarks and effective comparisons Organisation: (4 pts) The answer flows well and is clear and easy to read, that is, the essay is easily understood and well-organised Use of language: (6 pts) Appropriate linking words and phrases as well as a good level of grammar have been used Also, the vocabulary is accurately used Part Essay writing (30 pts) The mark is based on the following scheme: Content: (12pts) a provision of all main ideas and details as appropriate Language: (9 pts) a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary school students Hướng dẫn chấm đề thi DHBB-Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Trang 3/4 Presentation: ( pts.) coherence, cohesion, and style appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper-secondary school students Total : 200 pts : 10 = 20 pts Hướng dẫn chấm đề thi DHBB-Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Trang 4/4 Hướng dẫn chấm đề thi DHBB-Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Trang 5/4 ... comparisons Organisation: (4 pts) The answer flows well and is clear and easy to read, that is, the essay is easily understood and well-organised Use of language: (6 pts) Appropriate linking words and phrases... each correct answer) 111 put paid to any 112 crossed my mind (that) the supermarket would 113 Despite his being dead (set) against playing cricket on Sunday, Rudy agreed in the end 114 Don’t breathe... 200 pts : 10 = 20 pts Hướng dẫn chấm đề thi DHBB-Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Trang 4/4 Hướng dẫn chấm đề thi DHBB-Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Trang 5/4

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2023, 19:30
