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File 20220220 155947 7 thi online reading comprehension test 3 (có video chữa)(1)

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1 MỤC TIÊU Củng cố kiến thức về các dạng câu hỏi đọc hiểu điển hình, đủ mức độ Rèn luyện kĩ năng phản xạ dạng bài, nhận diện, loại trừ đáp án sai và lựa chọn đáp án chính xác, nhanh chóng (ID 473652)[.]

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group THI ONLINE: READING COMPREHENSION – TEST CHUYÊN ĐỀ: DẠNG READING COMPREHENSION MÔN TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 12 BIÊN SOẠN: CÔ GIÁO NGUYỄN THỊ HÀ PHƯƠNG MỤC TIÊU - Củng cố kiến thức dạng câu hỏi đọc hiểu điển hình, đủ mức độ - Rèn luyện kĩ phản xạ dạng bài, nhận diện, loại trừ đáp án sai lựa chọn đáp án xác, nhanh chóng T A IL IE U O N T H I N E T (ID: 473652): Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Traditionally in America, helping the poor was a matter for private charities or local governments Arriving immigrants depended mainly on predecessors from their homeland to help them start a new life In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, several European nations instituted public-welfare programs But such a movement was slow to take hold in the United States because the rapid pace of industrialization and the ready availability of farmland seemed to confirm the belief that anyone who was willing to work could find a job Most of the programs started during the Depression era were temporary relief measures, but one of the programs Social Security - has become an American institution Paid for by deductions from the paychecks of working people, Social Security ensures that retired persons receive a modest monthly income and also provides unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and other assistance to those who need it Social Security payments to retired persons can start at age 62, but many wait until age 65, when the payments are slightly higher Recently, there has been concern that the Social Security fund may not have enough money to fulfill its obligations in the 21st century, when the population of elderly Americans is expected to increase dramatically Policy makers have proposed various ways to make up the anticipated deficit, but a long-term solution is still being debated In the years since Roosevelt, other American presidents have established assistance programs These include Medicaid and Medicare; food stamps, certificates that people can use to purchase food; and public housing which is built at federal expense and made available to persons on low incomes Needy Americans can also turn to sources other than the government for help A broad spectrum of private charities and voluntary organizations is available Volunteerism is on the rise in the United States, especially among retired persons It is estimated that almost 50 percent of Americans over age 18 volunteer work, and nearly 75 percent of U.S households contribute money to charity Question 1: New immigrants to the U.S could seek help from A the people who came earlier B the US government agencies C only charity organizations D volunteer organizations Question 2: It took welfare programs a long time to gain a foothold in the U.S due to the fast growth of A industrialization B modernization C urbanization D population Question 3: The word “instituted” in the first paragraph mostly means A “executed” B “studied” C “introduced” D “enforced” Question 4: The Social Security program has become possible thanks to A deductions from wages B people’s willingness to work C donations from companies D enforcement laws https://TaiLieuOnThi.Net Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group T A IL IE U O N T H I N E T Question 5: Most of the public assistance programs after the severe economic crisis A were introduced into institutions B did not become institutionalized C functioned fruitfully in institutions D did not work in institutions Question 6: That Social Security payments will be a burden comes from the concern that A elderly people ask for more money B the program discourages working people C the number of elderly people is growing D younger people not want to work Question 7: Persons on low incomes can access public housing through A low rents B state spending C donations D federal expenditure Question 8: Americans on low incomes can seek help from A federal government B government agencies C state governments D non-government agencies Question 9: Public assistance has become more and more popular due to the A young people’s voluntarism only B volunteer organizations C people’s growing commitment to charity D innovations in the tax system Question 10: The passage mainly discusses A public assistance in America B immigration into America C funding agencies in America D ways of fund-raising in America Dịch đọc: Nội dung dịch: Theo truyền thống Mỹ, giúp đỡ người nghèo vấn đề tổ chức từ thiện tư nhân quyền địa phương Những người nhập cư đến chủ yếu phụ thuộc vào người tiền nhiệm từ quê hương họ để giúp họ bắt đầu sống Vào cuối kỷ 19 đầu kỷ 20, số quốc gia châu Âu thiết lập chương trình phúc lợi cơng cộng Nhưng phong trào diễn chậm Hoa Kỳ tốc độ cơng nghiệp hóa nhanh chóng sẵn có đất canh tác dường khẳng định niềm tin sẵn sàng làm việc tìm việc làm Hầu hết chương trình bắt đầu thời kỳ Suy thối biện pháp cứu trợ tạm thời, chương trình An sinh xã hội - trở thành tổ chức Mỹ Được toán khoản khấu trừ từ lương người làm việc, An sinh xã hội đảm bảo người nghỉ hưu nhận khoản thu nhập khiêm tốn hàng tháng cung cấp bảo hiểm thất nghiệp, bảo hiểm tàn tật hỗ trợ khác cho người cần Các khoản toán An sinh Xã hội cho người nghỉ hưu bắt đầu tuổi 62, nhiều người phải đợi đến 65 tuổi, khoản tốn cao chút Gần đây, có lo ngại quỹ An sinh Xã hội khơng có đủ tiền để thực nghĩa vụ kỷ 21, dân số người Mỹ cao tuổi dự báo tăng đột biến Các nhà hoạch định sách đề xuất nhiều cách khác để bù đắp thâm hụt dự kiến, Trong năm kể từ Roosevelt, tổng thống Mỹ khác thiết lập chương trình hỗ trợ Chúng bao gồm Medicaid Medicare; phiếu thực phẩm, giấy chứng nhận mà người sử dụng để mua thực phẩm; nhà công cộng xây dựng với chi phí liên bang dành cho người có thu nhập thấp Những người Mỹ túng thiếu tìm đến nguồn khác ngồi phủ để giúp đỡ Có nhiều tổ chức từ thiện tư nhân tổ chức tình nguyện Chủ nghĩa tình nguyện gia tăng Hoa Kỳ, đặc biệt người nghỉ hưu Người ta ước tính gần 50 phần trăm người Mỹ 18 tuổi làm cơng việc tình nguyện gần 75 phần trăm hộ gia đình Hoa Kỳ đóng góp tiền cho tổ chức từ thiện (ID: 473663): Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Millions of people are using cellphones today In many places, it is actually considered unusual not to use one In many countries, cellphones are very popular with young people They find that the phones are more than a means of communication - having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected https://TaiLieuOnThi.Net Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group T A IL IE U O N T H I N E T The explosion in mobile phone use around the world has made some health professionals worried Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health On the other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss He couldn't remember even simple tasks He would often forget the name of his own son This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer's doctor didn't agree What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it's best to use mobile phones less often Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time Use your mobile phone only when you really need it Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health So for now, it's wise not to use your mobile phone too often Question 11: According to the passage, cellphones are especially popular with young people because A they are indispensable in everyday communications B they make them look more stylish C they keep the users alert all the time D they cannot be replaced by regular phones Question 12: The changes possibly caused by the cellphones are mainly concerned with A the mobility of the mind and the body B the smallest units of the brain C the arteries of the brain D the resident memory Question 13: The word "means" in the passage most closely means A “meanings” B “expression” C “method” D “transmission” Question 14: The word "potentially" in the passage most closely means A “obviously” B “possibly” C “certainly” D “privately” Question 15: "negative publicity" in the passage most likely means A information on the lethal effects of cellphones B widespread opinion about bad effects of cellphones C the negative public use of cellphones D poor ideas about the effects of cellphones Question 16: Doctors have tentatively concluded that cellphones may A damage their users’ emotions B cause some mental malfunction C change their users’ temperament D change their users’ social behaviours Question 17: The man mentioned in the passage, who used his cellphone too often, A suffered serious loss of mental ability B could no longer think lucidly C abandoned his family D had a problem with memory Question 18: According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful is A their radiant light B their power of attraction C their raiding power D their invisible rays Question 19: According to the writer, people should https://TaiLieuOnThi.Net Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group T A IL IE U O N T H I N E T A only use mobile phones in urgent cases C keep off mobile phones regularly B only use mobile phones in medical emergencies D never use mobile phones in all cases Question 20: The most suitable title for the passage could be A “The Reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Popular” B “Technological Innovations and Their Price” C “The Way Mobile Phones Work” D “Mobile Phones: A Must of Our Time” Dịch đọc: Nội dung dịch: Hàng triệu người sử dụng điện thoại di động ngày Ở nhiều nơi, việc không sử dụng thực coi bất thường Ở nhiều nước, điện thoại di động phổ biến với giới trẻ Họ nhận thấy điện thoại không phương tiện liên lạc - có điện thoại di động cho thấy chúng tuyệt có khả kết nối Sự bùng nổ việc sử dụng điện thoại di động khắp giới khiến số chuyên gia y tế lo lắng Một số bác sĩ lo ngại tương lai nhiều người gặp vấn đề sức khỏe sử dụng điện thoại di động Ở Anh, có tranh luận nghiêm túc vấn đề Các công ty điện thoại di động lo lắng công khai tiêu cực ý tưởng Họ nói khơng có chứng cho thấy điện thoại di động có hại cho sức khỏe bạn Mặt khác, nghiên cứu y tế thay đổi tế bào não số người sử dụng điện thoại di động Các dấu hiệu thay đổi mô não đầu phát thiết bị quét đại Trong trường hợp, nhân viên bán hàng du lịch phải nghỉ hưu trẻ trí nhớ nghiêm trọng Anh ta khơng thể nhớ nhiệm vụ đơn giản Ông thường qn tên trai Người đàn ơng thường nói chuyện điện thoại di động khoảng sáu ngày, ngày tuần làm việc mình, vài năm Bác sĩ gia đình đổ lỗi cho việc sử dụng điện thoại di động anh ta, bác sĩ người chủ không đồng ý Điều khiến điện thoại di động có khả gây hại? Câu trả lời xạ Máy công nghệ cao phát lượng xạ nhỏ từ điện thoại di động Các công ty điện thoại di động đồng ý có số xạ, họ nói số lượng nhỏ để lo lắng Khi thảo luận an toàn họ tiếp tục, tốt bạn nên sử dụng điện thoại di động Sử dụng điện thoại thông thường bạn bạn muốn nói chuyện thời gian dài Chỉ sử dụng điện thoại di động bạn thực cần Điện thoại di động hữu ích tiện lợi, đặc biệt trường hợp khẩn cấp Trong tương lai, điện thoại di động có nhãn cảnh báo chúng có hại cho sức khỏe bạn Vì vậy, tại, bạn khơng nên sử dụng điện thoại di động thường xuyên (ID: 473674): Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions People commonly complain that they never have enough time to accomplish tasks The hours and minutes seem to slip away before many planned chores get done According to time management experts, the main reason for this is that most people fail to set priorities about what to first They get tied down by trivial, time-consuming matters and never complete the important ones One simple solution often used by those at the top is to keep lists of tasks to be accomplished daily These lists order jobs from most essential to least essential and are checked regularly through the day to access progress Not only is this an effective Way to manage time, but also it serves to give individuals a much- deserved sense of satisfaction over their achievements People who not keep lists often face the end of the work day with uncertainty over the significance of their accomplishments, which over time can contribute to serious problems in mental and physical health https://TaiLieuOnThi.Net Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group T A IL IE U O N T H I N E T Question 21: Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A Common Complaints About Work B Accomplishing Trivial Matters C Achieving Job Satisfaction D Learning to Manage Time Question 22: According to the passage, why many people never seem to have enough time to accomplish things? A They not prioritize tasks B They get tied down by one difficult problem C They fail to deal with trivial matters D They not seek the advice of time management experts Question 23: In paragraph 2, the word those refers to _ A daily lists B trivial matters C priorities D people Question 24: The passage states that one solution to time management problems is to A consult a time management expert B accomplish time - consuming matters first C keep daily lists of priorities and check them regularly D spend only a short time on each task Question 25: The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses A mental and physical health problems B another solution to time management problems C ways to achieve a sense of fulfilment D different types of lists Dịch đọc: Nội dung dịch: Mọi người thường phàn nàn họ khơng có đủ thời gian để hồn thành nhiệm vụ Giờ phút dường trôi trước nhiều công việc lên kế hoạch hoàn thành Theo chuyên gia quản lý thời gian, lý điều hầu hết người không đặt ưu tiên việc phải làm trước Họ bị ràng buộc vấn đề nhỏ nhặt, tốn thời gian khơng hồn thành việc quan trọng Một giải pháp đơn giản thường sử dụng người giữ danh sách nhiệm vụ phải hoàn thành hàng ngày Những danh sách xếp thứ tự cơng việc từ thiết yếu đến thiết yếu kiểm tra thường xuyên ngày để truy cập tiến độ Đây không cách hiệu để quản lý thời gian mà mang lại cho cá nhân cảm giác hài lòng xứng đáng thành tích họ Những người khơng giữ danh sách thường phải đối mặt với không chắn tầm quan trọng thành tích đạt vào cuối ngày làm việc, điều theo thời gian góp phần gây vấn đề nghiêm trọng sức khỏe tinh thần thể chất (ID: 473694): Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions There are many mistakes that people make when writing their resume (CV) or completing a job application Here are some of the most common and most serious The biggest problem is perhaps listing the duties for which you were responsible in a past position: all this tells your potential employers is what you were supposed to They not necessarily know the specific skills you used in executing them, nor they know what results you achieved - both of which are essential In short, they won’t know if you were the best, the worst or just average in your position The more concrete information you can include, the better As far as possible, provide measurements of what you accomplished If any innovations you introduced saved the organization money, how much did they save? If you found a way of increasing productivity, by what percentage did you increase it? Writing what you are trying to achieve in life - your objective - is a waste of space It tells the employer what you are interested in Do you really think that employers care what you want? No, they are interested in what they want! Instead, use that space for a career summary A good one is brief - three to four sentences long A good one will make the person reviewing your application want to read further https://TaiLieuOnThi.Net Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group T A IL IE U O N T H I N E T Many resumes list ‘hard’ job-specific skills, almost to the exclusion of transferable, or ‘soft’, skills However, your ability to negotiate effectively, for example, can be just as important as your technical skills All information you give should be relevant, so carefully consider the job for which you are applying If you are applying for a job that is somewhat different than your current job, it is up to you to draw a connection for the resume reviewer, so that they will understand how your skills will fit in their organization The person who reviews your paperwork will not be a mind reader If you are modest about the skills you can offer, or the results you have achieved, a resume reader may take what you write literally, and be left with a low opinion of your ability: you need to say exactly how good you are On the other hand, of course, never stretch the truth or lie (Source: www.ielts-mentor.com) Question 26: What topic does the passage mainly discuss? A The way how to write the resume for job application B The mistakes people make when applying for a job C The common way to make impression in a job interview D The necessary skills for job application Question 27: The word “executing” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A enumerating B determining C completing D implementing Thông tin: Question 28: The word “concrete” in paragraph could be best replaced by A indeterminate B specific C substantial D important Question 29: What does the word “it” in paragraph refer to? A organization money B information C productivity D percentage Question 30: According to the passage, what information should candidates include in their resume? A specific skills for previous jobs B the past achievements C previous positions D future objective Question 31: Why did the author mention that applicants should write a good brief career summary? A To make the employers interested in what they want B To make the interviewers more curious about you C Because the employers not care for what you want to achieve D Because it can provide their specific skills in their positions Question 32: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A The ability to negotiate effectively is as significant as technical skills B Candidates must study the job they are applying carefully before writing the CV C Applicants should not apply for a distinct job from what they are doing D The information interviewees present should be related to the job they are applying Question 33: It can be inferred from the last paragraph that A you should write accurately about your ability for the vacant position B you should be modest about what you can C a resume reader is good enough to understand what you imply about your ability in the CV D you are allowed to exaggerate the truth of your competence if possible (ID: 473703): Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Scientists believe they now have scientific evidence to prove that ecosystems work better when there is a greater variety of species within them This biodiversity is being lost destroying natural mechanisms that could repair the damage caused by man Findings show that losing plants and animals is not only reducing our quality of life but actually endangering our very existence We cut down rich rainforests and replace them with one species plantations, https://TaiLieuOnThi.Net Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group such as pine and eucalyptus We plough up meadows rich in different grasses and herbs and replace them with one grass, for instance rye or wheat When a natural ecosystem is simplified the basic processes in the ecosystem are altered and even damaged Without their biodiversity, they are not able to serve as the natural cleaners of our planet No longer are they able to absorb the carbon dioxide that is being produced in excess The result is global warming, caused by the increase in the 'greenhouse effect', and ultimately, or even sooner, there will be a change in the world's climate Question 34: Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A How Ecosystems Work Better B The Loss of Biodiversity C The Variety of Species D Natural Mechanisms Question 35: Which of the following is not a species used to replace a rich ecosystem? A Herbs B Pine C Eucalyptus D Rye Question 36: What is the purpose of paragraph 2? A To show natural mechanisms at work B To give examples of the loss of biodiversity C To give example of variety of species D To show how ecosystems can work better Question 37: What, according to the passage, might be the final result of the simplification of natural ecosystems? A The basic processes are altered B There is a loss of biodiversity C There is global warming D There is a change in the climate Question 38: The word "them" in paragraph refers to _ A Animals B Plants C rain forests D species Question 39: The word "Findings" in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A Expressions B Information C Inventions D Excavation Question 40: As used in paragraph 3, the word “absorb” could be beat replaced which of the following? A take in B draw back C get rid of D pay back THE END C 11 B A D 12 B 17 D 22 A 27 D 32 C C D 13 C 18 D 23 D 28 B 33 A A C 14 B 19 A 24 C 29 C 34 B B 10 A 15 B 20 B 25 B 30 C 35 D E T A BẢNG ĐÁP ÁN 16 B 21 D 31 B 36 B 37 D 38 B 39 B 40 A T A IL IE U O N T H I N 26 B https://TaiLieuOnThi.Net ... A A C 14 B 19 A 24 C 29 C 34 B B 10 A 15 B 20 B 25 B 30 C 35 D E T A BẢNG ĐÁP ÁN 16 B 21 D 31 B 36 B 37 D 38 B 39 B 40 A T A IL IE U O N T H I N 26 B https://TaiLieuOnThi.Net ... paragraph 3, the word “absorb” could be beat replaced which of the following? A take in B draw back C get rid of D pay back THE END C 11 B A D 12 B 17 D 22 A 27 D 32 C C D 13 C 18 D 23 D 28 B 33 ... phần trăm người Mỹ 18 tuổi làm cơng việc tình nguyện gần 75 phần trăm hộ gia đình Hoa Kỳ đóng góp tiền cho tổ chức từ thi? ??n (ID: 4 73 6 63) : Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B,

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2023, 00:45

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