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NGOAINGU24H VN S30B BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY 1 Choose the correct answer for the following questions 1 He felt overwhelmed by the scenario he faced A nightmare B nightmarish C discernible D congested 2 A[.]

1 NGOAINGU24H.VN THI ONLINE ENVIRONMENT (3) Choose the correct answer for the following questions He felt overwhelmed by the scenario he faced ge Pa A nightmare B nightmarish C discernible D congested A Rate :T Air Quality improved significantly on Thursday, owing to high wind speed up to 20 to 25 Kmph and very light rainfall B Plate C Number D Index Li A condensed eu LNG is natural gas that producers supercool into a liquid for long-haul shipment B bloomed C resigned D crowded K A incessant a ho The region endured weeks of rain B pleasant C chilly D crisp H A normal B usual H oc They said that the delay to our flight was due to _ bad weather conditions C abnormal D stagnant ay He deliberately refrained _ expressing his opinion on the matter B from C with M A in D under n ie Just think in years to _ lots of people could be hunting B come C draw Ph A turn D show im iK New Zealand's lack of data risks 'irreversible ' to the environment A destruction B disaster C devastation D damage B susceptible C vulnerable D damaged 10 Floodwaters midwestern farmlands A destroyed B exacerbated C engulfed D hazed 11 The newspaper has a reputation for being littered spelling mistakes S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY an A prone V It was not until 2001 that the government started designating flood- _ areas 2 NGOAINGU24H.VN A in B with C on D for 12 Far more should be done to _ the suffering of unwanted domestic pets A remove B alleviate C improve D remedy 13 In the blazing heat of midday, the dog lay by the side of the road, its mouth open, _ A sighing B sniffing C gulping D panting 14 Crows and vultures are _ living on carrion ge Pa A amphibians B scavengers C parasites D predators A control :T 15 In big cities animals should be kept under _ B check C authority D discipline A savage eu Li 16 The _ cats that are still found in some remote places are distantly related to our friendly domestic companions B fierce C wild D untamed K A lush a ho 17 The lake, with its scenery, is a favorite with canoeists B elaborate C thick D heavy H A moral B indelible H oc 18 The consequences will be very _ if nothing is done C positive D grave ay 19 The unions thousands of workers in a protest against the cuts B mobilized M A left C evacuated D tamed n ie 20 The new government has yet to grapple _ the problem of air pollution B from C with Ph A for D to im iK 21 We encourage parents to alert the school _ any concerns or difficulties at home A about B for C with D towards B at C with D to 23 The value of the land has risen _ A extremely B highly C steeply 24 Hurricane Mitch the tiny Central American country S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D intriguingly an A in V 22 All houses within 100 metres of the seas are _ risk of flooding 3 NGOAINGU24H.VN A ravaged B evacuated C corrupted D imposed 25 It was predicted that a comet would collide _ one of the planets A in B with C from D to 26 This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an scale A sophisticated B old-fashioned C unprecedented D double ge Pa 27 A truck is engulfed by flood water as _ rain raises the level of the river Usk in Powys, Wales A relentless B physical C torrential D chilly :T 28 If the dam breaks it will _ large parts of the town A elevate B narrow C degrade D inundate Li eu 29 The quality of air that one breathes invariably determines the overall health of the individuals, especially among children who are prone _ develop health complications when exposed to air and household pollution K B to a ho A with C from D under A exacerbation B elevation H oc H 30 These human activities have accelerated the sediment starvation, salinisation, land and erosion C subsidence D deforestation ay 31 The government is spending millions of dollars in its attempt to _ drug abuse B deal C cope M A combat D tackling n ie B off C in D for im iK A up Ph 32 Many minority leaders called _ the immediate resignation of the minster of Environment 33 Unless stricter hunting laws are introduced, seals will soon be _ A extinct B defunct C archaic D obsolete V an 34 In some countries there have been widespread demand for the _ of seal hunting A abolition B extermination C annihilation D extinction 35 If we not take steps to protect the world’s wild life, many species of birds and animals are likely to _ completely A die out B die down C die away S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D die from NGOAINGU24H.VN 36 Newborn animals _ the things they need to survive, without ever being taught A reluctantly B persuasively C instinctively D compulsively 37 The city is now facing the from industrial farming and climate change that’s changing rainfall patterns A fallout B falling C outstanding D upbringing 38 Satellite images showed clearly the _ impact of the earthquake B devastating ge Pa A specific C impoverished D neutral 39 The centre dedicated to protecting the environment is staffed by a _ of volunteers :T A many B amount C handful D deal A blanketed eu Li 40 The racial killings at the weekend have off a wave of protests throughout the country B covered C brought about D triggered K B intruders C poachers D invades H oc H A trespassers a ho 41 More needs to be done to protect endangered species from _ who illegally hunt them 42 A tidal , also called a storm surge, is a change in sea level that is caused by a storm B urge ay A surge C warning D movement M 43 The whole village was by such a terrible storm last night B trashed C kicked n ie A littered D blanketed Ph A evacuation D contamination B corruption C landslide im iK 44 The house was buried beneath a _ 45 Cyclone 'Bulbul' to _ landfall between West Bengal and Bangladesh coasts B have C take D make an V A 46 In order to _ stocks of fish to their previous levels, some governments have imposed fishing quotas A save B restore C regain D preserve 47 I find the idea of experimenting on animals _ A disagreeing B distasteful C objectionable S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D objective NGOAINGU24H.VN 48 The zoos breed animals so that their future is _ A assured B confirmed C insured D preserved 49 Animals should be helped to survive in the wild, rather than kept in _ A prison B captivity C seizure D arrest 50 This fund has been set up to protect those _ of animals that are endangered with complete extinction B breeds C species D races :T ge Pa A kinds eu Li K a ho ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY ... K A lush a ho 17 The lake, with its scenery, is a favorite with canoeists B elaborate C thick D heavy H A moral B indelible H oc 18 The consequences will be very _ if nothing is done... Central American country S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D intriguingly an A in V 22 All houses within 100 metres of the seas are _ risk of flooding 3 NGOAINGU24H.VN A ravaged B evacuated C... It was predicted that a comet would collide _ one of the planets A in B with C from D to 26 This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an scale A sophisticated B old-fashioned

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 17:30

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