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NGOAINGU24H VN S30B BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY 1 Choose the correct answer for the following questions 1 It’s a long time since London was in one of its infamous peasouper fogs A enclosed B enveloped C enc[.]

1 NGOAINGU24H.VN THI ONLINE ENVIRONMENT (1) Choose the correct answer for the following questions It’s a long time since London was _ in one of its infamous peasouper fogs ge Pa A enclosed B enveloped C encircled D invaded A recycle :T One way of cutting down waste is in _ such things as glass and paper B renew C repeat D redirect B losses C drips eu A overflows Li Oil _ claim the lives of thousands of sea birds and devastate the coastline D spills K If we continue to _ the world’s resources at this rate, there will soon be none left a ho A finish B use up C damage D throw away A dropped B left H oc H Measures must be taken to stop nuclear waste being _ at sea C dumped D stored ay Many environmentalists believe that governments should be supporting research into the _ of the sun’s heat into electricity B discovery M A conversion C drainage D manufacture n ie The _ of the air by toxic gases is one of the major problems of this century B damage C pollution Ph A corrosion D corruption im iK If too many species _ out, it will upset the ecosystem A disappear B extinct C go D die A danger B disregard C destruction D ignorance an V Those tourists showed a total _ for the local wildlife 10 The indiscriminate use of pesticides has _ many rare species A cancelled B devastated C extricated D wiped out 11 We still not really understand the consequences of _ with the laws of nature S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY NGOAINGU24H.VN A tampering B changing C altering D controlling 12 Our initial _ calculations show that we made a profit this month A raw B blunt C crude D fade 13 Factory _ are the main cause of environmental pollution A remissions B submissions C admissions D emissions 14 The recent tax reforms have made government more _ for its spending ge Pa A guilty B accountable C culpable D blamed :T 15 There has been no _ improvement in the noise levels since lorries were banned A discernible B discerned C discerning D discernibly B consumption C efficiency eu A redundancy Li 16 The rise in energy _ has led to a reduction of fossil fuels that the world must use D suitability K 17 One of the causes of the hole in the ozone layer is the use of _ sprays B can a ho A air C aerosol D tinned A exacerbate B develop A inevitable B undeniable C augment D contribute ay 19 It is an _ fact that ice is cold H oc H 18 This attack will _ the already tense relations between the two communities C unavoidable D indelible M A impression B impact C power n ie 20 The environmental _ of these chemicals went unrecognized for many years D force Ph A conserve D conservation B preserve C reservation im iK 21 My sister is an expert on wildlife and its _ 22 The problem has been _ about by the increase in global warming C written D caused 23 Local people are concerned about pollution from oil wells A maritime B sea-going C off-shore D coastline 24 The government has spent £1 million on an advertising _ to encourage energy conservation S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY an B thought V A brought NGOAINGU24H.VN A enterprise B promotion C operation D campaign 25 What does the Safety Bureau do? It makes sure we can work in a _ environment A hazard free B hazardous free C freely hazardous C free of hazard 26 Pollution would be reduced if more people used _ petrol in their cars ge Pa A green B unleaded C cleaned D uncontaminated A effect :T 27 The greenhouse _ has changed the global climate for the worse B result C impact D influence A due to eu Li 28 Increased global temperatures are _ factory emissions, increased car usage, many more people flying than ever before and so on The situation may now be irreversible B caused by C the result of D all are correct K A nature a ho 29 Coal, oil and other similar _ resources may eventually be replaced by solar energy C nature’s B natural D native H A resistant B irresistible H oc 30 Pesticides aren’t effective anymore because insects have become _ to them C stubborn D offensive ay 31 One of the problems local authorities have to deal with is the _ of plastic containers B disposition C disposal M A dispersal B to C in Ph A at n ie 32 It’s unfair to blame the motor car _air pollution D dissolution D for im iK 33 Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have _ any solutions B got round to C looked into D thought over an V A come up with 34 Quite soon, the world is going to _ energy resources A get into B keep up with C run out of D come up against 35 In some countries environmental organizations have been _ to inform people and gain their support A taken up B set up C made up D come up against S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY NGOAINGU24H.VN 36 We must learn to utilize _ energy sources if we are to save the planet A amendable B restorable C replenishable D renewable 37 Drilling for oil has led to a _ of natural resources A deletion B subtraction C depletion D contraction 38 I _ the thought of children breathing polluted air A tremble B dread C alarm D fear ge Pa 39 South Korea will be put under the influence of harmful dust on Friday for the second consecutive day :T A file B fast C fine D thick 40 The spillover from the _ river flooded the lower fields Li B far from C touchy eu A next D adjacent K 41 The system will allow for 100% source capture of exhaust from all district-operated vehicles a ho A air B fumes C pollutants D fog H 42 Turtle _ could cause a species to collapse quickly B taking H oc A poaching C exposing D balancing B think C regard D judge n ie M A consider ay 43 If I were you, I would starting a recycling scheme in the town 44 Centuries ago, tens of thousands of tigers _ the world B made C diluted D roamed Ph A roared A with B by C to B occupied C lived D inhabited 47 Plant growth is most _ in spring and early summer A distinct B differ C similar D identical C inhabiting D diminishing 48 The penguins' season has begun A birth B breeding S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY an A resided D for V 46 These remote islands are only by birds im iK 45 Both trees are well adapted London's dry climate and dirty air 5 NGOAINGU24H.VN 49 _ is a major problem in Athens A Smog B Fog C Fume D Cloud 50 The unusually heavy rain caused _ floods in several mountain villages A fast B high C flash D tide :T ge Pa eu Li K a ho ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY ... B changing C altering D controlling 12 Our initial _ calculations show that we made a profit this month A raw B blunt C crude D fade 13 Factory _ are the main cause of environmental pollution... rise in energy _ has led to a reduction of fossil fuels that the world must use D suitability K 17 One of the causes of the hole in the ozone layer is the use of _ sprays B can a ho A air C... inevitable B undeniable C augment D contribute ay 19 It is an _ fact that ice is cold H oc H 18 This attack will _ the already tense relations between the two communities C unavoidable D indelible

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 17:30