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NGOAINGU24H VN S30B BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY 1 Choose the correct answer for the following questions 1 He was from the competition because he had not complied with the rules A disqualified B banished C f[.]

1 NGOAINGU24H.VN THI ONLINE SPORTS (1) Choose the correct answer for the following questions He was _ from the competition because he had not complied with the rules ge Pa A disqualified B banished C forbidden D outlawed A pitches :T Some of the best golf _ are to be found in England B courts C courses D tracks A grasp eu Li When she was told she had won the first prize in the competition, she had to _ to make sure she wasn’t dreaming B seize C scratch D pinch K A circle B track a ho This is the running _ where the first 4- minute mile was run C ring D course H A ground B field H oc Have you been able to hook us a tennis _ for tomorrow? C court D pitch ay He has always been a(n) _ supporter of his local rugby team B staunch M A forcible C unbeaten D sure n ie They stood glowering at each other, their fists _ ready for action B clasped C grasped Ph A clenched D joined im iK It seems that the world record for this event it almost impossible to _ A balance B compare C beat D meet A knocked B punched C slapped D touched 10 He ran four _ of the course in half an hour A hurdles B vaults C sprints 11 Most _ tennis stars learn the game at an early age S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D laps an V The boxer _ his opponent as hard as he could 2 NGOAINGU24H.VN A hopeful B will-be C prospective D willing 12 I always feel _ before the start of a race A jittery B jerky C timid D unsteady 13 I’m afraid we shall have to call _ the match on account of the bad weather A back B in C on D off 14 I tried to _ my disappointment at losing by cheering the winner loudly ge Pa A hide B mask C shield D veil A advance :T 15 The fastest runner took the just five metres before the finishing line B lead C head D place B contest C rivalry eu A contention Li 16 There is a lot of friendly _ between the supporters of the two teams D defiance K 17 He’s _ to win No one else in the race stands a chance a ho A unavoidable B liable C probable D bound A on B after H oc H 18 My uncle took _ golf when he retired from work C over D up ay 19 Although the coach had not thought her a good tennis player at first, she _ to be a champion B came out M A came round C turned out D turned up n ie 20 From an early lead, the team _ to an embarrassing defeat B fell C declined Ph A slumped D dropped im iK 21 If you like skiing, there’s a ski _ under an hour’s driving from Madrid A station B place C resort D port B course C ring D pitch an A rink V 22 We can’t go skating The _ has been closed for repairs 23 Snooker is a very popular _ sport in Britain Most of the major tournaments are televised A spectacle B viewed C audience D spectator 24 Richard started the race well but ran out of _ on the later stages S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY NGOAINGU24H.VN A effort B power C force D steam 25 She was _ with the results of the photo finish, which proved that she had come second in the race A resentful B skeptical C disappointed D mistrustful 26 He had to retire from the match suffering from a _ ligament A torn B broken C slipped D sprained ge Pa 27 The angry football fans _ their fists at the referee A pressed B gripped C clenched D clasped :T 28 Television has _ several sports which until recently had only minority interest A popularized B vulgarized C populared D inhabited Li eu 29 The Press thought the football manager would be depressed by his dismissal but he just _ K A called it off B laughed it off C turned it down D ran it down a ho 30 Mary lost one running shoe, but won the race despite this B disaster C handicap D awkwardness H oc H A feat 31 We shall be competing _ some of the best teams in the country B over C between D beside ay A against A rate B try C attempt n ie M 32 Pauline managed to win the car rally at the first _ D entry B trundled C scrambled 34 The youth team really _ themselves in the semi- final B exceeded C excelled D beat an V A surmounted D limped im iK A flashed Ph 33 The runner with the injured foot _ across the finishing line 35 You need to have lots of _ and be able to take criticism if you want to become a top sportsman A conduct B manner C attitude D discipline 36 There was a wonderful ski way up in the mountains, suitable for the whole family S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY NGOAINGU24H.VN A hostel B lodge C pension D house 37 Deborah won the match against all A odds B hopes C facts D chances 38 There weren’t many _ at the Games because the tickets were too expensive A competitors B viewers C spectators D contestants ge Pa 39 The construction of the stadium has already taken more than a decade, and there appears to be no end in _ A hand B touch C sight D view :T 40 Today’s match has been cancelled _ account of the heavy rain A by B on C for D from Li A push eu 41 His supporters did everything they could to _ him on in the race B prod C drive D spur K a ho 42 The _ for this year’s local athletics championship is a well-known sportswear manufacturer B backer C supporter D promoter H oc H A sponsor 43 Brian is competing in the 110m _ in the school’s sports tournament B obstructions C barriers D obstacles ay A hurdles A keeper B owner C holder n ie M 44 The current title _ is under threat of being stripped of it D possessor B undisputed C unquestioned 46 In basketball Sheffield defeated London 86 – 85 B thinly C finely D narrowly an V A tightly D accosted im iK A unchallenged Ph 45 Having beaten all six challengers he is now the _ champion of the world 47 My cousin finished the London Marathon even though the weather was terrible and he had hurt his ankle It was a truly _ achievement A phenomenal B winning C elevated D superior 48 The idea that she might win a medal is _ fantasy A crass B rank C sheer S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D eminent NGOAINGU24H.VN 49 Any athlete who aim to _ performance by taking drugs is likely to be detected and banned A develop B enhance C stimulate D motivate 50 We encountered particularly _ opposition in the second round of the tournament A hard B iron C rigid D stiff :T ge Pa eu Li K a ho ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY ... C for D from Li A push eu 41 His supporters did everything they could to _ him on in the race B prod C drive D spur K a ho 42 The _ for this year’s local athletics championship is a well-known... off C turned it down D ran it down a ho 30 Mary lost one running shoe, but won the race despite this B disaster C handicap D awkwardness H oc H A feat 31 We shall be competing _ some of the... five metres before the finishing line B lead C head D place B contest C rivalry eu A contention Li 16 There is a lot of friendly _ between the supporters of the two teams D defiance K 17 He’s

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 17:30