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NGOAINGU24H VN S30B BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY 1 Choose the correct answer for the following questions 1 Liverpool beat local Everton, by two goals to one last Saturday A opponents B rivals C enemies D foe[.]

1 NGOAINGU24H.VN THI ONLINE SPORTS (2) Choose the correct answer for the following questions Liverpool beat local _ Everton, by two goals to one last Saturday ge Pa A opponents B rivals C enemies D foes A fitted :T The team’s recent wins have _ them for the team for the next match B qualified C promoted D matched B put C taken eu A brought Li The footballer was _ off the field for kicking the referee D sent K The footballer scored four _, so his team won the match a ho A aims B games C goals D scores A best B nature H oc H He was nervous at the beginning of the game but later he came into his _ C style D own A controller B judge ay The _ said it was a foul and gave us a free kick C referee D umpire M n ie Even though the match wasn’t very exciting, the _ managed to make it sound interesting B announcer C narrator Ph A commentator D presenter im iK The football team won partly because they had been so well trained by their _ A instructor B director C coach D teacher A scored B gained C earned D won 10 After their long period of training, the footballers were in good _ A cut B shape C figure 11 The referee _ the goal because of a previous infringement S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D style an V In his first game for our team he _ a goal after two minutes 2 NGOAINGU24H.VN A annulled B demolished C disallowed D disqualified 12 As they watched the match, the crowd _ in unison A bellowed B chanted C crowed D intoned 13 _ ten minutes of the start of the game two players had been sent off A Before B Inside C Around D Within 14 The football match was so dull that most of the _ left at half-time ge Pa A audience B onlookers C crowd D viewers :T 15 Because both teams came from the same town, the stadium was packed with _ A spectators B public C playgoers D audience B society C fraternity eu A nation Li 16 Violence at football matches is a symptom of problems in _ D state K 17 After a hard match United managed to _ with City, 1-1 B draw a ho A equal C exact D score A with B by H oc H 18 Our football team lost _ three goals to nit C to D in A own B unique ay 19 Keeping the ball out of the net is the _ responsibility of the goalkeeper C sole D individual M A part B place C game n ie 20 Good team-work has played an important _ in the club’s success D effect Ph 21 Even though Jones handled the ball, the referee told them to play _ B through C up im iK A off D on 22 Police blamed a small hooligan _ in the crowd for the violence which occurred C division D portion 23 During the evening football match the stadium was illuminated by _ A spotlights B flashlights C highlights D floodlights 24 After several disastrous matches, he was _ of the captaincy A cancelled B removed C reduced S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D relieved an B constituent V A element NGOAINGU24H.VN 25 After the football match the crowds _ out of the stadium into the nearest bars and café A poured B leaked C trickled D dripped 26 He was so badly injured that they had to bring on a _ and carry him off the football pitch A stretcher B hammock C bed D bunk C out D forward to 27 Italy was knocked _ the World Cup ge Pa A into B away from :T 28 The _ between the referee and some of the players led to three of them being sent off B sensitivity C presence Li A confrontation D encounter eu 29 Professional footballers have to _ all their energy into their job B spend C provide K A give D put a ho 30 David Beckham’s father _ of becoming a football star when he was young B hoped C fancied D dreamed H oc H A wished 31 Winning the European Cup was our greatest _ A attempt B effort C achievement D act ay 32 The final match of the World Cup is one of the most popular sporting _ in the world C competitions D tournaments n ie B celebrations M A events 33 The game will be _ for an hour because the other team is stuck in traffic B cancelled C postponed Ph A transferred D suspended im iK 34 Manchester United were knocked out of the _ in the first round A organization B competition C production D situation B groaned C gasped D cheered 36 The football _ was badly waterlogged and the match was postponed A arena B court C stadium 37 The player was _ of the remainder of the season S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D pitch an A booed V 35 The crowd _ their favorite players when they came onto the field 4 NGOAINGU24H.VN A expelled B suspended C excluded D omitted 38 Three of their players were out injured, but they were knocked out in the _ round A initial B introductory C qualifying D pre-seasonal 39 Our local team seems to have _ its focus We’ve been beaten three times in a row A missed B lost C removed D misplaced 40 Liverpool are on the _ of being relegated to the Fourth Division ge Pa A edge B ledge C rim D verge A spent :T 41 Manchester had several opportunities to score but _ their chances B scattered C squandered D abused B rebellion C turbulence eu A turmoil Li 42 There was absolute _ when the spectators invaded the pitch D rioting K 43 If a match has extra time, a single goal decides the result – this is called a _ goal a ho A goal B golden C silver D bronze A won B earned H oc H 44 West Ham United _ a good result away from home at the weekend, despite playing the second half with only ten men C succeeded D achieved ay 45 The team won the championship four years _ B running M A passing C following D rotating n ie B decisive C strong-minded D determined im iK A influential Ph 46 Newcastle United won a _ victory over league rivals Arsenal to win the premiership title 47 Many people _ about the bad behavior of soccer fans in the town centre after the match C criticized D objected 48 I met Pete _ his bicycle along the pavement A pulling B rolling C wheeling D turning 49 Driving is the question as long as the engine is busted A away B none C beyond S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY D out of an B disapproved V A complained NGOAINGU24H.VN 50 A 19-year-old who sheriff’s deputies say admitted to brutally beating his parents with a metal baseball was denied bail at a court appearance Friday A club B bat C stick D racket :T ge Pa eu Li K a ho ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V S30B - BOOST YOUR VOCABULARY ... ten minutes of the start of the game two players had been sent off A Before B Inside C Around D Within 14 The football match was so dull that most of the _ left at half-time ge Pa A audience B... packed with _ A spectators B public C playgoers D audience B society C fraternity eu A nation Li 16 Violence at football matches is a symptom of problems in _ D state K 17 After a hard match... invaded the pitch D rioting K 43 If a match has extra time, a single goal decides the result – this is called a _ goal a ho A goal B golden C silver D bronze A won B earned H oc H 44 West Ham

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 17:30