27/2020 An evaluation of the english language curriculum for medical students Papers from fourth conference on english learning and teaching in Republic of China, pp290 k Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang, pp132 International Journal of English Linguistics, Vol 8, No 5; pp209 Mustafa Naci An Investigation into Medical Students' English Language Needs Department of English Language and Literature, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, pp67 Rodis, O M M., Kariya, N., Nishimura, M., Matsumura, S., & Tamamura, R, 2012 , The Asian EFL Journal Professional Teaching Articles, 55, pp1-20 (Ngày nh n bài: 18 / /2020 - Ngày 18 / /2020) ih cC *Email: nthang@ctump.edu.vn TÓM T T tv : Tuân th u y u t quan tr u tr ARV b nh nhân HIV/AIDS c quy nh s thành công c u tr M c tiêu nghiên c u: nh t l tuân th u tr ARV b nh nhân nhi m HIV; (2) Tìm hi u m t s y u t liên n vi c không tuân th u tr ARV b nh nhân nhi m HIV t i B nh vi nh Sóc u: Th c hi n nghiên c u c t ngang mô t 350 b u tr ARV t i phòng khám ngo i trú c a B nh vi t tháng n tháng 12/2019 D li c thu th p t h nh án ph ng v n b nh nhân Tuân th u tr ng b câu h i ph ng v n B c xem tuân th u tr u c ch nh, tái khám xét nghi n K t qu : T l b nh nhân nhi m HIV tuân th u tr l b nh nhân u thu c 98,3%, u u 86,3%, u 87,4%, u ách 94,6%, tái n 99,4% Có m i liên quan gi a tuân th u tr v i nhóm tu i, tình tr ng nhân, s dung ch t gây nghi n K t lu n: B nh nhân nhi m HIV tuân th u tr ARV chung n, cung c p ki n th c v tuân th u tr bi n pháp h tr ng b t c tuân th u tr T khoá: u tr ARV, HIV/AIDS, tuân th u tr , y u t liên quan nh ABSTRACT PATIENT ADHERENCE AND ITS RELATED FACTORS IN ARV TREATMENT FOR HIV/AIDS AT SOC TRANG GENERAL HOSPITAL 92 27/2020 Thach Ngoc Anh, Lam Nhut Anh, Nguyen Ngoc Phuong Thao, Lam Quang Duc, Le Thi Nhan Duyen, Duong Xuan Chu, Nguyen Thang* Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Background: Patient adherence to treatment for HIV/AIDS plays an important role in minimizing the prevalence of antiviral resistance and contributing to the success of the ARV treatment Objectives: (1) To determine the proportion of HIV-infected patient adherence to ARV treatment; (2) To investigate some of the factors related to non-adherence in 2019 Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 350 HIV/AIDS patients treating ARV at out-patient clinics of Soc Trang General Hospital from 6/2019 to 12/2019 Data was collected from medical records and patient interviews Adherence to treatment was assessed by the set of interview questions Patients were considered to adhere to treatment when taking the right medication as indicated, re-examined and tested on time Results: Patient adherence to ARV treatment was 75.7 % In which, the adherence rates of the right medicine, right dose, on time and taking the medicine correctly were 98.3%, 86.3%, 87.4% and 99.4%, respectively There was a significant association between patient adherence and ages, marial status, using of addictive substances (p