VJE Tap chi Gieo duc (2022),22121),9-13 *(f ISSN:2354-0753 l}*f ltlc^_lqg_c_rto_les-slNHTIEUHqcrHONGeuAHoArDo.NG GIAO DUC TRONG NHA TRTIONG TTTEO TIEP CAN GIAO DUC STEM I-,6 rPhong Girio duc Id Ddo tao thdnh phd Thi Xinhrr, rTruong Dai hoc Su pham Biri Vnn Hdng2 +Tac Article history gii liAt hi c Email: K! Tht Dic Thdnh ph6 Ho Chi Minh; rhuar Than} Hd Chi Minh rinh.lethi@gmail.t'om ABSTRACT The goals of the 2018 General Education Program are to provide Received: l8/712022 Accepted:2518D022 Published: 05/112022 Keywords STEM education, STEM competencies, primary students, STEM acriviries in primary school students with general knowledge and develop students, competencies in practical areas To achieve the goals, it is necessaDr for the education sector to shift liom a content-based approach to a leamers' competence one Many studies in Viemam and the world show that STEM teaching is one of the critical teaching approaches that forms and develops leamers, capacities Based on the analysis about developing leamers' competencies through STEM education and STEM-related topics in educational activities in primary schools, the article presenls the research results about competency development for primary students through STEM education activities in schools The research results show that these activities can be utilized to develop problem-solving skills and creativity communicalion and collaboration skills, etc; tlrereby promoting STEM education in primary schools today r MO dAu trlnh gilio duc ph6 fi6ng 20t8186 GD-DT.20t8) ocip ridu hqc (TH) cj.u Fuc cdc mon hsc co dd]:.crriT tai_m6t s6 nQi dung vi ting cudng day hoc theo c6c chri tli gin vti,i cuft si5ng vd tlinh huong ngh6 ngh i6p Criu truc ndy ddr c6c y€u ciu moi d6i voi GV vi HS vd thay tl6i phuong pirap, lintr -tfryc d4y vd hoc; trong,d.o'.d4y h$ theo tlinh huong girio dqc STEM li rn6t tsong nhtng hinh rhric day hpc hiQu quri, g6p pi.,i, ,ang cao chat luong day hqc va phat fi€n nnng luc cta HS Theo Bdavis (2012), STEM li m6t chuong trinh'giang @y dua ten tucmg giAo duc HS theo chuydn nginh cu thii - Khoa hqc, C6ng ngh6, Ki thuit vi To6i hoc rheo c.lch ti6p c{n li€n nginh vi ri,ng dung Thay vi day m6n hqc d6 nhu cic m6n hoc ri6ng biQt vi roi rac, srEM tich hoD ]ro1e C.!r1cmg nhi* ttY i tin sin k6t dua tr€n uic rmg dung rh6 gioi thqc -Mqc ti6u cui5ictng cua girio dpc STEM ld khuy€n khich HS quan tim tl6n c6c m6n hoc STEM tu cdn nh6 Nghi6n ctru cua B-ecfer-va pa* (201 I ) va hicu qu.6 cta STEM cflng cho triy 6c tr6.ng tich cuc Jua gi6o d.rc STEM d6; ;;;;i iarg hqp "ic" cic nghien crru vd beo q6o, Nguyan Thanh Hai (2019) da n6u dec di6m chinh cta gido duc STEM dd Dhen biel voi c6c chuong trinh khSc: ( l) Tip trung vio su tich hspl (2) Li6n h6 voi cu6c ning thuc 16: 131 Huong dih phrt riiin qic ki neng thc ki xXI; (4) Thrich thfc HS wqt l6n ;hinh minh (i) co tint ne tions ,e kd ;6i;id;; #i ;r" :g-c-Yi: ttIt,,.9.hinh loc Gi6o dgc STEM tluo c xric tlinh s€ tl6ng vai trd quan rong aong viQc ttdo tao nguBn nh6n luc-ch6t lucmg cao Tai gra co nin gi6o.duc phrit tririn nhu Hoa Ki, Anh phep, a,r!t"uiia, slt grpor , gi6o duc srEr,I da'tro mQt phin khong rh€ thi€u chu