NG6N NGU so9 2022 HE THONG NGUytN Au uENc NuNc vrN pHAr[ L[toNc HirNG- Abstrrct: Ntng Vdn is a subgroup ofNing ethnic in Vietnam The language used by the Ntng Vdn people is different from the languages spoken by other Nung's subgroups It is one of the Kadai languages -a branch in TaiKadai language family This paper describes the articulatory and acoustic properties of vowel system of Nung Vdn language in Cd Ti6ng village, Nfli Th6n commune, Hd Quiing district of Vietnam from the synchronic perspective Keywords: Nrlzg Ven, Kodai, Tai-Kadai, vowel, phonetics MdtIAu Ntng V6n cirng voi Nirng Ch6o, Ntng Ldi, Ntng An, Ntrng Phin Slhh, Ntng Inh, Ntng Giang, Ntng Din, Ntng Qu! Rin, Ntng Xu6ng, Nung Ctii Chu, Ntng An Pinh li c6c nh6m