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Giáo án tuần-26-Anh-8

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Name: …………………………… Class : 8A … REVISION FOR UNIT TO UNIT 11 – ENGLISH 19-20 A VOCABULARY : Revise from Unit to Unit 11 B GRAMMAR: UNIT 9: A FIRST- AID COURSE C¸ch sư dơng cđa " in order (not) to / so as (not) to + V / to + V": in order (not) to + V (để,nhằm mục đích (làm không làm ) so as (not) to to VD : I get up early in order to / so as to / to go to the class on time I get up early in order not to / so as not to be late for the class * Chú ý: so that mục đích sau mệnh đề …so that (để) + mệnh đề Ex: I get up early so that I can go to school on time Tơi dậy sớm để tơi học Thì tương lai đơn : Simple future tense a, Diễn tả hành động xảy tương lai : Tõ nhËn biÕt : tomorrow , next+ thêi gian, in the future (trong tương lai) , in 2015,in 2020 (+) S + will/ shall +V (-) S + will/ shall + not +V (?) Will/ shall + S + +V ?Yes,S + will / shall/ No,S + will / shall + not - Shall dùng với chủ ngữ I/ We b , Thì tương đơn diễn tả lời hứa VD: Lan promises she will study harder Lan hứa cô học hành chăm c , tương lai đơn diễn tả lời đề nghị, yêu cầu VD: Will you turn on the light, please? - Sure Bạn bật đèn lên không? Shall I get you a drink ? - No, thanks Tôi lấy đồ uống cho bạn nhé? Would you…? Được dùng để yêu cầu mời cách lịch EX: Would you like a cup of tea? Bạn có muốn tách trà khơng? Would you me a favor? Bạn giúp chứ? UNIT 10: RECYCLING A THE PASSIVE VOICE :(Câu bị động) I DEFINITION(Định nghĩa) - Active sentences(Câu chủ động) : Câu chủ động câu chủ ngữ người hay vật thực hành động Ex : They built the house in this village in 1486 - Passive sentences(Câu bị động) : Câu bị động câu chủ ngữ người hay vật nhận chịu tác động hành động.Ex : The house was built in this village in 1486 II PASSIVE TRANSFORMATION (Cách đổi sang câu bị động) Muốn chuyển câu từ thể chủ động sang thể bị động, ta thực bước sau Active : S VActive O Passive : S VPassive(be + Ved/3) by + Object Lấy tân ngữ câu chủ động (active) làm chủ ngữ câu bị động (passive) Đổi động từ chủ động (VA) thành động từ bị động (VP) VP = be + past participle (Ved- V3) Active voice (câu chủ động) Simple present (hiện đơn) S + V(es, s)Eg: He learns English Present continuous (hiện tiếp diễn) S + be (is, are, am) + V-ing Eg: He is learning English Simple Past (quá khứ đơn) S + V (2, ed)Eg: He learnt English Passive voice (câu bị động) Simple present S + be (is, are, am) +V(3,ed) + by + O Eg: English is learnt (by him) Present continuous S + be (is, are, am) + being +V(3,ed)+ by + O Eg: English is being learnt (by him) Simple Past S + were/was +V (3,ed) + by + O Eg: English was learnt (by him) Past continuous S + were/was being + V(3,ed) + by + O Eg: English was being learnt (by him) Past continuous (quá khứ tiếp diễn) S + be (were, was) + V-ing Eg: He was learning English Simple future (tương lai đơn) Simple future S + will + V S + will + be + V(3,ed) + by + O Eg: He will learn English Eg: English will be learnt (by him) Present perfect (hiện hoàn Present perfect thành) S + Has/ have + been + V(ed, 3) + by + O S + Has/ have + V(ed, 3) Eg: English has been learnt (by him) Eg: He has learnt English Modal verbs (can, may, could, Modal verbs (can, may, could, must, ought must, ought to, have to, has to) to, have to, has to) S + Modal verb + V S + Modal verb + be + V(3,ed) + by + O Eg : He can speak English Eg : English can be learnt (by him) “Be going to” (tương lai gần) “Be going to” S + be (is, am, are) + going to + V S + is/ am/ are + going to + be + V(3,ed) Eg: He is going to learn English Eg : English is going to be learnt (by him) Chủ ngữ câu chủ động thành tân ngữ câu bị động đứng trước giới từ by Ex : The President presented the medals  The medals was presented by the President • Chủ ngữ I, you, we, they, he, she , it, people, someone, somebody, nobody, no one thường bỏ câu bị động Ex : Somebody left this purse in a classroom  This purse was left in a classroom Nếu câu chủ động có chủ ngữ nobody hay no one động từ câu bị động chia dạng phủ định Ex : Nobody saw him leaving the room  He wasn’t seen leaving the room Vị trí trạng từ câu bị động : Trạng từ cách thức (Adverb of manner) thường đứng be past participle Các trạng từ khác thường đứng sau trợ động từ Ex : This problem has been carefully studied by the scientists She had never been promoted if she wouldn’t have changed her job - AVERB OF PLACE + BY + O + TIME (nơi chốn + by + O + thời gian) B ADJECTIVE FOLLOWED BY AN INFINITIVE OR A NOUN CLAUSE : (Tính từ theo sau động từ nguyên mẫu mệnh đề danh từ) To-infinitive (to V) : Động từ nguyên mẫu dùng • Sau tính từ diễn tả phản ứng cảm giác : glad, sorry, sad, delighted, pleased, happy, afraid, anxious, surprised, shocked, … E.g : I am very pleased to see you here He is afraid to stay at home alone at night • Sau số tính từ thông dụng khác : right, wrong, difficult, certain, welcome, careful, important, interesting, lovely, ready, lucky, likely, good, hard, dangerous, safe,… sau tính từ cấu trúc enough too E.g : English is not difficult for us to learn It + be + adjective + to V The apples are ripe enough to pick • Sau tính từ sau cấu trúc nhấn mạnh với chủ ngữ giả It : E.g : It’s very difficult to learn Egyptian It’s nice to talk to you Noun clauses (That clause) : Mệnh đề danh từ (noun clause) thường dùng • Với tính từ diễn tả cảm xúc, lo lắng, tin tưởng,… glad, pleased, relieved, sorry, afraid, anxious, worried, confident, certain,… E.g : I am delighted that she passed the exam S + be + adjective + noun I’m afraid that I can’t accept your assignment clause (that clause) • Sau tính từ cấu trúc nhấn mạnh với chủ ngữ giả It : necessary, essential, imperative, E.g : It is necessary that she should know the truth It + be + adjective / verb + present subjective [S + V + (should) + V UNIT 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM A THE PARTICIPLES & PARTICIPIAL PHRASES : (Phân từ cụm phân từ) Có loại phân từ tiếng Anh : phân từ & khứ phân từ a Present participle : (Hiện phân từ)  V-ing Hiện phân từ (present participle) dùng để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn động từ mệnh đề mang nghĩa chủ động (active voice).- thường dùng cho người E.g : The man who is standing over there is my form teacher  The man standing over there is my form teacher Students who attend this school have to wear uniform Students attending this school have to wear uniform b Past participle : (Quá khứ phân từ) V3 / Ved Qúa khứ phân từ (past participle) dùng để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn động từ mệnh đề mang nghĩa bị động động (active voice).- thường dùng cho người E.g : The toys which were made in China are cheap  The toys made in China are cheap People who were invited to the party didn’t turn up  People invited to the party didn’t turn up Participles functioning as adjectives : (Phân từ dùng tính từ) c  Present participle (Hiện phân từ): dùng để mô tả người, vật việc tạo cảm xúc  nghĩa chủ động E.g : Jane’s job is boring (Công việc Jane thật tẻ nhạt) Tom is a very interesting person (Tom người thú vị)  Past participle (Quá khứ phân từ) : dùng để mô tả trạng thái cảm xúc người (đối với người, vật việc  nghĩa bị động E.g : Jane is bored with the job (Jane chán với cơng việc mình) Boring teachers made students bored (Thầy buồn tẻ khiến trò nhàm chán) I am very interested in those interesting subjects (Tơi thích đề tài thứ vị) B REQUEST WITH Would / Do you mind … ?(Lời đề nghị với Would / Do you mind … ?) Cấu trúc dùng để yêu cầu người khác làm việc Would/Do you mind + Vcách lịch ing ? E.g : Would you mind opening the window ? (= Please open the window.) (Phiền bạn mở dùm cửa sổ / Vui lòng mở dùm cửa sổ) Do you mind not smoking here ? (= Please don’t smoke.) (Phiền bạn không hút thuốc đây) Would you mind + if-clauseV2/ed (past tense) ? Do you mind + if-clause V1(present Cấu trúc dùng để hỏi, xin phép cách lịch E.g : Would you mind if I opened the window ? (Bạn có phiền khơng tơi mở cửa sổ ?) Do you mind if he smokes ? (Bạn có phiền khơng hút thuốc ?)  Câu trả lời No, Not at all Go ahead dùng phép cấu trúc Would / Do you mind if … ? thường thêm vào từ khác để làm rõ nghĩa E.g : Would you mind if I used your headphone ? – No, please  Câu trả lời I’d rather you didn’t / I’d prefer you didn’t dùng để từ chối cấu trúc E.g : Do you mind if I smoke here ? – I’d rather you didn’t  Note : Hai cấu trúc đưa lời đề nghị có khác mức độ lịch Would you mind có phần lịch Do you mind, nhiên khác biệt nhỏ nên hai cấu trúc sử dụng tình giao tiếp quan trọng  EXERCISES : I/ / Choose the best answer :Unit I put the heater on the plants warm a for keeping b keeping c to keep d keep That bag looks heavy I _ you with it a am going to helpb will help c am helping d help Calm and tell me what happened a down b out c in d up Sam was trying hard a not to laugh b to not laugh c not laughing d to not laughing You _ forget what I told you It’s very important a mustn’t b needn’t c don’t have to d can’t Cool the burns immediately so as to _tissue damage a minimize b relieve c ease d maximize He is working very hard get poor grades a in order to b in order not to c to d not to quiet? I’m trying to learn a Will you please be b Are you please be c Are you please being d Has you please been She was _ for days after the accident a unconscious b conscious c consciously d unconsciously 10 _ is a long thin piece of cloth or paper used for tying round and protecting a wound a Bandage b Water packs c Handkerchief d Blanket 11 I tried to cheer him _, but he just kept staring out the window a up b on c off d out 12 You should elevate the patient’s feet above the level of the heart A cut B press C raise D decrease 13 The anti-tetanus injection is needed when someone gets _ A bum B shock C deep cuts D dog bites 14 We can stop the bleeding by using a towel to cover the wound, then put _ on it A pressure B medicine C bandage D cloth 15 The victim should drink a cup of tea when A reviving B bleeding C fainting D calm down 16 Don’t give the victim any food or drink if he or she gets _ A happy B sad C shock D fainting 17 Cover the burned area with a thick _dressing A polluted B sterile C dry D affected 18 Would you please _ me a sterile dressing? A to give B give C giving D given 19 She telephoned _ us the condition of the injured student A tell B to tell C telling D told 20 When somebody gets fainting, leave him or her _ flat A lie B lying C lay D laying Unit 10 Try to amount of fat in your diet a reduce b refill c reuse d recycle It is _ to park in the center of Newtown a impossible b impossibility c impossibilities d impossibly I am delighted _you passed your exam a that b to c in order tod so that Tree leaves to wrap things a should be used b should used c should been used d should be use _is a wonderful natural fertilizer a Compost b Plastic c Envelope d Garbage It is not always easy _good teaching materials in this field a finding b find c to find d for finding Is the rubbish every day? a collected b collecting c collect d be collected Beer _for breakfast in England years ago a used to be drunk b used be drunk c used to drunk d used to be drank It’s important wildlife in the area a to conserve b conserving c conservation d conserve 10 Let’s play tennis instead of _ television a watches b watch c watching d to watch Unit 11 This is the first time she _ rice paddies a has seen b sees c will see d saw Would you mind I borrowed your dictionary ? a if b when c that d Ø We lots of photos on vacation a took b had c did d made Before for work, I ate breakfast a leaving b leave c to leave d left Would you mind _ the window? a closing b to close c about closing d closed Would you mind if I _ the phone? a used b will use c am going to use d use Accommodation in London — very expensive a is b are c has d have The road down to the sea is very rough a going b goes c to go d gone you mind finishing the work yourself ? a Would b May c Can d Should 10 We paddle the slowly upstream a bus b ship c canoe d train 11 I couldn’t find a guide-book in English a writes b written c writing d write 12 Passengers _ to Cairo, please go to Gate a flying b fly c will fly d are going to fly 13 Donna works in a shop that sells flowers and plants; she’s a _ a gardener b farmer c florist d baker 14 Would you like _ with me now? a to go b go c going d to going 15 It’s great _ here! a be b to be c been d Being II A Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a ambulance b bandage c damage d patient a hit b tight c first d sting a deposit b elevate c overheat d emergency a crutch b school c chart d stretcher a limestone b revive c promise d minimize a bandage b damage c teenager d message II B Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others a damage b revive c promise d bandage a asleep b conscious c sterile d tissue a waterfall b florist c deposit d treatment a ambulance b injection c minimize d handkerchief a fabric b compost c victim d canoe III Complete these sentences use the structure: “Adj + to V…” I / too excited / / anything Lan / glad / see / her old friend again The students / worried / hear / the new information She / strong enough / carry / all those heavy bags Tam / intelligent enough / finish / the test / an hour IV Combine each pair of the sentences, using the adjective + to- inf /noun clause structures 1.They passed all the exam They are lucky 2.John got Ann’s letter yesterday He was very surprised She can’t come I’m afraid He will win the game I’m sure You wouldn’t come back I was worried V Rewrite the following sentences, using “ It+ be+ adj+ to Inf” 1.Learning English is really quite easy 2.Seeing our old friends again was wonderful Complaining about that matter now is useless 4.Sitting in one place for so long was very uncomfortable 5.Going to that party next week will be a lot of fun VI Rewrite the following sentences, using Passive form 1.This computer/ make/ in the USA 2.These machines/ make/ in Scotland 3.The money/ change into dollars/ at the bank The parcel/ post/ yesterday morning Several people/ hurt/ in an accident last night VII Change these sentences into passive form My sister opened two packages Our teacher corrects our homework Did that mechanic the repair work? Do they give many courses in English during the summer? The little boy has eaten the eggs The policeman took Lam to the police station They deliver the newspapers to this office twice a day My father told the funny story last night Minh has seen the accident on the road 10 They built another bridge across the river last year VIII Rewrite each of these sentences, without changing the meaning Could you turn down the gas fire ? Would you mind Is it all right if I borrow your bicycle ? Would you mind Can I use your mobile phone ? Do you mind Can you carry my luggage ? Do you mind You shouldn’t use the office phone for personal calls Would you mind not The students are in the library They are reading books The students The church was very old It was built two hundred years ago The church Russia grows the most wheat The country Kangaroos live in Australia They have long tails Kangaroos IX Rewrite these sentences, using the participial phrases A new factory has just opened in our town It employs more than 200 workers A boy was injured in the accident He was taken to the hospital I didn’t talk much to the man The man was sitting next to me on the plane to Hanoi The man is my uncle He wrote this poem The street is very wide It leads to my school The book is mine It is lying on the table My family is living in a house The house was built in 2004

Ngày đăng: 05/01/2023, 20:37
