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QUẢN TRỊ CÔNG NGHỆ MÔI TRƯỜNG ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH TIỂU LUẬN KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN LỚP : PHAN TRUNG HIẾU TÊN HP : QUẢN TRỊ CÔNG NGHỆ MÔI TRƯỜNG : HSB3008 : TS TRỊNH VĂN QUYỀN GIẢNG VIÊN ThS HOÀNG TUẤN DŨNG MÃ HP HÀ NỘI - 2021 Họ tên: Phan Trung Hiếu MỤC LỤC Mã sinh viên: 19080040 Lớp: MET1.01 Ngày sinh: 20/01/2001 Mã học phần: HS3008 Lớp: MET1.01 Tên học phần: Quản trị công nghệ môi trường Tên học phần: Quản trị công nghệ môi trường TIỂU LUẬN KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN ĐỀ BÀI BÀI LÀM .5 I Overview What is SOE? TIỂU LUẬN KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN II NGƯỜI CHẤM 1of SOE Số phách Definition (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) Some famous SOEs in Vietnam III Current status of domestic wastewater in Vietnam .5 Definition of domestic wastewater Composition of domestic wastewater IV Domestic wastewater treatment system of Cho Ray hospital Overview about Cho Ray hospital .6 Cho Ray hospital’s domestic wastewater treatment system NGƯỜI CHẤM V About AAO technology .7 (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) Operating principle 1.1 Anaerobic biological treatment 1.2 Anoxic bioremediation treatment .8  Nitrification process  Phosphorylation process .9 1.3 Oxic bioremediation treatment 10 Số phách ĐIỂM Advantages 10 Bằng Disadvantages 10 số: Bằng chữ: VI Solutions to upgrade the wastewater treatment system in the hospital (MBR Membrane Bioreactor) 11 Advantages of AAO medical wastewater treatment system combined with MBR .11 Extended advantage 12 VII Conclusion 12 DANH MỤC TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO 13 ĐỀ BÀI Đề số 16: Select any State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) of Vietnam (through the internet or the one you know), then describe those domestic wastewater treatment technologies after that analyze the situation by data collection and suggest solutions BÀI LÀM I Overview Water pollution in Vietnam is getting increasingly complicated, therefore the research and application of wastewater treatment technologies is extremely necessary The article below will focus on clarifying the characteristics of domestic wastewater and some popular domestic wastewater treatment technologies in a SOE II What is SOE? Definition of SOE A state-owned enterprise (SOE) is a business enterprise where the government or state has significant control through full, majority, or significant minority ownership Defining characteristics of SOEs are their distinct legal form and operation in commercial affairs and activities While they may also have public policy objectives (e.g., a state railway company may aim to make transportation more accessible), SOEs should be differentiated from government agencies or state entities established to pursue purely nonfinancial objectives Some famous SOEs in Vietnam  Vietnam Electricity Corporation  Binh Son Refinery and Petrochemical Joint Stock Company  Vietnam National Petroleum Group  Vietnam Oil and Gas Group III Current status of domestic wastewater in Vietnam Definition of domestic wastewater Domestic wastewater is generated from daily human activities such as: bathing, eating & drinking, cleaning Except for individual household which has not been domestic applied any regulations all on wastewater buildings, treatment, commercial centers, resorts, factories, and have wastewater in accordance with restaurants… to treat domestic QCVN technical 14:2008/BTNMT National regulation on domestic wastewater Composition of domestic wastewater According polluted domestic wastewater is divided into two characteristics, to types: blackwater (from toilet and septic tank), greywater (from bathing, eating & drinking activities) Blackwater has high of BOD, pathogenic microorganisms which are the concentration ammonium, main polluted sources in domestic wastewater Pollution parameters of normal domestic effluent (including all sources from bathing, eating & drinking, cleaning) are as follows: Source: NGOenvironment.com However, at many factories and commercial centers when greywater is rare (due to not have concentration is often higher, especially the concentration of ammonia from blackwater Ammonium concentration is generally higher than 100mg/l, up to 150mg/l At present, most of domestic wastewater treatment bathing activities), polluted projects in Vietnam still face difficulties in thoroughly treating ammonia In many projects, the unbalanced proportion of COD/BOD and BOD/NH3N in wastewater causes difficulty for microorganisms development to treat pollutants Especially in Vietnam, most of projects have already built their own traditional septic tank and microbial reactions at septic tank decrease COD concentration which can create obstacle for maintaining high biomass concentration in the next treatment tanks IV Domestic wastewater treatment system of Cho Ray hospital Overview about Cho Ray hospital Cho Ray Hospital is the largest general hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; and is also the largest in Vietnam, founded in 1900 during the French colonial rule as Hôpital Municipal de Cholon Over the years, the hospital has also been known as Hôpital Indigène de Cochinchine (1919), Hôpital Lolung Bonnoires (1938), and Hôpital 415 (1945), until it was ultimately renamed Chợ Rẫy in 1957 At present, the hospital has 35 clinical, 11 subclinical and functional departments It organizes practice and postgraduate training for more than 2,500 medical students and 600 doctors each year Cho Ray Hospital has 1200 beds, employs 2,270 health workers including 500 medical doctors and pharmacists, and provides treatment for about 457,000 outpatients and 67,000 inpatients per year Cho Ray hospital’s domestic wastewater treatment system Hospital wastewater contains a large amount of pathogenic microorganisms, which is a source of high infection and harmful effects on the soil and water environment In fact, most of the wastewater treatment systems in hospitals located in the city have not been treated or thoroughly treated medical wastewater, putting human health and the environment at risk As a hospital ranked special in the country, Cho Ray pioneered the construction of wastewater treatment systems On March 11, 2012, the hospital inaugurated a centralized wastewater treatment station with a capacity of 4,000m3/day with a construction cost of over 90 billion VND This is a project using AAO technology from Japan, this technology combines many processes to treat organic pollutants with microorganisms, ensuring thorough treatment according to the highest standards for disease wastewater hospital, low and stable operating costs, high degree of automation… V About AAO technology Operating principle  Wastewater microorganisms stick on suspended solids like CAS However, AAO or AO treatment by process is more comprehensive and improve many shortcomings of CAS process  Process microorganisms (tank aeroten)  Key bio reaction processes include: anaerobic, annoxi and aerobic reaction is aerobic 1.1 Anaerobic biological treatment Anaerobic microorganisms play an important role in anaerobic bioremediation These microorganisms have the effect of breaking down dissolved organic matter and colloids Microorganisms in the tank will absorb and convert these organic substances into compounds These compounds exist in the tank as air bubbles that stick to the sludge To understand this process better we have the chemical equation below:   A2O wastewater treatment technology 1.2 Anoxic bioremediation treatment The process of nitrification and phosphorylation takes place on purpose to treat nitrogen and phosphorus  Nitrification process This process takes place in an anoxic environment This is a favorable electrical condition for microorganisms to reduce nitrate and nitrite in wastewater to form nitrogen gas to escape  Nitrification simulation equation: NH4+ + 1.5NO2 NO2 + H2O + 2H+ NO-2 + 0.5O2 NO-3  Overall chemical equation: NH4 + 2O2 NO-3 + H2O + 2H+  Phosphorylation process Basically this process works on the Acinetobacter bacteria They are used to convert phosphorus-containing organic compounds into completely new phosphorus-free compounds Anoxic bioremediation To be able to help these two processes take place most effectively, the wastewater treatment system needs to provide a stirrer and a speed suitable for the water to create an oxygen-deficient environment favorable for anoxic microorganisms to grow 1.3 Oxic bioremediation treatment This process uses microorganisms to reduce nitrate to molecular nitrogen At the same time, microorganisms in the activated sludge are put into the tank Absorb pollutants in the tank, they use Nitrogen and Phosphorus as nutrients to release energy We have the following chemical equation:  Oxidation and decomposition of organic matter: Organic matter + O2 CO2 + H2O + Energy  New cell synthesis: Organic matter + O2 + NH3 Microbial cells + CO2 + H2O + Energy  Endogenous decomposition: C5H7O2N + O2 CO2 + H2O + NH2 + Energy Advantages  Cheap investment cost because the system's construction cost, some key equipment such as aeration, pump, mixer No advanced technology is applied  Produce less surplus sludge compared to CAS because anaerobic and anoxic cost mainly include microorganisms help to treat BOD more comprehensively  Outlet water quality can meet B standard, depend on the size of tanks  Consume less power compared to CAS  Effectively treat BOD, COD, Nitrogen, Phosphorus  Able to treat waste water of high organic load Disadvantages  Sensitive to temperature, pH, SS, heavy metals and other toxic components in influent waste water  Occupy average and above-average area  Outlet water quality depends on sedimentation ability of activated sludge and size of tanks If want good outlet water quality and less fluctuation of quality, will require huge land/ space to build system VI Solutions to upgrade the wastewater treatment system in the hospital (MBR Membrane Bioreactor) As a tool in the medical wastewater treatment process It is a combination of bioreactor technology with microfiltration membrane This technology is more and 10 more widely used in the world, providing effective solutions for high-quality wastewater discharge into the environment, eliminating chemicals and diseases Advantages of AAO medical wastewater treatment system combined with MBR  Effectively handle organic substances (BOD, COD), nitrogen, phosphorus, pathogenic microorganisms  Wastewater treatment systems can operate at high concentrations of MLSS, thereby increasing treatment capacity  Space saving due to the design of the treatment tank according to the principle of block The MBR filter integrates many processing processes (Settling – filtering – sterilization)  The MBR wastewater treatment module can be installed submerged or floating and can be moved  It is possible to expand the capacity by installing additional wastewater treatment modules without expanding the treatment tank  Output water is clear, TSS (Total Suspended Solids) is almost zero because the MBR membrane pore size is very small, only about 0.10.4um No disinfectant chemicals  For wastewater treatment modules, which are constructed, assembled quickly, and mobile, can be coordinated with existing treatment tanks  High automation, less labor to operate  High durability by the equipment assembled in the system from reputable brands in the world  Limit the spread of odors because the tank is built to be submerged and closed  Create a beautiful landscape, in harmony with the overall ground Extended advantage In developed countries, this technology is also used to produce energy by capturing methane gas Methane is recovered from the waste in the same anaerobic reactor to remove nitrate from the water The anaerobic process before aerobic treatment will reduce the amount of sludge generated, digesting the excess sludge in 11 stage in the process Contributing to the reduction of biological sludge and treatment costs compartments in the ABR tank have a large capacity, helping to reduce the load for the treatment process if there is a peak time in the day for discharge volume VII Conclusion This study talked about the reality of water pollution and domestic wastewater in Vietnam Then we mentioned the wastewater treatment system at Cho Ray hospital Thereby providing some solutions to upgrade the wastewater treatment system here Medical wastewater treatment system AAO - MBR 12 DANH MỤC TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO Investopedia (29/09/2020) - State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) Definition www.investopedia.com/terms/s/soe.asp Qin, R., 2019 Study on Utilization and Pollution of Water Resources in Guanqiao Village of Guangxi Province In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol 300, No 3, p 032056) IOP Publishing Anh, P.T., Kroeze, C., Bush, S.R and Mol, A.P., 2010 Water pollution by Pangasius production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: causes and options for control Aquaculture Research, 42(1), pp.108-128 Wikipedia Cho Ray Hospital https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cho_Ray_Hospital Haminco (2020) What is domestic wastewater? Concept, properties and handling https://haminco.com/tin-tuc/nuoc-thai-sinh-hoat-la-gi-khai-niem-tinh-chatva-cach-xu-ly NGOenvironment.com (3/10/2019) Anaerobic – Anoxic – Aerobic http://ngoenvironment.com/en/Technology-tec29-AAO-Anaerobic-AnoxicArobic-or-AO-Anoxic-Aerobic TS Quy Duong Tran, Massachusetts University (2014) AAO technology and its application in wastewater treatment Ngoc Bao Pham, Tetsuo Kuyama (2013) Urban domestic wastewater managerment in Vietnam—challenges and opportunities, Policy Brief of WEPA Van Thi Thanh Ho, Dang, M.P., Lien, L.T et al Study on Domestic Wastewater Treatment of the Horizontal Subsurface Flow Wetlands (HSSFCWs) Using Brachiaria mutica Waste Biomass Valor 11, 5627–5634 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-020-01084-4 13 10 B Lew, S Tarre, M Beliavski, C Dosoretz, M Green (2009), Anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) for domestic wastewater treatment, Desalination, Volume 243, Issues 1–3 14 ... sinh: 20/01/2001 Mã học phần: HS3008 Lớp: MET1.01 Tên học phần: Quản trị công nghệ môi trường Tên học phần: Quản trị công nghệ môi trường TIỂU LUẬN KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN ĐỀ BÀI BÀI LÀM

Ngày đăng: 29/12/2022, 14:53
