JOURNAL OF SCIENC E & IEC HNOLOGY * No 791} - 2010 RESEARCH OF NONLINEAR CONTROLLER STRUC lURE FOR LINEAR PERMANENT MAGNET EXCITED SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR REFER TO NONLINEAR CONTROLLER DESIGNS NGHIEN CU'U CAu TRUC DIEU KHIEN PHI fUYEN CllO D O N G CO TUYEN fiNIl DONCi BO KICH THICH VINH CUU DUA TREN CilAI PHAP DIEU KHUN PHI TUYEN Nguyen Phung Quang, Dao Phuong Hanoi Univcrsit}' of Science and Nam Technology ABSTRACT Today, linear motions are almost realized indirectly by rotation motors, which cause some inherent weakness The use of motors which have the aibility of direct linear motion making (linear motors) can reject these weakness Because of the nonlinear property in this motor, its controller need to be refered to a class of nonlinear control method This paper presents nonlinear controller design methods for permanent magnet linear synchronous motor refer to flatness based structure have ability of dealing with parameter errors and exact linearization structure makes the demand of the separation between two components (Propulsion force and Flux) By using these design solutions, physical quantities reach the reference trajectory and all of currents in the primary section are mobilized to make the propulsion force of this linear motor The simulation results in Matlab - Simulink - Plecs softwares show the good quality, advantage and disadvantage of these two design solutions TOM TAT Hien nay, viec tao cac chuyin ddng thing hiu hit dwgc thwc hien gian tiip bing cac ddng ca quay, keo theo nhiiu nhwgc diim Bdng each sir dung cac loai ddng ca cd kha nang tao chuyin dong thing trwc tiip (ddng ca tuyin tinh) cho phep loai trir nhirng nhwgc diim tren Vai ban chit phi tuyin ciia loai ddng ca nay, viec diiu khiin chung cin sir dung phwang phdp thudc vi nhdm cac phwang phap diiu khiin phi tuyin Bai bdo giai thieu giai phap diiu khiin dong ca tuyin tinh loai ddng bd - kich thich vJnh ciru dwa tren ciu true twa phing v&i kha nang xir ly sai lech thdng sd va ciu triic tuyin tinh hda chinh xdc dap wng ddi hdi vi tinh phan ly giira phin tao Iwc diy va tir thdng Viec van dung cdc giai phap dd cho phep cdc dai Iwgng vat ly bam theo quy dao cho trw&c va toan bd ddng dien bd phan sa cip dwgc huy ddng di tao Iwc diy cho ddng ca Kit qua md phdng tren phin mim Matlab - Simulink - Plecs da cho thiy kha nang lam viec tdt, wu nhwgc diim cua giai phap diiu khiin tren List of Symbols ^sd' ^sq d^ _ ^'^is inductance ( / / ) ifi^ R Mass, Resistance of primary section [kg,n) u i Vector of primary section current and voltage v,v^,w^ [m/s) Electromagnetic, load force (TV) / ,/ ,u , d,q Xp,d Pole position (m,7?ac/) The Linear Permanent Magnet Excited synchronous motor (LPMSM) have operating principles of electromagnetic phenomenon [1,2,3] The use of exact linearizafion method has been presented in [2,3] The task of this paper are introduction of flatness based control method and analyse, compare to exact linearizaton method has been used ,Electrical Velocity (Rad/s) F^ , F^ Number of Poles, Vector of Pole Flux (Wb) I INTRODUCTION {V,A) Mechanical, Electrical Speed p_^ lp components of the primary Current, Voltage ( ^ , K ) 43 .lOURNAL OF S( H.NC F & I F( lINOLOGY * No 79U - 2010 II FLATNESS BASED CONTROL METHOD AND IIIE USE I O K DESKiN OF LINEAR PERMANENT MACJNET E \ ( IIED SN N( MRONOUS MOIOR R cit —= (It v - f unction du d'u dt dt" exist function X.U.- F T / • satisfy dv P • dt u=Q • d'u^ V',- dt' dv d'v dt dt' >" = (j^p.V:' -'^m) satisfy / • • ^ ( v I (/ ''.K'}' / • • /•• dv \',- dt d' v (4) niT eld "'di~'2^'Jl' Controller The detail results are pointed out in [5] III ANALYSIS AM) COMPARISON OF THE USING Ql ALITN OF NONLINEAR CONTROLLERS and ,r is finite (2) is differential The main difference between these two controller is pointed out in current loop because [2,3] show that the direct separation method is used in "Subsystem - Current There are soine control methods for speed and position Controller and [2.3] point out the design method refer to optimal standard independence in the mean of no H function existence satislv H u +• Hence, a detail structure is proposed (figure I) refer to 03 Controllers: Current ( R^), ,cj is Unite (I) P,Q V' T Speed (/?,,), Position {R,) There '2TT lo reduce these difilculties, wc can design control structure reler to LPMSM Model separation become 03 subsvstems and each of all satisfies the flatness property [5] r,„) satisfy all follow ing conditions: exist /.^, ^t However the description of this motor model as input variables is calculated from flat output is complicated, makes some difficulties of control design /(vji) //G i'*^'" This svstcm is called fiat system if There / V civ with State variables v € ;•?." Input variables V = (.V|,l', V '271 ••'/ "1 dt there exist the f27r '.,;,'• ,ll In [4,5], the Hat svslem definition has been proposed in l')')2 by flics M., Levinc J., Martin P., Rouchon P with the following content: The nonlinear svstem + = , A^ is a big enough I compare accuralciv between the two nonlinear controller, the speed and posiuon loops of these two controller are the same result and from (4) we have the load force is estimated bv; dl' finite number (3) If the system satisfy three conditions (I), (2), (3) then this system is called fiat system and (v'p>'-., ,.!„,) is called fiat output sq In [4,5], the mathematical model of LPMSM is represented in (4) and LPMSM is the fiat output with the flat variable dt ^ ' The analysis, comparafion between controllers under contents: Current error Processing and treatment of limitation of y = [0,l^j,F ) has been proposed.: primary voltage (w,^,w^J 44 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY * No 79B - 2010 iiJs + -j