T A M ui H^t • glHH U H9C VtA TUi l VAN OE PHAT TRIEN NANG Llli; SANG TAD CUA SINH VIEN HIEN NAY TS NGUYEN LIEN C H A U * Abst rac t ; The development of knowledge based economy in the context of deep[.]
TAM ui H^t • glHH U H9C VtA T U i l VAN OE PHAT TRIEN NANG Llli; SANG TAD CUA SINH VIEN HIEN NAY TS N G U Y E N LIEN C H A U * A b s t r a c t ; The development of knowledge-based economy in the context of deeper international integration requires radical, comprehensive innovation of education and training, first and foremost Is the goal of education innovation To implement the new educational goals, especially the requirements of developing creative capacity, objectives, content, methods, means and forms of organization, higher education outcomes have led to the development of thinking creativity - a core element of the creative capacity of students The paper focuses an the study and discusses the issue Keywords: creative capacity, higher education, Phat trien nang luc sanq tao (NLST) cua sinh vien (SV) latinh tait yeu deday hpc (DH)va quan li day hoc dai hpc (DHDH) Suphat trien nhanh chdng, manh me cua khoa hpc cdng nghe, nhat la cdng nghe thong tin da va dang dua nhan loai chuyen td kinh td' cdng nghiep sang kinh tetri thdc Trong do, NLSTcua nguai nhan luc chat lupng cao dupc dat len hang dau va giQ vai frd quyet djnh N4m b i t dupc xu thecua thdl dai, Nghi quyet Trung Udng 8, khoa X/da xac djnh rd m uc tieu cua ddl mdi can ban, toan dien GD-OT la Vhuyen manh qua trinh giao due (GD) tu'chuyeu trang bi Iden thiic sang phat tnen toan dien nangii/c vapham chat ngisdihgc", "Doi vdi giao due dai hgc [Qi^QH], tap tnjng dao teo nhan li/c trtnh cao, boidwong nhin tai, phat trien pham chat va nang It/c tu hoc, tt/lam giau triffitJC, sang tao cua ngiidihgc"{\) Vi vay, doi mdi DH va quan li hoat ddng DHDH theo hudng phat friwi toan dien nanp luc va pham chat SV (nhat la NLST)-dap dng "chuan dau ra" la tat yeu nham gdp phan nang cao chat luong, hieu qua dao tao -tao nguon nhan luc trinh dp cao cho quatrinh GNH, tHDH dat nudc Thuc tiln GDDH nhdng nam qua cho thay, ben canh nhflng tuu no'i bat, chat lupng nguon nhan luc sau dao tao dmdtso frudng chua dap dng dupc yeu cau cua xa hpi (chuan dau ra) Theo ketqua khao sat tai 60 doanh nghiep (2014) frong Hnh vuc dich vu cdng nghiep tai TP Ho Chi Minh vdi tieu chi; "£)an/j gia mtkdg hai idng cua doanh nghiSp vechatluc^g SV dupc dao tao nam dau tien sau l