PHATTRIEN NGUON NHAN Lire TRIfilNGflAIHOCSirPHAMHANB GIAO DUC MAM NON UtiGYiil CAU HOl NHAP PGS TS, H O A N G THj PHLTONG" Abstract The human resources Faculty of Early Childhood EducaUon (FOECE) HNUE[.]
PHATTRIEN NGUON NHAN Lire TRIfilNGflAIHOCSirPHAMHANB GIAO DUC MAM NON UtiGYiil CAU HOl NHAP PGS.TS, H O A N G THj PHLTONG" Abstract: The human resources Faculty of Early Childhood EducaUon (FOECE)- HNUE are established and grown together with the development of FOECE Over 30 years of foundation and development with the undeniable achievements in training and scientific research, the development of the Faculty is closely linked with the growth of staff and lecturers The year of 2015 has marked the maturity of the FOECE after 30 years and it is also the milestone ta seriously consider the process of building staff and lecturers of FOECE to draw the necessary lessons in order to prepare the human resources to meet the increasing requirements of the society for ECE sector in the current stage of integration Keywords: human resources: build: develop: Early N yeu cau moi cua xa hdi dd'i vol nganh GD-DT ndi chung, vdi dao tao dai hpc va sau dai hpc ndi ridng ddi hdi cac trudng dai hpc phai soat lai tatea cac khau cua quatrinh dao tao, dd khau then chot, quyet djnii den chat lupng dao tao la nguon nhin luc{HHL) cua cac khca - nhan to tham gia true tiep vao quatrinh ddl mdi giao due NNLKhoaGiaodLicMam^non(GDMN).Traiqua30 nam xay dung va phattrien vdi cao tich khong the phu nhan ve dao tao, nghien cdu khoa hpc (NCKH),suphattrie'n cua khoa g i n ket chat che vdi sirtrudng tiianh ciia dpi ngu can bd (CB), giang vien (GiV) Td4 CB giang day ban dau "dung nghiep" vdi tien sTva cunhan, den Khoa GDMN dacd gan 30 CB, GV vdi phd giao sUtien sT; tien sT; 16 thac sT va cu nhan (ehua ke' den cac CB, GV da nghl huu) Nam 2015 danh dau su tn/dng cua Khoa GDMN sau 30 nam va cung la thdi diem can nghiem tiic nhin nhan lai quatrinh xay dung dpi ngu CB, GV de rut nhdng bai hpc kinh nghiem can fiiet nham chuan bi NNL mdi dap dng yeu cau cang cao cua xa hpi dd'i vdi nganh GDMN noi chung, vdi viec dao tao chuyen gia chat lupng cao chuyen nganh GVMN ndi rieng LQuatrinhphattrien NNL cua khoa GDMN -TrudngDHSP HaNpi Dedanh giadung viec phattrie'n NNL Khoa GDMN 30 nam qua ya co the nJt cac bai hoc kinh nghiem can thiet nhim chuan bi NNL mdi cho Khoa GDMN Chung toidua vao cac quan niem sau day ve NNLva phat trien NNL: 62 Tap chi Giao due so 369 Childhood Education "NNL la toin bg dgi ngu CB, cong nhin vien cua 0'chdc vditucach vda la khach ffiecua cic nhi quan tri vua li chu the hoat dong va la dgng luc phit trien cua mgitochud {1; tr 19).Tddd, cdttie coi NNL cua Khoa GDMN la toan bd dpi ngu CB, GV cua Khoa vdi tu each vira chiu suquan li cua Trudng DHSP Ha Npi vda la chu the' hoat dpng dao tao, NCKH va la dong luc phattrie'n cua KhoaGDMN.TrUdngDHSP HaNpi Theo (1; tr 25) "Phat trien NNL li viec tao ta su ting tn/dng ben vung ve hieu nang cua moi vien ngudi lao dgng vi hieu qua chung cua tochuc gin lien v