Tac dong cua cac ylu t6 doi vol tilp can giao due trung hoc cua tre em Viet Nam Tran Quy Long'''''''''''' Tom tat Mirc 36 tiip can giao duo trung hoc cm tre em Viet Nam dd gia tang ddng ki trong nhOng ndm qua[.]
Tac dong cua cac ylu t6 doi vol tilp can giao due trung hoc cua tre em Viet Nam Tran Quy Long''' Tom tat: Mirc 36 tiip can giao duo trung hoc cm tre em Viet Nam dd gia tang ddng ki nhOng ndm qua Tuy nhien co su khong binh idng tiip can gido due trung hfc giiia nhimg nhom tre em co ddc diim khdc ve cdc dac trung cd nhdnva gia dinh Nhom tre em nam, tre em ddn toe thiiu so, cha meed hoc van thap vd nghi nghiep gian dan gia dinh nhiiu thdnh vien, mite song thdp, cu tru a khu vuc nong than vd vung sdu vimg xa eo khd ndng tiep can gido due trung hoc thap hem cdc nhom khdc Bdt binh dang cahoi di hoc vd trinh hoc van se dan din nhiing bat binh ddng ve thu nhap, ea hoi nghi nghiep vd diiu kiin an sinh cua tre em tuong lai Bdi viit tap trung phan tich sukhdc Met cUng nhu xdc dinh moi lien hi giUa nhiing yiu to cd nhdn, dac trung ciia ho gia dinh vai vdn di tiip can gido due eda tre em tuoi trung hoe Tu- khoa: Tre em, Giao due trung hpc, Tiep can giao due Abstract: The level of access to high school education of Vietnamese children has increased significantly in recent years There is, however, an inequality in access to high school education among groups of children with different characteristics of individual and family characteristics Male, ethnic minority, parents with low education and simple occupations, big families, low living standard, live in rural and remote areas have lower access to high school education than other groups Inequality in school attendance and educational attainment will lead to inequalities in income, occupational opportunities, and well-being of children in thefiiture The article focuses on the differences as well as the relationship between individual factors, household characteristics and the access to education for children in high school age Keywords: Children, High school education Access to education Mff dau Giao due tmng hgc la mot nhiing ciia ca nhan tniong Doi vcri mot "ii™ ngheo va chua phat trien thi dau tu cua yeu t6 nSn tang anh hucmg dSn muc thu nhap "''^ """'^ '^^° 8'^° ^^ '™"g '9