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2What is morpheme, stem, root, and affix?  Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in a language. A morpheme ca not be divided without altering or destroying its meaning Eg: Artist: art (FM) ist (BM)  Stem (also the basic form) is the part of the word, to which an inflectional affix is or can be added Eg: the inflectional affix(s) can be added to the stem word(s) to form the plural word(s) )The stem of a word may be: A simple stem consisting of only one morpheme (root) Eg: Visit, boy, kiss a root plus a derivational affix Eg: Worker ,communist Two or more roots “workshops”, “classrooms” Root (also basic form) is a morph, which is a basic part of a word and which may occur on its own or may be joined to other root. Eg: hand, door, bag  Affix is a letter or a group of letters, which is added to a word and which changes the meaning or function of the word. Affixes are bound forms that can be added: 1.To the beginning of the word (prefix)Eg: preschool encourage 2.To the end of the word (suffix)Eg: translation management 3.Within a word (infix) Eg: fisherman handicraft. 3. What is an allomorph?  An allomorph is any variants of a morpheme which is different pronunciation and spelling Eg: S z Iz Ed t d Id 4. What is the difference between bound morpheme and free Morpheme?  Free morphemes are those that can stand alone, carrying full semantic meaning.  Bound Morphemes are those that can not stand alone in a language. They are always added to one or more morphemes to form a new word or to modify the meaning or grammatical function of the free morpheme. Eg: careless, unwanted, unhappily. 5 What is the difference between lexical and grammatical M?  Lexical morpheme expresses lexical meaning referring to things, events, actions, states or properties. While Grammatical morpheme expresses common meaning referring to grammatical relationships within and between sentences. Eg:Work (LM) Works(GM), Worded (GM), Working(GM) 6. What is the difference between inflectional and derivational M?  The derivational morpheme is a kind of bound morpheme which is added to a word to make a new word, new meaning or a new part of speech. A traditional term for derivational morpheme is affix (prefix and suffix)Eg: care + ful = careful  The inflectional morpheme is a kind of bound morpheme which is added to a word in order to express grammatical contrast in the sentence such as singular – plural, past tense – present tense Eg: to work: works( present tense) worked(past tense  “er” and “ed” can be derivational or inflectional M Eg: hotter bigger (inflectional M) ,Worker teacher (Derivational M) Absentminded (Derivational M) Learned (inflectional M) 7. What is the difference between inflectional Morphology and derivational Morphology?  Inflectional Morphology studies the way, in which word vary or inflect in order to express grammatical contrast in sentences Eg: “ed” can be used to form past tense.“s”, “es” can be used to form present tense D Morphology studies the principles governing the construction of new words (without reference to specify grammatical role a word might play in the sentence)Eg: er + V =N work +er = worker 8. What is the difference between endocentric and exocentric phrases?  Endocentric phrases are those expanded from grammatical function as the head. They have 3 parts structure: premodifier _ head _ postmodifier Eg: Many international delegates at the conference Premodifier head postmodifier  While exocentric phrases are those which can not be seen as an expansion of a centre element and their functions are varied Eg: on the wall in the sky 9. What are the main ways to identify the phrase structure?  4 main ways:1.The substitution test ( phep thay the) Any word combination of the English sentence that can be replaced by a single word without changing the grammatical of the sentence is call a phrase. Eg: That young girl is the most beautiful girl in the classLinda is the most beautiful girl in the class .“That young girl” can be replaced by “Linda” to make a new sentence, sharing the same grammaticality, which is why we can conclude “that young girl” is a phrase 2. The movement criterion: Any word combination of the English sentences that can be moved to another position in the sentence without changing the meaning of the sentence is called a phrase Eg:I met him in Hang Bai Street in 2009In 2009, I met him in HB Street.Although the position of adverb of place in the above sentence has changed, the meaning of the sentence remains the same, so we can conclude that “in 2009” is a phrase.3.The conjoining criterion:Any word combination of the English sentence that can be conjoined with a similar one without changing grammaticality of a sentence is called a phrase Eg: Those old men do exercises every morningThose old men and old women do exercise…..“Those old women” can be combined with a similar sequence to make a new sentence without changing the grammaticality of the sentence, so it can be determined as phrase.4.The anaphora criterion: Any preceding word combination (antecedent) that can be replaced by a proword is called a phrase Eg: That poorly dressed boy lives in my neighbor house. He is a very good boy “That poorly dressed boy” can be replaced by “he”, which is why we can come to conclusion that it is a phrase. 10. What is an antecedent?  The antecedent is a preceding word or phrase that is referred back to by a single word in the next part of the sentence or in the next sentence Eg: His uncle often buys him hotdog, but he hates it 11. What are determiners?  Determiners are function words which are used to specify the reference of a noun. Broadly, 3 groups may be identified: Predeterminers: all, both, half and multipliers (double, once, twice) Central determiners: articles, demonstrative determiners and possessive determiners Postdeterminers, including 2 groups: 1. ordinal numerals and semi determiners: same, other, latter, last, next 2. every, each, either, neither, any, no, all of, some of, a lot of, enough, none of, two, three, 4, 5 of, (a) little, (a)few Eg: All the four girls Prede Centre Postde 12. What is the difference between determiners and pronoun? Eg: She needs some milk and I want some, too  A determiner is a word which is always followed by a noun and limits the meaning of the noun in some ways, whereas pronoun is a word that can be used in place of a noun or a noun phrase. 1 difference between broad sense and narrow sense for term “Grammar” In the broad (general) sense the term “Grammar” popularized by American language Noam Chomsky includes all aspects of sentences patterning, including phonology and semantic and introduces the term “syntax” as the more specific notion In narrow (specific) sense, which is more traditional, grammar is presented as just one branch of language structure, distinct from phonology and semantic. 13. What is functional Grammar?  Functional G proposed by British Linguistic Halliday, is a G study 3 basic functions of language The ideational function is to organize the speaker’s or the writer’s experience of the real or imaginary world that is language refers to real or imagined person, things, actions, events, states, ect. The interpersonal function is to indicate, establish or maintain social relationship between people. It includes forms of address, speech function, modality The textual function is to create written or spoken texts which cohere within themselves and which fit the particular station in which they are used. 14. What is the interpersonal meaning of the function G?  The interpersonal meaning is the meaning as form of action the speaker or writer does something to the listenerreader by means of language. It is regulated by language user’s concern. Eg: “Man, gentleman, chap, bird, bloke, fellow, guy” can be used to refer to a man depending on the relationship the speaker has with that man or the degree of respect the speaker wants to show to him. 15. What is traditional G and what is typical feature of it?  TG is G which is usually based on earlier G of Latin or Greek and applied to some other languages inappropriately. It studies the language elements or parts of speech separately, for example, it studies the N, V, Adj, (8 parts of speech), number, tenses The biggest problem in this G lies in the fact that it is not consistent internally. Eg, it defines the Adverb as a part of speech modifying the verb: “I only like him”, in fact, the adv can modify other parts of speech as well: “The only girl that I love is Julia” Another problem of this G is that most explanations of grammatical meaning given by this G are based on institution, which is why it is sometime difficult to tell the difference between grammatical concept in TG, Eg, the difference bt Gerund and Grammar This G, however, provides modern linguist with a lot of terms. 16. What is transformational generative G? Transformational G is a theory of G which was proposed by the American Linguist, Chomsky in 1957. Chomsky attempted to provide a model for description of all languages. Transformational G tried to show a system of rules, the knowledge which a native speaker of a language uses in forming grammatical sentences Eg, this G studies the basic language patterns to create and transform sentence Eg: sentence = NP +VP ( a rule to create sentence) She blames her children NP1 + V +NP2 = NP2 + Auxiliary +Ved + by + NP2 Her children were blamed by her (a rule to transform sentence) 17.What is immediate constituent G (ICG)?  ICG is a G studying the language layers to identify the meaning. According to this G, language elements do not belong to the same layer but they belong to different layers creating different meanings Eg: More intelligent boys are found (more boys who are intelligent found)More intelligent boys are found (Boys who are more intelligent are found) 18.What is constituent? Constituent is any linguistic unit taking part in a larger construction Eg: teacher (3 constituents).There are six teachers (4 const) 19. What is Immediate constituent analysis? State the steps in such an analysis? IC analysis is one of the most widely used techniques for displaying sentence structures. It is based on the argument that different elements of language do not belong to the same layer: they belong to different layers and create different meaning This approach works through the different level of structure within a sentence in a number of steps. At each level, a construction is divided into its major constituents and the process continues until no further division can be made. Eg: The police arrested the thief The basic steps to analyze the above sentence are as follow: 1. Identifying two major constituents: “The police” and “arrested the thief” 2. Dividing the next biggest constituent into “arrested” and “the thief” 3. Continuing to divide constituents into two, until we can go no further “The police”  “the” + “police” “The thief”  “the” + “thief” 20. What is prescriptive Grammar? PG is a G providing the language users with normative rules given by such people as dictionary publisher, editors, teachers, writers, critics, ect. Eg: Never end a sentence with a preposition. Or it is wrong to split a toinfinitive with a verb as such sentence like: “Who do you want to send this letter to?” or “They work hard to successfully complete it”. These two sentences would be considered wrong PG is concerned with prescribing rules of language unit. It consists of a member of rules or regulations prohibiting language use: it advises language user not to spot the toinf with an adv or to end a sentence with a preposition or to use double negative to express negative idea. The following sentence could be considered wrong: “I don’t understand nothing” or “who are you talking to?” 21. What is descriptive G? What is its typical feature? DC is the G studying constitutive rules of language to put it different, it describes the G system of language exactly as it is There is nothing imposed which is why it can accept such sentences as: “They don’t understand nothing”, “I haven’t got nothing to give you” DC is concerned with describing language adj as it is actually used. It describes all language elements grant names for them without making any judgment. It tells what the language users know unconsciously and also enable to use and understand the language. there is nothing imposed which is why it accept such sentences as above 22. What is the basic different between DG and PG? PG lays down normative rules about how the language is supposed to be used Eg: Never end a sentence with a preposition. Or it is wrong to split a toinfinitive with a verb as such sentence like: “Who do you want to send this letter to?” or “They work hard to successfully complete it”. These two sentences would be considered wrong While DC is the G studying constitutive rules of language to put it different, it describes the G system of language exactly as it is Eg: “I haven’t got nothing to give you”, “She don’t care” 23. Describe five rank hierarchies, which are widely used as model to identify G unit in the study of G? Give Eg each unit? The five rank hierarchies used to identify G unit in the study of G can be described as follow: Sentence is analyzed into clausephrasewordmorpheme Morpheme is used to built wordphraseclausesentence Eg: The man who we are talking about is one of the most famous artists  “The man” can be analyzed into clause  “Who we are talking about” can be analyzed into phrase  “One of the most famous artists” can be analyzed into words  “Artists” can be analyzed into morphemes 24. State types of phrases on the ground of part of speech and syntactical function On the ground of part of speech, phrases include 1NP:Eg: product of high quality, foreign investor, social economic issue, global warming issue.2. Adj P: pretty good, very difficult, really disappointed 3. Adverb P: amazingly fast, very well.4 VP: must be done.5 Preposition P: under the sea, on the wall On the ground of syntactical function, phrases include: 1. Subject P: Eg: Any hesitation now mean lost 2. Object P: Eg: Why do you always ask me such stupid question? 3. Complement P: I consider her my step mother 4. Attributive P: Eg: That pretty girl is my sister 5. Adverbial P: Eg: We often go to school in the morning 25. What is the different between Complement and attribute in EL? C is a part of sentence which gives further additional meaning to complete the Subject or Object of the sentence, C is usually introduced by the link verb or the belike verb Eg: She seems to be a good studen  Subject C Eg:The love between us will never grow old ObjectC Eg: She called me name  Attribute is a part of sentence which gives further information and adds some more meaning to the noun or the noun phrase Eg: The girl with long black hair is my classroom 26. What is the different between phrase and the clause in the EL? Phrase is a combination of words which doesn’t consist of it own subject and predicate and is used as a single word Eg: Her long cherished dream has now come true Clause is a part of a sentence which consists of it own subject and predicate (a finite Verb), however, its lexical meaning is incomplete Eg: Nobody know what she does 27. Compare the sentence and the clause in the EL? Sentence clause are similar in that they both have finite v and one or more subject. However, a clause is part of sentence which has its own subject and predicate but its meaning is incomplete and can not be used independently, while a sentence is a complete grammatical unit, which has its own subject and predicate and its meaning is complete. Sentences are independent in use The sentence is the largest unit and can be very complex, consisting of one or more than one clause. The clause can be considered as a simple sentence, being the focus of the sentence (main clause) or modifying the meaning of sentence (subordinate clause) Eg: She has been waiting in vain for the man that she loves 28. Classify E sentence on the ground of their structure On the ground of their structure, E sentence can be divided into 3 types:1. Simple sentence: are those having a subject and predicate Eg: There are no roses without thon 2. Compound sentence: are those having two or more independent sentence connected by means of coordination Eg: Money is a good servant but it is a bad master 3. Complex sentence: are those consisting of one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses Eg: What she has said worried every one 29. Briefly classify sentence on the ground of their meaning On the ground of their meaning, sentences are classified into 4 types:1. Declarative sentence: to give information or to state a fact Eg:The sky is blue 2. Interrogative sentence: to ask question Eg: Can you go with me all the way? 3. Imperative sentence: to induce someone to do certain action Eg:Promise you not tell lie.4. Exclamatory sentence: to express motion, attitude Eg: What is an interesting story 30. Describe the two main ways of making sentences more complex? Sentences can be made more complex by two ways: coordination and subordination 1. Coordination is making a sentence more complex by joining two or more clause of equal standing (importance), resulting in a compound sentence by means of coordination or a coordinating conjunction (also known as a connector) Eg: It is raining but the stadium is burning with excitement 2. Subordination is making a sentence more complex by adding one or more subordinate clauses to a main clause, resulting in a complex sentence by means of a subordinating conjunction (also known as subordinator) Eg: This is what we did not agree on 31. What is the passive voice in EL?  When the agent is redundant Eg: Rice is grown in this field To emphasize the receiver result of action Eg: Thousand of PP was killed by earthquake Immediate action was taken in respond to the public reaction To make a statement sound objective without revealing the source of information Eg:It is reported that he will resign To be tactful or evasive by not mentioning the agent or when the agent can not be identified Eg: 100 was sent to victims of Katina To retain the same grammatical subject in successive clauses, even though the function of the noun phrase changes from agent to theme Eg:The blue beat the Liverpool, but it was beaten by the MU When the passive is more appropriate than the active (usually in complex sentences) Eg:The film which was being shown on TV is full of violence and sexWhen the theme is given information and the agent is new information Eg: What a lovely house Oh yes, it was designed by a very young architect 32. State the rule to change the direct imperative sentence into reported one To change the direct imperative sentence into reported one, the following rules are 1. The introductory verb: “say” changes to a verb, a command such as request, command, tell order Eg: He said: “Close the door, Tom”He told Tom to close the door 2. The introductory verb of indirect command must followed by the person addressed and the infinitive Eg:He said, “Bring the coat”He told me to bring the coat 3. Indirect command, the person addressed is often not mentioned, nut in indirect command, the person addressed must be included 4. Negative commands are expressed by placing “not” before the infinitive Eg:He said, “don’t move, boys”He told boys not to move 5. Pronoun and adverb of place and time changes as in statement Eg:He said, “Don’t come here tomorrow, as I won’t be here” 33. What is a verb? What type of V can be divided into? The V is part of speech usually denoting actions, processes, experiences or state of being.The main types of V include1. Main V and auxiliary V Eg: I can’t understand why he did it 2. Finite and Nonfinite (Tensed – Non Tensed) 3. Notional V Eg: They lived in HCM city.4. Transitive and intransitive V Eg: Please bring(v.t) me home now.My grandparent died(v.i) at the age of 100.5. Link V Eg: Her face turned red when seeing him..6. Phrase V.Eg.Why didn’t you turn up at my party last night? 34. What is Notional V? Are Vs having full lexical meaning of their own and can be used in a sentence as a simple predicate Eg:She often goes to work by train 35. What are auxiliary Vs? Are Vs that have no lexical meaning of their own and are often used as formword, thus having only a purely structural function of forming negative and interrogative sentences, passive voice and perfect tenses Eg: “be” in continuous tense and passive voice “do” in negative and interrogative forms of indefinites tenses 36. What are link V? Are Vs that have partly lost their lexical meaning and are used as part of a compound notional predicate. They can be followed directly by an adj. Eg: You look tired today Note:No one was(Notional V=stay) there to meet her My family is(Notional V=stay) in HN 37. What are modal Vs? Modal Vs are special group of Vs that can not be used independently without normal V though they have lexical meaning of their own. The meanings expressed by modal Vs are those of modalities such as ability, necessity, determination, obligation, possibility, ect to perform an action denoted by a notional V Eg;I can live on my own now 38. What are Modal Auxiliaries? Are Vs that can be used as both auxiliary to form negative and interrogative sentences and modal to denote some modalities of an action, for instant, possibility, ability Eg: I could not stay here 39. Why are “dare”, “need”, used to” called semimodals? They are called semimodals because they can be used as both modal and full verb Eg: Dare you hit me now? (Aux v).I don’t dare to see him now (full V) 42. What are Phrase V? Are Vs made up of two or more words which function semantically and grammatically as single V 1. Semantically, PV can be classified into 3 types:1.Literal: are those V where the particle retains its literal adverbial meaning Eg: The book is so interesting that I can’t put it down 2.Completive: are those verbs where the particle indicates completed action. For example, “up” in “mix up”, “eat up”; “down” in “burn down”; 3. Figurative: are those Vs where no systematic way of semantic association between V and particle can be found Eg: Why did you give in? .Her words put him out The picture has come off the wall Where can I hang up this painting? Completive: are those verbs where the particle indicates completed action. For example, “up” in “mix up”, “eat up”; “down” in “burn down”; “out” in “burst out”; “cut” in “cut off” Figurative: are those Vs where no systematic way of semantic association between V and particle can be found Eg: Why did you give in? () Her words put him out () He didn’t see her off 43. Difference between transitive (V(t)) and intransitive V (V(i)). Give 3 examples V that can be used as both Vt and Vi Vt are Vs that are connected with their object word directly. In another word, Vt are Vs which take a direct object and they can be used in the passive Eg: They rushed the victim to hospital Vi are Vs that do not take a direct object and can not be used in the passive Eg: He died 3 years ago Eg of Vs that can be used as Vt and Vi (write, hear, listen, speak,grow,run,stand) Don’t stand there (Vi) I can’t stand him any more (Vt) 44. Define bare infinitive and infinitive. What are the kinds of bare infinitive? Bare infinitive are the base form of V (used without “to”). Bare infinitive are used with different syntactic function 1. As part of predicate after the modal V or Auxiliary V in the negative and interrogative structures Eg: Did you arrive on time for the meeting? 2. As complement, especially object complement in several structures Eg: She saw a stranger enter the house 3, As a main V in present subjunctive mood I wish you be happy all your life 4. As a main V in imperative sentence Shut up 45. In what way can V be formed? New V in E can be formed in 3 main ways: 1. Conversion: Words of other word class are conversed into V Eg: yellow  to yellow 2. Affixation: affixes (either prefixes or suffixes) are added to the root to form V Eg: rich  enrich 3. Composition: two or more roots or stems are combined to form V Eg: to babysit to download 46. What is the term Vform refers to? Make a list of Vform Vform refers to different forms of the Vs use in the sentence. They include finite and nonfinite form 1. Finite is Vform with a tense (tensed V). They usually have a subject and a tense Eg: He does his job very well 2. Nonfinite are Vform without a tense (nontensed). They include: infinitive, present particle, past particle, and gerund Eg: the nonfinite of the verb “do” are: to do, doing, done, to have done, having done 47. What is the term Sverb agreement refers to? Sverb agreement is a grammatical concord between the S and the V: the predicate must agree with the S in person and number. Eg: Radio and TV have changed our spiritual life Normally, when the subject consists of two or more nouns, it has the force of plural and takes the plural verb Eg: Bread and butter is a healthy food When two or more nouns represent a compound name of one thing, the compound is thought of as singular Eg 50 km is not a great distance in these days of rapid travel When a plural number applied to distance, weight, height, or amount of money, it is treated as singular and takes the singular V Eg: There is one doctor and some 15 patients in the ward There are some 15 patients and a doctor in the ward When the S is the formal “there, the predicate agrees with the real S. In case of homogeneous S, it agrees with the one standing first. This is known as the “rule of proximity” Eg: Professor Brown, together with his assistants has written a report on that case Words joint to the S by “with”, “together with”, “as well as”, “including”, ect, do not affect the predicate Eg: There are plenty of opportunities for wellqualified people.There is still plenty of time for us to make an arrangement  “a lot of”, “plenty of” take plural V when they denote number and a singular V when they denote quantity or amount Eg: His family is a famous one His family are famous Prof If the S is expressed by a collective noun, “family”, “company”, “committee”, “board”, “team”, “band”, ect, the predicate is either singular or plural V, depending on whether the S is thought of as unity of PP or a collection of individuals considered separately Eg: two and two is four If the S is expressed by a word group denoting such arithmetic calculation as addition, subtraction, division, the predicate is singular, with multiplication; it is either singular or plural Eg: None of these options are is appropriate None is now treated in both ways even in serious writing Eg: Either neither each of the alternative is acceptable The pronoun “neither”, “either” and “each of” are often treated as plural in informal speech but regularly as singular is formal writing. That is, we frequently say, “neither of them are going”, but would write, “Neither of them is going” 49. State the use of presentprogressive The present progressive used to indicate: 1. Event or action in progress at the moment of speech Eg He is phoning girlfriend in Australia 2. Temporally activity (action will end soon, therefore, will lack the permanence of simple present tense) Eg: My parents are living in HN 3. Repetition or iteration in series of similar ongoing action Eg: Buses and cars are shuttling on the road 4. Future action (when the event is planned, usually with future time, adverbial) Eg: We are having final exam tomorrow 5. Emotional commence on present habit (usually occur with “always”, “forever”) Ex She always speaking ill behind their back of others 50. What are the four traditional moods in E? Four traditional moods in e are: 1. Indicative eg: she goes to the hospital to visit her grandpa 2. Imperative: Eg: Pick the hat up 3. Interrogative Eg: Do you understand what I am trying to tell you? 4. Exclamatory Eg:What a lovely picture 51. What is the use of past subjunctive mood in E? The past subjunctive mood is used to indicate an unreal past, a wish that never comes true. It also indicates unreality, request, ect,. Its structure is similar to that of past unreal condition. The past subjunctive mood is also found after such expression as “would rather”, “as if”, “it is (high) time”, ect Eg: It is time you returned books to the library I would rather you told me the truth now 52. What is conjunction? Conjunction is a word which join words, phrases, clauses, such as “or”, “and”, “but” Eg: John and I came to an end by a row  Units larger than single word which function as conjunctions are sometime known as conjunctive, for example, “so that”, “as long as”, “as if” Eg: He ran fast so that he could catch the bus  Adverbs which use to introduce or connect clauses are sometime known as conjunctive adverb, for example, “nevertheless”, “otherwise” Eg: My grandpa is 90 nevertheless he is in very good health  53. Clarify the difference between coordinators and subordinator? Coordinators connect word, groups of words and independent clauses. They can be used to express the meaning of addition (both, and), the opposite meaning (but, yet, still), the meaning of choices (or, otherwise), result or consequence (so, therefore) Eg: Make haste or you will be late Newspaper and magazines are indispensable in our life Subordinators connect the subordinator clauses with the independent clauses. They are used to introduce subject, predicative, object clauses (that, if, whether) or to introduce adverbial clauses of time, place, reason, concession, condition, manner Eg: Unless it rains we will go for a ride today 54. What is the difference between compound and complex sentence? A compound sentence consists of two or more clauses coordinated with each other by coordinators Eg: He came at 6 o’clock and we had dinner together A complex sentence consists of two or more clause joined by subordinators. In most cases, one of the clauses is treated as a principle clause and the others as subordination clause Eg: I will wait until you have a second thought 55. What is the difference between tense and aspect? Tense is Linguistic expression of time relation. Tense of the verb is a grammatical category of the verb indicating a time of an action. Tense form may indicate whether connection or state is past, present or future There are three tenses: present, past, and future Aspect is a grammatical category of the verb showing the way in which an action is performed or the different characteristic of an action. There are three aspects:  The indefinite aspect indicating: a. A habitual or repeated action Eg: He walks to school everyday b. A permanent property of action Eg: Earth orbits around the sun  The continuous aspect expressing: a. an action in progress at the moment of speaking Eg: She is talking to mom b. the continuing of an action Eg: They are studying at the UK University c. Near future action Eg: She is coming tomorrow  Perfect aspect indicating: a. An action completed before a certain moment Eg: She had lived here before we came here b. The duration of an action continuing from the starting point up to certain moment 55. Use of continuous aspect of EL? The continuous aspect has 3 functions.  It denotes an action happening at a certain moment Eg: We were having fun and joy at this hour at our school yesterday  Denoting the continuity of the action Eg: That boy is playing computer game all the time  Denoting the future action Eg: The famous singer is coming to Rome tomorrow morning 57. Explain the use of inversion? Inversion is a grammatical phenomenon of the EL, in which part of the predicate or the predicate is placed before the S Two main types of inversion can be found:  Grammatical inversion: to construct certain types of sentences  Stylistic inversion: to make certain word in the sentence more prominent 1. GI is used to construct: a. interrogative sentences Eg: Can you help me? b. Sentences introduced by “here” or “there” Eg: There were blooming roses in my garden this morning c. Exclamatory sentences Eg: Come what may d. Imperative sentence of negative meaning Eg Don’t you listen to me? e. Clause of unreal condition, when the conjunction “if” is omitted Eg: Should anything happen, phone me immediately f. Sentences introduced by “neither”, “nor”, “so” followed by structural verb Eg: I don’t like shrimp paste. Neither does my mom 2. Stylistic inversion: to emphasize certain part of a sentence by placing it in the front position Eg: Such a man Never shall I touch upon this matter again 58. Describe the subjunctive mood in the EL? Subjunctive mood in the EK is the form of the verb often used to express uncertainty, wishes, supposition, ect. In contrast to indicative mood, the subjunctive mood usually refers to nonfactual or hypothetical situation 3 categories of subjunctive mood may be distinguished  Mandative( co tinh chat menh lenh) Eg: We demand that the US withdraw its troops from Iraq immediately  Formulaic :Eg: Long live VN God be with you  Subjunctive “were” Eg: I wish he were with me now  59. What situation are conditional sentences used to talk about? Basically, conditional sentences are used to talk about:  Situations which sometime exist or existed Eg: If she comes to HN, she will visit my family  Situation which you know do not exist Eg If I had magic I would make you my servant  Situation you don’t know whether it exist or not Eg: If the sun is burned away, life on earth will perished  Situation may exist in the future Eg: If a subway in HN is built, there will be fewer traffic jams in HN  60. Identify different types of factual conditional sentences? Explain their uses? Factual conditional sentences include 4 types  Generic factual condition express relationship that are true and unchanging( not be bounded in time) Eg: If you pour water into oil, it floats  Habitual factual conditional resemble generic, expressing relationship that is not bounded in time but the relationship is based on habit instead of physical laws. They express either past or present relationship that are typically or habitually true Eg: If babies are hungry, they cry  Implicit reference: express inference about specific time –bound relationship. They make use of a much wider range of tense and aspect marker and also occur with certain modal auxiliary, tending to maintain the main tense and aspect or the same modal auxiliary in both clauses Eg: If the Liverpool can bit the MU, it can beat any other team  Explicit inference: is the only case where there is no speak parallelism, the two clause have different tense, aspect or modal Eg: If someone phones her now, it must be a boyfriend 61. What is the substantivized adj? How it is used ? Substantivization of adj is a kind of connection. Adj when substantivized loses all or part of the characteristics of the adj acquires all or part of the characteristics of the n. In modern E, adj may be either fully or partially sunstantivize.1 Fully adj acquires all the characteristics of the n: they have the plural and the possessive are associated with definite indefinite articles. Eg: Here belong the following groups of words: a) Word denoting classes of person. Eg: a native → two natives → native’s: a relative; a savage; a progressive; a conservative; a criminal. b) Words denoting nationality. Eg: a Russian, a German, an Italian, A Greek.c) words denoting periodicals. Eg: a daily, a monthly.2)partially substantivized adj take only the definite article but they do not have any other characteristics of the noun ( they are either inflected for the plural, nor they can be used in the possessive case .Eg: the richthe poor ; the oldthe young, the goodthe bad; the sickthe healthy. 62) How is gender expressed in the E language? Gender is not grammatically represented in E noun. Most nouns have the same form for the masculine and feminine. Eg: Parent, cousin teacher, worker etc. However, in some cases, gender can be expressed by a lexical means that is by: a) the meaning of a different word. Eg: manwoman, boygirl, hencock, bullcow. b) the word building suffix “ess”. Eg:, actor→ actress. c)the first stem of a compound noun. Eg: boyfriend, girlfriend, 63) How are borrowed nouns used in their plural forms? In E there are certain ways to make the borrowed nouns plural. a) Retaining their original plural form. Eg: datumdata, phenomenonphenomena, stimulusstimuli, focusfoci, crisiscrises, fungusfungi. b) Applying the rules of forming plural nouns in E. Eg: memorandummemorandums, formulaformulas, indexindexes. c) Using both fore the foreign and English plural form. EG: memorandumsmemoranda; indexesindices, antenna→ antennasantennae, formula→ formulas formulae 64) How are noun formed ? Nouns in E CAN BE FORMED IN 3 MAIN WAYS.1) Conversion: words by converting words of other part of speech into noun. Eg: the havethe have not, ups and downs, a must, a local, native. 2)Combination(composition):words are formed by combining two or more roots of free morpheme together. Eg: boyfriend, motherin –law, fountain pen.3) Derivation (affixation): words are formed by adding affixeseither prefixes or suffixes or both to the root. Eg: happiness, development, translation, disagreement 65) How are the E compound nouns inflected for plural? 3 main ways: a) by changing the final element into plural. Eg:; forgetmenot→ forgetmenots, grownup →grownups; postman →postmen. b) by adding “s” to the noun stem. Eg passerby →passersby .c) in compounds having man woman as the first stem, the plural form appears in both. Eg: woman writer →women writers 66) What are the ways btw the compound word the derived word in E Compound words formed by adding by combining two or more roots or free morpheme together. Whereas the derived words are words formed by adding affixes either prefixes or suffixes the root. Eg: Overeating 67) Can the plural form change the lexical meaning of singular nouns? Yes, it can. Ex; air: a mixture of gasses that WE BREATHE →airs: artificial affected manner. Compass: device for exterminating or directing direction →compasses: an instrument for drawing circle. Drawer: a sliding box →drawers: under garment for lower body. Ppl: human being in general→ ppls: persons united by common culture, tradition. Custom: established, socially –accepted practice →customs: agency for collecting TAX, DUTIES. Damage: loss or harm resulting from injury →damages: sum of money to be paid as compensation. Good: sth that is useful, beneficial →goods: personal property of value, ware or merchandise 68) What is the btw adverb adverbial? Adverb refers to a part of speech. It is used to modify purify verbs, adjs, other adverbs, or even clauses and sentences. Eg: She speaks E very well. They are very happy now. Unfortunately the rescue team arrived a bit late. Adverbial refers to the function of adverb in the sentence. Adverbial can be a word, a clause or a phrase. Eg:. She went there for no reason. When I ask her about that matter, she only cries. 69) What is zero derivation? Zero derivation is the formation of a new word by changing its word class without ending any affixes. EG: to finger, to copy, to face, to nail, 70) State the use of reciprocal? Reciprocal pronoun “one another, each other” are used to indicate the relation of mutuality: ppl do the same thing, feel the same way or have the same relationship. Traditionally, “each other” refers to ppl or things,” one another” refers to more than two. Eg: they love each other deeply; We often help one another in your study 71) State the use of reflexive pronoun Reflexive pronoun (also called self pronoun) are used to express an action that returns to the doer of an action or when we want to emphasize. They have grammatical categories of person, number gender (in the 3rd person singular) Reflexive pronouns are used as npronoun in one of the following function: 1) as predicative showing feelings, emotions, states. Eg: You don’t look yourself now. What is problem? I am not myself today. 2) as object (direct, indirect or prepositional) indicating that the action returns to the doer, that is , when the subject the object are the same person I hate myself for loving him 72) What is btw empty subject preparatory subject Empty (or vague) subject is the subject represented by the impersonal pronoun “it” to express such phenomena as weather time, temperature, environment distance, ect. Eg; It rained heavily last night. Whereas preparatory or introductory subject is the subject represented by the impersonal pronoun “it” to substitute a word, a word group or a clause to follow. Eg: It’s very kind of you to inform me about this. 75) What is the use of present participle? Basically, Pi is used: 10 to form continuous tenses. Eg: The professor is briefing the seminar on his new finding.2) as attribute. Eg: the mother tries to calm her crying child. .3) as adverbial modifier (in literary or formal style).a) time: having been away so long, I burst into tears when seeing my mother at the airport.. B) Cause: Being foreigner, she can’t get used to the traffic in Vietnam in a day. c) Manner;. I don’t know why she sits alone in her room sobbing bitterly. D) Concession Eg .While saying he loves hey deeply, he doesn’t want to marry her.4) In a number of set phrases:Eg: considering, providing, generally speaking, judging by. Judging his age, the boy‘s painting is excellent 76) What is the use of past participle? Basically, PII is used 1) to form passive voice : E is spoken all around the world.2) to form the perfect tenses: my father has worked in this company for 20 years. 3) As attribute: stolen kisses are sweet. 4) As adverbial modifier (in literary or formal style) a) time:Asked suddenly, I couldn’t remember anything to say. b) Condition: She never speaks unless spoken to.c) manner:. She didn’t see him as if blinded by resentment) Concession: the pictures, those scratched, still look wonderful. 5) As predicative: You look exhausted, she seems to be excited. 6) Set phrases: provided. You can keep my book provided that you turn it to me tomorrow. 77) What is the use of gerund? The gerund can be used as a) subject: Seeing is believing b) object: She’s very interested in learning Korean language. c) Subject compliment: Your task now is learning. d) Object compliment: they consider his words disturbing. c) Adverbial modifier: 1) Time: Before getting married, make sure you have knowledge of reproductive health..2) Manner: She answers my question without thinking twice.3) Reason: He was imprisoned for killing that man. 4) Purpose: Their large room can be used for holding their wedding party.5) Concession: In spite of being busy, she tries to find time to help me. 78)In what way is gerund a N or a V? Like the n, the gerund can be modified by a n in the possessive or by possessive adj. The nominal characteristics of gerund are also expressed in its functions as subject, object, predicative, attribute and adverbial modifier. Like the v, the gerund can be followed by an indirect object. Eg: buying my sister a present is my happiness b) Take perfect forms: I remember having been taken to the park by my grandfather. c) Be followed by a predicative adj: I’m afraid of being lonely d) Take a passive: The project again progresses after being given stimulus.e) Followed by an adverbial: Learning hard is the shortest way to success 83) Read the half sentence mark below and complete it in 4 ways: 2) with an adverbial clause of time: The students worked hard when the final exams was coming soon…. When they were informed about the scholarship to study abroad. b)…adverbial clause of reason: …because they wanted to have a good job after graduation…because they knew that time is gold. c) adverbial clause of purpose:…so that they could have the best results for their exams d) Adverbial clause of concession: … though there was an interesting football match…though their living condition was very poor. e) adverbial clause of manner:… as if there were no more time left.” 84) Btw a preposition adverb particle in the E language: Preposition usually stands before the n to form prepositional phrases: Eg” The fly is climbing up the wall. They’re sitting in the classroom. He goes down the road. Whereas adverb particle usually stand after the v change the lexical meaning of the v Eg: he gave up smoking last month. Don’t let me down. Why didn’t you turn up at the E club. I asked him a few questions but he gave in. 85) What is the use of articles with the name of seasons in a year? Generally speaking, the names of seasons in a year are used with zero articles in general sense. Eg: Most flowers bloom in spring. The air in spring usually is fresh When the names of seasons are definite by the context, they’re used with definite articles. Eg: The spring of 1975 has gone down in our national history. The definite articles is used before the names of season to denote a particular time when sth happen Eg: The little girl in my neighborhood was born in a spring. 86) Explain the underlined structure in the following sentences: a) It seems very likely to happen but if it should, we need to be well prepared: “Should” refers to possibility, a possible event in the future. b) Never did I imagine anything so wonderful Inversion is used to emphasize the word “never” c) If possible, you should be here by 7 a.m Omission is used to reduce the clause if it is possible d) I can’t forgive myself for having been fined The gerund takes a perfect passive form acts as preposition object e) It was they who dug up the old scandal Anticipatory “it” is used for the sake of emphasis 87) Analyze the use of present progressive in the following sentences: a) They are eating out. Present progressive is used to give emotional comment on present habit. b) They are eating out a lot these days …give repetition or a continuity of an action in the period of time at present c) They are eating tomorrow …express new future action which was already planned 88) For each item below, write 1 sentence that has: b) the impersonal pronoun to denote the preparatory subject: It’s not easy to master E c) An adverbial conjunction: It rained hard. However, they all were present on time The child cried for help but nobody was there d) The present perfect expressing a past experience with current relevance: She’s married to an architect. We have bought a new LCD TV) Participle preposition: Given the serious global financial crisis, Vnese export has seen dramatically decrease. Concerning measures against the current crisis, Vnese government has decide to spend 2US a stimulus package. 89) Write 2 sentences in each of these groups: a) Sentences with modal verb expressing willingness. Will you help me if I am in need? Would you excuse me if I do sth wrong b) Sentences with agentless passive: 5 ppl were killed in the fire Orchids have been exported to many countries c) Sentences with subject complement: I am a student. Your story is as old as the sea d) Sentences in which the normal subject verb order is reversed: Never again can you find another honest girl like me No where in the world can you find such beautiful flower like this e) Sentences with adverbial clause of purpose: Hurry up so that we can catch the last rain. Bring your raincoat in case of rain. 90) Analyze the mistakes in each of the sentences below then correct them. 1) I think you haven’t met your wife. Generally speaking introductory v such as “think, believe, suppose, expect, etc are often made to introduce negative ideas. 2) According to the radio, it can rain this evening “Can” is not used in affirmative clauses to talk about the chances that sth actually will happen or is happening .To express this meaning, we use “may, might, could” 3) In the Middle Ages, one believed in the witches: One means anybody including the speaker. It is not used to talk about a precise group of ppl or groups not including the speaker. So in this case, the word “ppl” must be used in place of “one” 4) Tell me when are you going on holiday The word order of a reported question is the same as that of an affirmative sentence. So there is no inversion 5) I was pleased indeed to get your letter We have to add “very” to “pleased” because “indeed” is often used to emphasize the meaning of “very +adj” 91) State the use of suffix “ed” in E language “ed” is used to 2 main cases: to from the past tense the participle of regular v: Work –worked Livelived to form compound adj: Absentminded Shortsighted Kindhearted Badtempered Warmhearted clearsighted Socialist minded. 92) What’s the btw semi half Both semi half means half however semis a prefix, a bound morpheme, can’t stand alone in the sentence where half is a pronoun, a free morpheme, can stand alone in the sentence. Eg: semifinal Semivowel Semiconductor Do you watch the semifinal btw Mu Chelsea last night I watch only the 1st half 93) What are the functions of adverb? The function of adverb can be classified as follows: Adverb of manner: used to denote the manner of action. The way in which sth is carried out. Eg: She writes everything clearly in the report She sings the folk song beautifully Adverb o place: used to denote the location, position Eg: How long have you been living here? After class, I’ll go straight home adverb of time: used to denote the time of action. They refer to definite time, duration of time, and definite time Eg: Today, yesterday, Wednesday For 2 weeks, for 2 months Soon, recently, so far Adverb of frequency: denote the frequency of an action either definitely or indefinitely g: once a week Twice a year Seldom Rarely Usually adverb of degree: denote the degree to which an action is performed Eg: quite, enough, much, far, rather adverb of intensifier: used with gradable adj adverb to strengthen the meaning Eg: extremely, really, awfully, greatly, terribly, particularly 94) btw the parts of adverb highhighly, hardhardly, freefreely, directdirectly “High” refer to height: at a high place, altitude Eg: The plane is flying high there He can jump very high “Highly” means + To a high or extreme degree + With approval: We highly appreciate your help. Japan is highly developed Highly industrialized country “Hard” means: + With great or maximum adverb: Don’t kill yourself by working too hard + In violent manner: She slaps him hard on her face The car hits hard against the wall “hardly” means almost not , barely, with difficulty : I can hardly understand you . She could hardly speak for tears. “Free” means without payment: the government provide medicine , food, blanket, mosquito net free for the farmers. “Freely” means without restraint: Don’t speak too freely. “Direct” means in a direct way from point to pint: she goes direct home from school because she didn’t hear the phone call from her boyfriend. “Directly” means immediately, as soon as: we will discuss the matter directly he arrives 96) Give the description of adverb in the E language? Adverb is a part of speech specifying actions or qualities. The function of adverb in the sentence is that of an adverbial modifier. Adverb can modify verbs(run quickly), adj (very glad),an other adverbs (fairly well). Most adverbs do not change morphologically, but some adverbs have degree of comparison 97) Explain the way of forming adverbs: Adverbs in E can be found in the following ways: 1) adding “ly” to an adj 2) adding “ly” to a n 3) adding”ways”; “ ward”; “Wise” 4) adding “a” to a n: Ashore, ahead, abroad 5) adding “in” “ out” to a n Inoutdoor; Inoutside 98) Explain the ways of forming adverbial modifier: Adverbial modifier can be formed by means so: a)an adverb: She waited impatiently for him Don’t drive so fast here b)a prepositional phrase: in the sky, in the world, on the table c) Clause: although they didn’t say anything, I knew what they meant 99) What is intensifier in the E language? The intensifier is a class of word generally adverbs, which are used to modify gradable adjs, adverbs, verbs or “ed” participles She’s really interested in her new job I’m awfully sorry for what I have said I absolutely agree with you 100) What is btw possessive adj possessive pronouns? P adj must go with a n or n phrase, whereas possessive pronouns never goes with n are stresses in speech. They refer equally to things, ppl singular plural 101) What is btw “her” hers”? “her” is a possessive adj. It must go with a n or a n phrase. While “hers’ is a pronoun. It stands for the possessive adj “her’ a n already mentioned 101) btw defining non_ defining clause: Nondefining clauses are placed after nouns which are more or less definite in meaning. They merely add some more information about such noun. They‘re not essential in the sentence, separated from their nouns by a comma can be omitted without causing confusion Eg: Elizabeth tailor, who is famous American film star, has got engaged for the 7th times. Uncle H, who was the 1st president, died at the age of 79 Defining clauses, on the other hand, limit define the antecedent more clearly. They are not separated from their nouns by a comma. They’re essential part of the sentence can not be omitted without Causing confusion Eg: The building where the president lived was bombed She met the man whom she had been in love with in the street by chance. 103) What is the use of ordinal numerals? Ordinal numerals are used when we want to identify or describe sth by indicating where they come in Seri or sequence Ordinal numerals are usually used with: a) Definite articles the 1st man is an engineer. The second is a doctor b) Date of a month Our deadline is for submission is the fifth July c) as pronouns adverbs : The 1st satellite conference was more informative than the second the 3rd Who want to go first? She came first. 104) Give the rule to read decimal part: The decimal part is separated from the integer by appoint read separately 105) Give the rule to read fraction: In fraction number, the numerator is read with cardinal numbers the denominators with ordinal numbers. If the numerator is greater than 1 the denominator takes plural form. 106) Give the rule to read the figure “o” : Figure “o” or number zero can be read in different ways: a) Nought is often used in Be to talk about the figure “o” as part of number. Eg: a million is followed by 6 nought b) o ou when saying or reading a telephone or a bank account number , in B E AE we say figure “o” as a letter “o” Eg: My account number is 0204381(o two 0 four three eight one) The code is 47005(four seven double o five) 1.zero is used especially in scientific, medical economic context Eg: the temperature here rarely falls below zero 2.Nil is used when talking about the score in a team game The final score is 3 nil The score in the game on court 1 is 300(thirty love) 40. What is the difference between “used to do something” and “would do something” when both of them are used to denote something usually happening in the past?  “Would do something” is often used with time indicator while “used to do something” does not need such indicator of time Eg. There used to be a large bond here. She used to believe that love is true. And both of them are used to talk about past existence 41. What “must” differentia from “have to”, when they are used to express obligation In statement about obligation with “must”, the obligation normally comes from the speaker Eg: “You must do it for me now” To talk about obligation that comes from “outside” for instant, an regulation or an order from somebody else or imposed by circumstance we used to refer to “have to” Eg: As the manager was out, we have to waste Note “be to do something” indicates necessity or obligation resulting from instruction or order which are not to be discussed Eg: you are to meet the director 48. Explain the difference in the following sentences in term of S V agreement and meaning a. The number of questions in the exam was twice as large as I had expected b. A number of used books were on sale at the car park In sentence a, the word “number” is definite in the context and it is the subject of a sentence. As it is singular in form, the V is also in singular form In sentence b, the word “number” is indefinite; it is part of a compound, which is used in the function of the attribute (premodifier), then the group “used books” is a subject of a sentence, therefore, the verb is used in its plural form 56. What is the difference of the two following sentences in term of tense, aspect and meaning? a. She lived in LD for 5 years b. She has been living in LD for 5 years In sentence (a), the past simple tense is used to express an action which happened during a certain period of time in the past and already completed, having nothing to do with the present time. The action is indefinite in the time of occurrence. The speaker named the action only. However, in sentence (b), the present perfect continuous is used to express an action which started in the past and continue up to present time and is not yet finished. The speaker wanted to mention the incompleteness of the action continuing to present 73) Which of the following sentences s more formal? Why? Analyze the structure used in each of the sentences a) It was essential for every member country to sign the agreement by December 15th.b) It was essential that every member country sign the agreement by December 15th. The second sentence is more formal because “sign” is used in the present subjunctive mood which is often found in formal or literary style. The 1st sentence is less formal because the impersonal pronoun “it +tobe+adj +to inf” is usually used in informal style. 74) Write a sentence that has: a) an object compliment expressed by the clause. b) an adj in the positive degrees of comparison) an ordinal numeral used as a pronoun c) An ordinal numeral used as a pronoun d) a reported request e) a substantivized adj formed by “ the +adj” A) I name my son what his grandpa wants. You shouldn’t think me who you must teach how to live. B) She’s as diligent as a bee C) I have several books. The first is grammar book D) My mother told me to come home at 6 tonight E) Many believe the dead can still protect the living. The rich are getting richer and richer; the poor are poorer poorer in the market economy 79) What tense is used in each of the following sentences. The Use? a) We have E grammar every Friday.The simple present tense is used to denote a repeated or habitual action, routine at present. b) They will have left when you get there. The future perfect is used to denote a state or action that will be completed in the future time. c)I have been writing a book. The present perfect continuous is used to denote the incompleteness of an action counting to the present time. d) He worked in Japan for 5 years. The simple past is used to denote an event with duration which happened during a certain period in the past already completed, having nothing to do with the present time. e) Mrs.Lan her husband are leaving for Bejing tomorrow morning. The present progressive is used to denote a future action which was previously planned or arranged 81. btw gerund the to –in when they follow the verb “forget”? In “forget to do sth”, the toinf expresses the future action to happen after the moment of speech “forget”. Eg: I forgot to bring my raincoat along so I got wet through. In “forget doing sth”, the gerund expresses the past action happening before the moment of speech” forget”. Eg: I forgot having told us that story he told it again 82) Provide brief explanation for the use of “the” in the following sentences? a) The computer I have access to is very powerful. “the” is used with a N which is definite by the context situation. b) The earth is moving through the space as approximately 73,360km “the” is used with N indicating unique objects. c) Do you think the poor are getting poorer poorer. “ the “ is used with adj to form substantivized adj. d) The dog is faithful animal. “ the “ is used with a n for classifying a certain class from others. E) What are you doing at the moment? “the’ is used in time expression State the order of adjectives used together in the E sentence In the E S, some adjectives can be used together. However, they should follow certain order as this: quality, size, age, shape, color, material, origin, participle. Eg: A good large old rectangular brown wooden Victorian addressing table was on auction at Sotheby in London. Put the adjective Demonstrative, that, those, this Interrogative, what, which, whose Possessive, his, my, their Quantitative, many, few, little Qualitative, light, bad, green Describe the classification of E adjectives The adjective is a part of speech expressing quality, quantity, size, color... the main syntactical function of an adjective, in the sentence is that of an attribute and it may also be used as a predicative or complement a. In the ground of their meaning and grammatical feature, the adjective in the E language can be classified as follow Demonstrative adjective are the adj used to demonstrate things, objects, people phenomena. Eg: that book is interesting Interpersonal adjective are the adjective used to form question to distinguish things, objects, people and phenomena. eg: which pen is yours Possessive adjs are the adj expressing the possession. Eg: i don’t know their names Quantitative adjectives are the adjective denoting the quantity or the number. Eg: there is only a little water left. Qualitative adjs are the adjs expressing the quality, color, size.. of things, objects, people and phenomena. Eg: he has a dark blue suit b. on the ground of their complexity of form and structure, adjs in E can also be classified as follow: short adjs are the adjs which have just one or two syllables. Eg: hot, cold, white, blue, large, small long adjs are the ads which have more than two syllables. Eg: convenient, dangerous, beautiful, interesting... special adjs are the adjs of which the degrees of comparison are formed in special way. Eg: good better the best, bad worse the worst. Describe the use of the impersonal pronoun it We often use it in S referring to time, weather, temperature, distance, impersonal statement. It can be used as empty subject. It’s 3 o’clock, it’s Thursday, it’s hot It can be used as preparatory subject. It’s pleasant to lie in the sun, it doesn’t matter when we arrive, it is clear that she made no mistake. It can be used as emphasis. It was a cigaretteend that caused the fire It can be used as formal object. It finds it difficult to understand him Give the description of pronoun the pronoun is a part of speech including words with the very general or relative meaning. It’s is used as substitution of a noun or an adjective. eg: it is very interesting. that book is very informative pronoun indicates living beings, things and their qualities without naming them. eg: it’s sunny being substitutes of other part of speech, pronouns are used very frequently and form a considerable part of any texts or conversation, though as a class of word, they are not numerous there are several features that pronouns have in common, which distinguish them from noun they don’t meet “a, an, the” they often have an objective case, personal distinction, and overt gender contrast. Their singular and plural form are not morphological related Name different types of adverbial clause. 1. adverbial clauses of comparison He is as quick at answing question as his sister She sing as well as her sister 2. adverbial clauses of concession or contrast clauses No matter how many time i came here before, i couldn’t recognize this place Although he works hard, he still failed the exam 3. adverbial clauses of mann

2What is morpheme, stem, root, and affix?  Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in a language A morpheme ca not be divided without altering or destroying its meaning Eg: Artist: art (FM) ist (BM)  Stem (also the basic form) is the part of the word, to which an inflectional affix is or can be added Eg: the inflectional affix(s) can be added to the stem word(s) to form the plural word(s) #)The stem of a word may be: *A simple stem consisting of only one morpheme (root) Eg: Visit, boy, kiss - * a root plus a derivational affix Eg: Worker ,communist *Two or more roots “workshops”, “classrooms” Root (also basic form) is a morph, which is a basic part of a word and which may occur on its own or may be joined to other root Eg: hand, door, bag  Affix is a letter or a group of letters, which is added to a word and which changes the meaning or function of the word Affixes are bound forms that can be added: 1.To the beginning of the word (prefix)Eg: preschool encourage 2.To the end of the word (suffix)Eg: translation management 3.Within a word (infix) Eg: fisherman handicraft What is an allomorph?  An allomorph is any variants of a morpheme which is different pronunciation and spelling Eg: S /z/ /Iz/ Ed /t/ /d/ /Id/ What is the difference between bound morpheme and free Morpheme?  Free morphemes are those that can stand alone, carrying full semantic meaning  Bound Morphemes are those that can not stand alone in a language They are always added to one or more morphemes to form a new word or to modify the meaning or grammatical function of the free morpheme Eg: careless, unwanted, unhappily What is the difference between lexical and grammatical M?  Lexical morpheme expresses lexical meaning referring to things, events, actions, states or properties While Grammatical morpheme expresses common meaning referring to grammatical relationships within and between sentences Eg:Work (LM) Works(GM), Worded (GM), Working(GM) What is the difference between inflectional and derivational M?  The derivational morpheme is a kind of bound morpheme which is added to a word to make a new word, new meaning or a new part of speech A traditional term for derivational morpheme is affix (prefix and suffix)Eg: care + ful = careful  The inflectional morpheme is a kind of bound morpheme which is added to a word in order to express grammatical contrast in the sentence such as singular – plural, past tense – present tense Eg: to work: works( present tense) worked(past tense  “er” and “ed” can be derivational or inflectional M Eg: hotter bigger (inflectional M) ,Worker teacher (Derivational M) Absentminded (Derivational M) Learned (inflectional M) What is the difference between inflectional Morphology and derivational Morphology?  Inflectional Morphology studies the way, in which word vary or inflect in order to express grammatical contrast in sentences Eg: “ed” can be used to form past tense.“s”, “es” can be used to form present tense D Morphology studies the principles governing the construction of new words (without reference to specify grammatical role a word might play in the sentence)Eg: er + V =N work +er = worker What is the difference between endocentric and exocentric phrases?  Endocentric phrases are those expanded from grammatical function as the head They have parts structure: pre-modifier _ head _ post-modifier Eg: Many international delegates at the conference Pre-modifier head post-modifier  While exocentric phrases are those which can not be seen as an expansion of a centre element and their functions are varied Eg: on the wall in the sky What are the main ways to identify the phrase structure?  main ways:1.The substitution test ( phep thay the) Any word combination of the English sentence that can be replaced by a single word without changing the grammatical of the sentence is call a phrase Eg: That young girl is the most beautiful girl in the classLinda is the most beautiful girl in the class “That young girl” can be replaced by “Linda” to make a new sentence, sharing the same grammaticality, which is why we can conclude “that young girl” is a phrase The movement criterion: Any word combination of the English sentences that can be moved to another position in the sentence without changing the meaning of the sentence is called a phrase Eg:I met him in Hang Bai Street in 2009In 2009, I met him in HB Street.Although the position of adverb of place in the above sentence has changed, the meaning of the sentence remains the same, so we can conclude that “in 2009” is a phrase.3.The conjoining criterion:Any word combination of the English sentence that can be conjoined with a similar one without changing grammaticality of a sentence is called a phrase Eg: Those old men exercises every morningThose old men and old women exercise… “Those old women” can be combined with a similar sequence to make a new sentence without changing the grammaticality of the sentence, so it can be determined as phrase.4.The anaphora criterion: Any preceding word combination (antecedent) that can be replaced by a pro-word is called a phrase Eg: That poorly dressed boy lives in my neighbor house He is a very good boy “That poorly dressed boy” can be replaced by “he”, which is why we can come to conclusion that it is a phrase 10 What is an antecedent?  The antecedent is a preceding word or phrase that is referred back to by a single word in the next part of the sentence or in the next sentence Eg: His uncle often buys him hotdog, but he hates it 11 What are determiners?  Determiners are function words which are used to specify the reference of a noun Broadly, groups may be identified: Pre-determiners: all, both, half and multipliers (double, once, twice) Central determiners: articles, demonstrative determiners and possessive determiners Post-determiners, including groups: ordinal numerals and semi determiners: same, other, latter, last, next every, each, either, neither, any, no, all of, some of, a lot of, enough, none of, two, three, 4, of, (a) little, (a)few Eg: Allthe four girls Pre-de Centre Post-de 12 What is the difference between determiners and pronoun? Eg: She needs some milk and I want some, too  A determiner is a word which is always followed by a noun and limits the meaning of the noun in some ways, whereas pronoun is a word that can be used in place of a noun or a noun phrase difference between broad sense and narrow sense for term “Grammar” In the broad (general) sense the term “Grammar” popularized by American language Noam Chomsky includes all aspects of sentences patterning, including phonology and semantic and introduces the term “syntax” as the more specific notion In narrow (specific) sense, which is more traditional, grammar is presented as just one branch of language structure, distinct from phonology and semantic 13 What is functional Grammar?  Functional G proposed by British Linguistic Halliday, is a G study basic functions of language * The ideational function is to organize the speaker’s or the writer’s experience of the real or imaginary world that is language refers to real or imagined person, things, actions, events, states, ect *The inter-personal function is to indicate, establish or maintain social relationship between people It includes forms of address, speech function, modality *The textual function is to create written or spoken texts which cohere within themselves and which fit the particular station in which they are used 14 What is the inter-personal meaning of the function G?  The inter-personal meaning is the meaning as form of action the speaker or writer does something to the listener/reader by means of language It is regulated by language user’s concern Eg: “Man, gentleman, chap, bird, bloke, fellow, guy” can be used to refer to a man depending on the relationship the speaker has with that man or the degree of respect the speaker wants to show to him 15 What is traditional G and what is typical feature of it?  TG is G which is usually based on earlier G of Latin or Greek and applied to some other languages inappropriately It studies the language elements or parts of speech separately, for example, it studies the N, V, Adj, (8 parts of speech), number, tenses The biggest problem in this G lies in the fact that it is not consistent internally Eg, it defines the Adverb as a part of speech modifying the verb: “I only like him”, in fact, the adv can modify other parts of speech as well: “The only girl that I love is Julia” Another problem of this G is that most explanations of grammatical meaning given by this G are based on institution, which is why it is sometime difficult to tell the difference between grammatical concept in TG, Eg, the difference bt Gerund and Grammar This G, however, provides modern linguist with a lot of terms 16 What is transformational/ generative G? Transformational G is a theory of G which was proposed by the American Linguist, Chomsky in 1957 Chomsky attempted to provide a model for description of all languages Transformational G tried to show a system of rules, the knowledge which a native speaker of a language uses in forming grammatical sentences Eg, this G studies the basic language patterns to create and transform sentence Eg: sentence = NP +VP ( a rule to create sentence) She blames her children NP1 + V +NP2 = NP2 + Auxiliary +V-ed + by + NP2 Her children were blamed by her (a rule to transform sentence) 17.What is immediate constituent G (ICG)?  ICG is a G studying the language layers to identify the meaning According to this G, language elements not belong to the same layer but they belong to different layers creating different meanings Eg: *More intelligent boys are found (more boys who are intelligent found)*More intelligent boys are found (Boys who are more intelligent are found) 18.What is constituent? Constituent is any linguistic unit taking part in a larger construction Eg: teacher (3 constituents).There are six teachers (4 const) 19 What is Immediate constituent analysis? State the steps in such an analysis? IC analysis is one of the most widely used techniques for displaying sentence structures It is based on the argument that different elements of language not belong to the same layer: they belong to different layers and create different meaning This approach works through the different level of structure within a sentence in a number of steps At each level, a construction is divided into its major constituents and the process continues until no further division can be made Eg: The police arrested the thief The basic steps to analyze the above sentence are as follow: Identifying two major constituents: “The police” and “arrested the thief” Dividing the next biggest constituent into “arrested” and “the thief” Continuing to divide constituents into two, until we can go no further “The police”  “the” + “police” “The thief”  “the” + “thief” 20 What is prescriptive Grammar? PG is a G providing the language users with normative rules given by such people as dictionary publisher, editors, teachers, writers, critics, ect Eg: Never end a sentence with a preposition Or it is wrong to split a to-infinitive with a verb as such sentence like: “Who you want to send this letter to?” or “They work hard to successfully complete it” These two sentences would be considered wrong PG is concerned with prescribing rules of language unit It consists of a member of rules or regulations prohibiting language use: it advises language user not to spot the to-inf with an adv or to end a sentence with a preposition or to use double negative to express negative idea The following sentence could be considered wrong: “I don’t understand nothing” or “who are you talking to?” 21 What is descriptive G? What is its typical feature? DC is the G studying constitutive rules of language to put it different, it describes the G system of language exactly as it is There is nothing imposed which is why it can accept such sentences as: “They don’t understand nothing”, “I haven’t got nothing to give you” DC is concerned with describing language adj as it is actually used It describes all language elements grant names for them without making any judgment It tells what the language users know unconsciously and also enable to use and understand the language there is nothing imposed which is why it accept such sentences as above 22 What is the basic different between DG and PG? PG lays down normative rules about how the language is supposed to be used Eg: Never end a sentence with a preposition Or it is wrong to split a to-infinitive with a verb as such sentence like: “Who you want to send this letter to?” or “They work hard to successfully complete it” These two sentences would be considered wrong While DC is the G studying constitutive rules of language to put it different, it describes the G system of language exactly as it is Eg: “I haven’t got nothing to give you”, “She don’t care” 23 Describe five rank hierarchies, which are widely used as model to identify G unit in the study of G? Give Eg each unit? The five rank hierarchies used to identify G unit in the study of G can be described as follow: Sentence is analyzed into clausephrasewordmorpheme Morpheme is used to built wordphraseclausesentence Eg: The man who we are talking about is one of the most famous artists  “The man” can be analyzed into clause  “Who we are talking about” can be analyzed into phrase  “One of the most famous artists” can be analyzed into words  “Artists” can be analyzed into morphemes 24 State# types of phrases on the ground of part of speech and syntactical function On the ground of part of speech, phrases include 1NP:Eg: product of high quality, foreign investor, social economic issue, global warming issue.2 Adj P: pretty good, very difficult, really disappointed Adverb P: amazingly fast, very well.4 VP: must be done.5 Preposition P: under the sea, on the wall On the ground of syntactical function, phrases include: Subject P: Eg: Any hesitation now mean lost Object P: Eg: Why you always ask me such stupid question? Complement P: I consider her my step mother Attributive P: Eg: That pretty girl is my sister Adverbial P: Eg: We often go to school in the morning 25 What is the different between Complement and attribute in EL? C is a part of sentence which gives further additional meaning to complete the Subject or Object of the sentence, C is usually introduced by the link verb or the be-like verb Eg: She seems to be a good studen  Subject C Eg:The love between us will never grow old ObjectC Eg: She called me name  Attribute is a part of sentence which gives further information and adds some more meaning to the noun or the noun phrase Eg: The girl with long black hair is my classroom 26 What is the different between phrase and the clause in the EL? Phrase is a combination of words which doesn’t consist of it own subject and predicate and is used as a single word Eg: Her long cherished dream has now come true Clause is a part of a sentence which consists of it own subject and predicate (a finite Verb), however, its lexical meaning is incomplete Eg: Nobody know what she does 27 Compare the sentence and the clause in the EL? Sentence & clause are similar in that they both have finite v and one or more subject However, a clause is part of sentence which has its own subject and predicate but its meaning is incomplete and can not be used independently, while a sentence is a complete grammatical unit, which has its own subject and predicate and its meaning is complete Sentences are independent in use The sentence is the largest unit and can be very complex, consisting of one or more than one clause The clause can be considered as a simple sentence, being the focus of the sentence (main clause) or modifying the meaning of sentence (subordinate clause) Eg: She has been waiting in vain for the man that she loves 28 Classify E sentence on the ground of their structure On the ground of their structure, E sentence can be divided into types:1 Simple sentence: are those having a subject and predicate Eg: There are no roses without thon Compound sentence: are those having two or more independent sentence connected by means of coordination Eg: Money is a good servant but it is a bad master Complex sentence: are those consisting of one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses Eg: What she has said worried every one 29 Briefly classify sentence on the ground of their meaning On the ground of their meaning, sentences are classified into types:1 Declarative sentence: to give information or to state a fact Eg:The sky is blue Interrogative sentence: to ask question Eg: Can you go with me all the way? Imperative sentence: to induce someone to certain action Eg:Promise you not tell lie.4 Exclamatory sentence: to express motion, attitude Eg: What is an interesting story! 30 Describe the two main ways of making sentences more complex? Sentences can be made more complex by two ways: coordination and subordination Coordination is making a sentence more complex by joining two or more clause of equal standing (importance), resulting in a compound sentence by means of coordination or a coordinating conjunction (also known as a connector) Eg: It is raining but the stadium is burning with excitement Subordination is making a sentence more complex by adding one or more subordinate clauses to a main clause, resulting in a complex sentence by means of a subordinating conjunction (also known as subordinator) Eg: This is what we did not agree on 31 What is the passive voice in EL?  When the agent is redundant Eg: Rice is grown in this field To emphasize the receiver /result of action Eg: Thousand of PP was killed by earthquake Immediate action was taken in respond to the public reaction To make a statement sound objective without revealing the source of information Eg:It is reported that he will resign To be tactful or evasive by not mentioning the agent or when the agent can not be identified Eg: 100$ was sent to victims of Katina To retain the same grammatical subject in successive clauses, even though the function of the noun phrase changes from agent to theme Eg:The blue beat the Liverpool, but it was beaten by the MU When the passive is more appropriate than the active (usually in complex sentences) Eg:The film which was being shown on TV is full of violence and sexWhen the theme is given information and the agent is new information Eg: What a lovely house! Oh yes, it was designed by a very young architect 32 State the rule to change the direct imperative sentence into reported one To change the direct imperative sentence into reported one, the following rules are The introductory verb: “say” changes to a verb, a command such as request, command, tell order Eg: He said: “Close the door, Tom”He told Tom to close the door The introductory verb of indirect command must followed by the person addressed and the infinitive Eg:He said, “Bring the coat”He told me to bring the coat Indirect command, the person addressed is often not mentioned, nut in indirect command, the person addressed must be included Negative commands are expressed by placing “not” before the infinitive Eg:He said, “don’t move, boys”He told boys not to move Pronoun and adverb of place and time changes as in statement Eg:He said, “Don’t come here tomorrow, as I won’t be here” 33 What is a verb? What type of V can be divided into? The V is part of speech usually denoting actions, processes, experiences or state of being.The main types of V include1 Main V and auxiliary V Eg: I can’t understand why he did it Finite and Non-finite (Tensed – Non Tensed) Notional V Eg: They lived in HCM city.4 Transitive and intransitive V Eg: Please bring(v.t) me home now.My grandparent died(v.i) at the age of 100.5 Link V Eg: Her face turned red when seeing him Phrase V.Eg.Why didn’t you turn up at my party last night? 34 What is Notional V? Are Vs having full lexical meaning of their own and can be used in a sentence as a simple predicate Eg:She often goes to work by train 35 What are auxiliary Vs? Are Vs that have no lexical meaning of their own and are often used as form-word, thus having only a purely structural function of forming negative and interrogative sentences, passive voice and perfect tenses Eg: “be” in continuous tense and passive voice “do” in negative and interrogative forms of indefinites tenses 36 What are link V? Are Vs that have partly lost their lexical meaning and are used as part of a compound notional predicate They can be followed directly by an adj Eg: You look tired today Note:No one was(Notional V=stay) there to meet her My family is(Notional V=stay) in HN 37 What are modal Vs? Modal Vs are special group of Vs that can not be used independently without normal V though they have lexical meaning of their own The meanings expressed by modal Vs are those of modalities such as ability, necessity, determination, obligation, possibility, ect to perform an action denoted by a notional V Eg;I can live on my own now 38 What are Modal Auxiliaries? Are Vs that can be used as both auxiliary to form negative and interrogative sentences and modal to denote some modalities of an action, for instant, possibility, ability Eg: I could not stay here 39 Why are “dare”, “need”, used to” called semi-modals? They are called semi-modals because they can be used as both modal and full verb Eg: Dare you hit me now? (Aux v).I don’t dare to see him now (full V) 42 What are Phrase V? Are Vs made up of two or more words which function semantically and grammatically as single V Semantically, PV can be classified into types:1.Literal: are those V where the particle retains its literal adverbial meaning Eg: The book is so interesting that I can’t put it down 2.Completive: are those verbs where the particle indicates completed action For example, “up” in “mix up”, “eat up”; “down” in “burn down”; Figurative: are those Vs where no systematic way of semantic association between V and particle can be found Eg: Why did you give in? Her words put him out The picture has come off the wall Where can I hang up this painting? - Completive: are those verbs where the particle indicates completed action For example, “up” in “mix up”, “eat up”; “down” in “burn down”; “out” in “burst out”; “cut” in “cut off” - Figurative: are those Vs where no systematic way of semantic association between V and particle can be found Eg: Why did you give in? () Her words put him out () He didn’t see her off 43 Difference between transitive (V(t)) and intransitive V (V(i)) Give examples V that can be used as both Vt and Vi Vt are Vs that are connected with their object word directly In another word, Vt are Vs which take a direct object and they can be used in the passive Eg: They rushed the victim to hospital Vi are Vs that not take a direct object and can not be used in the passive Eg: He died years ago Eg of Vs that can be used as Vt and Vi (write, hear, listen, speak,grow,run,stand) Don’t stand there (Vi) I can’t stand him any more (Vt) 44 Define bare infinitive and infinitive What are the kinds of bare infinitive? Bare infinitive are the base form of V (used without “to”) Bare infinitive are used with different syntactic function As part of predicate after the modal V or Auxiliary V in the negative and interrogative structures Eg: Did you arrive on time for the meeting? As complement, especially object complement in several structures Eg: She saw a stranger enter the house 3, As a main V in present subjunctive mood I wish you be happy all your life As a main V in imperative sentence Shut up! 45 In what way can V be formed? New V in E can be formed in main ways: Conversion: Words of other word class are conversed into V Eg: yellow  to yellow Affixation: affixes (either prefixes or suffixes) are added to the root to form V Eg: rich  enrich Composition: two or more roots or stems are combined to form V Eg: to baby-sit to download 46 What is the term V-form refers to? Make a list of V-form V-form refers to different forms of the Vs use in the sentence They include finite and non-finite form Finite is V-form with a tense (tensed V) They usually have a subject and a tense Eg: He does his job very well Non-finite are V-form without a tense (non-tensed) They include: infinitive, present particle, past particle, and gerund Eg: the non-finite of the verb “do” are: to do, doing, done, to have done, having done 47 What is the term S-verb agreement refers to? S-verb agreement is a grammatical concord between the S and the V: the predicate must agree with the S in person and number Eg: Radio and TV have changed our spiritual life Normally, when the subject consists of two or more nouns, it has the force of plural and takes the plural verb Eg: Bread and butter is a healthy food When two or more nouns represent a compound name of one thing, the compound is thought of as singular Eg 50 km is not a great distance in these days of rapid travel When a plural number applied to distance, weight, height, or amount of money, it is treated as singular and takes the singular V Eg: There is one doctor and some 15 patients in the ward There are some 15 patients and a doctor in the ward When the S is the formal “there, the predicate agrees with the real S In case of homogeneous S, it agrees with the one standing first This is known as the “rule of proximity” Eg: Professor Brown, together with his assistants has written a report on that case Words joint to the S by “with”, “together with”, “as well as”, “including”, ect, not affect the predicate Eg: There are plenty of opportunities for well-qualified people.There is still plenty of time for us to make an arrangement  “a lot of”, “plenty of”, “plenty ofplenty of”, “plenty of” take plural V when they denote number and a singular V when they denote quantity or amount Eg: His family is a famous one His family are famous Prof If the S is expressed by a collective noun, “f”, “plenty ofamily”, “plenty ofcompany”, “plenty ofcommittee”, “plenty ofboard”, “plenty ofteam”, “plenty ofband”, ect, the predicate is either singular or plural V, depending on whether the S is thought of as unity of PP or a collection of individuals considered separately Eg: two and two is four If the S is expressed by a word group denoting such arithmetic calculation as addition, subtraction, division, the predicate is singular, with multiplication; it is either singular or plural Eg: None of these options are/ is appropriate None is now treated in both ways even in serious writing Eg: Either/ neither /each of the alternative is acceptable The pronoun “plenty ofneither”, “plenty ofeither” and “plenty ofeach of”, “plenty of” are often treated as plural in informal speech but regularly as singular is formal writing That is, we frequently say, “neither of them are going”, but would write, “Neither of them is going” 49 State the use of present-progressive The present progressive used to indicate: Event or action in progress at the moment of speech Eg He is phoning girlfriend in Australia Temporally activity (action will end soon, therefore, will lack the permanence of simple present tense) Eg: My parents are living in HN Repetition or iteration in series of similar on-going action Eg: Buses and cars are shuttling on the road Future action (when the event is planned, usually with future time, adverbial) Eg: We are having final exam tomorrow Emotional commence on present habit (usually occur with “always”, “forever”) Ex She always speaking ill behind their back of others 50 What are the four traditional moods in E? Four traditional moods in e are: Indicative eg: she goes to the hospital to visit her grandpa Imperative: Eg: Pick the hat up! Interrogative Eg: Do you understand what I am trying to tell you? Exclamatory Eg:What a lovely picture! 51 What is the use of past subjunctive mood in E? The past subjunctive mood is used to indicate an unreal past, a wish that never comes true It also indicates unreality, request, ect, Its structure is similar to that of past unreal condition The past subjunctive mood is also found after such expression as “would rather”, “as if”, “it is (high) time”, ect Eg: It is time you returned books to the library I would rather you told me the truth now 52 What is conjunction? Conjunction is a word which join words, phrases, clauses, such as “or”, “and”, “but” Eg: John and I came to an end by a row  Units larger than single word which function as conjunctions are sometime known as conjunctive, for example, “so that”, “as long as”, “as if” Eg:He ran fast so that he could catch the bus  Adverbs which use to introduce or connect clauses are sometime known as conjunctive adverb, for example, “nevertheless”, “otherwise” Eg: My grandpa is 90 nevertheless he is in very good health  53 Clarify the difference between coordinators and subordinator? Coordinators connect word, groups of words and independent clauses They can be used to express the meaning of addition (both, and), the opposite meaning (but, yet, still), the meaning of choices (or, otherwise), result or consequence (so, therefore) Eg: Make haste or you will be late Newspaper and magazines are indispensable in our life Subordinators connect the subordinator clauses with the independent clauses They are used to introduce subject, predicative, object clauses (that, if, whether) or to introduce adverbial clauses of time, place, reason, concession, condition, manner Eg: Unless it rains we will go for a ride today 54 What is the difference between compound and complex sentence? A compound sentence consists of two or more clauses coordinated with each other by coordinators Eg: He came at o’clock and we had dinner together A complex sentence consists of two or more clause joined by subordinators In most cases, one of the clauses is treated as a principle clause and the others as subordination clause Eg: I will wait until you have a second thought 55 What is the difference between tense and aspect? Tense is Linguistic expression of time relation Tense of the verb is a grammatical category of the verb indicating a time of an action Tense form may indicate whether connection or state is past, present or future There are three tenses: present, past, and f”, “plenty ofuture Aspect is a grammatical category of the verb showing the way in which an action is performed or the different characteristic of an action There are three aspects:  The indefinite aspect indicating: a A habitual or repeated action Eg: He walks to school everyday b A permanent property of action Eg: Earth orbits around the sun  The continuous aspect expressing: a an action in progress at the moment of speaking Eg: She is talking to mom b the continuing of an action Eg: They are studying at the UK University c Near future action Eg: She is coming tomorrow  Perfect aspect indicating: a An action completed before a certain moment Eg: She had lived here before we came here b The duration of an action continuing from the starting point up to certain moment 55 Use of continuous aspect of EL? The continuous aspect has functions  It denotes an action happening at a certain moment Eg: We were having fun and joy at this hour at our school yesterday  Denoting the continuity of the action Eg: That boy is playing computer game all the time  Denoting the future action Eg: The famous singer is coming to Rome tomorrow morning 57 Explain the use of inversion? Inversion is a grammatical phenomenon of the EL, in which part of the predicate or the predicate is placed before the S Two main types of inversion can be found:  Grammatical inversion: to construct certain types of sentences  Stylistic inversion: to make certain word in the sentence more prominent GI is used to construct: a interrogative sentences Eg: Can you help me? b Sentences introduced by “here” or “there” Eg: There were blooming roses in my garden this morning c Exclamatory sentences Eg: Come what may! d Imperative sentence of negative meaning Eg Don’t you listen to me? e Clause of unreal condition, when the conjunction “if” is omitted Eg: Should anything happen, phone me immediately f Sentences introduced by “neither”, “nor”, “so” followed by structural verb Eg: I don’t like shrimp paste Neither does my mom Stylistic inversion: to emphasize certain part of a sentence by placing it in the front position Eg: Such a man Never shall I touch upon this matter again 58 Describe the subjunctive mood in the EL? Subjunctive mood in the EK is the form of the verb often used to express uncertainty, wishes, supposition, ect In contrast to indicative mood, the subjunctive mood usually refers to non-factual or hypothetical situation categories of subjunctive mood may be distinguished  Mandative( co tinh chat menh lenh) Eg: We demand that the US withdraw its troops from Iraq immediately  Formulaic :Eg: Long live VN! God be with you!  Subjunctive “were” Eg: I wish he were with me now  59 What situation are conditional sentences used to talk about? Basically, conditional sentences are used to talk about:  Situations which sometime exist or existed Eg: If she comes to HN, she will visit my family  Situation which you know not exist Eg If I had magic I would make you my servant  Situation you don’t know whether it exist or not Eg: If the sun is burned away, life on earth will perished  Situation may exist in the future Eg: If a subway in HN is built, there will be fewer traffic jams in HN  60 Identify different types of factual conditional sentences? Explain their uses? Factual conditional sentences include types  Generic factual condition express relationship that are true and unchanging( not be bounded in time) Eg: If you pour water into oil, it floats  Habitual f”, “plenty ofactual conditional resemble generic, expressing relationship that is not bounded in time but the relationship is based on habit instead of physical laws They express either past or present relationship that are typically or habitually true Eg: If babies are hungry, they cry  Implicit ref”, “plenty oference: express inference about specific time –bound relationship They make use of a much wider range of tense and aspect marker and also occur with certain modal auxiliary, tending to maintain the main tense and aspect or the same modal auxiliary in both clauses Eg: If the Liverpool can bit the MU, it can beat any other team  Explicit inf”, “plenty oference: is the only case where there is no speak parallelism, the two clause have different tense, aspect or modal Eg: If someone phones her now, it must be a boyfriend 61 What is the substantivized adj? How it is used ? Substantivization of adj is a kind of connection Adj when substantivized loses all or part of the characteristics of the adj & acquires all or part of the characteristics of the n In modern E, adj may be either fully or partially sunstantivize.1 Fully adj acquires all the characteristics of the n: they have the plural and the possessive &are associated with definite &indefinite articles Eg: Here belong the following groups of words: a) Word denoting classes of person Eg: a native → two natives → native’s: a relative; a savage; a progressive; a conservative; a criminal b) Words denoting nationality Eg: a Russian, a German, an Italian, A Greek.c) words denoting periodicals Eg: a daily, a monthly.2)partially substantivized adj take only the definite article but they not have any other characteristics of the noun ( they are either inflected for the plural, nor they can be used in the possessive case Eg: the rich/the poor ; the old/the young, the good/the bad; the sick/the healthy 62) How is gender expressed in the E language? Gender is not grammatically represented in E noun Most nouns have the same form for the masculine and feminine Eg: Parent, cousin teacher, worker etc However, in some cases, gender can be expressed by a lexical means that is by: a) the meaning of a different word Eg: man-woman, boy-girl, hen-cock, bull-cow b) the word building suffix “ess” Eg:, actor→ actress c)the first stem of a compound noun Eg: boyfriend, girlfriend, 63) How are borrowed nouns used in their plural forms? In E there are certain ways to make the borrowed nouns plural a) Retaining their original plural form Eg: datum-data, phenomenon-phenomena, stimulus-stimuli, focus-foci, crisis-crises, fungus-fungi b) Applying the 10 being substitutes of other part of speech, pronouns are used very frequently and form a considerable part of any texts or conversation, though as a class of word, they are not numerous there are several features that pronouns have in common, which distinguish them from noun they don’t meet “a, an, the” they often have an objective case, personal distinction, and overt gender contrast Their singular and plural form are not morphological related Name different types of adverbial clause adverbial clauses of comparison He is as quick at answing question as his sister She sing as well as her sister adverbial clauses of concession or contrast clauses No matter how many time i came here before, i couldn’t recognize this place Although he works hard, he still failed the exam adverbial clauses of manner Do it as i told you Type this again as i showed you a moment ago place Wherever i have lived, i still remember my country You can camp where you like purpose What you come here for He tiptoed in the house so that he couldn’t wake his mother up reason I went to the station because i wanted to see my friends Because i want to pass the exam, i have to work hard result This exercise is difficult that i couldn’t it time You didn’t look very well when you got up this morning condition If he saw me in the street, he’d just say good morning If you don’t work harder, you will fail your exams 21 sentences with an adverbial clause of manner you should exactly as the teacher told you it was too dark they had to feel the way as if they were blind 24 sentence with adverbial clause of result that question is so difficult that only few people can answer i’m so sleepy that i don’t want to go to school in the morning 25 with adverbial clause of time when the cat is away, the mice will play when there is life, there is hope when love is thin, hatred is thick 26 with an adverbial clause of reason as you sow the wind, you must reap the storm as you make the bed, you must sleep on it they get married not because they love each other purpose he stole that car so that he went on holiday with his gf i buy more eggs in case there are many ppl joining our meal i bring the teargas sprayer in case i’m mugged concession whatever you say i can’t believe you any more however rich you are you can’t buy my heart although i don’t believe them, i lend them money 18 - manner you run as if you’re chased by ghost i speak as fast as i can save time why didn’t you take medicine as the doctor recommended * s with an adverbial clause of concession however rich you are, you can’t buy my heart Read the half sentence and complete it * with an adverbial clause of time the students worked hard when they look their examination * with an adverbial clause of reason the students worked hard because they were going to take their exam * with an adverbial clause of purpose the students worked hard so that they could pass their exam * with an adverbial clause of concession the students worked hard although they were very tired and hungry what are the functions of adverb? The function of the adverb in the sentence is that of an adverbial modifier On the ground of functions (and meaning), adverbial can be classified into adverbs of manner: used to denote the manner of an action, the way in which something is carried out Place: used to denote the location, position of an action (eg?) Time: used to denote the time of an action They refer to definite time (today, tomorrow, yesterday, on those day, etc) duration of time (4 months, since august, lately, etc) Frequency: used to denote the frequency of the action, either definitely (once a week, twice a year, etc) or indefinitely (seldom, rarely, often, etc) Eg: - i have never been presented such a beautiful rose seldom can you see her smile Degree: used to denote the degree to which an action is performed (enough, much, a lot, rather, etc) Eg: i’m old enough to live independently intensifier: used with gradable objectives and adverbs and normally strengthen the meaning (extremely, terribly, awfully, etc) eg: she is awfully sorry for having hurt his feeling give the description of adverb in English language adverb is a part of speech specifying actions or quality The function of the adverb in the sentence is that of an adverbial modifier adverbial can modify verbs: eg: don’t run too quickly objectives eg: she is extremely older than him i’m very sorry for breaking your vase adverbs eg: she did the job very well population is increasingly very sharply/ fast/ quickly nowadays they are all working very hard What is the difference between a preposition and an adverb particle in E The difference between them is as follows: The prepositions usually occupy a position before a noun or a noun phrase Even in languages with a developed case system prepositions play an important role, serving to differentiate the relations which are often indicated only vaguely by case inflexion Eg: the fishing boat is miles off the shore But the adverb particles usually stand after the verb and change the original meaning of the verb Eg: when we arrived at the airport, the plane has taken off 19 the difference between the predicative clause and the object clause is the predicate denotes the characteristic of the subject Eg, the question is why But the object clause denotes the receiver of an action, eg, she has told me she is a dancer what are the main ways to identify the phrase structure substitution test: (ST) according to ST, any word combination of the English sentence that can be replaced by a single word is called a phrase Eg: that little girl is my niece “That little girl” can be replaced by “Ngoc” We can see clearly that these two sentences have the same grammaticality which is why we can come to a conclusion that “that little girl” is a phrase movement criterion according to movement criterion, any word combination of the English sentence that can be moved to another position of the sentence without changing the sentence meaning is called a phrase Eg: there are five books on the table on the table there are five books conjoining according to this criterion, any word combination of the English sentence that can be conjoined with a similar one is called a phrase eg: i know that young very well i know the young girl and young boy very well in sentence 2, the word that young boy can combine with a similar sequence that young girl to make a new sentence So we can conclude that young boy is a phrase anaphora according to this, any preceding word combination (antecedental) that can be replaced by a pro-word is called a phrase Eg: in the sentence: “that well-dressed lady lives near my house She is very nice to me”, we can see very clearly that “well-dressed lady” can be replaced by “she” which is why we can determine the “well-dressed lady” is phrase explain the use of the following bound morphemes and their ability to make new word, -ment, -ism, ize/ise, arch-ment is added to the verb to form nouns in E Movement, investment, disbursement, employment -ism is added to the adjective to form the noun Heroism, localism, socialism, individualism -ize/ise is added to the adjective to form the verb Modernize, industrialize, privatize Arch- is added to the noun to create a extreme meaning Archenemy what is typical feature of descriptive grammar DG is concerned with describing language objectively as it actually is It describes all language elements and giant names without making any judgment It tells the language users what they know unconsciously and also enable them to use and understand the language For the a part reason, it accepts such sentence as She don’t care, i don’t know nothing Apply your knowledge and understanding of the immediate constituent of analyze the following sentence That elderly man has killed the middle aged lady with an old umbrella This sentence has the following sentence that elderly man has killed the middle aged lady who has an old umbrella that elderly man has used an old umbrella to kill the middle aged lady what is ideational meaning is the meaning expressing some concept eg: (book) the ideational meaning of the word “book” is used to express an object made of paper with printed words 20 ... 30-0(thirty love) 40 What is the difference between “used to something” and “would something” when both of them are used to denote something usually happening in the past? 15  “Would something”... of language exactly as it is There is nothing imposed which is why it can accept such sentences as: “They don’t understand nothing”, “I haven’t got nothing to give you” DC is concerned with... constituent into “arrested” and “the thief” Continuing to divide constituents into two, until we can go no further “The police”  “the” + “police” “The thief”  “the” + “thief” 20 What is prescriptive

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2022, 10:55


