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SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence – Freedom – Happiness Ho Chi Minh City, Apr,2019 INFORMATION ON NEW ACADEMIC AND THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE THESIS Thesis title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEIVED, MINDSET, COMMITMENT AND ENTREPRENEURIAL IMPLEMENTATION INTENTION OF STUDENTS Major: Business Administration Code: 9340101 PhD Student: Ha Kien Tan Course: 2015 Training Institution: University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City Scientific instructors: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Quang Thu Dr Tran The Hoang A summary of new contributions both in terms of academic and practical aspects of the thesis is as follows: New contributions to theory Firstly, the thesis used the mindset theory of action phases as background theory to test the research model because many previous entrepreneurial studies used the TPB and EEM models to show before forming an entrepreneurial intention, that individual needs motivation (the stage of deliberative mindset) This motivation is formed from their own desire entrepreneurial perceived and entrepreneurial ability perceived However, to distinguish between potential entrepreneurs and others, the ability to identify entrepreneurship opportunities through entrepreneurial mindset, engagement with entrepreneurship (the stage of implemental mindset) Therefore, the thesis has added two mediator factor between entrepreneurial perceived and entrepreneurial implementation intention, which is entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial commitment Secondly: the intention in previous entrepreneurial studies were vague and abstract, its predictive power for entrepreneurship is questionable Therefore, it is necessary to switch to a more detailed, more action-oriented form in order to have a higher entrepreneurial capability This intention is based on the mindset theory of action phases called the implementation intention Moreover, in order for the goal to be achieved, it is necessary to change the goal from abstract to more detailed In addition, the intention in previous models to predict behavior is a short-term single action, the intention to start a business must be a long-term goal Thirdly, the time factor that plays a role in moderator the relationship between entrepreneurial perceived and entrepreneurial implementation intention is not mentioned in previous studies The time gap makes individuals exaggerate their positive intentions and incorrectly predict the correlation between intention and behavior Finally, the thesis used SmartPLS tool quite suitable for many advantages such as small sample size, does not require normal distribution, easy-to-use interface, can test complex models of many moderator or mediator variables In particular, this thesis was based on variance through minimum squares method (VBSEM - Variance based SEM or PLS-SEM) This method is very popular in many areas in recent years and is often referred to as second generation information analysis method New contributions to the practical Research shows that provoking the desire and ability to start a business in students is not enough (the stage of deliberative mindset) if only the intention to start a business is vague and abstract, the ability to go to start a business is very limited Therefore, the training institutions need to focus on student's entrepreneurial mindset and attitude to engage in entrepreneurship without giving up because this is the period when students will overcome the initial obstacles in entrepreneurship process (the stage of implemental mindset distinguishes between potential entrepreneurs and others but others) Time distance is one of the important and significant contributions in this thesis For students who intend to start a business in a short time, the training institutions must focus on perfecting their entrepreneurial ability to foster knowledge and skills for students, and at the same time bring students into incubator to create and take care of use entrepreneurial ecosystems to support them For students who intend to start a business in the long term, it is necessary to focus on starting a desire and passion for starting a business in students Passion is one of the prerequisites for entrepreneurs to pursue their aspirations and goals PhD Student Ha Kien Tan ... who intend to start a business in the long term, it is necessary to focus on starting a desire and passion for starting a business in students Passion is one of the prerequisites for entrepreneurs... students who intend to start a business in a short time, the training institutions must focus on perfecting their entrepreneurial ability to foster knowledge and skills for students, and at the same... overcome the initial obstacles in entrepreneurship process (the stage of implemental mindset distinguishes between potential entrepreneurs and others but others) Time distance is one of the important

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 21:16


