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Unit 19 BIO GEN FUNCT MUT FRACT TELE PHIL NEG DEC CENT Number Words Quiz 19-1 Quiz 19-2 Quiz 19-3 Quiz 19-4 Quiz 19-5 Review Quizzes 19 BIO comes from the Greek word for “life,” and forms the base for many English words Biology, for instance, is the study of living forms and life processes; the biosphere is the entire area of and above the earth where life can exist; and biotechnology is the use of living organisms to create useful products bionic devices Made stronger or more capable by electronic or mechanical • Bionic feet and hands for amputees have ceased to be mere sci-fi fantasies and are becoming realities The science of bionics uses knowledge about how biological systems work to help solve engineering problems The material Velcro, for example, was inspired by the way burrs behave when they stick to your clothes, and some computer chips are now wired in ways that imitate the “wiring” of the brain and nervous system But in popular use, the adjective bionic almost always describes artificial limbs or other bodily parts that work as much like real ones as possible A perfect bionic arm would move and function as easily as a real arm—a goal we're rapidly getting closer to biopsy The removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from a living body • Everyone felt relieved when the results of the biopsy showed the tumor wasn't cancerous Matter examined in a biopsy is always taken from a living organism Most biopsies are done by using a needle to extract tissue or fluid, but some may instead require cutting, and others may amount to nothing more than swabbing the inside of the patient's cheek Biopsies are best known as a means of detecting cancer, but a doctor may also take a biopsy of heart muscle to investigate suspected heart disease, for example, or perform a biopsy on a pregnant woman to test for disorders in the fetus biodegradable Able to be broken down into harmless substances by microorganisms or other living things • Though the advertisements promised that the entire package was biodegradable, environmentalists expressed their doubts In biodegradable, with its root grad, “to step or move,” and its prefix de“downward,” we get an adjective describing things that can be broken down into basic substances through normal environmental processes Animal and plant products are normally biodegradable, but mineral substances such as metals, glass, and plastics usually are not Newly developed biodegradable plastics are now appearing in numerous products However, “biodegradable” products can vary greatly in how long they take to break down A loaf of bread may require only a couple of weeks, and a piece of paper may vanish in a couple of months, but some “biodegradable” plastic milk cartons may take four or five years symbiosis (1) The close living together of two different forms of life in a way that benefits both (2) A cooperative relationship between two people or groups • The lichen that grows on rocks is produced by the symbiosis of a fungus and an alga, two very different organisms With its prefix sym-, “with,” symbiosis expresses the notion of cooperation between living things Symbiotic associations are found throughout the plant and animal world You may have read, for instance, of the little blackbird plover, which picks the teeth of the fierce African crocodile Or the bird called the African honeyguide, which leads a little mammal called the ratel to a bees' nest, which the ratel, protected from the bees by its thick fur, then breaks open, and both it and the honeyguide feast on the honey Or even our own bodies, which are home to millions of bacteria—especially the bacterium E coli in our intestines—and neither we nor E coli could live without the other You can probably think of plenty of human relationships that could be called symbiotic as well GEN, which comes from the Greek genos, meaning “birth,” has generated dozens of English words A set of genes, for instance, gives birth to a living being And a genealogy is a historical map of your family, showing how each generation gave birth to the next genesis Origin, beginning • The genesis of the project dates back to 1976, when the two young men were roommates at Cornell University The traditional Greek name for the first and best-known book of the Bible is Genesis, meaning “origin.” Genesis tells the stories of the creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah's ark, the Tower of Babel, Abraham and his sons, and more—the stories that explain how the world and humanity were created, as well as much about how humanity, and especially the descendants of Abraham, relate to the rest of the world Today we use genesis to refer to the creative beginnings of much smaller things, but never unimportant ones generator A machine by which mechanical energy is changed into electrical energy • The jungle settlement depended on a large generator, which provided electricity for a couple of hours each morning and evening Generators work by rotating a coil of wire in a magnetic field, causing a current to flow in the wire A generator may be a huge spinning turbine powered by water, wind, steam, gas, or nuclear reactions, which sends electricity out through power lines to thousands of customers But normally when we use the word, we're thinking of a small machine powered by gasoline or diesel, such as you might keep in your basement for those times when a storm knocks out your power, to create electricity right in front of your eyes A special kind of generator called an alternator powers a car's electrical system (including its lights, power steering, etc.) while the car is running genre Kind, sort; especially a distinctive type or category of literature, art, or music • Opera was a new genre for her, since all her compositions up until then had been songs and chamber music Genre, as you might guess from the way it sounds, comes straight from French, a language based on Latin It's closely related to genus, a word you may have encountered in biology class Both words contain the gen- root because they indicate that everything in a particular category (a genre or a genus) belongs to the same “family” and thus has the same origins So the main genres of classical music would include symphonies, sonatas, and opera, and the major genres of literature would include novels, short stories, poetry, and drama But within the category of novels, we could also say that detective novels, sci-fi novels, romance novels, and young-adult novels are separate genres carcinogenic Producing or causing cancer • Although she knows all too well that the tobacco in cigarettes is carcinogenic, she's too addicted to quit It sometimes seems as if the list of carcinogenic substances gets longer every day A substance such as a food additive that's been in common use for years may unexpectedly show signs of being carcinogenic in laboratory experiments When that happens, the suspected carcinogen will often have to be withdrawn from the market When a building material like asbestos turns out to be a carcinogen, it may also have to be physically removed from buildings English has hundreds of other scientific words ending in -genic (such as allergenic), and in almost all of them the ending means “causing.” B Indicate whether the following pairs have the same or different meanings: negligent / neglectful same _ / different _ philatelist / postman same _ / different _ philanthropy / wealth same _ / different _ renege / return same _ / different _ oenophile / wine expert same _ / different _ abnegation / absence same _ / different _ Anglophile / fish-lover same _ / different _ negligible / unimportant same _ / different _ Answers Number Words DEC comes from both Greek and Latin and means “ten.” So a decade lasts for ten years; the decimal system is based on ten; and a decahedron is a geometrical shape with ten sides decalogue (1) (capitalized) The Ten Commandments (2) Any basic set of rules that must be obeyed • At 15 she posted a decalogue of life rules on her bedroom door, starting with “1 Be respectful to teachers.” In decalogue the root deca- is combined with logos, Greek for “word.” In the Biblical book of Exodus, the original Decalogue, or Ten Commandments, was handed to Moses by God atop Mount Sinai In Jewish and Christian tradition, the Ten Commandments are regarded as laws handed down from the highest authority and as the foundation of morality They include commands to honor God, the Sabbath day, and one's parents, and bans on worshiping images, swearing, murder, adultery, theft, lying about others, and envying what others have Individuals have often had their own personal decalogues; Thomas Jefferson's “ten commandments” started off with “Never put off till tomorrow what you can today.” decathlon An athletic contest made up of ten parts • Though the U.S has dominated the Olympic decathlon for its whole modern history, the 1948 victory by the 17-year-old Bob Mathias still astonished the world Decathlon from deca- and athlon, “contest,” means “ten contests.” The ancient Greek Olympics held five-contest competitions, or pentathlons, that were based on the skills needed in battle The modern Olympic decathlon, which was born in 1912, consists of the 100-meter run, 400-meter run, 1500meter run, 110-meter high hurdles, javelin throw, discus throw, shot put, pole vault, high jump, and long jump The original winner was the legendary Jim Thorpe, who would later be judged the greatest American athlete of the 20th century And ever since, the Olympic decathlon winner has been called the finest all-around athlete in the world decibel A unit based on a scale ranging from to about 130 used to measure the loudness of sound, with indicating the least sound that can be heard and 130 the average level that causes pain • She worries about the damage that high decibel levels can cause, and always wears ear protection when mowing the lawn The bel in decibel honors the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell Decibels work on a logarithmic scale (you may need to look up logarithm), so 20 decibels is 10 times as strong as 10 decibels, and 50 decibels is 1,000 times as strong as 20 decibels The decibel readings of some everyday sounds make for interesting comparisons Whispers and rustling leaves usually register under 20 decibels, the average level of conversation is about 50 decibels, and noisy factories or office machinery may have decibel levels of 90 to 100 In the category of sounds between 100 and 120 decibels, which can eventually cause deafness, we find elevated trains, artillery—and rock concerts decimate To reduce drastically or destroy most of • Before the developments of modern medicine, diphtheria and typhoid could decimate the populations of entire towns and cities Commanders in the Roman army took discipline seriously Mutiny in the ranks was dealt with by selecting, through drawing lots, one soldier in every ten and making the other nine club or stone the unfortunate winner of this gruesome lottery to death The dec- in decimate thus reflects this Roman practice, which was ordered by such well-known leaders as Crassus, Mark Antony, and Augustus But over time, the word's meaning has shifted, and today it almost always describes great destruction or loss of life So, for example, we can say that a wave of layoffs has decimated a company's workforce, the populations of some of Africa's greatest wild animals have been decimated by poaching, or aerial bombardment has decimated whole sections of a city CENT, from the Latin centum, means “one hundred.” A dollar is made up of a hundred cents, though other monetary systems use centavos or centimes as the smallest coin A centipede has what appears to be a hundred feet, though the actual number varies greatly But there really are a hundred years in a century centenary centennial A 100th anniversary or the celebration of it; a • The company is celebrating the centenary of its founding with a lavish banquet A centenary, like its cousin centennial, is an anniversary Thus, the year 2013 may mark the centenary of a town's founding, and the year-long calendar of public events that the town sponsors for the occasion—that is, the celebration of the anniversary—can also be called a centenary Individuals have their own centenaries, which usually celebrate their births; thus, Gerald Ford's centenary will occur in 2013, and John Kennedy's in 2017 And if you live long enough to be a centenarian, you'll be around to join the celebrations centigrade Relating to a temperature scale in which 0° is the freezing point of water and 100° is its boiling point • The normal temperature of a human body is 37° centigrade The centigrade scale is essentially identical to the Celsius scale, the standard scale by which temperature is measured in most of the world Anders Celsius of Sweden first devised the centigrade scale in the early 18th century But in his version, 100° marked the freezing point of water, and 0° its boiling point Later users found it less confusing to reverse these two To convert Fahrenheit degrees to centigrade, subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9 To convert centigrade to Fahrenheit, multiply by 9/5 and add 32 centimeter about 0.39 inch A length measuring 1/100th of a meter, or • There are 2.54 centimeters in an inch, 30.48 centimeters in a foot In the metric system, which is used in most countries of the world, each basic unit of measure of length, area, or volume can be divided into centimeters A meter consists of 100 centimeters, a square meter consists of 10,000 square centimeters, and a cubic meter consists of 1,000,000 cubic centimeters centurion The officer in command of a Roman century, originally a troop of 100 soldiers • Centurions and their centuries were the backbone of the great Roman armies In ancient Rome, a century was approximately equal to a company in the U.S Army, and a centurion was roughly equivalent to a captain Centurions play a role in the New Testament; Jesus performs a miracle for a centurion in Capernaum, centurions are present at the crucifixion, and in later years St Paul is arrested by centurions According to a writer of the time, centurions were chosen for their size and strength, their abilities at swordplay and at throwing missiles, and the quality of their discipline, which was partly shown by how well their soldiers kept their own armor polished Quiz 19-5 Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a centurion b decimate c centigrade d decibel e decathlon f centimeter g Decalogue h centenary The ear can usually hear the difference between noises that differ in intensity by a single _ No one bothers to compete in the _ who isn't an extraordinary natural athlete The company celebrated its _ this month, and one of the founder's elderly children was able to come The _ in the Old Testament is matched by the Beatitudes in the New Testament Rain is likely to become snow at about 0° _ An earthquake can easily _ the buildings of an entire city The legion commanders decided that each _ should divide up the food within his own century Last week's rainfall in Paris measured less than a _ Answers Review Quizzes 19 A Choose the correct synonym: immutable a unalterable b transformable c inaudible d audible dysfunctional a working badly b unresponsive c healthy d uncaring permutation a continuation b splendor c disorder d rearrangement defunct a working b rotten c useless d dreary fractious a smiling b peaceable c angry d troublesome infraction a lawful act b arrest c piece d violation abnegation a position b self-indulgence c self-denial d refusal symbiosis a musical instrument b independence c community d interdependence decimate a destroy b pair up c multiply d remove 10 renege a afford b honor c flee d deny Answers B Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a commute i refraction b functionary j telepathic c telegenic k malfunction d carcinogenic l oenophile e Anglophile m biopsy f biodegradable n decathlon g decibel o centurion h centenary Their bags are made of _ plastic that they claim will break down within two months Something that was downloaded is causing parts of the operating system to _ Since tobacco is well known to be a _ substance, it's surprising that smoking is still legal He's so serious about wines that it's hard to be his friend if you're not an _ That music might sound better if the sound were turned down a _ or two Which of the ten events in the _ is your favorite? The _ of light in a glass of water appears to bend a pencil or spoon where it enters the water Doctors recommended a _ in case the X- ray had missed something A low-level _ in the company handles such complaints 10 The experiment showed that her claim to have _ powers was false 11 My grandfather celebrates his _ in May 12 He was successful in radio but not _ enough to succeed on television 13 The _ and his soldiers had proved themselves skilled fighters in the battles on the eastern frontier 14 Filled with books about Queen Victoria, Churchill, and Henry VIII, the house was clearly home to an _ 15 After having reviewed the new evidence that had come to light, the governor decided to _ the sentence Answers C Indicate whether the following pairs of terms have the same or different meanings: transmute / endanger same _ / different _ bionic / artificial same _ / different _ telemetry / space travel same _ / different _ centimeter / 1/1000 of a meter same _ / different _ philatelist / dancer same _ / different _ teleological / systematic same _ / different _ decalogue / set of rules same _ / different _ negligible / ignorable same _ / different _ infraction / split same _ / different _ 10 functionary / bureaucrat same _ / different _ Answers ... since the early 197 0s, when computer terminals in the home first began to be connected to so-called mainframe computers by telephone lines Since the creation of the World Wide Web in 199 1, and with... ending in -genic (such as allergenic), and in almost all of them the ending means “causing.” Quiz 19- 1 A Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a genre b symbiosis c carcinogenic d biodegradable... council,” “diplomatic dysfunction”) But they only really entered the general vocabulary in the 198 0s, when therapists and talk-show hosts began talking about dysfunctional families The signs

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 11:25