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Unit 13 CORD CULP DICT GNI/GNO GRAPH ART FORT CIS Animal Words Quiz 13-1 Quiz 13-2 Quiz 13-3 Quiz 13-4 Quiz 13-5 Review Quizzes 13 CORD, from the Latin word for “heart,” turns up in several common English words So does its Greek relative card-, which is familiar to us in words such as cardiac, “relating to the heart.” accord (1) To grant (2) To be in harmony; agree • What she told police under questioning didn't accord with the accounts of the other witnesses A new federal law may accord with—or be in accordance with—the guidelines that a company has already established The rowdy behavior of the hero Beowulf accords with Norse ideals of the early Middle Ages; but such behavior wouldn't have been in accordance with the ideals of a later young lord from the same general region, Shakespeare's Prince Hamlet Accord is also a noun, meaning “agreement.” Thus, we often hear of two countries signing a peace accord; and we also frequently hear of two things or people being “in accord with” each other concord agreement (1) A state of agreement: harmony (2) A formal • In 1801 Napoleon signed a concord with the pope reestablishing the Catholic Church in France The roots of concord suggest the meaning “hearts together.” At the very outset of the American Revolution, the town of Concord, Massachusetts, was the site of a famous battle—obviously not exactly in keeping with its name It shares that name with the capital of New Hampshire and a few other towns and cities, and Concordia, the original Latin word for “concord,” is the name of several Lutheran universities Today concord is a rather formal term, probably most often used to mean a specific agreement; thus, two countries may sign a concord on matters that have led to trouble in the past cordial Warm, friendly, gracious • After the meeting, the president extended a cordial invitation to everyone for coffee at her own house Anything that is cordial comes from the heart Cordial greetings to friends on the street, or cordial relations between two countries, are warm without being passionate Cordial is also a noun, which originally meant any stimulating medicine or drink that was thought to be good for the heart Today a cordial is a liqueur, a sweetened alcoholic drink with interesting flavoring Cordials such as crème de menthe, Drambuie, or Benedictine are alcoholic enough to warm the spirits and the heart discordant Being at odds, conflicting, not in harmony • The first discordant note at dinner was struck by my cousin, when he claimed the president was only interested in taking away our guns Discord, a word more common in earlier centuries than today, means basically “conflict,” so discordant often means “conflicting.” The opinions of Supreme Court justices are frequently discordant; justices who disagree with the Court's decision usually write a dissenting opinion Discordant is often used with a somewhat musical meaning, suggesting that a single wrong note or harmony has been heard in the middle of a performance—even though musical words such as chord actually come from a different Latin word, meaning “cord” or “string” (a reference to the strings of ancient instruments such as the lyre) CULP comes from the Latin word for “guilt.” Its best-known appearance in English is probably in culprit, meaning someone who is guilty of a crime culpable Deserving to be condemned or blamed • The company was found guilty of culpable negligence in allowing the chemical waste to leak into the groundwater Culpable normally means simply “guilty.” To a lawyer, “culpable negligence” is carelessness so serious that it becomes a crime—for instance, building a swimming pool in your suburban yard with no fence around it, so that a neighbor's child could fall in and drown But degrees of culpability are important in the law; someone who intended to harm always faces a more serious challenge in court than someone who was merely careless exculpate To clear from accusations of fault or guilt • The girls aren't proud of what they did that night, but they've been exculpated by witnesses and won't be facing criminal charges Exculpate gets its meaning from the prefix ex-, which here means “out of” or “away from.” A suspected murderer may be exculpated by the confession of another person And exculpatory evidence is the kind that defense lawyers are always looking for inculpate To accuse or incriminate; to show evidence of someone's involvement in a fault or crime • It was his own father who finally inculpated him, though without intending to Inculpate is the opposite of exculpate, just as inculpatory evidence is the opposite of exculpatory evidence By inculpating someone else, an accused person may manage to exculpate himself Through plea bargaining, the prosecution can often encourage a defendant to inculpate his friends in return for a lighter sentence mea culpa An admission of personal fault or error • The principal said his mea culpa at the school board meeting, but not all the parents were satisfied Mea culpa, Latin for “through my fault,” comes from the prayer in the Catholic mass in which, back when Latin was still the language of the mass, one would confess to having sinned “mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa” (“through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault”) When we say “Mea culpa” today, it means “I apologize” or “It was my fault.” But mea culpa is also common as a noun So, for instance, a book may be a long mea culpa for the author's past treatment of women, or an oil company may issue a mea culpa after a tanker runs aground Quiz 13-4 A Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a forte b fortify c fortification d precision e concise f excise g incisive h fortitude Ms Raymond's report was _ but managed to discuss all the issues Carpentry isn't his _, but he could probably build something simple like a bed They could _ their theory by positive results from some more experiments The judge was deeply knowledgeable about the case, and his questions to both lawyers were _ The last Spanish _ along the river proved to be the most difficult one for the French forces to take Whenever she was on the verge of despair, she remembered her grandfather's words about _ being the character trait most important for success Before eating an apple, some people carefully _ the brown spots What the tipsy darts players lacked in _ they made up for in enthusiasm Answers B Choose the closest definition: precision a accuracy b beauty c brilliance d dependence fortitude a armor b endurance c skill d weapon excise a add b examine c refuse d cut out forte a discipline b force c castle d special strength incisive a damaging b sharp c lengthy d definite fortification a diet b exercise c stronghold d belief concise a concentrated b sure c shifting d blunt fortify a attack b strengthen c struggle d excite Answers Animal Words apiary A place where bees are kept for their honey • Apple orchards are excellent sites for apiaries, since the bees keep the apple trees productive by pollinating them Beekeeping, or apiculture, is the care of honeybees that ensures that they produce more honey than they can use An apiary usually consists of many separate beehives The social life of a hive is strange and marvelous The queen bee, who will become the mother of an entire colony, is actually created by being fed “royal jelly” while she is still only a larva The tens of thousands of worker bees are underdeveloped females; only a handful of the bees are male, and they no work at all The workers defend the hive by kamikaze means, stinging any intruder and dying as they so There's more drama in a quiet-looking apiary than the casual observer might notice caper (1) A playful leap (2) A prank or mischievous adventure • For their caper in the girls' bathroom, all three seniors were suspended for a week Caper in Latin means “a male goat.” Anyone who has watched a young goat frolic in a field or clamber onto the roof of a car knows the kind of crazy fun the English word caper —which is also a verb—is referring to A capriole is a backward kick done in midair by a trained horse Capricorn, meaning “horned goat,” is a constellation and one of the signs of the zodiac And a capricious act is one that's done with as little thought as a frisky goat might give it equestrian Of or relating to horseback riding • The circus's equestrian acts, in which bareback riders performed daring acrobatic feats atop prancing horses, were her favorites Equestrian comes from equus, Latin for “horse.” Old statues of military heroes, like the famous one of General Sherman on New York's Fifth Avenue, are frequently equestrian In these sculptures the man always sits nobly upright on a horse, but the horse's stance varies; depending on whether the rider was killed in battle or survived, was victorious or defeated, the horse traditionally stands with four, three, or two hooves on the ground Equestrian statues have been popular through the centuries, because until the 20th century almost every officer in Europe and America was trained in equestrian skills and combat lupine Like a wolf; wolfish • Doctors reported that the boy showed lupine behavior such as snarling and biting, and walked with his knees bent in a kind of crouch Lupine comes from lupus, Latin for “wolf,” and its related adjective lupinus, “wolfish.” Lupine groups have a highly organized social structure, with leaders and followers clearly distinguished; dogs, since they're descended from wolves, often show these lupine patterns when living in groups Stories of children raised by wolves (the most famous being Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome) have generally been hard to prove, partly because “wild” children lack human language abilities and can't describe their experiences Lupine is also a noun, the name of a well-known garden flower, which was once thought to drain, or “wolf,” the soil of its nutrients ovine Of, relating to, or resembling sheep • In her veterinary practice she specialized in ovine medicine, but often treated cows and pigs as well Sheep belong to the same family of mammals as goats, antelope, bison, buffalo, and cows The genus Ovis includes at least five species, including the domestic sheep Some 12,000 years ago, in the area now known as Iraq, sheep became one of the first animals to be domesticated; only the dog is known to have been tamed earlier At first, they were valued for their milk, skin, and meat (mutton and lamb); not until about 1500 B.C did the weaving of wool begin Today a billion sheep are being farmed worldwide The term ovine (which is a noun as well as an adjective) is mostly used in scientific and medical writing—which means you could impress your friends by dropping it into a casual conversation ornithologist A person who studies birds • John James Audubon, the great painter of the birds of early America, was also a writing ornithologist of great importance The Greek root ornith- means “bird,” so ornithology is the study of birds Amateur ornithology, usually called birding or birdwatching, is an extraordinarily popular pastime in America, where over 40 million people pursue it Roger Tory Peterson's many field guides have long been some of the amateur ornithologist's most useful tools Amateurs often make essential contributions to serious ornithology, as in the annual Christmas Bird Count, when tens of thousands of birders fan out across North and South America to produce a kind of census of all the species in the New World serpentine winding Like a snake or serpent in shape or movement; • The Great Wall of China, the greatest construction of all time, wends its serpentine way for some 4,000 miles across the Chinese landscape A snake moves by curving and winding along the ground Roads through the Pyrenees, the mountains that separate Spain from France, tend to be serpentine, curving back and forth on themselves up and down the steep slopes Serpentine has other meanings as well As a noun, it's the name for a soft green mineral, and also for the party streamers you might throw at midnight on New Year's Eve The serpentine belt under the hood in your car is the long, looping belt that most of the car's accessories—the AC, the power steering, the alternator, and so on—depend on to get their power simian Having to with monkeys or apes; monkeylike • Every afternoon the pale youth could be found watching the simian antics in the Monkey House with strange intensity The Latin word for “ape” is simia, which itself comes from simus, “snubnosed.” Simian is usually a scientific word; thus, for instance, biologists study simian viruses in the search for cures to AIDS and other diseases But simian can be used by the rest of us to describe human behavior Human babies often cling to their mothers in a simian way, and kids playing on a jungle gym may look like simians But if you notice that a friend has a simian style of walking or eating bananas, it might be best not to tell him Quiz 13-5 Indicate whether the following pairs have the same or different meanings: equestrian / horselike same _ / different _ ornithologist / studier of birds same _ / different _ lupine / apelike same _ / different _ apiary / monkey colony same _ / different _ ovine / goatlike same _ / different _ caper / leap same _ / different _ simian / catlike same _ / different _ serpentine / winding same _ / different _ Answers Review Quizzes 13 A Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a artisan i inculpate b edict j serpentine c equestrian k precision d artifact l artifice e discordant m prognosis f cognitive n simian g apiary o jurisdiction h exculpate The farmer tended his _ lovingly and gathered delicious wildflower honey every year In trying to _ herself, she only made herself look guiltier They arrived in time to see the top riders compete in the championship _ event The doctor's _ is guarded, but she is cautiously optimistic that recovery will be complete It was a tall vase, with elaborate _ shapes winding around it from top to bottom Each side's anger at the other has set a sadly _ tone for the negotiations We set the clock with great _ on the first day of every new year He's trying hard to _ as many of his friends in the crime as he can These beautiful handblown goblets were obviously made by a talented _ 10 The final _ from the presidential palace commanded every citizen to wear a baseball cap at all times 11 The child scrambled over the wall with _ agility 12 They're worried about their son's mental health, though the doctors say his _ skills are fine 13 She found a small clay _ in the shape of a bear at the site of the ancient temple 14 He used every _ imaginable to hide his real age from the television cameras 15 Firing local teachers falls outside the superintendant's actual _ Answers B Choose the correct antonym: accord a harmonize b strengthen c differ d agree incisive a dull b noble c faulty d exceptional artful a lovely b sly c talented d awkward forte a weak point b sword c quarrel d pinnacle cordial a lazy b cool c terrific d heartfelt incognito a indoors b in disguise c as oneself d as you were fortify a construct b reinforce c supply d weaken concise a lengthy b wide c dated d brief culpable a prisonlike b misleading c guilty d innocent 10 concord a belief b conflict c deception d peace Answers C Choose the closest definition: ornithologist a student of fish b student of words c student of birds d student of wolves mea culpa a through my eyes b through my fault c through my door d through my work lupine a foxy b horselike c sheepish d wolfish discordant a energetic b temporary c phony d clashing jurisdiction a area of power b area of coverage c area of damage d area of target excise a call out b hold out c cut out d fold out choreography a book design b dance script c choir practice d bird study ovine a oval b egglike c sheep-related d birdlike dictum a word b statement c update d answer 10 caper a wolf b goat c character d prank Answers ... past treatment of women, or an oil company may issue a mea culpa after a tanker runs aground Quiz 13- 1 A Choose the closest definition: exculpate a convict b prove innocent c suspect d prove absent... climate scientists regularly prognosticate about how quickly the earth's atmosphere is warming Quiz 13- 2 A Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a agnostic b dictum c cognitive d jurisdiction... artisanal cheeses, breads, and chocolates—but probably not if you're watching your budget Quiz 13- 3 A Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a choreography b lithograph c artful d artisan

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 11:31


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