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Unit 17 ANIM FIG ANN/ENN EV CORP TANG/TACT CODI/CODE SIGN QUADR/QUART TETR Number Words Quiz 17-1 Quiz 17-2 Quiz 17-3 Quiz 17-4 Quiz 17-5 Review Quizzes 17 ANIM comes from the Latin anima, meaning “breath” or “soul.” So, for example, an animal is a living, breathing thing—though human animals have often argued about whether other species actually have souls animated (1) Full of life; lively, vigorous, active (2) Seeming or appearing to be alive • Her gestures as she talked were so animated that even people across the room were watching her Animated cartoon characters have been “given life” by film techniques, though the animation of drawings actually goes back to handheld toys in the 1830s A child watching the cartoon may also be animated—squealing, laughing, and jumping around—as can a crowd of hockey fans or a rockconcert audience And the best discussions and arguments are often highly animated magnanimous spirit (2) Generous and forgiving (1) Showing a lofty and courageous • She was magnanimous in victory, saying she'd been lucky to win and praising her opponent's effort The basic meaning of magnanimity is “greatness of spirit.” Thus, magnanimity is the opposite of pettiness or “smallness.” A truly magnanimous person can lose without complaining and win without gloating Angry disputes can sometimes be resolved when one side makes a magnanimous gesture toward the other And it's the mark of magnanimity to give credit to everyone who worked on a project even if you'd rather it all went to you animosity Ill will or resentment • Legend has it that the animosity between the Greeks and the Trojans began with the stealing of the beautiful Helen from her husband, Menelaus The important Latin word animus (very closely related to anima) could mean a great many things having to with the soul and the emotions, one of them being “anger.” As an English word, animus has generally meant “ill will,” so it isn't mysterious that animosity means basically the same thing Animosity can exist between two people, two groups or organizations, or two countries, and can sometimes lie hidden for years before reappearing The deep animosities that exist between certain ethnic and religious groups sometimes seem as if they will last forever inanimate (1) Not alive; lifeless (2) Not lively; dull • The sculptures of Rodin are so expressive that, although inanimate, they seem full of life and emotion The couch you sit on while you watch TV is an inanimate object, as is your footrest, your bag of snacks, and your remote control Spend too much time on that couch and you risk becoming a couch potato (A potato is an inanimate object.) FIG comes from a Latin verb meaning “to shape or mold” and a noun meaning “a form or shape.” So a figure is usually a shape A transfiguration transforms the shape or appearance of something And a disfiguring injury changes the appearance of part of the body for the worse figurative (1) Representing form or figure in art (2) Saying one thing in terms normally meaning or describing another thing • When the poet says he's been living in the desert, it's a figurative reference to his emotional life Words and phrases can have both literal and figurative meanings, and we all use words with both kinds of meanings every day of our lives We can literally close the door to a room, or we can figuratively close the door to further negotiations—that is, refuse to take part in them Figurative language includes figures of speech, such as similes (“she's been like a sister to me”) and metaphors (“a storm of protest”) And sometimes it's hard to tell whether a phrase is literal or figurative: If I say I “picked up” a little Spanish in Mexico, is that literal or figurative? You've probably noticed that lots of the definitions in this book show both a literal meaning (often something physical) and a figurative meaning (often nonphysical) configuration shape, design An arrangement of parts or elements; • We've changed the configuration of the office so that employees will have more privacy at their desks The term is very common in computer science and mathematics, and in scientific and technological fields in general Thus, for example, two scientists won a 1962 Nobel Prize for their description of the configuration of the DNA molecule Since then, researchers have studied what different configurations within the DNA strands mean and what they control, and genetic engineers have tried to configure or reconfigure DNA in new ways to prevent or treat diseases effigy hated person An image of a person, especially a crude representation of a • The night before the big game, an effigy of the rival coach was burned on a huge bonfire It was the practice of the ancient Egyptians to bury an effigy of a dead person along with that person's body The idea was that if anything happened to the body in the afterlife, the effigy could be used as a spare Effigy now usually refers to crude stuffed figures of the kind that get abused by angry protestors and unruly college students But the small dolls that witches have used to bring pain and death on their victims can be called effigies as well Actually, those witches and college kids seem to use their effigies for pretty much the same thing figment Something made up or imagined • His preference for Cindy is a figment of your imagination; believe me, he barely knows she exists A figment is something formed from imaginary elements Daydreams are figments; nightmares are figments that can seem very real Most figments are everyday fears and hopes about small things that turn out to be imaginary But when the radio play “The War of the Worlds” aired in 1938, it caused a panic among thousands of people who didn't realize the Martian invasion was just a figment of the author's imagination Number Words QUADR/QUART comes from Latin words meaning “four” or “fourth.” In English, a quart is one-fourth of a gallon, just as a quarter is one-fourth of a dollar A quadrangle has four sides and angles but isn't necessarily square And quadruplets are four babies born at the same time quadrant (1) A quarter of a circle (2) Any of the four quarters into which something is divided by two lines intersecting at right angles • Washington, D.C., like a number of other cities, is divided into quadrants called Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast This word is used for a traditional instrument, used to make calculations of altitude and traditionally employed by sailors to navigate, which has a piece shaped like a quarter of a circle A quadrant shower is a shower that fits snugly into a bathroom corner and displays a curved front, making a quadrant shape on the floor But perhaps quadrant is used most often today to name a particular quarter of a city quadrille A square dance popular in the 18th and 19th century, made up of five or six patterns for four couples • Quadrilles were very popular at balls in the American South before the Civil War The quadrille, named for its four couples that form the sides of a square, seems to have begun as a French country dance In the 18th century it became fashionable among the French nobility; as performed by elegantly dressed aristocrats, it became slow and formal It crossed over to England and from there to New England, where it turned back into a dance for the common people It soon evolved into the American square dance, a lively type of dance that employs a “caller” to make sure everyone remembers the steps quadriplegic Paralyzed in both arms and both legs • A motorcycle accident in her teens had killed her boyfriend and left her a quadriplegic Quadriplegia is the result of injury or illness, almost always affecting the spine Though a paraplegic has lost the use only of his or her legs, quadriplegics are paralyzed in all four limbs Today voice-activated wheelchairs help the quadriplegic get around, and houses can be equipped with similar systems to operate lights and appliances; monkeys have even been trained to assist quadriplegics with everyday tasks The work of the quadriplegic actor Christopher Reeve has led to remarkable advances in developing new nerve connections, enabling some determined paraplegics and quadriplegics to walk again quartile One of four equal groups each containing a quarter of a statistical population • The schools in our town always average in the lowest quartile in both reading and math achievement A quartile is a quarter of a specific group that has been tested or evaluated in specific ways The first quartile is the one that scores highest and the fourth quartile scores lowest For achievement and proficiency tests, the first quartile is the place to be; for blood pressure or cholesterol, the third quartile is healthier TETR comes from the Greek word for “four.” In the immensely popular video game Tetris, for example, each of the pieces the game is played with has four segments But the root usually shows up in long chemical names tetracycline A yellow broad-spectrum antibiotic • He was sent home with a prescription for tetracycline and some advice about how to avoid Lyme disease in the future Most chemical names are made up of two or more Greek and Latin roots strung together Thus, tetracycline, with its cycl- root from the Greek word for “circle,” means “four-ringed”—that is, “consisting of four fused hydrocarbon rings.” Antibiotics work against bacteria and other tiny organisms (but not viruses); tetracycline, which comes from a kind of soil bacteria, is one of the most used of the antibiotics “Broad-spectrum” antibiotics work well on numerous organisms; thus, tetracycline has proved effective against acne, chlamydia, cholera, rickets, and various lung and eye infections, among many other conditions tetrahedron A solid shape formed by four flat faces • Her son's box kites was a tetrahedron, and its pyramid shape was easy to pick out among the traditional designs flown by the other children The simplest tetrahedron is made of four equal-sided triangles: one is used as the base, and the other three are fitted to it and each other to make a pyramid But the great pyramids of Egypt aren't tetrahedrons: they instead have a square base and four triangular faces, and thus are five-sided rather than foursided tetralogy works A set of four connected literary, artistic, or musical • The Raj Quartet, Paul Scott's long and complex tetralogy of India, was made into a highly praised television series Vivaldi's Four Seasons could be called a tetralogy, since it's a set of four violin concertos, one for each season of the year Eight of Shakespeare's history plays are often grouped into two tetralogies Wagner's great Ring of the Nibelung, an opera tetralogy based on Norse mythology, contains about 18 hours of music The original tetralogies, however, were sets of four plays by the same author performed together in ancient Greece; the first three were always tragedies, and the last was a wild comedy Tetralogies were written by such great dramatists as Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripedes; unfortunately, none of them have survived in their entirety tetrapod A vertebrate with two pairs of limbs • His special study was the great seismosaurus, probably the largest tetrapod —and the largest land animal—that ever lived The earliest tetrapods, or “four-footed” animals, were mammal-like reptiles that evolved before the rise of the dinosaurs and ranged from mouse-sized to cow-sized Today the tetrapods include the reptiles, the amphibians, the birds, and the mammals—including humans Though the fish aren't classified as tetrapods, it's quite possible that our own limbs began as paired fins hundreds of millions of years ago Quiz 17-5 Match the definition on the left to the correct word on the right: four-sided solid a quadriplegic square dance b tetralogy one-fourth of a group c quadrant four connected works d tetrapod paralyzed in four limbs e quartile quarter f tetrahedron antibiotic g quadrille four-limbed animal h tetracycline Answers Review Quizzes 17 A Choose the correct synonym and the correct antonym: decode a translate b recover c encode d transmit animated a colorful b lifeless c smiling d vigorous tangible a readable b touchable c eternal d nonphysical animosity a affection b mammal c dedication d hatred corpulent a slim b spiritual c overweight d bodily figurative a modeled b literal c painted d symbolic corporal a military b bodily c nonphysical d reasonable perennial a two-year b lasting c temporary d flowering longevity a anniversary b shortness c uncertainty d permanence 10 primeval a recent b antique c ancient d swamplike Answers B Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a magnanimous k medieval b codicil l codex c corporeal m figment d intact n quartile e quadriplegic o tetrapod f effigy p coeval g inanimate q tetracycline h tactile r superannuated i millennium s incorporate j tetrahedron t signify When she woke from her coma, she reported the experience of floating in the air and looking down on her _ body The year 2000 marked the start of the third _ A.D In _ Europe, great walls were erected around entire cities for the protection of the people Every large land animal is a _, as is every bird In his victory speech he was _ to his opponents, promising them an important role in his government In these auctions, bidders _ that they're raising their bids by holding up a paddle with a number on it In this report she hoped to _ all the research she'd been doing for the last year In the rare-book room of the library, he found another _ containing three long poems in Old English A grade-point average that falls in the top _ earns a student special privileges 10 A _ can be a strong and stable structure, since it's made of four triangles 11 For the homecoming celebration, we made an _ of our opponents' mascot and draped it in black 12 We all know it's ridiculous to curse at _ objects when it's just our own clumsiness that's at fault 13 A _ to the environmental treaty provided for a special exception for three African countries 14 Because of technological advances and access laws, the life of a _ is far less restricted than it once was 15 Being blind, his _ sense was extremely well developed 16 It was a terrible experience, but they came through it with their sense of humor _ 17 The idea that my parents don't like you is a _ of your imagination 18 She knows that creaky old chair is _, but she loves it and wouldn't give it up for anything 19 That tree was planted when I was born, so it and I are _ 20 Penicillin and _ are among the most useful of the antibiotics Answers C Match the definition on the left to the correct word on the right: incidental a configuration will addition b tetralogy politeness c annuity arrangement d tact regular payment e codify formal dance f quadrille four-part work g tangential seal h signet signer i codicil 10 classify j signatory Answers ... people who didn't realize the Martian invasion was just a figment of the author's imagination Quiz 17- 1 A Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a inanimate b figurative c animated d effigy... their tiny organisms and plant matter over millions of years produced our petroleum and coal Quiz 17- 2 A Choose the closest definition: perennial a flowerlike b excellent c everlasting d thorough... might mean something like a company's good reputation—very valuable, but not quite touchable Quiz 17- 3 A Fill in each blank with the correct letter: a incorporate b tangible c corporal d tactile

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 11:25