HNUE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Educational Sciences, 2021, Volume 66, Issue 4AB, pp 48-54 This paper is available online at DOI: 10.18173/2354-1075.2021-0060 THE FUNCTION OF SPECIAL SCHOOLS AS LOCAL SPECIAL EDUCATION CENTERS: A CASE STUDY OF THREE SPECIAL SCHOOLS IN WAKAYAMA Katsunori Furui 1, Yoshiko Ueyama2, Mari Takenaka2, Hitomi Miyamoto2 and Tetsuro Takeda1 Wakayama University, 2Graduated student Wakayama University Astract In Japan, special schools are required to function as local special education centers (“center function”) This study aimed to discuss the situation, tasks, and future directions of the “center function” through a case study of three special schools in Wakayama Prefecture An interview survey was conducted with teachers assuming the lead role of the “center function” in three special schools An analysis of interview data revealed the fol1owing finding The five following points were common aspects of the “center function” in the three special schools The first was providing educational consultations (including outreach consultations) to elementary and junior high schools, etc The second point concerned conducting collaboration meetings for special needs education in elementary and junior high schools The third regarded participating in collaboration councils with related organizations, such as regional independent living support councils The fourth point was providing educational tools and equipment The final point was introducing information about medical and social welfare services A different point lied in regional characteristics The future tasks of the “center function” include enhancing consultation skills regarding secondary disabilities and non-attendance at school, as well as the career course of junior high school students in special classes for autism and emotional disabilities Furthermore, collaboration is needed with regular high schools, as well as the effective utilization of individual educational plans in Wakayama Prefecture Keywords: special school, center function, educational consultation, special classes for autism and emotional disabilities Introduction In Japan, special schools are required to function as local special education centers (“center function”) According to “the way of special needs education for the future” [1], the “center function” involved six functions (Table1), 1) A function of providing support for teachers at elementary schools, junior high schools etc., 2) A function of consulting and providing information about special needs education, 3) A function of teaching and providing support for children with disabilities, 4) A function of contacting and collaborating with related organizations (social welfare, medical, and labor services), 5) A function of cooperating with an instruction course conducted by elementary and junior high schools etc., 6) A function of establishing institutions and facilities for children with disabilities Iwayama (2021) conducted a text-mining analysis of 151 previous studies on the “center function.” The results showed that most previous studies examined the present situation and Received July 21, 2021 Revised August 14, 2021 Accepted September 2, 2021 Contact Katsunori Furui E-mail address: 48 The function of special schools as local special education centers: A case study of three… and tasks, and the contents of Table1 1) and Table1 4) were not involved in previous studies As reviewed above, this study aimed to discuss the situation, tasks, and future directions of the “center function” through a case study of three special schools in Wakayama Prefecture Table Center function in special schools 1) A function of providing support for teachers at elementary schools, junior high schools etc 2) A function of consulting and providing information about special needs education 3) A function of teaching and providing support for children with disabilities 4) A function of contacting and collaborating with related organizations (social welfare, medical, and labor services) 5) A function of cooperating with an instruction course conducted by elementary and junior high schools etc 6) A function of establishing institutions and facilities for children with disabilities Content 2.1 Methods An interview survey was conducted with teachers assuming the lead role of the “center function” in three special schools during May 2021 The profiles of the three schools are provided in Table Special school A was established in 2012 At April, 2021, the number of students was 209 and the number of teachers was 112 There is a regular high school in the same compound Special school B was established in 1999 At April, 2021, the number of students was 229 and the number of teachers was 117 Special school B was established in 1986 At April, 2021, the number of students was 178 and the number of teachers was 101 Each of the three schools in Wakayama Prefecture has elementary (six years), junior high school (three years), and high school (three years) sections Targeted students were children with intellectual and physical disabilities Recently, there is an increasing tendency for students with disabilities to enter three special schools The items of the interview survey consisted of six functions, as shown in Table1 Results were suggested for each item and examined at common or different points Table Profiles of the three schools Special school A Special school B Special school C Year of establishment 2012 1999 1986 Number of students (April, 2021) 209 229 178 Number of teachers* (April, 2021) 112 117 101 Comment field There is a regular high school in the same compound *including teachers in administrative positions and paraprofessional educators, Yogo teachers (teachers in the school healthcare room) 49 Katsunori Furui, Yoshiko Ueyama, Mari Takenaka, Hitomi Miyamoto and Tetsuro Takeda 2.2 Results 2.2.1 A function of providing support for teachers at elementary and junior high schools, etc (Table 3) a) Special school A A teacher assuming the lead role of the “center function” participated in a collaboration meeting for special needs education School members at this meeting included members of a junior high school and two elementary schools in the community A teacher in special school A also participated in a conference of special classes in elementary and junior high schools within special school A’s area A teacher provided advice regarding questions from teachers of special classes and information about activities and support methods for children with disabilities at this conference b) Special school B The results showed that special school B conducted educational consultations (including outreach consultations) for elementary and junior high schools These consultations included aspects about parenting and understanding the features of disabilities and assessment, education contents, the introduction of educational tools and equipment, research cooperation, and information about special needs education Moreover, special school B made references within its network Teachers with center functions engaged in educational activities on disability and special needs education at elementary and junior high schools c) Special school C The results showed that special school C also conducted educational consultations (including outreach consultations) with elementary and junior high schools These consultations included the following aspects: 1) support methods for emotional, behavioral, and learning problems, 2) assessment, 3) training methods of learning, 4) learning to formulate an individual educational plan, and 5) therapeutic educational activities Based on the circumstances, these consultations were conducted in collaboration with the Board of Education and social welfare services Table A function of providing support for teachers at elementary and junior high schools, etc of the three schools Special school A Special school B Special school C ・Participation in a collaboration meeting for special needs education ・Participation in a conference of special classes in elementary and junior high schools ・Educational consultations for elementary and junior high schools ・References within its network ・Educational consultations for elementary and junior high schools 2.2.2 A function of consulting and providing information about special needs education (Table 4) a) Special school A Educational consultations (including outreach consultations) were conducted for preschool services and elementary, junior high, and high schools within special school A’s area Teachers assuming the lead role of the “center function” participated in school meetings and workshops, and provided advice b) Special school B As a center function, special school B provided advice on assessing children with disabilities at elementary and junior high schools A role-play about support for children with disabilities could be performed in an educational consultation Information about educational tools and instructional equipment was provided through training and movies Workshop and 50 The function of special schools as local special education centers: A case study of three… seminar guidance was also offered Information provision about support for school attendance and references to related organizations (social welfare and medical services, etc.) were ensured as part of the “center function.” c) Special school C As previously noted, educational consultations (including outreach consultations) were conducted Moreover, consultations regarding hearing problems were conducted in collaboration with deaf school teachers and special needs education coordinators at school C, a speech therapist in the health center, and childcare centers The hearing, speech, and visual consultations were provided in special school C, involving blind and deaf school teachers Opportunities to observe and become a student at special school C, learning, and consultations about school attendance and entering further education enabled school transformation Coordinator workshops were held, including special needs education coordinators at elementary and junior high schools Educational tools and instructional equipment were also introduced Table A function of consulting and providing information about special needs education of the three schools Special school A Special school B ・Educational consultations ・Participation in school meetings and workshops ・Educational consultations ・Information about educational tools and instructional equipment ・Participation in school meetings and workshops ・Information provision about support for school attendance and references to related organizations Special school C ・Educational consultations ・Hearing, speech, and visual consultations ・Consultations about school attendance ・Coordinator workshops et al 2.2.3 A function of teaching and supporting children with disabilities (Table 5) a) Special school A Special school A provided indirect support for students with disabilities in regular schools In 2021, it began to support students at regular high schools in the same compound b) Special school B According to the needs of consultants, books, educational tools, instructional equipment, workshop information, etc were suggested In special school B, the “center function” provided indirect support from performing assessments and behavior observation to supporting and teaching children with disabilities for regular schools c) Special school C Special school C also provided indirect support for students with disabilities at regular schools Table A function of teaching and supporting children with disabilities of the three schools Special school A Special school B ・Indirect support for ・Indirect support from performing students with disabilities assessments and behavior observation in regular schools et al ・Suggestion of books, educational tools, instructional equipment, workshop information Special school C ・Indirect support for students with disabilities at regular schools 51 Katsunori Furui, Yoshiko Ueyama, Mari Takenaka, Hitomi Miyamoto and Tetsuro Takeda 2.2.4 A function of contacting and collaborating with related organizations (Table 6) a) Special school A Teachers assuming the lead role of the “center function” participated in X city regional independent living support councils (children’s section) The council discussed various aspects, such as sexuality education and behavioral support, social welfare services, and COVID-19 prevention measures Teachers also participated in community support councils, in which case conferences and information exchanges were conducted with the staff of welfare and labor support institutions Special school A cooperated with a child counseling center for students to update the identification booklet for intellectual disability The collaboration involved making a list of names and guidance for parents, and preparing the location and materials for tests Special school A contacted and collaborated with related organizations (medical services, afterschool day services, workplace of graduate students, practical place, etc., and provided information about students at this school as needed b) Special school B As with special school A, special school B contacted and collaborated with related organizations (preschool institutions, other special schools, the city’s Board of Education, the counseling and support place for people with disabilities, the regional independent living support council, the health center) As needed, special school B provided contact with a related organization for information about students at this school c) Special school C Medical and social welfare services were introduced Special school C familiarized individual educational plans with related organizations Individual transition plans were formulated in collaboration with related organizations Special school C had medical services, and physical, occupational, and speech therapists intervene to provide information about students at this school Four school collaborations were implemented, including a group in which a deaf school took charge and provided support for hearing problems Four schools were involved with a deaf school in a prefectural capital and three special schools located far from a prefectural capital (special schools A and B are in the prefectural capital) These three special schools, including special school C, acted as a hearing support center Special school C participated in regional independent living support councils (six times per year) In community special needs education conferences, information exchange with medical services and social welfare, school education, and workshops were conducted (twice per year) Table A function of contacting and collaborating with related organizations of the three schools Special school A ・Participation in X city regional independent living support councils (children’s section) ・Participation in community support councils et al Special school B ・Contact and collaboration with related organizations ・Contact with a related organization for information about students et al Special school C ・Participation in regional independent living support councils ・Introduction of medical and social welfare services ・Hearing support center et al 2.2.5 A function of cooperating with an instruction course conducted by elementary and junior high schools, etc (Table 7) a) Special school A 52 The function of special schools as local special education centers: A case study of three… Special school A designed and managed a meeting to advance special needs education with elementary and junior high schools in the school area In this meeting, educational practices were presented by special school A, a questionnaire survey was answered, and an educational tool was introduced b) Special school B Special school B received requests from lecturers in an instruction course opened at regular schools The lecture theme was understanding disabilities, developmental disorders, the perspectives and characteristic features of children with special needs, and how to teach and support children Special school B also hosted a summer seminar about assessment and educational tools, and held open class events on special needs education c) Special school C In liaison with a council of coordinators in the inner school area and in a group of coordinators in Y city, an instruction course and information exchange were conducted Special school C received requests from lecturers in an instruction course opened at elementary and junior high schools Table A function of cooperating with an instruction course conducted by elementary and junior high schools, etc of the three schools Special school A Special school B Special school C ・A meeting to advance special needs education with elementary and junior high schools ・Lecturers in an instruction course opened at regular schools ・a summer seminar about assessment and educational tools et al ・Lecturers in an instruction course opened at regular schools ・Liaison with a council of coordinators in the inner school area et al 2.2.6 A function of establishing institutions and facilities for children with disabilities (Table 8) a) Special school A The lending of a developmental test was conducted Educational tools and instructional equipment were introduced in educational consultations and meetings for advancing special needs education b) Special school B Special school B lent an athletic ground to a softball team of graduate students, a special Olympics group, and parents of students c) Special school C Special school C lent educational tools and instructional equipment, reference books (textbooks for children with intellectual disabilities, etc.), and conducted checklists (NC program) Further, it provided a location for club and group activities for graduate students Table A function of establishing institutions and facilities for children with disabilities of the three schools Special school A Special school B Special school C ・Lending of a developmental test ・Lending an athletic ・Lending educational tools ・Introduction of educational ground to a softball team and instructional equipment, reference books et al tools and instructional equipment of graduate students 2.2.7 The similarities and differences in the function of the three special school 53 Katsunori Furui, Yoshiko Ueyama, Mari Takenaka, Hitomi Miyamoto and Tetsuro Takeda a) The similarities in the function of three special schools The five following points were common aspects of the “center function” in the three special schools(Table 9) The first was providing educational consultations (including outreach consultations) to elementary and junior high schools, etc The contents of the consultations included learning training, behavioral problems, and non-attendance at school The second point concerned conducting collaboration meetings for special needs education in elementary and junior high schools The third regarded participating in collaboration councils with related organizations, such as regional independent living support councils The fourth point was providing educational tools and equipment The final point was introducing information about medical and social welfare services Table The similarities in the function of the three special schools 1)Providing educational consultations (including outreach consultations) to elementary and junior high schools, etc 2)Conducting collaboration meetings for special needs education in elementary and junior high schools 3)Participating in collaboration councils with related organizations 4)Providing educational tools and equipment 5)Introducing information about medical and social welfare services b) The differences in the function of three special schools A different point lied in regional characteristics Specifically, as special school C was located far from a prefectural capital, it acted as the “center function” of a broad area, including regarding hearing problems Although Table 4) was not involved in previous studies, this study suggested that special schools act as a “center function” in advanced collaboration with related organizations such as medical and social welfare services Conclusion The future tasks of the “center function” include enhancing consultation skills regarding secondary disabilities and non-attendance at school, as well as the career course of junior high school students in special classes for autism and emotional disabilities Recently, in Japan, there has been an increasing tendency for regular junior high school students with mild intellectual disabilities or developmental disorders to enter special schools The “center function” is requested to conduct consultations for regular junior high school students with mild intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities with emotional and/or behavioral problems Furthermore, collaboration is needed with regular high schools, as well as the effective utilization of individual educational plans in Wakayama Prefecture REFERENCES [1] Central Council for Education, 2005 “The way of special needs education for the future” ( icsFiles/afieldfile/201 7/09/22/1212704_001.pdf , 2021.6.16.) [2] Isaka,Yukio and Nakano, Asako, 2009 “Current Status of and Relating to the Function of Special Schools as Local Special Education Centers in Japan” Journal of Special Education Research, 47(1), 13-21 [3] Iwayama, Eri, 2021 “Research trends regarding the center function of special schools : text mining using a paper titles” The journal of the Teaching Career Center (6), 45-49 54 ... and future directions of the “center function” through a case study of three special schools in Wakayama Prefecture Table Center function in special schools 1) A function of providing support... the number of students was 178 and the number of teachers was 101 Each of the three schools in Wakayama Prefecture has elementary (six years), junior high school (three years), and high school... learning to formulate an individual educational plan, and 5) therapeutic educational activities Based on the circumstances, these consultations were conducted in collaboration with the Board of