Nature The great, dark powers often recruit (or kidnap) particularly intelligent, violent Half Orc child soldiers Beaten and indoctrinated into unthinking obedience and evil, the young Half Orcs are lowered into mystical rebirth pits that grow from the blood stained soil and trapped within A mixture of mud, bloody ichor and strange alchemical acids are pumped in, and if the creature within survives the transformation, it emerges nine nights later as a powerful Urrk Urrks have dense, charcoal grey hides, in contrast to the greenish skins of ordinary Orckind Urrks emerge from their rebirth pits with an instinctive mastery of combat and a basic understanding of tactics and command Superbly equipped by their cruel masters, elite Urrk warriors command troops of ordinary Orc and Goblin dregs, instilling basic discipline through sheer violence and terror Ushabti – CR Medium LN Construct (extraplanar, lawful) XP 2,400 Init +1 Senses Darkvision 60 ft, lowlight vision, Perception +5 Languages Common or an ancient Egyptian or pre-Arabic dialect, Celestial Defense AC 18 Touch 11 Flatfooted 17 (+1 DEX, +5 natural, +2 deflection) HP 8d10 +30 hp (74 HP) FORT +4 REF +5 WILL +11 Immune construct immunities (see Weaknesses, below) Weaknesses Ensouled Offense Spd 30 ft Melee +11/+6 disrupting light mace (1d6+3 bludgeoning plus disruption W-DC 14 negates, 20/x2) Spellcasting (CL 5th Concentration +14) The Ushabti casts spells as a 5th level Cleric Third – Bestow Curse (W-DC 18), Elemental Speech, Wrathful Mantle Second – Align Weapon, Consecrate, Ghostbane Dirge, Weapon of Awe (prepared twice) First – Bane, Cause Fear (prepared twice) (W-DC 16), Command (prepared twice) (W-DC 16) Zero – Create Water, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Virtue Statistics Str 14 Dex 13 Con – Int 12 Wis 21 Cha 15 Base Atk +8 CMB +10 CMD 21 Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Iron Will Skills Craft (one of choice) +9, Knowledge (religion, the planes) both at +9 Gear ring of protection +2, jeweled pectoral of resistance +2 (as cloak), +1 disrupting light mace Ecology Environment any (extraplanar) Organization solitary, or found in groups approximating social groupings found in life Treasure double standard (in lair and including combat gear) Special Abilities Ensouled (EX) An Ushabti has a true, intelligent soul and unlike other Constructs, the Ushabti is affected by mind-affecting effects normally, lacking the normal Construct immunity