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Nemesis unleashed volume II 16

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1 trust Damnation Books to educate them and sharpen their minds Others trust Damnation Books with their finances, with scheduling and disciplining their mortal servants, and with other affairs that require both a degree of trust and a gift for organization Damnation Books are only mediocre combatants, despite their necromantic training As such, they are rarely found on the battlefield Damnation Books are huge leather-bound tomes whose covers are bound in the tanned hide of an intelligent being The front cover bears a snarling face with unnaturally intelligent eyes, which communicates in a high, nasal voice Damnation Books are egotistical, petty and tyrannical, especially to mortals under their direct supervision Their pages are rich velum, covered in tiny, cramped scripts concealing necromantic secrets and alchemical formulae They fly mystically, which depending on the individual Book, means it might hover majestically or flap around like some demented bat Devil, Brutalis – CR 10 summon monster I Cantrips – (DC 16 where applicable) bleed, daze, mage hand, touch of fatigue Statistics Str Dex 16 Con – Int 22 Wis 16 Cha 15 Base Atk +3 CMB +2 CMD 15 (immune to trip) Feats Combat Casting, Fly-By AttackB, HoverB, Weapon Finesse Skills Flight +19, Knowledge (arcana, history, at least others) all at +14, Linguistics +14, Stealth +8, Spellcraft +14 Ecology Environment urban or ruins Organization solitary or in flocks of up to 1d6+1 (often called a collection), or enormous flocks of up to 20-30 (called a library) Treasure standard (in lair) Nature Damnation Books are strange, studious undead with genius intellects, constructed by wealthy necromancers, liches and vampire royalty as librarians, tutors, castellans and major domos Powerful undead with still-living children and families (or mortal students or acolytes) Large LE Outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful) XP 9,600 Init +1 Senses Darkvision 60 ft, lowlight vision, see in darkness, Perception +15 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal Defense AC 22 Touch 10 Flatfooted 21 (-1 size, +1 DEX, +12 natural) HP 13d10 +65 hp (137 HP) FORT +12 REF +4 WILL +9 Spell Resistance 15 Immune Fire, poison Resist Acid 10, Cold 10 Offense Spd 40 ft Flight 120 ft (average) Melee +23/+18/+13 axiomatic flaming greatsword (1d12+9 slashing plus 1d6 fire, 19-20/x2) Special Attacks Bardic Performance (33 rounds/day, Inspire Competence +4, Inspire Courage +3) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th Concentration +15) At Will – detect chaos, detect good, detect evil, detect law - magic circle against chaos 1x/day – mass bull’s strength - summon (1d3 Brutalis Devils, 65%) Statistics Str 25 Dex 12 Con 21 Int 13 Wis 15 Cha 16 Base Atk +13 CMB +21 CMD 32 Feats Cleave, Enforcer, Great Cleave, Intimidating

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:22