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Nemesis unleashed volume II 65

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 Nature An Umbralobe is not a spider, though it wears an arachnid form It is a hateful, obsidian bolus of darkness, greed and envy given form and consciousness Umbralobes keep to the world’s dark places, preferring remote caverns and mountain lairs, far from the hated light of the sun Umbralobes exist solely to feed, and the species has no community nor sense of common purpose Umbralobes make their lairs a continent away from their nearest rivals – at minimum – because the creatures know if they encounter another of their own kind, murder is the only option Umbralobes hold grandiose and horrific dreams of eating the stars themselves, of murdering all things in the Multiverse until they are alone in the darkness of pure entropy Despite their boasts, and their murderous fantasies, Umbralobes are too small an evil to extinguish the stars The spider-like outsiders are phenomenally lazy, in a torpor for months at a time Once an Umbralobe establishes a lair, it hunts the surrounding area to extinction, allowing a dark legend to grow up around it The Umbralobe tortures and devours any creature who comes into its lair, and does not actually lead, nor inspire the evil beings that often come to worship it as a living god of darkness However, if it can convince some unfortunate hominids living nearby to sacrifice to it, the lazy creature welcomes the easy meat Urrk – CR Large LE Humanoid (human, orc) XP 1,200 Init +1 Senses Lowlight vision, Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +10 Languages Common, Orc Defense AC 19 Touch 12 Flatfooted 18 (-1 size, +1 DEX, +7 armor, +2 shield) HP 5d8 +20 hp (43 HP) FORT +8 REF +5 WILL +3 (+5 vs fear) Resist Cold 5, Fire Offense Spd 40 ft Melee +6 greataxe (1d12+4 slashing, 20/x3) Ranged +3 longbow (1d10+4 piercing, 20/x3, 110 ft range increment) Statistics Str 19 Dex 13 Con 18 Int 11 Wis 14 Cha 10 Base Atk +3 CMB +8 CMD 19 Feats Cleave, Intimidating Prowess, Lunge, Power Attack Skills Intimidate +12, Perception +10 Gear mwk greataxe, mwk composite longbow (+4) and 30 arrows, mwk chainmail, mwk buckler Ecology Environment any land Organization Urrk fight as sergeants and elite troops in Orc warbands, and might lead or accompany Savage Green Hordes Treasure standard (including gear) Special Abilities Terrifying Roar (EX) The Urrk can unleash a terrifying roar, audible for miles around All creatures within a 60 ft burst of the Urrk must succeed at a DC 16 WILL Save or become frightened for as long as the Urrk is alive, conscious and in sight, attempting a new WILL Save at the end of each turn to end the effect A creature can only be affected by a particular Urrk’s terrifying roar once per day

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:26


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