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Nemesis unleashed volume II 63

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 Nature Totem Ghul are other-dimensional predators specifically adapted to feed on the delicious, supple meat – and the proud souls – of the Anthro race Totem Ghul are utterly selfish, hedonistic undead who maintain a veneer of civility and culture at all time They have tightly controlled, almost charming demeanors, but when angered or frustrated, their words take on an obvious undercurrent of threat Totem Ghul consider themselves connoisseurs of Anthro flesh, and only lower themselves to feeding on Anthro peasants and children when maddened by hunger At other times, Totem Ghul can afford to be patient – they string out particularly enjoyable hunts for weeks before moving in for the kill They often drain a particularly strong Anthro nearly to the point of death, then allow their victim a few weeks to recover, before starting the inexorable process of predation all over again When a Totem Ghul finally makes its kill, it prepares a decadent banquet, prepared by highly paid chefs and sommeliers, and has the unfortunate creature’s hide expertly tanned and taxidermized Totem Ghul are tall, proud beings with bruised-violet skin and sharp features They dress like cruel nobles, favoring dark colors and rich textures Enormously wealthy and well connected to occult artisans, they wear well-chosen mystical wards designed to let them survive exorcism attempts or the claws of their favorite prey Totem Ghul are expert dimensional travelers, who travel the infinite Multiverse at their whim They are utterly unflappable and comfortable on worlds of both magic and technology They adapt easily to new places and cultures The species has walked the planes so long their true origins are unknown Totem Ghuls are solitary horrors, but occasionally one might use its ability to create Anthros to conjure a bound servant, an Anthro slave the creature almost invariably refers to as its “Renfeld” The luckiest of these Renfelds are left behind to start a new life when its Totem Ghul master tires of the dimension and moves on Most are slaughtered and devoured before the Ghul leaves the plane Umbralobe – CR 18 Gargantuan NE Outsider (evil, extraplanar) XP 153,600 Init +4 Senses Darkvision 300 ft, lowlight vision, see in darkness, truesight, scent Perception +32 Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal Aura Dread Aura (30 ft, W-DC 25 or become frightened) Defense AC 20 Touch 14 Flatfooted 15 (-4 size, +4 DEX, +1 dodge, +6 natural, +3 profane) HP 25d10 +200 hp (338 HP) Damage Reduction 10/good FORT +17 REF +21 WILL +25 Immune ability score damage/drain, negative energy, poison, sickened and nauseated conditions Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness Offense Spd 60 ft Climb 60 ft Melee four +27 talons (2d10+7 slashing, 19-20/x3) plus +24 bite (3d10+3 piercing plus poison, 20/x3) Bloating Rot Poison Injury Poison Save: FORT DC 31 Duration: 1/round for 10 rounds Initial Effect: target is staggered and suffers double their normal armor check penalty The victim’s body swells grotesquely while major blood vessels burst The victim swells into the next size category for the effect’s duration Secondary Effect: 1d4 DEX and 1d6 CON Cure: consecutive saves Ranged +25 poisoned web (immobilization plus poison, 50 ft range increment, DC 29, 25 HP) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 25th Concentration +32) Constant – true seeing At Will – black tentacles - deeper darkness - greater teleport (self only) - summon (1d6+1 shadow demons (B1) or 1d4 Goliath Spiders (B4), 100%) Statistics Str 23 Dex 19 Con 25 Int 18 Wis 25 Cha 17 Base Atk +25 CMB +35 (+37 disarm and trip) CMD 49 (57 vs trip) Feats Ability Focus (bloating rot poison), Bleeding Critical, Blinding Critical, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Critical Mastery, Dodge, Greater Disarm, Greater Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Run

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:23


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