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Nemesis unleashed volume II 18

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1 much like Diplomacy or Intimidate in terms of how much effort the crowd will expend The Brutalis Devil can gain a cumulative bonus on this check for several reasons, described below: • +1d6 if the hated target or group has committed a recent, notorious crime in the area • +1d6 if the Brutalis Devil merely asks the crowd to stand aside and allow the Devil to kill or torture the target, rather than take direct action themselves • +1d4 if the Brutalis Devil can phrase its hatespeech in religious terms the group believes in • +5 if the Brutalis Devil uses its mass bull’s strength ability to empower the mob If someone in the crowd opposes the Brutalis Devil, they can attempt a Perform (oratory) themselves Doing so sets the check DC for the ability to their Perform (oratory) result if it is higher than DC 15 If the Brutalis Devil uses this ability again, the mood of the prior crowd suddenly shifts, and they are no longer (unnaturally) consumed with hatred for their target Vigilante Justice (SU) If the Brutalis Devil personally slays a creature (or member of a group) targeted by its hatespeech ability, it recovers Hit Points per Hit Die of the target if wounded Hit Points excess of its normal maximum are gained as Temporary Hit Points, which remain for one hour Nature Brutalis Devils embody the concept of ‘might makes right’ These brutish, sadistic thugs encourage the most brutal and draconian forms of law – merciless rule where any infraction if punished by public torture and execution They revel in the brutality of police and civic watches, encourage nobles to test newly commissioned swords on the first peasants that offend them The least intelligent and ambitious Brutalis Devils content themselves with stirring up lynch mobs and fermenting hate crimes Older and more ambitous Brutalis Devils set their sights higher If their passionate and legally-sound but monstrous arguments can put into place systems of discrimination and oppression that will last for generations, the act greatly advances their stations in Hell’s hierarchy To advance Hellish law throughout the realms, Brutalis Devils often become court advisers, military officers or royal executioners in lawful evil nations, working openly as an emissary of Hell Brutalis Devils are enormous and sinewy, standing around ten feet tall and weighing tons Their sandpaper hides are a dull golden, and their shoulders and the crown of their heads are crested with horns They carry enormous swords of cruel flame Brutalis Devils carry themselves like soldiers, standing at a menacing parade rest most of the time, except when fighting or orating They have deep, somber voices A quirk of infernal magic means that their voice always sounds exactly like the father of whoever hears them Dragon, Beast – CR 12 Huge N Dragon (earth) XP 19,200 Init +0 Senses Darkvision 120 ft, lowlight vision, scent, see in darkness, Perception +25 Languages Draconic, speak with animals Aura Aura of Fecundity (the natural world is incredibly healthy for miles around the dragon’s lair) Defense AC 26 Touch Flatfooted 26 (-2 size, +18 natural) HP 14d12 +98 hp (189 HP) Regeneration 10 (fire) FORT +16 REF +9 WILL +17 Immune Acid, charm, sleep, non-magical Slashing damage Resist Cold 10, Electricity 15 Offense Spd 50 ft Flight 100 ft (average) Melee two +22 claws (2d10+10 slashing, 19-20/x3) plus +22 gore (2d12+15 piercing plus Bleed 5, 20/x3) plus bite (5d6 piercing and 2d6 acid, 20/x2 and swallow whole) Special Attacks Fast Swallow, Rake (two claws, 2d10+10 slashing), Swallow Whole (5d6 bludgeoning plus 2d6 acid, AC 19, 19 HP), Verdant Breath (100 ft line, usable every 1d3 rounds, 7d6 acid plus entangled, R-DC 24 half Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th Concentration +25) Constant – speak with animals At Will – call lightning storm (R-DC 23) - calm animals (W-DC 19) - command plants (W-DC 22) - summon nature’s ally III 3x/day – summon nature’s ally VI Statistics Str 30 Dex 11 Con 25 Int Wis 27 Cha 12 Base Atk +14 CMB +26 (+28 drag, sunder) CMD 36 (40 vs trip) Feats Combat Casting, Greater Sunder, Hover, Improved Drag, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Run, Sundering Strike Skills Intimidate +18, Knowledge (nature) +15, Perception +25, Stealth +6, Survival +25

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:25