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Study of the United States Institutes for University Scholars 2015 Information and Application Instructions Dear Candidate, please read this before completing the application below PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Study of the U.S Institutes for University Faculty are intensive post-graduate level academic programs with integrated study tours whose purpose is to provide foreign university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their understanding of U.S society, culture, values, and institutions The ultimate goal is to strengthen curricula and to enhance the quality o teaching about the United States in academic institutions in Ecuador The different programs will take place at various colleges, universities and institutions throughout the United States over the course of six weeks beginning in or after June 2015 The programs for university faculty are:  CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LITERATURE, its purpose is twofold: to explore contemporary American writers and writing in a variety of genres; and to suggest how the themes explored in those works reflect larger currents within contemporary U.S society and culture The program will explore the diversity of the American literary landscape, examining how major contemporary writers, schools and movements reflect the traditions of the U.S literary canon At the same time, the program will expose participants to writers who represent a departure from that tradition, and who are establishing new directions for American literature Host institution: University of Louisville, Kentucky For professors in: Literature  JOURNALISM AND MEDIA, the program will examine the rights and responsibilities of the media in a democratic society, including editorial independence, journalistic ethics, legal constraints, international journalism, and media business models The Institute will cover strategies for teaching students of journalism the basics of the tradecraft: researching, reporting, writing, and editing The program will also highlight technology's impact on journalism, such as the influence of the internet, the globalization of the news media, the growth of satellite television and radio networks, and other changes in media that are transforming the profession Host institution: Ohio University For professors in: Journalism  U.S CULTURE AND SOCIETY, this institute will examine the ethnic, racial, social, economic, political, and religious contexts in which various cultures have manifested themselves in U.S society while focusing on the ways in which these cultures have influenced social movements and American identity throughout U.S history The program will draw from a diverse disciplinary base, and will itself provide a model of how a foreign university might approach the study of U.S culture and society Host institution: New York University For professors in: American studies, History, Anthropology, Sociology  US FOREIGN POLICY, this program will provide university faculty with a deeper understanding of how contemporary U.S foreign policy is formulated and implemented The Institute will include a historical review of significant events, individuals, and philosophies that have shaped U.S foreign policy The Institute will explain the role of key players in U.S foreign policy including the executive and legislative branches of government, the media, the U.S public, think-tanks, non-governmental organizations, and multilateral institutions Host institution: Bard College For professors in: International Relations, Political Sciences, History, International Law  U.S POLITICAL THOUGHT, will provide a deeper understanding of U.S political institutions and major currents in U.S political thought from the colonial period to the present It will explore the shaping of American identity and the intersection and interplay between that identity and U.S history and politics It will cover a broad range of American experiences that have shaped and been shaped by our national identity including, but not limited to, the colonial period, the constitutional founding, the Civil War, industrialization, the Great Depression, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights movement The Institute will also use this lens to explore contemporary U.S political and social debates and topics relating them back to the formation and development of U.S political thought Host institution: To be announced For professors in: Political Sciences, Political Theory, Sociology, Philosophy, Law PROGRAM COVERAGE: The program covers all participant costs including: international and domestic travel, ground transportation in the U.S., housing and subsistence, books, cultural, mailing and incidental allowances Health Insurance will also be provided for the participant, but any pre-existing health conditions are not covered HOUSING AND MEAL ARRANGEMENTS: When possible, each participant will have a private room with a shared bathroom during the residency portion (four weeks) of the Institute However, private room accommodations cannot be guaranteed during the residency portion of the program During the study tour (up to two weeks), participants will likely share a hotel room with another participant of the same gender During the residency, housing will typically be in college or university owned housing Most meals will be provided at campus facilities, though participants may have access to a kitchen to cook some meals on their own PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS: Participants are expected to participate fully in the program Participants must attend all lectures and organized activities, and complete assigned readings Family members and/or friends cannot accompany participants on any part of the program Please note that Institute curriculum will not formally address teaching methodology and pedagogical methods The institute is very intensive and there will be little time for personal pursuits unrelated to the program The Institute is not a research program Violations of host institution rules or local, state or federal laws can be grounds for immediate dismissal from the program It is important that all applicants understand the requirements and restrictions before submitting an application ELIGIBILITY: Study of the U.S Institutes are highly competitive Priority will be given to candidates who have firm plans to enhance, update or develop courses and/or educational materials with a U.S studies focus or component, who have no prior or limited experience in the United States, and who have special interest in the institute topics Candidates should be mid-career, highly motivated, experienced scholars and professionals generally from institutions of higher education Candidates must meet the following criteria: - Ecuadorian citizenship Candidates with Ecuadorian and U.S citizenship are not eligible for this program Green card holders are not eligible for this program as well Between 30 to 50 years old Hold a degree equivalent to a licenciatura or título de tercer nivel Have substantial knowledge of the thematic area of the institute Currently teaching a course relevant to the institute the candidate is interested in, or planning to incorporate / enhance contents of the program to the curricula of the institution Teaching experience in higher education institutions Excellent level of written and spoken English, TOEFL score of 550 / 84 iBT Preference will be given to candidates with little or no prior experience in the U.S DOCUMENTS YOU NEED TO ATTACH TO THIS APPLICATION: - The application form (begins in page of this document) printed Don´t forget to sign it - Letter of support from the institution/s where you are currently teaching This letter should state that the institution supports you to apply for the program Copy of the diploma or diplomas, signed and sealed by the secretary / registrar office of the university where you get your diploma You not need to submit translations of diplomas Copy of passport bio-page (the page that has information as your name, date of birth, etc.) This document is not necessary for the application but if you have this document, please attach a copy Copy of a valid (taken within two years) TOEFL or IELTS score report If you have not taken the TOEFL or IELTS test see below.** Detailed curriculum vitae in English or Spanish Copy of National Identification For inquiries about the program, write to programs@fulbright.org.ec ** If you have not taken the TOEFL exam, register for and English exam on or before January 5, 2015 writing to programs@fulbright.org.ec We will administer an English test only to candidates applying for the Study of the U.S Programs on January 9, 2015 in Quito and Guayaquil Pre-selected candidates will be invited to an interview during January 2015 Interview date will be announced to invited candidates only APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications for this program must be received on or before January 5, 2015, at the Fulbright Commission in Ecuador You can bring your application in person or send it to the address below Please remind that your application should arrive by or before January 5, 2015 Programa Study of the U.S Comisión Fulbright del Ecuador Diego de Almagro N25-41 y Colon Quito, Ecuador Teléfono: (02) 222 2103 Note: the Study of the U.S program is not a Fulbright Program It is sponsored by the Education and Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Department of State of the United States of America The Fulbright Commission in Ecuador will be administering this program PROGRAM TIMELINE: Program opening Deadline to submit applications Deadline to register for the English test English test Interviews News about nominated candidates News about selection of candidates Program begin date November 17, 2014 January 5, 2015 January 5, 2015 January 9, 2015 January 2015 January 2015 April 2015 June / July 2015 Study of the U.S Institutes for University Faculty 2015 YOU ARE APPLYING FOR THE PROGRAM: Select one PERSONAL INFORMATION A Applicants full name (if you have a passport, please include a copy of the biographical page of your passport) Prefix: Last name: First name: Middle name: B Gender: Select one Click here k type the information Click here to type the information Click here to type the information Male Female C Date of birth (month/day/year): Click here to type the information D City of Birth: Click here to type the information example: January 1, 1975 E Country of Birth: Click here to type the information F Citizenship: Click here to type the information If you have more than one citizenship, include that information G Country of Residence: Click here to type the information H Medical, Physical, Dietary or other Personal Considerations: Please describe any pre-existing medical conditions, including any prescription medication you may be taking, allergies, or other dietary or personal consideration This information will not affect selection, but will enable the host institution to make any necessary accommodations If you not have any medical conditions, please write “none” Click here to type the information Disability: Select one if applies I Candidate Contact Information a) Home address:       b) City:       c) Province:       d) Postal Code:       e) E-mail address:       f) Phone and cell phone numbers:       g) Emergency Contact Name:       h) Relationship to you (mother, father, husband):       i) Emergency Contact Phone number:       j) Emergency Contact Email:       WORK EXPERIENCE J Current Position Title, Institution Position Type: Select One Title (cargo que ocupa):       Institution name:       Institution Address, include city and province in the address:       K Work Experience, including previous positions and titles If needed attach a sheet with information about your work experience Please give more detailed information in you CV From                                                       To                                                       Title or Position                                                       Full or Part Time?                                                       Institution                                                       L Education, Academic and Professional Training Please list all earned degrees beginning with most recent Degree Earned (in Spanish) Select one Select one Select one Select one Year Earned                         Specialization                         Institution                         Additional Professional Training: relevant courses, conferences:       Academic honors (scholarships, awards): Click here to type the information M Active Professional Memberships This is independent of current professional responsibilities These should not include university committee work or other professional duties directly related to your current employment: Position Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Title                                     Organization                                     N Publications Related to the Institute Theme (up to 10) Please list all titles in English, including whether book, chapter, journal article, newspaper article, web article, etc Publication Type Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Year Publisher                                                                                                                         O Previous Experience in the United States or any other travel abroad: Please list any and all trips you have made to the United States If you have never traveled abroad please write “none”       Purpose Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one From                                     To                                     Description                                     Have you ever applied to a visa to the U.S.? Yes No If you answered yes, were you granted a visa? Yes No If you were granted a visa, what type of visa did you get? Click here to type the information P Family Residing in the United States: Please list any close family members residing in the United States, including city and state If you not have any family residing in the U.S please write “none”       Name of family member / friend                         Relationship                         City                         State                         Q Evidence of English Fluency: If you have taken TOEFL or IELTS in the last two years, please provide us your score and attach a copy of the score report If you have not taken any of the two exams, please leave this space in blank and register for the English test for this program Test Score Date taken                                     Language proficiency: Reading Speaking Language English Select one Select one Written Select one R Professional Responsibilities: Please discuss your professional responsibilities in greater detail, including research interests, administrative responsibilities (ex curriculum design), and / or other pertinent information       a) Current Courses Taught: include the information requested below: Course Title                                     Level of student Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Select one Class hours per semester/term*                                     Number of students                                     Estimated percent of U.S Studies content                                     *Please put the number of hours and specify if it is per semester, term, year, etc For example: 50 hours per semester b) Current Student Advising: Advising is not the same as teaching Please include the number of students, their level and hours you spend providing assistance in helping students clarifying personal and career goals, and evaluating progress towards those goals You can also include supervision of Ph.D and graduate students if that applies Number of Students Advised Studying U.S Related Topics                         Level of Students Select one Select one Select one Select one Hours of Advising Per Student Per Year                         c) Other Potential Outcomes: Please select any likely potential outcomes that might result from your participation in this program: b.1) Update existing course b.7) School curriculum redesign b.2) New publication b.8) New professional organization b.3) Create new course b.9) National curriculum redesign b.4) Professional promotion b.10) New institutional linkages b.5) Create new degree program b.11) New research project b.6) Government or ministry policy b.12) Raise institutional profile S Personal Essay: Please discuss how your participation would enhance your personal and professional goals, the current state of U.S studies in Ecuador, or upon the institute Include how attending this Institute would help you achieve the "Other Potential Outcomes" you have checked above (Limit 250 words): Click here to type the information I certify that all information given in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge I acknowledge that I have completely read and understood the Information and Application Instructions (pages 1-3) and I agree to comply with all regulations described there I also agree to return to Ecuador upon the expiration of my program in the United States of America Signature: Date: _

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 22:22

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