is swift and deadly, much to the joy of The Reaper, and it is also inevitable Sargira: Death is common in the jungle Predators, disease and natural dangers bring down the living every day Pelazin respects Sargira and her place in the cycle of life His domain often contributes to her power, as many who pay homage to Pelazin pay similar respects to the goddess of death Heste: Heste is a deity for the men of civilization As such, Pelazin has little use for him When travelers enter the domains of the jungle in his name, they are welcomed with the same dangers as any other Rylith: Pelazin is a great supporter of Rylith The jungle holds many secrets among the vines It is Rylith that has dominion over the Jungle’s mysteries, and manipulates mortals to enter Pelazin’s domain in search of them The two deities work well together Varathain: Varathain’s people live beyond and below the jungle They treat it with fear and reverence As long as this behavior continues, Pelazin will be content to ignore them, and their god forms This does not mean her worshippers slaughter randomly They instead offer respect for the dead and often perform funeral rights for those who are unable to afford such things They believe that death is not the end, it is simply a means of passing from one realm to another Relations with other Gods: Nyldak: The Reaper is little more than an extremely powerful barbarian While he has his calculating moments of incredible ingenuity and his followers hurry many along the roads to Sargira’s kingdom, neither they nor Nyldak himself pay proper respect to death itself They often leave bodies on the ground to rot and at times deliberately deny them the Last Rites This is unacceptable and has driven a wedge into the relationship between these two deities Pelazin: The cycle of life and death is truer in Pelazin’s jungle than anywhere else on Cylthia Death cannot be deterred by the interference of other divine powers or arcane means Sentient creatures frequently lose their way and become food for predators and scavengers as the natural cycle of life intended A mutual respect has slowly grown between Sargira and Pelazin because of this Perhaps one day they will become true allies, but that time is far in the future Heste: Wealth matters not to the dead Such is Sargira’s opinion of Heste When grave robbers come to disturb the dead, it often rouses Sargira’s anger towards the god of greed, yet she realizes that the decisions of mortals guide them, much to her frustration Sargira (Greater Goddess) Aliases: The Dark Lady, The Great Serpent Portfolio: Death, Snakes, and The Underworld Domains: Death, Evil, Repose Symbol: A viper slithering through a skull Weapon: Dagger Alignment: Lawful Evil Notes: Sargira represents death in all of its 228 Rylith: To most mortals, death is one of the greatest mysteries they will ever face, and it is one of the few beyond the grasp of the Dream Weaver Sargira revels in this fact and delights in the power the secret gives her Varathain: The dwarves honor their dead perhaps with more respect than any other race thanks