a grudging respect for his enemy’s tactical prowess, they are still opposite ends of the spectrum and thus she must eventually fall Acheron (Lesser God) Aliases: The Great General Portfolio: War, Fighters, and Strategy Domains: War, Strength Symbol: A single Halberd bordered by symbolic knot work that symbolizes strength Weapon: Halberd Alignment: Lawful Good Notes: Acheron’s followers are soldiers Even his clergy are well trained in the arts of combat and tend to focus more on disciplines that are useful in the heat of battle than other skills The life of all followers of Acheron is filled with structured discipline A strict daily schedule and weapons training are just a few of the practices of his faithful Relations to other Gods: Selundial: Acheron serves Selundial as her general and consort He does so with the utmost devotion and loyalty to her and her cause Though he believes that her zealotry is misguided and extreme, it is not his place to judge It is only his place to serve… for now Wyshan: The concept of balance is lost on Acheron There is only what is right and what is not Why must all that is lawful and good suffer chaos and evil to survive? There is no logic to it Despite this, Mother Nature receives his respect for she has influenced mortals against the darkness several times, yet she has also driven them against the light in centuries past She is the Keeper of the Balance and has her duty to attend to That much is understood Yet the scales that measure that duty are yet a mystery to the soldier-god Nerotesh: The huntsman is a soldier, just like Acheron His discipline is that of the wilds The discipline needed to silently stalk prey and survive in the wilds It also lies in his ability to remain neutral in all things per Wyshan’s command These things have earned Acheron’s respect They are not allies, but neither are they enemies Of all of the deities of the pantheon beyond the Lady of Light, it is Nerotesh that he holds in highest regard The Continent of Shirán Shekulta: The beat of a drum helps maintain the discipline of marching troops Music and revelry can help relax troops prior to an upcoming battle or help them forget the tragedies after one There are uses for music, but not as wide and varied as the Lord of Song would have mortals believe Beyond that, Shekulta is, if anything, unpredictable and thus cannot be relied upon Lessínu: The Dark One is the enemy Simply put, she is the darkness that seeks to smother the ever-guiding light of Selundial Without the Lady of Light mortals would be lost Though Acheron has been forced to show Anu-Celes (Greater Goddess) Aliases: Keeper of the Underworld, The Keeper Portfolio: The Dead, Undead, and Curses Domains: Death, Repose, Undeath 219