Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Range Medium (100 ft.+10 ft./lvl) Area one 5’ square/2 levels Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw Reflex negates Spell Resistance No This spell functions the same as shadow vines except in that it affects a larger area The shadows are also much more difficult to escape once a creature has fallen victim to the vines The Strength check or Escape Artist DC for this spell is 25 Summon Shadowborn School conjuration (summoning) Level shadowborn 7 Casting Time 1 round Components V, S, DF Range close (25 ft +5 ft./2 levels Duration 1 round/level When the summoning is completed this spell calls one of the shadowborn (see Chapter 12) from the planes to stand beside the summoner and fight at his command for a limited time The number and type of shadowborn that can be summoned is determined by the caster level of the summoner, and is shown on the table below Statistics for these creatures can be found in Chapter 12 of this book Caster Level 13th 17th 20th Summon Spirit Summoning 1d2 Warriors 1d4 Warriors or 1 Magi 2d4 Warriors, 1d3 Magi or 1 Law Priest School conjuration (summoning) Level cleric 5, sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Time 10 minutes Components V, S, F/DF Duration 1 question/level Through the use of this spell the caster can call a spirit from beyond the material plane This spirit will answer questions for the caster about any topic it has knowledge of (including aspects of its life and memories or knowledge of the plane its soul now dwells) Most spirits are unwilling servants and, though the magic inherent in the spell prevents them from lying, they will seek to answer any question asked in as vague a manner as possible The caster has a base 30% chance to get a straight answer to any question asked This percentage can be modified by numerous circumstance A few examples of such are as follows: Circumstance per level difference between the Caster and the Spirit Spirit is lawful Spirit and Caster are both good Spirit and Caster are both evil Caster knew the spirit in life Modifier +/-2% +10% +10% +5% +40% The spirit can, at any time, choose to deliberately answer a question with a direct and clear answer This usually only happens if providing such knowledge is of some benefit to the spirit, or the beliefs the spirit holds to Visage of Death School illusion (glamer) Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M Range touch Target creature touched Duration 1 minute/level Saving Throw Will negates (disbelieve) Spell Resistance Yes While a creature is under the influence of this spell they appear for all intents and purposes to be deceased They take on the appearance of a corpse (amount of decay determined by the caster) Breathing seems to stop while this spell is in effect and a pulse is impossible to find While the affected individual appears to be dead, this spell does not create any scents that would commonly be found around decaying corpses It can, however, make the skin seem cold and clammy 207