allows its wielder to cast the following spells as spell-like abilities: - Enervation: Three times per day the wielder can cause a black ray of negative energy to lance out from the two-bladed sword, affecting any living creature as the spell of the same name - Summon Shadows: Twice per day the Blade may summon 2d4 shadows These shadows are immune to turning and serve the wielder as if called by a summon monster V spell cast at 25th level - Summon Shadowborn Warrior: Once per day the wielder of the Blade of Shadows can summon a shadowborn warrior (see chapter 12) The warrior serves the wielder as if called by a summon monster VI spell cast at 25th level DESTRUCTION The Blade of Shadows dissipates into wisps of shadow if exposed to the light of the True Sun for 24 hours continuously Shard of the Abyss Aura strong conjuration and necromancy; CL 20th Slot none; Weight 1 lb DESCRIPTION No one is certain how the Shard was created, or where it came from, but wherever it appears chaos erupts Above all, this artifact is an agent of chaos It has a mind of its own and always seeks to further its own goals through subtle manipulations Should it choose to, it can grant its wielder/servant the following powers: At will - suggestion 3/day - chaos hammer 2/day - dispel law 1/day - Summon a Vrock (100% success) Additionally, the Shard of the Abyss has spells that it can cast on its own: At will - charm monster, suggestion 3/day - crushing despair, major image 1/day - dominate person, dream When it chooses to, the Shard can also fly at a speed of 30 feet per round (as per the spell) (AL CN; INT 26; WIS 20; CHA 20; EGO 36; 180 Communicates via telepathy and has normal senses and blindsense out to a range of 120’ It can convey blindsense of up to 30’ to its wielder/ servant.) DESTRUCTION The Shard can only be destroyed by being used to destroy 1,000 demons by a single lawful being Alchemical Mixtures The talents of a combat alchemist reside in the creative use of alchemical mixtures The description of known mixtures are presented here, in a standard format Each category of information is explained below Name The first line of any mixture description is the name by which the mixture is generally known Type There are several types of mixtures that can be created Each type has its own properties and uses The details regarding each general type are provided below There are some mixtures that fall into more than one category In these cases any feats or bonuses that apply to either type apply, though these benefits do not stack Dust: Dust type mixtures create a very fine dust that can then be scattered in an area or tossed into the air It is important to note that dust that has been created and not yet applied (or applied to an area) can be blown away by winds The strength of wind required depends on other environmental conditions and the judgement of the GM Grenade: Grenade type mixtures are the type that are combined and then thrown at the enemy When a grenade type mixture is thrown at a target a ranged attack is required (in some cases a ranged touch attack) If the attack misses roll 1d8 to determine where the missile lands (1 being directly north of the target and progressing clockwise) Most grenade type mixtures begin reacting within seconds of the mixture completing (usually 1-2 rounds) though a rare few have a longer delay time If the mixture is still in hand when the delay passes the alchemist receives the full effect of the mixture on himself