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invariably completely black or some shade of gray They have no pupils, furthering the otherworldly impression provided by their appearance In the rarest of cases there have been umbrals born with eyes of silver, sparkling in appearance like polished metal These umbrals are said to have the eyes of Carius and are considered blessed, unless they later prove otherwise Alignment: While individual umbrals can be of any alignment, their race as a whole tends towards neutrality There are organizations within their race that show the various possibilities of their belief systems There are groups that act within the laws of the Illurian Empire, even as they seek to subvert its citizens Others are truly loyal to the same empire; and still others thrive on the chaos found in a life of crime Examples of any and every alignment can be found within their home city alone Religion: Almost without exception umbrals worship their progenitor, Carius, as a deity (see chapter 11 for details) Their devotion to him is absolute, and those of their race who do not worship their god are generally cast out of umbral society for their ignorance Umbral Lands: The largest population of umbrals can be found in the Undercity, an underground city just east of the wastelands in the Illurian Empire Here they thrive, living their lives in relative contentment Despite this, if one were to ask an umbral where their true home is they would tell you it was the city of Illuria In general they seem to believe that the Emperor evicted them from their rightful homes in order to Umbral Racial Traits +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma: Umbrals tend to be very agile, but their distrustful nature and general demeanor tend to put others on edge Medium: Umbrals are medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their sizze Normal Speed: Umbral base land speed is 30 feet Darkvision: Umbrals have Darkvision to a range of 60 feet Stealthy: Umbrals get a +2 racial bonus to Stealth checks due to their uncanny knack for such skills Spell-Like Abilities: Umbrals can cast Chill Touch 1/day as a spell-like ability Their effective caster level equal to ½ character level (minimum caster level 1) Cold Resistance 5: Because of their unique nature, umbrals are resistant to all forms of natural and magical cold Languages: Umbrals begin play speaking Common and Umbral Umbrals with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfl ing and Orc 161

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 11:11


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