PowerPoint プレゼンテーション © 2016 ROHM Co ,Ltd Introduction of Wireless module products (Wi SUN) March 17, 2016 LSI Product Development Headquarters Wireless Module Product Development Division Giớ.PowerPoint プレゼンテーション © 2016 ROHM Co ,Ltd Introduction of Wireless module products (Wi SUN) March 17, 2016 LSI Product Development Headquarters Wireless Module Product Development Division Giớ.
Introduction of Wireless module products (Wi-SUN) Giới thiệu thiết bị mạng không dây Wi-SUN March 17, 2016 LSI Product Development Headquarters Wireless Module Product Development Division © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd Discrete Products ROHM has a proven track record and has for many years commanded a large share of the discrete products market Rohm có kinh nghiệm lâu năm sản xuất thiết bị đơn lẻ (vd: tranzito, điện trở, lazer điôt …), nhà cung cấp nắm tỉ phần lớn thị trường 2014 Sales Ratio by Sector Biểu đồ tỉ trọng doanh thu năm 2014 Indus -trial Discrete semiconductor Transistors Passives *1 (MOSFETs / Bipolar / Digital) Consumer Resistors Optoelectronics *2 Laser Diodes (chip) [ Small-Signal Transistors ] [ Chip R ] 15% 10% [ Dual-Wavelength LD for Player ] [ *2 LD for Printer & MFP ] 9% Automotive 25% Communication ・PC 36% 30% Diodes 44% *1 Market-leading compact products 35% Taking advantage of advanced compound semiconductors to fulfill a variety of needs (Schottky Barrier / Fast Recovery/ Rectification / High Frequency) Power Devices [ Small-Signal Diodes ] High Quality, High Automotive sales ratio Thiết bị tự động hóa chiếm tỉ phần lớn doanh thu *2 17% Developing high power products that anticipate market needs © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd SiC-MOS SiC-SBD IGBT IPM, PM [ SiC for On-board charger ] 80% * Share (2013 results WW) *1 WSTS Survey *2 ROHM Survey P Module Products Về mảng sản phẩm dạng môđun, ROHM kết hợp công nghệ tản nhiệt, miniaturization (thu nhỏ)… tạo sản phẩm mang tính đột phá, chất lượng cao ROHM combines Heat dissipation, Miniaturization, and Custom technologies required by module devices to provide novel, high quality solutions High-accuracy detection Contributing to smaller, lighter power supplies AC/DC Converters Integrated Proximity/ Ambient Light Sensor No transformer required Wide voltage range Superior noise characteristics 3-Pin DC/DC Converters Photo interrupters compact , Wide lineup HighPerformance Module Products High efficiency, No external parts required Radio Law certified (Japan) Wireless LAN / Specified Low Power IEEE802.11b/g, IEEE802.11b/g/n Specified Low Power Module High luminous efficiency LED Lighting High efficiency: 90% High Power Factor: >0.9 Industry-leading High-Speed Thermal Print heads for Receipts POS Compatible with EFT-POS high-speed 300mm/s printing Supports single-cell Li-ion High-speed color reading Universal power supplies with a wide output range Contact Image Sensor Heads For scanning documents and currency PSE-Compatible Power Supplies © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd P Why Wi-SUN? © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd P What’s Wi-SUN? Wi-SUN Wireless Smart Utility Network Frequency PHY 920Mhz frequency band (in Japan) IEEE 802.15.4g Feature Low energy consumption High diffraction performance 500m – 1km Distance © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd P WHY Wi-SUN? Smart meter in Japan Q'ty (K houses) A Route Method 九州電力 8,200 Wi-SUN、 PLC WiMax 中部電力 9,500 東京電力 27,000 東北電力 6,740 関西電力 13,000 Wi-SUN PLC Wi-SUN PLC Wi-SUN PLC PHS WLAN Smart Meter Installed in: 2016-2023 2015-2023 2014-2020 2014-2023 2008-2021 B Route Method Wi-SUN, PLC WLAN Wi-SUN PLC •In early 2014, Japanese government has decided to make this B-Route communication to be Wi-SUN •Early 2015, there will be large scale HEMS test using WiSUN at 14K houses •Đầu năm 2014, phủ Nhật định dùng mạng không dây Wi-Sun cho B-Route •Đầu năm 2015, hệ thống quản lý lượng gia đình HEMS (dùng WiSUN) thử nghiệm cho 14 ngàn hộ gia đình © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd Wi-SUN PLC Wi-SUN PLC WLAN •Japan has over 60 million Smart meters •Each smart meter is preparing BROUTE, which is communication between meter and HGW •Hơn 60 triệu cơng tơ điện thông minh sử dụng Nhật •Mỗi công tơ điện thông minh kết nối với HGW qua đường truyền B-Route Life assistant service Power Management (Retail sales, Selling generated Power.) (Coupons, surveillance, etc.) Monitored at 14K houses Rohm has about 75 % share in the first large scale tests HEMS infrastructure Trong đợt thử nghiệm này, 75% thiết bị dùng sảm phẩm Rohm P Why Wi-SUN ~B-Route Tokyo Electric Power company decided to employ Wi-SUN communication for B Rout communication Công ty điện lực Tokyo định dùng mạng không dây Wi-sun cho B-route <Lower Layer> Sub-GHz=Wi-SUN (high connectivity) Solar Power ECHONET Lite B Route A Route Utility company Battery <Lower Layer> Wi-Fi Sub-GHz=Wi-SUN (High connectivity) Bluetooth PLC Cable LAN Etc,,,, Smart Meter HEMS Electrical Appliance EV Majority of B route is becoming Wi-SUN communication Wi-SUN trở thành đường truyền khơng dây phổ biến cho B-Route © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd P Why Wi-SUN ~Future Function Ex)Internet Provider, Net Shopping player New Business Company ★Apl.2016 Opening of Retail sales of Power! This is player’s motivation ★2016/04 Nhật tự hóa thị trường bán lẻ điện Cơ hội cho công ty bán lẻ Sale of electric power Amount of electric power Solar Power Panel EV Charger Air Control Package deal of electric power Power Company Smart Meter HEMS GW Battery Cell Ethernet or WiFi Bộ định tuyến Router © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd Broad Band Router WiFi Smart Phone A route B route HAN(Home Area Network) Power Company ~ Smart Meter Smart Meter ~ HEMS GW HEMS GW ~ Node P Energy Peak Problem Prepared Line Peak of power required Peak shifted line 12 24 By using off peak power more efficiently, we can lower the required power generation capacity Time discount image © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd P Why Wi-SUN ~Motivation to buy Wi-SUN Retail Sales of POWER in Japan •From 2016, retail sales of power will start in Japan •Third party will be able to sell the power using existing infrastructure •The power will be sold as package like Internet Same cost until certain amount, and customer can change their plan according to their usage ⇒ Image of the pricing •Từ năm 2016, Nhật tự hóa thị trường bán lẻ điện •Các cơng ty bán lẻ điện sử dụng sở hạ tầng có sẵn •Người tiêu dùng có quyền lựa chọn nhiều plan khác nhau, tùy vào lượng điện tiêu dùng Benefit of the retail sales •Government can clearly estimate the needed power consumption It would help to reduce the number of nuclear power plant •People can have a way to purchase cheaper power than now •By having HGW in the house, people can have various services •Chính phủ dễ dàng nắm bắt lượng điện tiêu dùng cách xác Góp phần làm giảm nhu cầu dùng điện hạt nhân •Người tiêu dùng có nhiều lựa chọn mua điện •Với hệ thống HGW nhà, người tiêu dùng cung cấp nhiều dịch vụ trước In order to make it happen •People have to have the HGW and B-ROUTE at their house •Government decided official B-Route shall be Wi-SUN! •That is Why Wi-SUN’s Demand will explode in Japan shortly! •Cần thiết phải lắp đặt thống HGW đường truyền B-Route nhà •Chính phủ Nhật định dùng mạng không dây Wi-Sun cho B-Route •Chính , nhu cầu dùng Wi-Sun Nhật tăng mạnh © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd P New Products © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd P 24 Surface mount module 「BP35C0」 Developing BP35C0 is low consumption small module with built-in RF+MCU BP35C0 với mức tiêu thụ điện thấp, bao gồm phận không dây xử lý 【Appearance】 SMT type Shield case 16mm× 19mm 【BP35C0】 【Terminal list】(TBD) RESETN RXD ANT TXD filter RF SW TRX_SW LC filter ML7416 © 2016 ROHM Co.,Ltd CTS RTS (RF-IC + MCU) OSC 36MHz 3.3V 【 Feature 】 ・External antenna ・Built in high power MCU ・Tx output power pre-tuned ・MAC address pre-written ・Radio wave act certification pre-approved VDD HOST CPU No Name Function No Name Function VDD Power Supply 20 MD0 Debug SW (Normally GND) GND GND 19 Reserve Reserve(GND) TXD UART Data Out 18 SW0 Debug Monitor RXD UART Data in 17 SWDIO Debug data I/O NMIX Interrupt terminal 16 SWCLK Debug clock in RESET Reset Terminal 15 Reserve (RTS) Reserve(Open) (UART Report Out) Reserve Reserve(GND) 14 Reserve (CTS) Reserve(GND) (UART Report In) Reserve Reserve(GND) 13 Reserve Reserve(GND) Reserve Reserve(GND) 12 GND GND 10 Reserve Reserve(GND) 11 VDD Power supply P 25 Dongle type 「BP35C2」 Developing BP35C2 is small dongle type Wi-SUN module 【Specification】 BP35C2 loại dongle nhỏ PN BP35C2 Compliant w/ ARIB STD-T108 Wi-SUN(B Route、HAN) 【Block Diagram】 【BP35C2】 ANT UART filter Antenna Built-in HOST I/F USB Frequency 922.5 ~ 927.9MHz Modulation Binary GFSK Modulation speed 100kbps Tx Power 20mW(13dBm) Rx Sensitivity -100dBm (100kbps、 BER