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(LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Biểu thị thời gian không đồng thời của hành động trong câu phức phụ thuộc002

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Thông tin cơ bản

Tiêu đề Biểu Thị Thời Gian Không Đồng Thời Của Hành Động Trong Câu Phức Phụ Thuộc Tiếng Nga Và Các Phương Tiện Truyền Đạt Sang Tiếng Việt
Tác giả Đoàn Thị Tâm
Người hướng dẫn Кандидат Филологических Наук, Доцент Нguen Хыу Тинь
Trường học Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội
Chuyên ngành Ngôn Ngữ Học
Thể loại luận văn thạc sĩ
Năm xuất bản 2013
Thành phố Hà Nội
Định dạng
Số trang 77
Dung lượng 1,32 MB

Cấu trúc

  • 1. Актуальность темы (8)
  • 2. Цель и задачи исследования (9)
  • 3. Предмет исследования (9)
  • 4. Методы исследования (0)
  • 5. Научная новизна (10)
  • 6. Практическая значимость (10)
  • 7. Структура работы (10)
    • 1.1. Сложноподчинѐнное предложение (12)
    • 1.2. Категория времени в русском языке (14)
    • 1.3. Сложноподчинѐнное предложение с придаточной частью времени (16)
    • 2.1. Действие в главной части предшествует действию в придаточной части. Значение предшествования (18)
    • 2.2 Действие в главной части cледует за действием в придаточной части. Значение следования. .................................................................................... 24 ГЛАВА 3. СПОСОБЫ ПЕРЕДАЧИ ЗНАЧЕНИЯ (31)
    • 3.1. Выражение времени во вьетнамском языке (39)
    • 3.2. Cпособы передачи значения разновременности на вьетнамский язык (43)
      • 3.2.1. Союзы выражают значения предшествования одного из действия (43)
      • 3.2.2. Союзы выражают значения следования действий (58)

Nội dung

Актуальность темы

Time is one of the most complex categories in linguistics and serves as a fundamental concept in the theory of cognition, alongside space and movement It is a subject of study across various disciplines, including both natural and social sciences, such as linguistics The relationship of simultaneity and non-simultaneity in complex sentences is a focal point for many Russian and Vietnamese syntacticians Despite a wealth of research on the means of expressing temporal relationships in Russian complex sentences translated into Vietnamese, the issue remains a topic of debate and requires further exploration Understanding these expressions is essential for language acquisition, as it enables learners to grasp the nuances of Russian more fully and accurately However, practical experience in learning Russian reveals that students often encounter significant challenges and make numerous errors when using complex sentences with subordinate clauses of time This underscores the relevance of the chosen topic for our dissertation work.

Цель и задачи исследования

Цель нашей работы заключается в том, чтобы описать все средства выражения отношения разновременности в русском языке и их эквиваленты во вьетнамском языке Поставленная цель определяет следующие задачи исследования:

- Провести обзор литературы о сложноподчинѐнном предложении, о категории времени и о сложноподчинѐнном предложении с придаточной частью времени в русском языке

- Систематизировать средства выражения значения разновременности в современном русском языке

- Описать средства передачи значения разновременности русского языка на вьетнамский язык.

Предмет исследования

Предметом исследования являются средства выражения разновременности в сложноподчинѐнном предложении в современном русском языке и их эквиваленты во вьетнамском языке (на материале художественных произведений Льва Толстого)

To achieve the research objectives, this study employs descriptive methods, comprehensive analysis, and comparative techniques The illustrative materials are sourced from the literary works of Russian author Leo Tolstoy, their translations into Vietnamese, as well as novels and short stories by various Vietnamese writers.

The scientific novelty of this study lies in its detailed description of the system of expressing temporal differences in complex sentences within modern Russian Additionally, the research presents methods for conveying this concept in the Vietnamese language.

6 Практическая значимость Практическая значимость диссертации состоит в том, что результаты нашего исследования могут быть использованы в практике изучения, преподавания русского языка во Вьетнаме и в переводческой практике

The structure of the work includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, and a list of illustrative sources The introduction establishes the relevance of the topic, defines the research aim, objectives, and subject, and outlines the research methods, scientific novelty, and practical significance The first chapter provides a literature review on complex sentences, the category of time, and complex sentences with time clauses in modern Russian The second chapter systematizes the means of expressing temporal variation in complex sentences in contemporary Russian The third chapter examines the methods of conveying the meaning of temporal variation from Russian to Vietnamese The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the research, followed by the bibliography and a list of source materials.

A complex sentence, known as a subordinate clause, consists of parts connected by subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns, creating a syntactic dependency between its components The dependent part, called the subordinate clause, relies on the main clause, which governs it This syntactic relationship is structural rather than semantic, although subordinate clauses often carry significant meaning For instance, in the sentence "It is known that elephants are rare here," the subordinate clause is essential for conveying the complete idea Subordination is marked by specific formal indicators, such as conjunctions For example, in the sentences "He felt stuffy, and he went out to the porch" and "He went out to the porch because he felt stuffy," only the latter is complex due to the subordinating conjunction "because." The interdependence of the parts is evident in their semantic and structural connections, where the main clause may lack independence and require elaboration from the subordinate clause This relationship manifests through the incompleteness of the main clause, the presence of correlating words, and specific verb forms For instance, in "He felt that all this was not reaching her," the main clause necessitates further detail, while in "I am the one you listened to in the midnight silence," the pronoun "the one" needs specific content Similarly, in "When they came at night for a search, the apartment's inhabitants decided to defend themselves," the main clause includes the linking word "then," which serves as a structural connector with the subordinate clause Overall, the components of a complex sentence form a cohesive structural and semantic unit.

The category of time in the Russian language is one of the most complex yet fundamental aspects of linguistics In her book "Ways of Expressing Temporal Relationships in Modern Russian" (1975), M V Vsevolodova introduces the principle of binary oppositions to describe the category of temporal relations She argues that all instances of the correlation of processes, actions, and phenomena with time can be understood through three aspects, or three pairs of essential differential features.

The first aspect to consider is the distinction between simultaneous and non-simultaneous actions in relation to time Simultaneity occurs when an action takes place within a specific time frame, referred to as direct time; for instance, "Alexey trembled under the blanket and leather coat all night." Conversely, non-simultaneity arises when an action occurs before or after the designated time frame, or only partially overlaps with it, known as relative time; an example being, "It was reading from early morning until late at night."

The second aspect involves indicating whether a time period is fully or partially occupied by an action When an action occupies the entire defined time segment, it reflects a time fully engaged in that action Conversely, if the action only partially fills the time or is not marked by its engagement, it signifies a time not completely occupied by the action For instance, "Productivity over the course of 18 days was good, as I translated seven pages in two hours."

The third aspect of time expression highlights the completeness of an action, as illustrated by the example: "Over millennia, humans have developed a relative immunity to tuberculosis; since then, surgeons have performed eight operations on him." Additionally, it addresses the incompleteness of actions A fourth aspect is also prominent, indicating either the uniqueness of an action, as in "I solved the problem in an hour and left in the morning," or its repetitiveness, such as "Every half hour, riverboats depart from the river station; I go to the pharmacy every morning." According to A.N Gvozdev in "Modern Russian Literary Language," time expressions can convey three meanings, with time circumstances playing a crucial role.

When specifying the timeframe for an action, it is important to consider three key aspects: first, the action may occur only during a specific moment within that period, such as "will finish work next week"; second, it may encompass the entire duration, for example, "worked from January to May"; and third, it can indicate the time for recurring actions, like "traveling every year."

- Отмечать предел: 1) начальный: учился с сентября, ушѐл с вечера, 2) конечный: занимались до пяти часов

- Констатировать несовпадение во времени действия с указываемым явлением и разделяющий их промежуток: через месяц, после заката [А Н Гвоздев, 1978, стр 121]

Câu phức có mệnh đề phụ chỉ thời gian chứa thông tin về thời điểm thực hiện hành động hoặc biểu hiện đặc điểm được đề cập trong phần chính của câu Mệnh đề phụ có thể mở rộng phần chính khi không có trạng từ chỉ thời gian: "Mặt trời đã cao khi tôi mở mắt" hoặc làm rõ thông tin thời gian đã có trong phần chính: "Bây giờ, khi những chiếc xe rẽ vào đèo, biển vẫn ở phía sau và trước mắt là khu rừng núi ồn ào." Các câu phức chỉ thời gian cho thấy mối quan hệ tạm thời khác nhau giữa hành động trong phần chính và phần phụ Tùy thuộc vào sự tương quan về thời gian của các hành động trong phần chính và phụ, có hai loại quan hệ được phân biệt: 1) Sự đồng thời và 2) Sự khác thời gian Quan hệ đồng thời được thể hiện trong các câu có mệnh đề phụ được nối bằng các liên từ như khi, trong khi, như, cho đến khi.

(разг.), в то время как обычно при глаголах в главной и придаточной частях несовершенного вида одного времени [Н С Валгина, 1978, стр

In the exploration of Russian complex sentences, the expression of simultaneity is crucial, as seen in literary examples like Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, where memories evoke tenderness The relationship of timing is articulated through conjunctions such as "when," "after," and "as soon as." For instance, in Resurrection, Tolstoy illustrates this with the phrase "as soon as he spoke about it, tears welled in his eyes." This article focuses on the significance of expressing the timing of actions within complex sentences in modern Russian, highlighting two main types of complex sentences that convey simultaneity.

- В одних предложениях действие главной части предшествует действию придаточной

- В других предложениях действие главной части следует за действием придаточной

In complex sentences, the main clause often precedes the action in the subordinate clause, establishing a relationship of precedence This occurs when the action in the main clause takes place before that in the subordinate clause Subordinate clauses are connected using conjunctions such as "before," "prior to," "until," and "as soon as." Each of these conjunctions adds a unique nuance to the sentence, highlighting the temporal relationship between the actions.

The conjunction "до того как" is used in complex sentences to indicate a temporal interval between two actions, such as "long before," "shortly before," "a month before," or "an hour before." For example, "A year before their son started school, he learned to read and write." Additionally, "Even before he told his mother about his trip, she already knew everything." In contemporary Russian, sentences with the conjunction "до того как" are widely utilized, although they are not specifically highlighted in our material.

2.1.2 Союз перед тем как Неосложнѐнное указание на то, что действие или состояние главной части предложения предшествует действию или состоянию придаточной, содержится в предложениях с союзом перед тем как

The conjunction "before" is used in sentences to indicate that the action in the main clause occurs just prior to the action in the subordinate clause It is often accompanied by words such as "directly," "just," or "at the last moment." For example, "Just before the plane landed, an explosion occurred." In literature, this can be illustrated by Tolstoy's works, where characters experience moments of hesitation or surprise right before significant actions, such as Prince Andrei noticing the emperor's confusion before a conversation or Nekhlyudov encountering a footman with a note just before his departure Additionally, the conjunction "before" can be split, as in "We met him just before he left."

2.1.3 Союзы прежде чем и раньше чем

The conjunctions "прежде чем" and "раньше чем" are synonymous with "до того как" and "перед тем как," yet they do not indicate the duration of the time interval between the actions of the main and subordinate clauses These conjunctions emphasize the necessity of the main action occurring before the subordinate action, suggesting a sense of precedence, which may imply that the action in the subordinate clause might not take place For instance, in the sentence "Прежде чем ехать к Билибину, князь Андрей поехал в книжную лавку," the action of going to the bookstore precedes the journey The aspect of the verb in the predicate depends on the nature of the action expressed; a single action is conveyed by a perfective verb, while a prolonged or repeated action is expressed by an imperfective verb Examples include "Перед тем как войти, он постучал в дверь" and "Прежде чем поступить в университет, мой брат окончил техникум." The conjunction "раньше чем," which shares the same meaning as "прежде чем," is used infrequently, such as in "Раньше чем ужинать и отдыхать, накормите лошадей." In certain instances, "прежде чем" (or "раньше чем") cannot be replaced with "до того как" or "перед тем как."



Ngày đăng: 28/06/2022, 10:22


