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(SKKN 2022) phương pháp dạy học tiếng anh gây hứng thú cho học sinh lớp 3 trường tiểu học đông tân

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TABLE OF CONTENTS THE CONTENT INTRODUCTION Page 1.1 The reason for the study 1.2 The aim of the study 1.3 The object of the study 1.4 The methods of the study 2 MAIN CONTENT 2.1 The theoretical basic of the initiative 2.2 The real state of the problem 2.3 The implementing organizational solution 2.3.1 The problem solution 2.3.2 Particular solutions in order to inspire students in the lessons Particular solution Particular solution Particular solution Particular solution Particular solution 10 Particular solution 10 Particular solution 11 Particular solution 16 2.4 The effectiveness of the research 17 CONCLUSION AND PROPOSALS 3.1 Conclusion 3.2 Proposals 18 18 18 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The reason for the study Nowadays, English has been a subject that is almost compulsory at all three school levels It has no longer been new to students It’s very familiar to students Both students and students’ parents are interested in English They have known the necessity of the subject in the real life English is also a subject which helps students explore and compare the culture of the other countries that use English as their mother tongue or the second language From this, they know more about the places, the people around the world Recently, English has been taught at primary schools in order to help primary students get used to this subject and have elementary knowledge From this, students can continue to learn it at the higher levels For primary students, especially students grade 3, the accept of the knowledge is limited and they are just newcomers to English Therefore, making students pleasant and inspired to learn English is very necessary because at primary schools, students only get used to English with simple sentences Making inspiration for students is to make them interested in English as well as their belief in the language ability From this, students can be good at English In order to take part in the common career of education, require each teacher to continue striving and self- fostering their professional ability Teachers have to find their own way to plan lesson and teach so as to have the best result It’s the way that finding a new teaching method New teaching method is considered an active method when it really gives learning inspiration to students The result of learning progress not only depends on the intellect features but also students’ inspiration By experimenting and observing lessons at Dong Tan primary school and with my own experience, I would like to submit an experience initiative to the science council: “Some solutions to inspire students in grade at Dong Tan primary school in their learning English” There are many studies relating to this subject in general However, my study is more specific It is my hope that the study will be more or less useful for those who are concerned 1.2 The aim of the study I have researched this theme in order to find the best solutions to inspire students in grade to great efforts of learning English 1.3 The object of the study I consider “Some solutions to inspire students in grade at Dong Tan primary school in their learning English” the object of the study 1.4 The methods of study - The observation method - The checking and comparing method - The statistics method CONTENT 2.1 The theoretical basic of the initiative If you want your child to be a good student, don't limit his study to the walls of his classroom Although the skills which he's learning about are crucial to his intellectual and social growth, your child needs your help to open up the world of ideas His renewed joy in discovery will transfer to his schoolwork, so you'll boost his academic achievement too! Encourage him to express his opinion, talk about his feelings, and make choices He can pick out a side dish to go with dinner and select his own extracurricular activities Ask for his input on family decisions, and show that you value it Show enthusiasm for your child's interests and encourage him to explore subjects that fascinate him Provide him with play opportunities that support different kinds of learning styles-from listening and visual learning to sorting and sequencing Supplies that encourage open-ended play, such as blocks, will develop your child’s creative expression and problem-solving skills as he builds He'll need lots of unstructured play time to explore them Point out the new things you learn with enthusiasm Discuss the different ways you find new information, whether you're looking for gardening tips on the Internet or taking a night class Ask about what he's learning in school, not about his grades or test scores Have him teach you what he learned in school today Putting the lesson into his own words will help him recall what he has learnt Help your child organize her school papers and assignments so he feels in control of his work Check in with him regularly to make sure he doesn’t feel overloaded Celebrate achievements, no matter how small they are Completing a book report calls for a special treat You'll offer positive reinforcement that will inspire him to keep learning and challenging himself Focus on strengths and encourage developing talents Even if he isn’t good at Math and Vietnamese, he may write a good poem in English class Turn everyday events into learning opportunities Encourage him to explore the world around him, asking questions and making connections 2.2 The real state of the problem About the students English is still out of students’ own circle In order to be receptive to the knowledge and well- remembered, students have to have inspiration, excitement and love for the subject Specially, for English, besides remembering words with their meaning, form, pronunciation, students must remember structures, grammar and how to use them in the real context This process of remembrance is quite difficult for primary students, especially students in grade At first they are very eager to learn English, but after a while, they are lazy to learn new words and structures Therefore, their inspiration to this subject is decreased Moreover, there are only a few students to find a good way to learn the language the best The others haven’t formed the suitable method of learning English so learning English is very difficult for them Students are afraid of speaking English because they are afraid of making errors They also don’t believe their language ability This thing makes difficulty for students to develop their language ability About Students’ parents Many students’ parents have conception that learning English in grade is too early; it is not necessary for their children to spend time on this subject Only a few parents are very interested in English but they don’t know English to teach and help their children to learn more at home Therefore, when students have difficulties in learning English, they don’t receive a help in time The general real state - Dong Tan primary school doesn’t have enough physical facilities and teaching aids for English - Although students learn English four periods a week, they still need to practice more at home They have to practice all skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing skill, but it’s difficult for them to practice these skills at home, especially listening skill because of the lack of cassette or computer - The number of students in one class compared with specific characteristics of the subject is too crowded But besides that there are still some limitations: - In the process of teaching, methods of some teachers are unreasonable It makes some weak students have a habit of dependence on good students so their results are deteriorating - Some teachers use teaching methods are not suitable for the real situation in the locality Especially the use of "teaching techniques" according to the new teaching method is not flexible - The quality of students is different which causes difficulties in applying new teaching methods - In English courses in general and in English “Grammar practice” periods in particular, the problem of applying teaching methods in innovation is still limited From the above real state I have said, it affects the quality of teaching and learning English in general and primary English particularly As for primary students in grade at Dong Tan primary school, the quality of writing tests is not very good and students’ speaking and listening skills are not welldeveloped One hundred and fifteen students in grade (Dong Tan primary school) are examined before I apply some of my new methods and techniques in teaching English at my school to make learning inspiration and the result of the beginning test in the first term of the school year 20212022 is following: RESULTS ACHIEVED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FIRST TERM OF THE SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022 FOR GRADE (When not fully applying and coordinating new teaching methods) TABLE I Class Total Mark 9-10 Mark 7-8 Mark 5-6 Mark < students Number % Number % Number % Number % 3A 17, 10 25 18 45 12,5 40 3B 37 16,2 24,3 15 40,6 18,9 3C 15, 11 28,9 15 39, 15,8 38 Students are not self- confident in communicating in English They don’t remember words and structures well The result of learning is not very high 2.3 The implementing organizational solution: The problem solution: - Study the content of primary curriculum - Study the methods of teaching vocabulary, grammar, skills etc - Search or the real state of primary students’ learning English in order to find the suitable solution - The teacher must find the most suitable method to the content of the lesson, organize various activities for students to practice and understand and memorize lessons deeply - Concern more about particular students, especially weak students, motivate and encourage them to learn, make them curious so as to discover the lesson The teacher has to guide students how to learn effectively - Make the atmosphere in the classroom happy and comfortable; make the relationship between the teacher and students friendly; design different activities or games for students: “learn to play, play to learn” - The teacher must have enthusiasm, love his job, love his children, understand the physiological ages The particular solutions in order to inspire students in the lessons Particular solution 1: Determine the importance of English and promote student’s learning motivation Wishing to make inspiration for students, from the first lesson, the teacher must point out the importance of learning English in daily life for students From this, students definite the aim to learn a foreign language and have their inspiration to the subject, English Particular solution 2: Instruct students to choose a suitable method of learning the foreign language In order to have the excitement, students must have a passion for this subject Wanting to have this thing, students must find a suitable method of learning the foreign language Therefore, the teacher has to instruct students how to learn a foreign language: - How to learn words - How to learn structures, sentence patterns - How to practice reading - How to practice listening - How to practice writing - How to practice speaking They also have to learn English frequently Particular solution 3: Make inspiration to students with visual aids As we have known, students at primary schools are very energetic so they are easily attracted by lively pictures or teaching aids such as stereos, slide projectors, pictures, extra boards Following the real state of teaching, I suppose that a visual aid is one of teaching aids which contribute to a successful lesson It helps students understand the lesson more easily and memorize the lesson more quickly and longer than the normal teaching However, there are many kinds of visual aids so the teacher must know to use the most suitable one so as to save time a Using the real pictures or things in the classroom to introduce new words and practice Example: When I teach the new words about the topic “colors”, I point into students’ clothes or the different objects in the classroom and introduce the colors (Unit 9: What color is it? – Lesson – English 3) It’s red It’s white It’s black Or when I present the new words about the topic “objects in the classroom and school” (Unit This is my pen), I point into the objects in the classroom and say: This is a pen This is a chair This is a pencil With the real objects, students can easily know these things in English b Using posters or photocopy pictures Sometimes, we don’t have the real things, we have to use posters or photocopy pictures from the textbook to attract students When the teacher comes to classroom with a picture in his hands, students will feel curious about the new lesson and they will feel excited about the new lesson Playing chess c Using the teacher’s hand drawings We can use the teacher’s hand drawings on the board to present the words Maybe these drawings are simple but funny so students can be more excited about the lesson Example: Teacher can draw and introduce the new words: skipping, playing badminton (Unit 10 What you at break time?) Skipping Playing badminton After that, students can practice the sentence patterns with the drawings S1: Do you like skipping? S2: Yes, I d Planning the power point lessons If the teacher knows how to make a power point lesson, it’s interesting to teach with it He needs to prepare a project, a computer and loudspeakers The lessons will be very interesting, exciting and attractive The effects of sounds, images and the way teacher elicits etc attract students a lot Students can take part in a variety of activities and games Particular solution 4: Make inspiration to students with mime and words of the teacher or use TPR (total physical response) People say that the teacher is also an actor at the stage Is that actor loved by everyone? Is the play successful? Do the audiences pay attention to the play? The answer depends on the actor’s acting talent Teacher will make the atmosphere of the classroom funny, happy and exciting for the students This thing encourages students to learn and understand the words or structure well In the first place, teacher can mime or use TPR to present vocabulary TPRs are actions done by the teacher They help students to associate language with particular actions, which enhances their understanding This is a fun way to help students to understand the language without putting too much emphasis Example 1: (Unit Stand up!) Come here Sit down Teacher both mimes and presents the words at the same time Students will know at once which words the teacher wants to introduce in English This technique is usually used for present verbs, adjectives expressing feeling and state Example 2: When teacher presents some adjectives, for instance, the word “hot”, she fans with her hands and says: “I’m hot, hot” Students will guess the meaning of the word easily Example 3: When teacher elicits to teach some words about activities, she mimes as if she was cooking, reading, cleaning the floor… to teach these word phrases (Unit 17: What are you doing?) Moreover, the teacher can use TPR in present the text The procedure of using TPR as a teaching technique is as follows - Play the recording or read the text Do the actions associate with the text Repeat this step Play the recording again or read the text without the action - Ask students to work in groups to see how much of the text they can remember - Get students to say the text again without performing the actions Remind the of the text, if necessary - Get students to say the text with the actions Particular solution 5: Make inspiration to students by inspiring their curiosity about the lesson Students are very energetic and curious Students are easily attracted by interesting events Therefore, the authors of the textbook concentrate on the topics which are familiar and suitable to their physiological ages such as: the topic “You and me, my school, my family, the world around us” The teacher can make students curious to the lesson from the beginning of the lesson For example, when the teacher teaches about pets, she can show some pictures of pets After that, teacher elicits the lesson Of course, don’t allow students to open the students’ book Students will be more eager to the lesson Particular solution 6: Encourage students to practice English as much as possible In order to have inspiration and excitement to this subject, students need to feel that they are getting their improvement That’s why the teacher needs to encourage and attract them to participate in different activities Cheer them as much as possible In order to help students feel their improvement in study, teacher needs to give some learning aims which are suitable to students Moreover, encourage students to speak, practice and communicate without being afraid of making mistakes In fact, there are many “shy” students They are not willing to speak or anything because they are ashamed and afraid of making mistakes Therefore the teacher should correct “big” mistakes As for “small” errors, the teacher should ignore The teacher should say encouraging words or phrases such as: good, very good, not bad, excellent, well-done, thank you to encourage students Besides, teacher shouldn’t interrupt students when they are speaking This discourages students and they don’t want to say more We can have their friends correct their mistakes after that Particular solution 7: The method of organizing games in teaching English Organizing games in teaching English is very attractive to students There are many games that are used in English class We usually use the games such as: “Hang man”, “Slap the board”, “Bingo”, “Simon says” I would like to introduce more exciting games The teacher can instruct students to play some games as follows: a Board Race Board Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary, whether they are the words from the lesson you have just taught or words from a lesson you taught last week It can also be used at the start of the class to get students active It is a great way of testing what your students already know about the subject you are about to teach How to play: This is best played with students or more- the more, the better I have used it in classes which have students in grade and it’s worked well Here is a step by step explanation - Split the class into two teams and give each team a colored chalk - If you have a large class, it may be better to split the students into teams of or - Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the top - The students must then write as many words as you require related to the topic in the form of a relay race (Students take turn to write.) - Each team wins one point for each correct word Any words that are unreadable or misspelled are not counted 10 - The team with the higher point is the winner Example: S1: S2: S3: S4: Team - beef - rice - milk …… Topic: Food and drink Team - chicken - noodles - orange juice b Odd One Out - Odd One Out is a fun classroom activity played in a similar way to Rows and Columns, with the difference being that rather than answer standard questions, students must listen to different English words and decide which is different from the others - Ask the students to stand up at their desks and choose someone to go first (or alternatively ask for a volunteer) - They need to listen carefully to the words you say and decide which is the odd one out If the student is correct then they can choose either their row or column to sit down with them, if the student is incorrect then nobody gets to sit down Continue the game until everyone sits down - If your students have good English and you just want to challenge them, you can make them give the reason behind their choice as well as the answer Here are a few examples of odd- one -out questions that you might like to use: John, Tom, Peter, Linda - Answer: Kate (because it's a girl's name) Brother, Mother, Friend, Sister -Answer: Friend (because they are not family) c Forming Sentences with words or physical line-up This fun English classroom activity involves students using a range of English words to form sentences that make sense That means using everything from adjectives to nouns, verbs and adverbs etc It's a good idea to make to make multiple versions of important words and feel free to throw a few funny ones in there too 11 How to play: It is best played in groups Here is a step-by-step explanation - Make two groups of or (depending on the words or phrases that need ordering), A or B, and have them sit on chairs facing the rest of the class - Give each group word cards with form different sentences - Read the sentence, eg “I have a robot!” - If the students of group A have the word cards containing “I”, “ have”, “ a” and “ robot”, they should stand up and move quickly into a line to show the sentence in the correct order - The member of group B should remain seated If they stand up when you call group A’s sentence, they will lose the game, and vice versa d Guess the Action (Charades) Help students remember a range of important English verbs with this fun classroom activity where they attempt to guess the actions performed by their classmates The game plays like a simple version of charades where a student receives a secret word and tries to act it out to the other members of the team - Before you start you'll need to make small pieces of paper with a range of secret words written on them You can use any type of words you want but I find verbs are best for this type of game so that's what I'll be using in this example - To make the game interesting you can have easy words (worth point), medium words (worth points) and hard words (worth points) Here are some examples of words I use: Easy (1 point): Playing football, dancing, running, singing, flying, … Medium (2 points): Drawing, looking, talking, cooking, opening… Hard (3 points): Thinking, pointing, climbing, laughing… - Split the class into teams and ask a student to choose easy, medium or hard Give them around 20 seconds to act out the words in front of their group (while other teams stay quiet) Continue the process with the other teams while keeping track of the scores and see who wins! - You might like to let other teams guess the word if the original team is unsuccessful in their 20 seconds, giving them the chance to earn extra points 12 e Kim’s game This is a memory game Teacher needs to collect a group of items of the same things, such as school things and toys The items should be in the students’ vocabulary - Arrange the items on a desk and cover them with a piece of cloth Do not let students see what is beneath the piece of cloth - Have a brief discussion with the class on what might be under the piece of cloth, based on the shape and size of what they can see - Divide class into two groups Do not allow students to write anything down - Explain that you will show the class the items under the piece of cloth for 60 seconds After that, each group must recall and write down the name of as many objects as they can remember - Show the items for 60 seconds and then cover them with the piece of cloth In their group, the students try to write down all the items Groups get a point for a correct guess and another for a correct spelling - The group with the most points wins the game Here are some topics: School things (pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, book, notebook, pencil case,…) Toys (teddy bear, car, robot, plane, ship, doll…) Colors (red, yellow, green, pink, white, purple, blue….) f Chain game It’s a fun and memory game This game can be played by the whole class This is the procedure: -Teacher gives a word and asks the first student to find a word that begins with the last letter of this word -After that, the second student has to find the word that begins with the last letter of the word the first student has just said The game continues like this - If there is someone who cannot find a word, he/she should sing a song Example: 13 Teacher: Student 1: Student 2: Student 3: Book Kite Eleven Name…… g Hot seat This is a very lively activity and can be adapted to different class sizes The aim of the game is that the students in the teams have to describe a word, using synonyms, antonyms, definitions or act out for their team mate in the hot seat who can't see the word to guess the word and say aloud - First, split your class into different teams (two is best, but if you have a large class, any number could be used) Sit the students facing the board - Then take an empty chair - one for each team - and put it at the front of the class, facing the team members or students can stand in front of the class These chairs or these places are the 'hot seats' Then get one member from each team to come up and sit in that chair, so they are facing their team-mates and have their back to the board - As the teacher, have a list of vocabulary items that you want to use in this game - Take the first word from that list and write it clearly on the board - The student in the hot seat listens to their team mates, see them mine or act out and tries to guess the word The first hot seat student to say the word wins a point for their team - Then change the students over, with a new member of each team taking their place in their team's hot seat Then write the next word… - The team with the most points win the game h Word of mouth/ Whispering/ Pass the secret - First split the class into two or three teams and let them stand in a line - For the teacher, have a list of sentences that you want to whisper students - Take a sentence in the list and whisper to the first person in each team - Tell students that they have to whisper the sentence they have just heard to the next teammate - This process continues to the last student of each team 14 - The last person of each team has to speak out the sentence If it’s the same as the sentence the teacher said at first, the team gets one point Particular solution 8: The method of using English songs Teacher can guide students to sing some easy and funny English songs in the warm-up part or whenever it’s suitable This makes students and even teacher relaxed and motivated Beside the songs in the students’ book, I would like to introduce some more popular English songs a The hello song Hello, hello, hello! What’s your name? Hello, hello, hello! My name is Scott My name is Scott Hello, Scott! Hello, Scott! Hello We can substitute the name: Linda, Peter… b Hi How are you? Hi, how are you? I’m fine Hi, how are you? I’m fine Hi, how are you? I’m fine How are you? I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine c The family song This is my mother Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too This is my father Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too This is my sister Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too This is my brother Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too d How’s the weather ? How’s the weather? How’s the weather? It’s sunny It’s sunny It’s sunny, today How’s the weather? How’s the weather? It’s rainy It’s rainy It’s rainy, today How’s the weather? How’s the weather? 15 It’s windy It’s windy It’s windy, today How’s the weather? How’s the weather? It’s cloudy It’s cloudy It’s cloudy, today How’s the weather? How’s the weather? It’s snowy It’s snowy It’s snowy, today I think those I have mentioned above are the effective methods in order to inspire students in grade to learn English 2.4 The result, effectiveness of the research After over one term I apply the above solutions and techniques in teaching English at my school to inspire students, I find that this experience is really effective because students’ interest is becoming increasing During the lessons, most of students are involved and show their enthusiasm in participating in activities the teacher asks them to do, though sometimes they answer incorrectly However, it means that they are more and more interested in learning English The survey result in the middle term two of students grade (115 students) at Dong Tan Primary school, school year 2021- 2022, is the following TABLE II RESULTS ACHIEVED IN THE MIDDLE- TERM TWO FOR GRADE OF THE SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022 (When fully applying and coordinating new teaching methods) Total Mark 9-10 Class students Number % 3A 40 13 3B 37 3C 38 Mark 7-8 Number % Mark 5-6 Number % 12 30 15 12 32, 32,4 12 32,4 13 14 36,8 12 31,6 12 37, 35, 31,6 Mark

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2022, 20:54


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